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I gave up on G4 after they got rid of Judgement day and the show where it had teams of people playing against each other. Actually I liked that show better when it had the first hosts when the channel first came on. It was some fat guy and some skinny guy, but they were funny as hell. I'll watch X-play every once in awhile but I don't make an effort to catch it anymore.


You're referring to Arena and the thin guy was Wil Wheaton of Star Trek TNG fame. They quit the show after coming to completely hate their producer. The absolute worst host was the English guy that came after them, who was then replaced by Kevin P. I also remember some ugly skank joining Pereira and Reherman towards the end.


The female I absoutely miss the most (along with Diane Mizota) is that Ronilyn Reilly chick from Pulse.

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Someone somewhere once posted older pics of Morgan, before she got all Maximified and made up hugely.


Much cuter.




The makeup accentuates her manjaw too much now.


X-Play used to be good with the right mix of humor and information (there's old clips up on YouTube thankfully). Now, it seems like Adam and Morgan (especially the latter) have a kind of contempt for their audience and every "review" needs a stupid skit with it. Ever since they went to the new set early last year, the show's taken a severe nosedive in quality.

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Hey if you were working on X-Play, with the writing and stuff they they have to regurgitate on TV, I'm sure you'd be jaded and apathetic too...

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Someone somewhere once posted older pics of Morgan, before she got all Maximified and made up hugely.


Much cuter.




The makeup accentuates her manjaw too much now.


X-Play used to be good with the right mix of humor and information (there's old clips up on YouTube thankfully). Now, it seems like Adam and Morgan (especially the latter) have a kind of contempt for their audience and every "review" needs a stupid skit with it. Ever since they went to the new set early last year, the show's taken a severe nosedive in quality.


Holy crap! That's like a whole new woman! She's actually smiling!

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I think Morgan Webb is good looking, but not all that. It seems like she's more a product of "Wow, a cute girl that likes video games? Let's make her a geek goddess!" sort of thinking. So they pushed her into the spotlight, stuck her in Maxim, and tried to make her into some geek supermodel, which she isn't. They should have just let her be herself instead of trying to make her more than she is.

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I know it's not really video game related, but while we're on the G4 subject, they're showing the Cheaters episode right where Joey got stabbed (this is what happens when you can't sleep and your channel flipping) Man has some balls to keep doing his job even after that incident.

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They show Cheaters on the American version of G4? That sounds pretty retarded and irrelevant to the station. All this time I thought people were talking about the show "Cheat" (which I guess they were most of the time).

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Question: Why would the Elite Beat Agents help out Sony? But it was good for a laugh. Great gif.


Fun facts from VG Chartz (if you believe their numbers):

The Nintendo DS has sold: 42.50 Million worldwide

The Wii, X-Box 360, Playstation 3, and PSP combined has sold: 41.44 Million worldwide


That's right, the DS is outselling every current gen system and handheld combined!

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Question: Why would the Elite Beat Agents help out Sony? But it was good for a laugh. Great gif.


They helped him enough to be *just shy* of succeeding. You know, twist the knife a little.


That's right, the DS is outselling every current gen system and handheld combined!


Yeah, but "The Playstation Brand " is *dominating* the competition (in other words, their 3 systems' combined sales). Or so Sony claims.


Combined US, Canada, and Japanese sales of the PS3 didn't break 100K.


Here's the NPD data, BTW:


April 2007


Nintendo DS 471k

Wii 360k

PlayStation 2 194k

PlayStation Portable 183k

Xbox 360 174k

Game Boy Advance 84k

PlayStation 3 82k

GameCube 13k


So, actually, Wii and DS sales are f'ing obliterating "The Playstation Brand ." That's not even counting Zelda Playing Machine Jr. still hanging on at 13K, or PS3's tight competition, the Game Boy Advance.

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I saw ZDTV the very first day it launched back on May 11th 1998..I used to watch screensavers and call for help every day. And Internet tonight with..that guy whos name I cant remember..Scott Herriot!..yeah.


Kate Botello was awesome too..


Hell, I remember when it was Gamespot TV with Adam Sessler and the other woman before Kate. They rated on a 1-10 scale like gamespot too..memories..


G4 last summer aired the Canadian Version of Call for Help with Leo for a while and dropped it.


I dont even watch X play anymore..but I do find it funny that of all the shows on G4, X play is the highest rated..wonder why?

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I saw a non-shitty episode of X-Play today. I was impressed. They had some previews of upcoming games and I got to see some nifty footage of Bio Shock and Mass Effect. It was nice, because I'm too lazy to download videos from places like IGN or GameSpot, who make you run through hoops to get watchable video.


Morgan also looked very attractive. She's not mind-blowing or anything, but she definitely looks better in her normal state than she does in the fake, made-up form (as most non-fugly girls tend to).

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I dont even watch X play anymore..but I do find it funny that of all the shows on G4, X play is the highest rated..wonder why?

People love review shows, shitty as they may be.
















And tits

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I may be wrong, but I don't think we have many PC gamers here, Eric hyphenated-last-name. I know that I personally don't own a single modern PC game, and I only recently (as in the last 5 months) was introduced to stuff like CounterStrike:Source.

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I'm curious as to how Blizzard will handle the sequel to what is widely regarded as the best RTS game of all time. Will they change things up a bit and probably piss of a chunk of their fans? Or keep things the same and piss off a different chunk of their fans? I personally feel a modern, slightly updated version of the original would be fine. Some new units, a few extra gimmicks and a bunch of new, deeper scenarios sounds good.

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Guest Smues

If I have a Machine that'll run it I'll get it. I was never a hardcore Starcraft player (probably because I was never that good) but I enjoyed it and still play it from time to time.

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Mana vs. Sonic vs. Mortal Kombat


Which one of my favorite series is going to self-destruct the fastest?

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Mana vs. Sonic vs. Mortal Kombat


Which one of my favorite series is going to self-destruct the fastest?

Mortal Kombat already did, the Sonic Series is on the verge of self-destructing if it keeps going like it is, therefore....MARIO STILL STANDS TALL!

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Mana vs. Sonic vs. Mortal Kombat


Which one of my favorite series is going to self-destruct the fastest?

Mortal Kombat already did, the Sonic Series is on the verge of self-destructing if it keeps going like it is, therefore....MARIO STILL STANDS TALL!


He said mana, not Mario. :-P

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Mortal Kombat still sells but the games haven't been good in like, 10 years. I never see anyone make a serious case for them being quality games, the remaining fans seem to mostly just be attached to nostalgia or fluff like the story and character designs. Strange since MK has a badly written story, so convoluted and full of retcons it's impossible to follow. I think MK fans really just like arguing over the internet about what is canon. I know I used to.


But seriously the art is some of the worst in gaming. I don't know how anyone past 14 could think this is cool. Look, ninjas!

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