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Tournament Fighters(SNES) was pretty good for it's time. Especially considering it was a licensed fighter.


Simpsons beat em up isn't that good. It's too simple.

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The X-Men beat 'em up hasn't held up too well either. The contrast between how I remembered it and how it ended up being was amazing. Those games are just a product of a by-gone era me thinks.

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I forgot about Tournament Fighters. It was a perfectly playable Street Fighter clone, was it not? I remember Rat King was cheap as hell, and it had Wingnut and Chrome Dome were playable characters. Never played the Genesis version though. Was it true that Karai was the last boss in that version? If so, that is the best thing I ever heard.

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The Genesis Tournament Fighters is poop. SNES one is best. Karai is in Genesis one, though (unplayable boss).


Worth noting is Hyperstone Heist on Genesis. Which is...good, but could have been great given some REAL effort put into it.


In case you haven't played it, think of SNES Turtles in Time, as beat 'em ups go, as being a hearty prime rib steak meal at a local restaurant. Fair price, good service, filling and delicious. It's not SoR2, but it's an acceptable alterative to be sure.


Hyperstone Heist is like a doggy bag taken home from that same meal. Sure, there's plenty of good parts there, but there's not enough of them, there's maybe a bit more gristle than you'd like for yourself, and it doesn't taste so good reheated.


Although there are folks who swear by HSH having better A.I.


And yeah, the deluxe X-Men arcade I placed recently, and beyond the novelty of the huge playing field (a mirror trick anyway, it appears), it wasn't that good. Everybody's special power boiled down to a projectile, and the level design I didn't think has held up well.


Simpsons has held up better, IMO. It's just that it gets so chaotic it eats quarters big time if you're out of practice.


On a related note, Double Dragon hits Live Arcade next week (source: Kotaku).

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Double Dragon Aracde? Sweet. That is one game that the NES version is nearly unplayable. I may have to convince my friend to get that for his 360 then.

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Was Turtles In Time the one where you fought a boss from the Boss' POV, and have to throw enemies at it? I remember tossing guys straight towards the screen, it was a neat effect.

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that was Turtles in Time on the SNES...in the Technodrome, Shredder is driving some sort of tank thing and you beat him by tossing Foot soldiers into him. It was not in the arcade version.


Battletoads has a similar boss, you toss rocks at him while avoiding bullets and tentacles...you know, like Japanese porn.

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Man, I love the DS.


Out of the four of us that went to Spider-Man for midnight last night, 3 of us took our DSs (because we went just shy of 2 hours early to avoid getting awful seats). When they had everyone lined up in the theatre hallway, we played some 3 player Tetris, which was fun but nothing new. It was when we were inside the theatre the true awesome power was revealed; we weren't the only 3 that thought bringing the DS to pass the time would be a good idea so we had some fun Bomberman, Tetris, and Mario 64 multiplayer sessions across various theatre rows. There was some Pictochat going on too. When I left the room I heard someone a few rows up comment "I don't think that guy was a real doctor". That made me laugh.

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Me and my friends do that all the time. We've gotten into some pretty heated Mario Kart sessions just before the trailers start. I see a lot of other people do it too.


There's a Bomberman for the DS? I need that game.

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I'm probably going to buy a hand-held when I start going to school, but I don't know which one. I haven't followed that scene at all, but after looking over the game lists, the PSP looks like it has a more appealing lineup, but it's also more expensive and has those battery life issues, while with the DS, I can do the flash card/ROM thing. I don't know what to do :(

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Guest Smues

Anyone play Spiderman 3 yet? I picked it up while I was at the mall sending a package. I debated between the 360 or Wii version and ultimately went for the 360. The 360 has "10 storylines including the movies'" while the Wii had 5, although I think the Wii had some bonus bosses the 360 version doesn't appear to have. I almost went for the wii just for the controls, but I figured Spider-man 2 was gorious on the x-box, so Spider-man 3 on the 360 in HD should look even better.

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If the Wii Spider-Man 3 reviews are positive, I'll add it to the list of games to get after I'm done with Zelda and have already purchased Super Paper Mario.

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Guest Smues

I didn't realize that the game comes with $10 of concession cash valid only with a spider-man 3 ticket, and lucky me when I bought my game I also stopped by the theatre and bought my tickets. According to moviecash.com that theatre accepts this concession cash thing, so huzzah $10 of popcorn and soda. (Which probably nets me a small popcorn and kidsized soda knowing how expensive movie food is)

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Just picked up an SNES (didn't come with a controller, though), what games should I look at picking up (one's that won't likely get a Virtual Console release)?

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What kind of games do you like?


Anyone know if Blockbuster is any good for trading in games? I've heard they do trade-ins much like EB Games, but if their avariciousness is just as bad, they're equally useless.

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I'm probably going to buy a hand-held when I start going to school, but I don't know which one. I haven't followed that scene at all, but after looking over the game lists, the PSP looks like it has a more appealing lineup, but it's also more expensive and has those battery life issues, while with the DS, I can do the flash card/ROM thing. I don't know what to do :(


Look at my avatar.


I don't understand how you can say the PSP has a more appealing lineup.

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SNES? IMO, these games are to keep an eye out for and don't have a good chance of appearing on the VC for a while:



- Decent licensed Disney platformer.


Alien 3

- The game is better than the movie. Honestly.


Battletoads & Double Dragon

- A good beat-em-up in its day. Probably the first major crossover game.


Biker Mice From Mars

- A surprisingly decent racing game despite the license.



- A comedic platformer, nothing special otherwise.



- Another okayish comedic platformer, AVOID the second one.

- Correction: AVOID THIS GAME. After giving it a recent playthrough, it's a horrible attempt at cashing in on the success of Sonic the Hedgehog


Chrono Trigger

- VERY overrated. But still enjoyable if you like RPGs. But don't believe the hype the game gets at all.



- A mediocre fighting game, but silly and fun. I never played the sequel though.


Demon's Crest

- A very underrated platformer that needs to be picked up the minute you find it.


Earthworm Jim

- A very good comedic platformer. You won't regret it.


Earthworm Jim 2

- Not as good as the first one, based more off the cartoon and suffers because of it.


Final Fantasy II

- AKA Final Fantasy IV. A great RPG, but aged poorly. Laugh at the poor translation "You spoony bard!"


Final Fantasy III

- AKA Final Fantasy VI. The best RPG I've ever played. Others may disagree, but its worth a pick up if you even if you are just a casual RPG gamer.


Harvest Moon

- If you played other Harvest Moon games, you know to pick up the one that started them all.


Illusion of Gaia

- My memory is shoddy on this one. I remember it being a decent Zelda style RPG. Worth a play at least.


Judge Dredd

- Another movie-based shooter similar to Alien 3, but not as good.


Jurassic Park

- Didn't age well at all, but the game is decent enough if you can find it for cheap. The first-person levels are horrible though.


Ken Griffy Jr. Baseball

- The best baseball game I played. The Milwaukee Brewers apparently have B. Banner and P. Parker on their team? WTF?


Killer Instinct

- A decent 2D fighting game that hasn't aged that well, but its still a classic.



- A fun puzzle game with lots of personality.


The Lion King

- Another good Disney platformer.


Mega Man Soccer

- Pick it up for the "WTF?" factor an not for the gameplay. Hey, you can play as Toad Man. Isn't that reason enough to get it?


Mega Man 7, X, X2, and X3

- Like MegaMan? Get these game when MegaMan was in his prime.


Mickey Mania

- Yet another good Disney platform game. This time, you play as Mickey Mouse.


Mortal Kombat II

- One of the best ports of the best Mortal Kombat game made to date. A big need in your collection unless you have another copy somewhere.


NBA Jam or NBA Jam: Tournament Edition

- Fun arcade basketball game. The Tournament Edition had Bill Clinton, Al Gore, and the Beastie Boys as hidden characters.


Pitfall: The Mayan Adventure

- I remember this being a good platformer. Haven't played it recently, though.


Rock n' Roll Racing

- Decent racing game with a silly gimmick and a good soundtrack (MIDIs of Paranoid, Highway Star, Peter Gunn Theme, Born to Be Wild, and Bad to the Bone)


Saturday Night Slam Masters

- An average Capcom made fighting game. It's like Street Fighter in a wrestling ring, and it has Mike Haggar in it. Worth a look if it's cheap.


Secret of Evermore

- I like this more than Secret of Mana. Then again, my taste in video games are weird.


Secret of Mana

- Well made action RPG made by Square. I haven't played it often, but it's good.



- Interesting action RPG that takes place in the Shadowrun universe. Deserves a look. Very different from the Genesis version.


Sim Earth

- I found this game fun. You play God, in charge of a planet. Worth a look if you liked Sim City.


Spiderman & Venom in Maximum Carnage

- Decent beat-em-up featuring Spiderman and Venom as playable characters.


Street Racer

- A surprisingly fun Mario Kart clone.


Super Mario All-Stars

- This won't be on the VC for a very long time. Pick it up if you can find it.


any Super Star Wars games

- Sure, they suck compared to Star Wars games today. But they're average platformers that are at least playable.


Super Street Fighter 2

- The best version of Street Fighter 2 on the SNES. Get it if you're tired of waiting for the VC to get the best version of the game on there.


Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Tournament Fighters

- A decent Street Fighter clone, featuring the Turtles.


Tetris Attack

- Worth it if you like Tetris.



- Unique game. I'm still not sure what the point of the game is though.


WWF Royal Rumble

WWF Raw is War

- The two wrestling game worth getting on the SNES. AVOID WrestleMania: The Arcade Game unless you like collecting WrestleCrap.



- A decent puzzle/shooter game, not for everybody.

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Super Street Fighter 2

- The best version of Street Fighter 2 on the SNES. Get it if you're tired of waiting for the VC to get the best version of the game on there.



Isn't VC only console games? So it will probably never have ST.


MK II is the the MK game to get on SNES. UMK3 is a much better game then MK II but the SNES port is lame.

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I'm probably going to buy a hand-held when I start going to school, but I don't know which one. I haven't followed that scene at all, but after looking over the game lists, the PSP looks like it has a more appealing lineup, but it's also more expensive and has those battery life issues, while with the DS, I can do the flash card/ROM thing. I don't know what to do :(


Look at my avatar.


I don't understand how you can say the PSP has a more appealing lineup.


If you can't understand and find it comical, try educating yourself. It's not hard to compare the lists of released games. I'll take the two GTA games, MGS PO, Valkyrie Profile and Ace Combat over almost anything the DS has. Let me guess though, those games all suck right? How anyone would think the DS lineup is so vastly superior to the PSP's that they couldn't understand how someone would prefer the latter, is beyond me. Then again, we're comparing Sony to Nintendo here, so I stand corrected, I understand it perfectly.


Chrono Trigger

- VERY overrated. But still enjoyable if you like RPGs. But don't believe the hype the game gets at all.


You know, AlexPuma, I think me and you could have a wonderful friendship.

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so I bought Spiderman 3 for the 360...and I'm sorta dissapointed in it. The camera sorta moves around oddly and doesn't work well in small condensed areas, like the sewers. Plus the controls feel more..loose, not as tight as they were in Spiderman 2. It's not that I don't like it...but I feel it could just be and feel better already.

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In the same post he puts Evermore over Mana.




I said I just preferred Evermore over Mana. And that's just my personal taste. It seems that Secret of Mana gets a lot of love, while Secret of Evermore gets, well, a lot of either hate or indifference despite it being pretty much the same game with a an Americanized plot. Keep in mind, I grew up with Secret of Evermore, and I've only played Secret of Mana on an emulator.

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Ignore just about anything that World's Wors... and AlexPuma say.


AlexPuma's list is an automatic fail for lacking Super Metroid.


In the same post he puts Evermore over Mana.






With all due respect AP, your tastes are a little sucky, dude.




Mega Man Soccer?!?!


- The two wrestling game worth getting on the SNES. AVOID WrestleMania: The Arcade Game unless you like collecting WrestleCrap.


Agreed if you mean "get the Playstation version."

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He said games that won't be on the VC anytime soon.


I never played the PS version of WrestleMania: The Arcade Game. I remember the SNES Version not being good.


I haven't played Pitfall and Judge Dredd in along time, I just remembering them being decent.


And the first Bubsy was perfectly playable. It's sequels that suck.


And never once did I say that Mega Man Soccer was good. I just said it was worth getting for comedic value.

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No, it sucked. Missing 2 characters, horrible slowdown and broken controls.


Every other version is fine, really, but PS1 version is the best next to arcade.

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There's a lot of games that I would have mentioned, but there is a good chance of them being on VC soon, including Super Metroid, Super Mario Kart, Yoshi's Island, TMNT IV (has a lot better chance than Tournament Fighters), Kirby Superstar, Donkey Kong Country 2 and 3, Super Bomberman series, and many others.

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