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I know it's been a while since it's come out, but......would any of you recommend picking up SW Battlefront II for the PS2? I might pick that up in the next couple days, but I'm not sure if it's worth it.



I hated Battlefront 2. Online was laggy, and offline the CPU teammates are dumb as hell.

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I know it's been a while since it's come out, but......would any of you recommend picking up SW Battlefront II for the PS2? I might pick that up in the next couple days, but I'm not sure if it's worth it.



I hated Battlefront 2. Online was laggy, and offline the CPU teammates are dumb as hell.

well I enjoyed it (for the xbox) :P

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Guest Agent of Oblivion

I demand you all help me identify this old game I used to play and thought of for absolutely no reason the other day.


Think SNES, side scrolling shooter.


All right, you're this pilot shootin' shit like every other game like that, and the second level boss is this submarine that busts out of the water. I think the first one is this jacked up tank.


You can buy a weapon that wrecks everything on the screen with streaks of blue lazers raining diagonally upon the screen.

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i've been playing kingdom hearts, and i'm bitterly disappointed. The graphics, presentation, and coolness of seeing donald/goofy with their voices and FF characters is all top notch, but the actual combat gameplay is ASS. The fucking camera ruins the game for me, I can't ever tell wtf is going on, and navigating the menu in battle is a pain in the ass (i hate when they try to meld real-time with menus. pick one or the other). It's all mashing the same button. Ugh. There's also just something odd about what buttons do what, i cant explain it, but always seem to be unatural (like, you lock on with L1... but to switch targets, its R2? huhh? that still throws me, and requires me to stop and think which button it is instead of natural like most good games do). Ugh.

I was hoping for something that would stand up to zelda and dark cloud 2 in the action-rpg arena, but this is just a chore to play.

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Kingdom Hearts' gameplay was the shits, certainly. Kind of killed the game for me. It would have been ok even if it had some completely vanilla, dime-a-dozen RPG gameplay, like say Chrono Trigger. But when the gameplay is actively bad, it ruins the game for me, even if the RPG elements are ok (story, enviroment, etc).

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I know about the insanity effects in Eternal Darkness, and have experienced most of them before, but I'll be damned if that data deleted one doesn't get me everytime.

That game is so awesome. I wished I finished it.

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Tales of The Abyss is pretty damn fun. I love the battles, hate the fact that I never seem to have enough cash (but hate in the good way), and a whiny brat as the lead character is change of pace.


Hopefully it continues to be pretty good.

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Guest Hotbutter Spoontoaster

Starting on October 15th, Best Buy will have Dead Rising for $39.99, instead of $59.99, if you still want to get that.

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I'm just now playing the first Kingdom Hearts myself. It took me a while to get used to the fighting mechanics, but I've gotten used to them now. I don't love em to death, but it's managable. I'm actually interested in the story on this game. I didn't think I could be interested in Disney characters, but this is pretty good stuff.

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I'm a big critic of the game, but also a huge fan (Kingdom Hearts). I know exactly what you mean; there's so many things that could be improved, but at the same time you still can't help but love the game.


I'm amazed at how the games get such consistently high scores, though. I'd think more game mags/sites would be down on the gameplay flaws more.

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Anyone know when Culdcept is coming out for the 360? I remember hearing that was happening but I lost track of it.


Online Culdcept will be the best thing ever.

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I picked up Star Trek Encounters on a whim the other day and I love it. The gameplay is easy to grasp but difficult to master. The missions are long and difficult in spots, but they are worth it.


You get to use the starships from all five tv series, and also the Enterprise 1701-E. The only thing that would have made the game perfect would be more voiceovers than a rather bored William Shatner.


All of this and the game is only $20. Pick it up, people.

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So I beat FFXII. There was very little character and plot development. It's like they listened to the whines about the amount of cut-scenes in FFX, and intentionally kept them to a minimum in this game, which is unfortunate. Luckily, the gameplay was incredible, so it kind of made up for it. But if the story had been developed better, this may have been a contender for the best RPG I've ever played. As it stands, it was "merely great".

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So I realized - for a second time this year - the date I remembered hearing the DOA movie was supposed to come out on is a week away and I've seen zero commercials. Just like in August, I check my #1 source for movie news (wikpedia) and see it was pushed back yet again. We all know it's going to suck, but do they have to advertise how much it sucks by delaying it so much? I just want to see another excellent-in-it's-own-way-without-actually-being-a-good-movie Kevin Nash film.


The movie apparently did play in other countries, though:



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I was gonna start a thread for this but..I realized no one took G4 seriously as a gaming channel anymore so:


Looks like G4 will be taking another giant leap away from their target audience. Most likely due to G4 complete inability to capture and retain audiences, the G4 network is being overtaken and absorbed by fashion borg E! Entertainment. E! and Style Chief Ted Harbert will be CEO of the Comcast Entertainment Group but will continue to get Jeff Shell’s coffee. Neal Tiles, the G4 president will be getting coffee and doughnuts for Harbert.


On G4’s recent (and by recent I mean continued downard spiral over the past few years) stray from game-related programming:


“I do agree with the vision of going after young men more than just going after gaming,” Mr. Harbert said. “Gaming has been demonstrated as being too narrow.”




I wonder if X Play survives?

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Hoo boy.


Yeah, X-Play's the only show I'm concerned about at this point. The rest of the network (with the occasional exception of Cinematech) is completely worthless.

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I honestly think X-play has already been cancelled. I haven't seen it on tv for weeks.

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Must be on in the mornings because when I get home around 2 (pacific time) its all star trek and other pointless crap.

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Guest Smues
Earlier this week, Florida lawyer Jack Thompson heralded "a historic ruling" to members of the press in a complaint he filed against Take-Two Interactive over its upcoming game Bully. Judge Ronald Friedman ordered Take-Two to provide a copy of the game so that he could review it behind closed doors on Thursday and see what all the fuss was about himself.


"It appears that finally the violent video game industry is going to be held accountable to someone," Thompson wrote in his Wednesday announcement.


However, things didn't go Thompson hoped. This morning, gaming site Destructoid reported that the judge ruled on the matter, saying he didn't see anything that should prevent Take-Two from shipping Bully.


"There's nothing in the game that you wouldn't see on TV every night," Friedman is quoted as saying. The judge added he wouldn't want his kids to play the game, "but that shouldn't mean that the game won't ship."


[uPDATE] Later, in an open letter to Friedman that was circulated to various game-press outlets, Thompson decried the decision using typically fiery language. "What you conducted in your chambers, Judge, was the equivalent of Iran leading UN weapons inspectors around the country taking them to places where the illegal activity was not occurring," he said.


Thompson also had some strong words for the judge himself. "Now that you have consigned innumerable children to skull fractures, eye injuries from slingshots, and beatings with baseball bats, without a hearing as to the danger, let me tell you a few things, with all respect for your office and with no respect for the arbitrary way in which you handled this matter," he wrote. "The way you conducted yourself today helps explain why a great Dade County Judge, the late Rhea Pincus Grossman, could not abide you."


The letter went on to:


a) Accuse Take-Two lawyer Rebecca Ward of "lying in [Friedman's] courtroom when she told [Friedman] that a 'Teen' rating is an age restriction at the point of sale." Indeed, such ESRB ratings are only enforced voluntarily by retail outlets.


b) Blast Friedman for "not allow[ing] a hearing to occur because the media there would have seen how you railroaded this entire matter--at the expense of children's safety." Specifically, Thompson made mention of a Miami Herald reporter in attendance.


In conclusion, Thompson said, "How dare you, Judge, promise a hearing today and then prevent that hearing from occurring. How dare you, Judge, petulantly order the production of the game after it is released on Tuesday morning. I didn't even ask for that. You did that out of spite, and you were smiling when you did that. You really enjoyed that one, didn't you, Judge? Next time you promise a 'hearing,' I'll bring a parent with me whose kid is in the ground because of a kid who trained to kill him or her on a violent video game. Try mocking that person, I dare you."


The letter can be read in its entirety on Kotaku and Game Politics. Bully ships on October 17 for the PlayStation 2; an Xbox version was canceled earlier this year.

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