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Is Daisy playable?


Not initially. Must be unlocked.


Also R.O.B. is an unlockable!

Starfox Rob or the NES accessory?

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I have no wireless router, so I'm screwed for wireless play.


My favourite stage is Waluigi's Pinball at the moment, just crazy amounts of fun. It's like Las Vegas on speed.


Blue shells are an absolute killer. The once rare leader bumper has become a frequently occurring nightmare. In one race, I was hit *three* times by nasty blue shells. It is a tad ridiculous.


Daisy is awesome, as is Peach. I'm tending to stick with my fave, DK, for the most part though.

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There's an adapter on the way for folks who are just hardwired. However, I suck at the game at this point.


The mix of new and old tracks is killer. You've got tracks from SMK, MKSC, MK64 and MKDD available in the retro courses; mission mode is darn fun; roster is cool even though I wish there were more (no Koopa Troopa, and sadly still no Link).


I need to figure out what to put in for my emblem.


The graphics are really crisp and clean, and totally blow away the N64 game even if they aren't quite up to Double Dash's.


And yeah, if you're the lead car for any period of time, you might end up totally being PUMMELED with weapons. In one race I got blasted by lightning, my screen got inked up, and I was knocked out by a seeking turtle shell.


The little touches I really appreciate--the status/map screen shows you when you've lapped someone, what items each kart is carrying at a given time, etc.


My only complaint is that I wish you could put the map/status screen on top. It's a natch to look up to see the screen because you've gotta keep your gaze upwards anyway when you're racing, but looking down on the bottom screen? Seems very awkward.


My interest in purchasing a psPod is in the negatives at this point.

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Article from Merrill Lynch discussing how much the PS3 might cost campared to the 360 here. Doesn't seem like Sony's going to try to come in at a competing price pont, but simply attempt to outperform Microsoft. Going to be hard for gamers to afford both systems though, and a lot of people might want to simply try to grab the 360 now rather than wait for the PS3.


I'll still try to afford both of them.

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Cleared 50 cc and working on getting some good rankings in Mission Mode. Shine Sliders is also darn fun, too.


Power sliding into some schmuck while surrounded by turtle shells--muhahah!


At one point I also beat Wario to the finish by launching a banana peel ahead of me--he hits and I just make it to the finish before him.


I can only imagine how much fun this will be when I find others to play with.

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Guest Leelee

I would imagine someone with your attitude would have lots of friendly brethren to enjoy gaming with.

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Would people be interested in posting cards for game simulated Eddie Guerrero memorial cards?

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A couple days ago, I had one of those...revelation thingies. I realized that I have DSL now. I have a DC. That means I can download games~!


Only...Their sorta hard to find on Bit-Torrent, and MIRC isn't working due to my goddamn intregrated firewall. But press on I did, and have managed to download a few games.


Soul Caliber owns my soul. That's really all.

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Guest Vitamin X
Article from Merrill Lynch discussing how much the PS3 might cost campared to the 360 here.  Doesn't seem like Sony's going to try to come in at a competing price pont, but simply attempt to outperform Microsoft.  Going to be hard for gamers to afford both systems though, and a lot of people might want to simply try to grab the 360 now rather than wait for the PS3. 


I'll still try to afford both of them.


Aside from the PS3 having twice as many USB ports and a slightly better processor, the 360 looks like a better system just from those hardware specs. Not to mention the XB360 will actually be able to utilize its system's hardware better- Why does the PS3 run 256MB's worth of memory compared to the 360's 512MB? Odd.

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Well, Wal-Mart's website had 360s on sale..for about 15 minutes. I ordered it and they SAID that it would ship at launch. We'll see. Circuit City was drastically unprepared for their web only sale of 360 packages. They started off about 20 minutes late, then the website crashed about a minute into the sale. Was kind of fun to watch a website die a long slow death right in front of my eyes.


Edit: Eh, Wal-Mart cancelled on me. Of course. Well, looks like I'm SOL for launch. I might just call in sick on the 21st and stake out a Wal-Mart or Best Buy. About the only chance I have left.

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I also have Mario Kart....I WANT R.O.B.! He better be fast too, I think he would be fast anyways.


For those who don't have a wireless router Nintendo has a device you can buy off their website that plugs into your laptop or computer as a USB device and it acts as a wireless router for your DS. It's about 35 bucks but its a good buy. At the moment you can only get it off Nintendo.com but it's suppose to release in stores soon. I heard from a friend about the time Metroid comes out for the DS supposely.

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Who is Mark Ecko? Why should I care if he "gets up?"


Why does a state of the art handheld like the PSP have like 15 second loading times to bring up a BETTING SCREEN, and then I have to wait another 15 seconds or so of loading for a fight scene to come up (based upon playing a bit of The Con in-store today).


I'm sick of the XB360 hype.

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Well, by hype I mean all the displays in the stores, people cramming in check on preorders and clerks trying to push you into preordering a 360 for the 9th shipment and people talking about camping out at department stores.


I haven't heard anything much about KD except for the release of the sequel recently (and it's nomination for the VGAs). The PSP game is getting written off because of the expectedly bad controls.

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Well, by hype I mean all the displays in the stores, people cramming in check on preorders and clerks trying to push you into preordering a 360 for the 9th shipment and people talking about camping out at department stores.


I haven't heard anything much about KD except for the release of the sequel recently (and it's nomination for the VGAs).  The  PSP game is getting written off because of the expectedly bad controls.


It's a console launch. When a launch isn't like that, then it's time to worry.

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Gamestop is always trying to get me to preorder one.


But camping out is good. Camping out is much better than the preorder!

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It's puzzling to me since I guess I'm not hardcore enough. I haven't even done that for a Zelda. It's ridiculous to build up expectations like that to think it will be worth all that trouble.


Plus it's too cold. I'd be risking my health to do it. Maybe in California it isn't as extreme a measure.


Why should employees need to get up at the crack of dawn, or work way past midnight, for the sake of dozens of impatient geeks?


Yeah, odd coming out of me, but even as a kid I wasn't that obsessed.

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I don't have much hype for 360. It'll be worth it in the long run years from now. I just want it now cause it's the next big thing and I HAVE TO HAVE IT. Plus there's just something special and exciting about getting it at midnight. Like it's more of an event and it could be fun.


Most of the people working in those game stores could probably use the extra money. I am going to either Meijer or Walmart which are open 24 hours anyway.


It's not like it's going to be 24 hours of waiting either. I'll probably go sometime in the evening.

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The department store folks--yeah, guess they'll be there anyway.


I know I generally value time off more than a few extra bucks for overtime. And who wants to be working when it's really busy?

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