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A Nerf controller!!!




This begs the question: why not nearly 20 years ago? This would have been perfect for the NES. :)


Oh--and if Blu-Ray is teh doomed, I wouldn't be surprised: one of the major blu-ray supporter is releasing a laptop with HD-DVD:


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I can't imagine it topping $500, just because the inclusion of Panzer Dragoon Saga may scare off prospective buyers who don't have a Saturn.


I wonder how much my mint copy of Suikoden II would go for.


EDIT: Er, what happened to SJK's post about the eBay auction with PDS, Suikoden II, and Valkyrie Profile?

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Guest ResidentEvil


Fantastic, thank you for the link.



This reminds me. Does anyone remember a kids TV game show where at the end of the show they would go into some type of "American Gladiator" type maze with all sorts of prizes? I remember one of them often would be an NES and being the video game fanatic that I was, I would cheer for the contestants to go for the NES prizes. There was a time limit I think on the final part of the show where you had only about 3 minutes to get your prize or prizes and get out. I think anyway as I could be wrong there. It's been a while. The show aired around 1989.

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So far, Final Fantasy XII seems very much like an MMORPG, right down to the part where I got absolutely smoked by some high level enemy in the first zone outside the city (along with the battle system and city designs). I like MMOs, so it's fine by me, but I imagine this game will cause quite a stir. The voice acting isn't atrocious either, which is nice.

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Eh? Are you playing the demo Misawa or the actual game? Because a few of the reviews I've read say the game doesn't really tell you much.


BTW, Famitsu gave it 40, so this game must be really good.

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I'm playing the full game. Some warez group got ahold of a review copy and released it. Since it was a decent time before the release, I decided to get it and play it. I'm still buying it when it comes out though :P

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When's the official release, end of october sometime, right?


How's the new battle system? easy or pain in the ass? I'm a tad worried about fights being too chaotic, with characters running around, fumbling through menus, hard to tell what's going on, trying to cycle between characters, etc. Star ocean 3 kinda ruined that kind of battle system for me.

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I've only had 1 playable character in my party so far, so I can't say how it's going to be when there's more. Right now it's fairly easy. I don't know if it's any better than turn-based system where the characters are fixed, but it's not any worse. I know what you mean about SO3, I absolutely hate real time battle systems too. FFXII isn't "true" real time though, as characters are still waiting for an ATB bar to fill before they can take action. The player can just move characters (well, at least the main character) around the field in real time. I don't think there's any strategic value to that other than getting close enough to an enemy to attack it or use certain skills. It's closer to VP2 than it is to SO3 I'd say. I'll post an update when I get some more characters.

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Fantastic, thank you for the link.



This reminds me. Does anyone remember a kids TV game show where at the end of the show they would go into some type of "American Gladiator" type maze with all sorts of prizes? I remember one of them often would be an NES and being the video game fanatic that I was, I would cheer for the contestants to go for the NES prizes. There was a time limit I think on the final part of the show where you had only about 3 minutes to get your prize or prizes and get out. I think anyway as I could be wrong there. It's been a while. The show aired around 1989.


Video Power.


The first season was a lot like Gamepro TV in that it gave reviews and hints, except it also included a cartoon called "The Power Team", featuring a bunch of Acclaim-licensed characters. In the second season the format completely changed and it became a game show.

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So you can only move whoever you select as the party leader, and no one else. But you can still control the other characters actions manually, or you can just let the AI do it (the gambits). I'll probably play with gambits off, because I hate AI controlled characters. Knowing all of this, I wouldn't say the battle system is any better or worse than a typical turn-based system. The best thing about the battles are that they're seamless with the fieldmap, which makes the game flow a lot better than a typical RPG.

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I've always been telling myself I should've bought Shadow of the Colossus and lamented that I never have. Howver, I just found a brand spanking new copy in my house. Everyone says I've had it for months, yet I never remember picking this up ever.

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you musta been out "drunk buying". Always a dangerous thing.


incidently, I just finished shadow of the colossus a week or two ago. Really amazing game, though I think it started to drag a bit at the last few Colossi, like they ran out of new colossi ideas and started repeating Colossus attacks/powers. In that sense, the length was pretty good, they managed to end it at the right time. wont get into the story since it was just weird at the end, but amazing graphics and atmosphere.


Each colossus is just crazy, like a level in of itself. i thought the controls initially were clumsy but as the game went on they felt realistic. The guy wasn't super athletic, he was like a normal guy, and the method for grabbing kinda worked, because you would get tired of holding the button right at the time the "tired" meter would start to run out.

Just hanging on to one of these suckers while it flies up above the clouds, and you see the ground you were just runing on whizz by, its pretty incredible.

This is the best Lord of the Rings game never made. Its ridiculous they never made a game like this after the movies came out, imagine fighting one of those flying ringwraiths or a giant troll the way you fight the colossus in this game.

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Guest NYankees

Is anybody here going to buy Scarface? It is getting great reviews from ign.

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Guest Hotbutter Spoontoaster
I'm buying a 360 next week. What's the 'must have' game?

Dead Rising or Saints Row.

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I recommand Dead Rising but only if you have a really good tv. The game has small white text and is hard to read unless you have a big clear tv.

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Guest Smues

I picked up the recently released King's Quest, Space Quest, and Leisure Suit Larry collections. I already own the old Space Quest and Leisure Suit Larry collections, but it's a bitch to get them to work on XP correctly so I figured what the hell for $20 each why not. All the ones I've tried run just fine, but god could they have been any more lazy when putting there things together? I doubt it would have required that much effort to remove the copy protections but no they're all there, and the manuals are on the cd so you're supposed to print them out to answer the copy protection stuff. Plus there's the little message when you install about how all the phone numbers and such in the games are old and void and if you need cheat info go to their website. Not that that one really bugs me, but still seems like it wouldn't have been hard to change that in game. Another oddity is the lack of Leisure Suit Larry 7, but thankfully I already own that and it actually runs just fine on XP. But the thing that actually angered me was sticking the non talking version of Larry 6 instead of the superior talking version. There's just no excuse for that. I'll also assume they went with the non-talking versions of the Space Quest/King's Quest games that had multiple version, but I don't care about those, just Larry 6.


Oh and the installation instruction sheet is the same for all 3 collections. Which would be fine, if it didn't specifically reference King's Quest, and disc 2 (which only King's Quest has). :bonk:

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I couldn't tell if the guy who was conducting the interiew was trying to catch the other guy off guard with the random questions or if he really just didn't know anything about the Xbox 360 and the HD drive. Espically when he said that the 360 only has one USB port.


Oh and "Well the blu-ray is old technology" quote was freaking awesome.

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Guest Smues

Oh son of a bitch King's Quest 5 and 6 are the talking versions, as is Space Quest 4. So it's just Leisure Suit Larry 6 that got shafted. Fucking sierra/Vivendi/whoever it is now.

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I found this rant rather interesting:




Even more than that, I noticed something I've ranted on before...


"Whenever I am in a game store and I see a kid less than 10 years old, all I ever hear them talking about is rad graphics, violent games or sports games. The kids never want to play the cutesy platformer style games that most people would attribute to their demographic. It's always Madden or GTA, because it is what the older kids are playing. It is what the cool kids are playing. What do they get out of these experiences?"

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I know it's been a while since it's come out, but......would any of you recommend picking up SW Battlefront II for the PS2? I might pick that up in the next couple days, but I'm not sure if it's worth it.

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I know it's been a while since it's come out, but......would any of you recommend picking up SW Battlefront II for the PS2? I might pick that up in the next couple days, but I'm not sure if it's worth it.


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