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Guest T®ITEC

They're never going to fix that game, are they? Oh, well. The plot sounded kind of stupid, anyway.

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I picked up Sonic Gems Collection today, mostly for Sonic CD because it's a game I've been wanting to try for years. I played it, and...it's really disappointing. I was expecting something like the old Genesis Sonic games, only with enhanced sound and graphics. Well, the music sucks, despite it being CD quality. There's like one track I've enjoyed so far out of five levels. And what's more, the average length on each track is about ninety seconds, which would be worse if the stages didn't average out at about the same time, which also is lame. And the graphics ARE enhanced, but they're also very very ugly. I can't stand to look at most of the backgrounds. On top of that, the game's not nearly as fun as it should be. The feeling of speed seen in the original Sonics just isn't there. And the boss fights are more exercises in platforming than anything else. Remember the boss from the Labryinth Zone in the first Sonic? Imagine that for nearly every level. Yeah. It gets kinda annoying.


And although I enjoy the game's whole "time" concept, that's the only thing going for it. It's like the following conversation ensued in Sega's offices twelve years ago.


"Well, we've got one good idea for Sonic CD. Should we work on making it as fun as the previous Sonics?"

"Nah. Let's hit the karaoke bar."



I think Sonic 1 is more fun than CD. Hell, I think Sonic 3D Blast is more fun than this damn game. At least Gems Collection has Sonic R and Sonic the Fighters on it as well.

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I thought the time travel aspect was huge filler imo, and just an excuse to say that the game had more stages than it really had.


Also why the hell do people act like metal sonic was such an important boss? You don't even fight it. If anything the Silver Sonic should get that credit.

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The CD bosses are pretty lame. One of them you don't have to actually hit--just wait 'em out.


Although the time traveling, finding the machines to bust, collecting the time stones (CD has my favorite of the Sonic special stages) are fun. It has stuff unique to the game like the Wacky Workbench floor, and shrinking down in Metallic Madness. It's less speed oriented than Sonic 2 or 3, but Sonic 1 crawled except for Green Hill and Star Light.


Most people would agree that the US soundtrack isn't very good; the Jpn one fits the game more, but that's not really gameplay related.


No idea how the graphics turned out, because the original was fine and I assume it's still just fine.


However, it's not as polished in the level design area as Sonic 2, or as massive, varied, and awesome as Sonic 3 & Knuckles.


CD's been done a disservice by being hyped up by some fans as the ultimate, bestest Sonic game ever, when it's really not the case. In fact, there was demand for Chaotix to make it onto the collection, even though it sucks.


Sonic 3D Blast a better game, though? No way in hell. :P


Does anyone know what purpose the Robo Sonic holograms have? If you pass them up and destroy the robot-making machines it still gives you the good ending.

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Sonic 3D Blast a better game, though? No way in hell. 


Yeah, that mighta been out of line. :lol:

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Sonic 3D Blast a better game, though? No way in hell. 


Yeah, that mighta been out of line. :lol:


Most iso-platformers don't work, but Spot Goes to Hollywood > 3D Blast.


Traveller's Tales churns out so much crap it confounds me they're still around. You'd think by now they'd make decent games, but aside from Mickey Mania and (shockingly) Lego Star Wars, they've got an awful track record.


Haven may have been the worst 3D platformer I've ever played (okay, maybe after Bubsy 3D).


However, the worst Sonic game ever = Sonic Blast for Game Gear. Yeah, worse than Labyrinth, IMHO.

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However, the worst Sonic game ever = Sonic Blast for Game Gear.  Yeah, worse than Labyrinth, IMHO.

I played that yesterday, goddamn that was a painful few minutes. Oh and the metal Sonic holograms in CD serve no purpose whatsoever.


I'm not sure about the soundtracks, besides the main theme (remixed sonic 2 gamegear music!) I prefer the US version. The Jpn/Euro version is too techno for my liking.

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By the way, Day of Reckoning and Smackdown Vs. Raw became Players' Choice/Greatest Hits or whatever, so they're $20 and the Best Buy I work at carries them again. I plan on picking up Day Of Reckoning first, though, I was dissapointed with Smackdown vs Raw, but I might pick it up just to double 3 man tags with Bret, Benoit, and Jericho destroying people as the Dungeon

Edited by Masked Man of Mystery

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Day of Reckoning sucks.


Smackdown vs. Raw sucks a little less, but at least it sucks with tons of great play modes.


I got my import Sonic Gems today. No idea how to play the SoR games yet, but I'm pleased. Sonic CD looks and feels way smoother than it ever did on SCD or PC, loading times are quick, and the soundtrack is better on this one.


Tails Adventure is actually kind of fun, but Sky Control is meh. Boring.


Triple Trouble is better than I remembered.


Sonic 2 GG is still hard as hell. Perhaps the hardest Sonic around (except for Sonic 1 NES/"Somari", but those aren't official games anyway).

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I bought Sigma Star Saga last night, and played it for...oh, 1 to 3 AM since I was battling insomnia anyway. So far I love it. Main gripe is that I think they should have let you see more of the screen on the field, but it's no biggie.


Anyway, how'd they mesh the action-rpg/shooter elements?


Well, kind of like this: there are full-blown shooter levels, sure, but you'll be doing some work in the field--item collecting, shooting baddies, that sort of stuff as well. The first chapter was pretty mundane in that aspect, but a lot of areas were blocked off.


However, while you're exploring, the psychic link your parasite has with the ships can summon you back at any time to fend off attacks...


So basically--there are sections where you have to fight random battles, but they're really mini shooter sections where you have to kill x number of enemies (or battle a single, very big baddie).


I've collected some gun data, allowing me to shift between my ship's standard pea-shooter, or a custome shot. Right now it's a double laser with rapid fire that fires in any of 8 directions my ship moves onscreen.


There are full-blown, longer shooter sequences--such as one in the beginning, and one at the end of Chapter 1 where I annihilated scores of humanity (mere collateral damage so I can succeed in my mission, heh).


So far the shooter segments are relatively forgiving. You have a life bar, and as long as you have energy you can keep going. Shooter vets might make mincemeat out of the game (or perhaps will opt to take it on with the pea-shooter), though, cuz I suck at them and I'm doing alright. After killing an enemy you can pick up a little ball of energy for Exp.


So far, well worth it. :)

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Super Mario Bros. 2 Japan/The Lost Levels is the Vietnam of Mario games.


So you are saying we should go back to Nintendo Japan and finish what we started?

I don't think we'd ever make it. You can't even beat the damn game AS Mario. All those twirling fire rods as long as the screen...God, I still have flashbacks.

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Guest Askewniverse

I'm going to turn off KOs from now on when I play wrestling games. One lucky move from the CPU and it's over. Two recent examples:


VPW 2 - I dominate the opening two minutes of the match. Misawa manages to hit a running elbow (his first offensive move of the match) and I get KOed.


FPW (GBA) - I'm playing a Gruesome Match. Sakuraba hits a high kick 5 seconds into the match and I get CRITICALed.


Why does Ripley have blonde hair in the Aliens arcade game?



Who killed the folder?

Jim Neidhart?

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Super Mario Bros. 2 Japan/The Lost Levels is the Vietnam of Mario games.


So you are saying we should go back to Nintendo Japan and finish what we started?

I don't think we'd ever make it. You can't even beat the damn game AS Mario. All those twirling fire rods as long as the screen...God, I still have flashbacks.


The only way I could beat that game was with an emulator an a lot of patience. Save often, and restart when you die.

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The Metal Sonic holograms do have one small purpose in Sonic CD. If you destroy it you get little animals frollicking around in all eras, but destroying it alone doesn't get you a good future.


I unlocked all of the Bare Knuckle (Streets of Rage) games. BK3 is pretty easy, so I see why they bumped up the difficulty. Since there are no more South Park games i


Bonanza Bros sucks. It reminds me of the Catwoman Game Boy Color game with better controls and graphics.


Somebody brought up the Donkey Kong/Jr. thing, and apparently the story is that Rare's explanation used to be accepted. Since then, Miyamoto took control over the DK games. He hates DKC, sohe's kind of struck that from canon and now rendered DK is the "original" DK, DK Jr. is still a friggin' baby if he's called into action, but mysteriously some of the other Rare/DK characters like Diddy are still around.


Miyamoto sucks at continuity.


As for why the Rare character design stays--Miyamoto actually designed the rendered look with Rare, they just added the tie. So he's cool with that.


He was upset about Rare's handling of DK in general, though, and thinks DKC's gameplay is awful. I don't know why he let Yoshi's Story get made (headed up by his own right-hand guy, of all people), though.


I got the PC versions of Samurai Shodown and Fatal Fury 3 now, plus the Saturn Galaxy Fight (a game I'm sure Anya would get a few giggles out of).

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Somebody brought up the Donkey Kong/Jr. thing, and apparently the story is that Rare's explanation used to be accepted. Since then, Miyamoto took control over the DK games.  He hates DKC, sohe's kind of struck that from canon and now rendered DK is the "original" DK, DK Jr. is still a friggin' baby if he's called into action, but mysteriously some of the other Rare/DK characters like Diddy are still around.


Miyamoto sucks at continuity.


As for why the Rare character design stays--Miyamoto actually designed the rendered look with Rare, they just added the tie.  So he's cool with that.


He was upset about Rare's handling of DK in general, though, and thinks DKC's gameplay is awful. I don't know why he let Yoshi's Story get made (headed up by his own right-hand guy, of all people), though. 


I think I asked that but totally forgot. Thanks.

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I got the PC versions of Samurai Shodown and Fatal Fury 3


Are those any good?


The games themselves or the port jobs?


Fatal Fury 3 was fair to middling when it came out, so by today's standards it's totally boring and vanilla. I had gotten the import Saturn version as part of a lot once before. It looks alright as a port.


SamSho2 is damn fun, if a bit dated. I haven't played too much of it since I misplaced my controller. Vs. the arcade it looks a tad framey, but is still leaps and bounds better than the 16 bit SamSho1, so I'm pleased.


They were together as a double pack. They're "Windows 95/98" compatible, so I haven't tried them on my XP computer yet, just the older 98 SE computer I use for my older games that are difficult/impossible to find on other consoles. I'll find out if it works on XP soon.


EDIT: Works fine on XP.


I'm getting dirty disc errors with my Gamecube. I'll buy a Revolution so I can play GC on it.


Long way away, though.

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However, the worst Sonic game ever = Sonic Blast for Game Gear.  Yeah, worse than Labyrinth, IMHO.

Sonic Spinball says hello.


Spinball isn't that bad, just insanely unbalanced and tedious. Blast GG has simple things like hit detection completely screwed up.


I could never beat The Machine.


I liked Spinball a lot and played the heck out of it when it came out new.


The GG version though...well...it's a blurry, uglier version of Spinball. Nothing more, nothing less.


At least Gems Collection has Sonic R and Sonic the Fighters on it as well.


I was surprised R was decent. However, I'm also aware that the PC version was upgraded, and it really shows. It seems to take advantage of the C-stick (I know the original R was compatible with the analog pad; I think some of the bad reviews that mentioned the controls may have only used the D-pad) and feels pretty good. Kind of clunky in places (just try turning around from a stop), but a pleasant surprise.


StF is pretty much what I expected it to be--Sonic in the Fighting Vipers engine. That's pretty much exactly what it plays like, and the rubbery effects when the characters attack/get attacked are really cool.

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Super Mario Bros. 2 Japan/The Lost Levels is the Vietnam of Mario games.


So you are saying we should go back to Nintendo Japan and finish what we started?

I don't think we'd ever make it. You can't even beat the damn game AS Mario. All those twirling fire rods as long as the screen...God, I still have flashbacks.


The only way I could beat that game was with an emulator an a lot of patience. Save often, and restart when you die.


I got to castle D-4 years ago on All-Stars.


I beat it for the first time last week.

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I got the PC versions of Samurai Shodown and Fatal Fury 3


Are those any good?


The games themselves or the port jobs?


Fatal Fury 3 was fair to middling when it came out, so by today's standards it's totally boring and vanilla. I had gotten the import Saturn version as part of a lot once before. It looks alright as a port.


SamSho2 is damn fun, if a bit dated. I haven't played too much of it since I misplaced my controller. Vs. the arcade it looks a tad framey, but is still leaps and bounds better than the 16 bit SamSho1, so I'm pleased.


They were together as a double pack. They're "Windows 95/98" compatible, so I haven't tried them on my XP computer yet, just the older 98 SE computer I use for my older games that are difficult/impossible to find on other consoles. I'll find out if it works on XP soon.


EDIT: Works fine on XP.




I meant the port jobs. I saw them at an EB Games but I wasn't really sure if they worth the money. I like SS2. It's my favorite game out of the series.

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It's a pretty good port, I'd say. There's no vast amounts of animation missing or heavily altered content.


Samuraispirits.net has several reviews up for it (PC version), all of them very positive.




However, I don't have the means to compare it directly to the arcade version, so maybe Anya or someone else could tell you.

Tails Doll....





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I have the arcade SS II but haven't played any of the home versions. Same with Fatal Fury 3.

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