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Smackdown VS Raw 2006

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Pre-ordered today, was told they hoped to have it in tomorrow, Wednesday at the latest. They then warned me they (EB) would be busier than ever with Xbox 360 stuff arriving tomorrow so they may not have time to call me.


It doesn't matter because I have to work noon to midnight tomorrow, so hopefully it does arrive tomorrow and I'll pick it up Wednesday morning.

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Guest clockworkraven
I just had a great, 10 minute match between Carlito and Orlando Jordan.


This game is either really good or completely unrealistic.


It depends.


Did Carlito win with a finisher or a roll-up?

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Probably could have edited, but I think this deserves it's own post. I've browsed around and we have more unlockable info. I leeched these from somewhere, but I don't remember where exactly, so credit to you whomever you are.



You can unlock World Heavyweight and WWE Titles in Exhibition Mode by beating RAW and Smackdown seasons, respectively, winning at Wrestlemania in the process.


ECW One Night Stand Arena is unlocked by completing the Rising Star Challenge set, Wrestlemania XXI Arena from Amateur Challenge and Wrestlemania IX Arena and Legend Cage Match from WWE Superstar Challenges.


Legend Challenges also unlocks alternate Austin attire.


Winning GM of the year in GM Mode unlocks JBL and HHH's alt attires (presumably suits).


DiBiase is available to buy after completing the Superstar Challenges, Hardcore and $$$ Championships by completing Legend Challenges.



Preset Entrances:

Edit 01 - Matt Hardy V1

Edit 02 - D-Von Dudley & Bubba Ray Dudley

Edit 03 - Lance Cade (?)

Edit 04 - Miss Jackie

Edit 05 - Brock Lesnar


Tag 01 - Eugene & William Regal

Tag 02 - Bashams

Tag 03 - La Resistance (?)

Tag 04 - William Regal & Tajiri

Tag 05 - Muhammad Hassan & Daivari

Tag 06 - Bushwhackers

Tag 07 - Charlie Haas & Miss Jackie

Tag 08 - LOD (?)


Trio 01 - DX with Torri (Road Dogg & Xpac)

Trio 02 - nWo (Nash & Hogan & Hall)

Trio 03 - Generic


Preset Movesets:


Moveset 1: Hardcore Holly

Moveset 2: Val Venis

Moveset 3: Rick Steiner (?)

Moveset 4: Maven

Moveset 5: Rhyno

Moveset 6: Bubba Ray Dudley

Moveset 7: D-Von Dudley

Moveset 8: Luther Reigns

Moveset 9: Lance Storm

Moveset 10: Rikishi

Moveset 11: Ultimo Dragon

Moveset 12: Billy Gunn (?)

Moveset 13: Chuck Palumbo

Moveset 14: Matt Hardy

Moveset 15: Jeff Hardy

Moveset 16: Tazz

Moveset 17: Goldberg

Moveset 18: Scott Steiner

Moveset 19: Sting

Moveset 20: X-Pac

Moveset 21: Kevin Nash

Moveset 22: Razor Ramon

Moveset 23: Animal

Moveset 24: Hawk

Moveset 25: Ultimate Warrior


Preset Movesets are unlockable by winning 10 matches in exhibition with a CAW, apparantly.



Also, little things I noticed from browsing the CAW section. Sample 1 is supposed to be Brock, I think. Sample 2 is clearly Luther Reigns. Sample 3 kinda looks like Jimmy Rave. Sample 5 is Puder. Sample 7 could be turned into The Bossman quite easily. Sample 8, the tights at least are Taka's but doesn't look like him under the mask. Also, the Pre-Made Faces...3 is Eddie Guerrero, 4 is Kenzo Suzuki for all you Kenzomaniacs who want him as a CAW and 6 is The Rock. Couldn't figure out the others, though 2 might be a chubbier D-Lo.



Hope those help.

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Guest clockworkraven

Due to my lack of effort in such things, it looks like I'm not getting WMIX, Legend cage, alternate Austin, DiBiase, Hardcore or $$$ championships any time soon. WMXXI is still up in the air.


Lance Cade has an entrance? Hassan and Daivari entrance! And nWo, sweet.


Interesting preset movesets. At least they've cut down...

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Awesome game so far. I've had a few great exhibition matches and GM Mode is just spectacular.


For anyone wondering, you CAN have title matches in GM Mode, it just doesn't tell you how. When you're on a match summary in the booking screen, just press left or right and the title name will appear above the wrestler's names. Keep pressing to cycle through different titles.


My ONLY complaint so far is with the camera. It zooms in too far when two wrestlers are close together. I wish you could switch the camera angle to be facing the entrance like HCTP. And in Elimination Chamber matches it almost zooms out to far so that the cage is solid and it's hard to follow the action inside the ring. =\

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Anyone care to list off who can't be used in Season? Also I heard a minor complaint on GameFaqs that the WWE Title never changes to it's proper belt form in Season (apparently you can pick which version to use in Exhibition).

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Guest adamsummers

hopefully gamestop's shipment will arrive within the hour and i will be playing it! yet i have to be at work in like 2 1/2 hours, :( oh well... once i get home at like 2am, no sleep for me tonight!

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I picked up my copy about an hour ago from Gamestop. So far, I've only played a few regular singles matches and one HIAC. First, having not watched any of IGN's videos due to 56k, the entrances are amazing. All the mannerisms are just perfect (Carlito, especially). I really like the blurring effect of the background and crowd during entrances and post-match celebrations, as well.


I fought Hassan with Daivari as his manager... Daivari actually yells in Arabic! It can get a little annoying by the end of the match, though.


HIAC matches, while not GREATLY improved, do seem better, particuarly the sound of the actually cage when you do a move on/against it. I was JBL against Flair. We go to the top, and I hit my powerbomb finisher, and I pressed one of the shoulder buttons and got that awesome black and white slow motion video. That brings me to another thing... how much better the crowd reactions are. After that move and actually putting Flair through the cage minutes later, the crowd goes into a frenzy.


Commentary still has its flaws, but it's much better, and it actually sounds like Cole & Tazz (didn't hear JR & King, yet) are having a conversation.


Bottom line... so far, I'm LOVING this game. I can't wait to dive into Season, GM Mode, and CAW, but it'll most likely have to wait until my day off tommorrow. Today, I have class and work.

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Anyone think we should start a new thread since the game was just released and this one's nearing 1,000 posts?


Anyway, I preordered at GameRush. They said that all the new releases that come out today would arrive on the 18th (Friday) but they've said similar things before and the games arrived within one day of their release dates. I expect to *finally* get a PS2 and have the game by tomorrow.

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we can either start a new thread or rename this one I guess.


I dont have enough cash right nwo to buy the game and I'll be starting the process of moving back to NY soon so i may not get a chance to get the game until after the new year. I suppose I could rent it though. better check blockbuster or hollywood

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Anybody care to mention how the flow of the matches work in the game now? How the stamina makes it feel? Do they play more realistically now?


I just picked up a copy a Gamestop.


I'll say this about the stamina addition - IMO, it's going to be more annoying than anything else.


Does it make it more realistic? A little. But honestly, this is basically going to be like Fire Pro Wrestling, in that you can only put together a few moves at a time, and then hold down a button to get your wind back. Now, goofing around on exhibition on normal setting, this isn't SUCH a burden, because you can pull a power move and send your opponent down on the mat and then hold select to refill the bar in the few seconds they're down. But I can see this being one big pain in the ass on the higher settings. If you're a lowly CAW with poor starting stats, trying to go up against someone like Hogan or Taker or HHH on the hard or legend settings? Better keep your momentum going, because I can forsee you getting murdered with reversals if your stamina gets too low.


I have one major gripe, though - the irish whip. For me, this is MAJORLY fucking annoying. Before, all you had to do was grapple, and press O + directional button....the addition of the extra button here just is awkward as hell and it does not help in the least. Maybe I'll get used to it, but I shouldn't HAVE too.


Also, if I can bitch about the roster again, we don't need three fucking Hogans and all of the Diva bitches are just a colossal waste of space. None of us really give a shit about the bra and panties or "fulfill your fantasy" matches, THQ.

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For anyone wondering, you CAN have title matches in GM Mode, it just doesn't tell you how. When you're on a match summary in the booking screen, just press left or right and the title name will appear above the wrestler's names. Keep pressing to cycle through different titles.


You are a legend my man!


Also, totally agree about the cameras. When it spins 90 degrees during fights in the aisle, that really bugs me...especially when you're on the edge and it keeps flipping back and forth. Helpful during Buried Alive Matches, not during regular matches.


I have one major gripe, though - the irish whip. For me, this is MAJORLY fucking annoying. Before, all you had to do was grapple, and press O + directional button....the addition of the extra button here just is awkward as hell and it does not help in the least. Maybe I'll get used to it, but I shouldn't HAVE too.


Also agreed. I tend to use the longer route at the moment- Grapple, then just press or hold triangle.

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Guest BrokenWings

Does anyone know if the game has come out in Canada yet? Amazon has it listed as coming out on the 19th, but they also have the list price at $90.


I'll probably check out the usual suspects (EB, Wal-Mart, Zellers, etc) tonight in any case.

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Does anyone know if the game has come out in Canada yet? Amazon has it listed as coming out on the 19th, but they also have the list price at $90.


I'll probably check out the usual suspects (EB, Wal-Mart, Zellers, etc) tonight in any case.



Yeah dude, I bought it yesterday here in Toronto (EB Games in the Eaton Centre) and it was only $59.

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Maybe I'll do a review of this game in the next couple days, but for those who don't have the game yet and are interested in this feature: kudos to them for making the create-a-belt feature MUCH less expensive. I can finally put together a decent belt and not have it cost about 85 thousand dollars.


I'm gonna create a CAW tonight to see how that is, then probably try out the create-an-entrance, which I have high hopes for. I pray it doesn't disappoint me.

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Well I played for the past 4 hours and have had a blast. I explored GM mode which is a lot more complicated than I thought, havent thrown anything together yet, but this is so much better than last years game

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I have to say, I've only spent 10 minutes or so fooling around with creating a CAW, and the graphics are the best I've ever seen. MUCH more attention to detail now.

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I'll say this about the stamina addition - IMO, it's going to be more annoying than anything else.


Which is why they gave you the option to turn it off. :)


True. It's not so bad in one on one matches, though it takes getting used to. In matches with multiple persons, though, it can get a little cumbersome trying to keep your stamina up and be able to hit your finisher on time when you're surrounded by several other characters who continually try and mess up your flow.


BTW, it's not fun to be on the receiving end of one of the reversal chains.

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Guest Prodigy

I plan to get this game, but have some quick questions:


1. Have any of you guys tried the game online?

2. Is it true you can't pick the winner in GM Mode unless you actually play the match yourself?

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I have to say, I've only spent 10 minutes or so fooling around with creating a CAW, and the graphics are the best I've ever seen.  MUCH more attention to detail now.

I wish to break you. Give me your screen name when you pick one.

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