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Brock Lesnar Returning to WWE

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Guest DVD Spree
I'll agree that Brock was still a little green when he won the belt the first time, but as far as I'm concerned he "paid his dues" when he won the NCAA tournament.  He's a legit athlete who could easily out-wrestle anyone on the roster in a real competition (except for Angle), and every fan in the stands knows it.  Pushing him as unbeatable is the only way to go with someone like that. 

So does that mean that Daniel Puder paid his dues by embarassing Kurt Angle in the middle of the ring on SmackDown!? Is he deserving of a monster push and title win? Even Ken Shamrock – who proved his "legit" credentials to an even greater extent and is probably the toughest guy that has ever been in the WWF/E – didn't get that treatment.

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Lesnar looked so strong that it would be stupid not to push him hard because if they didn't do it immediately then why can he do it one year later, it makes no sense. Lesnar was special, he was the new Goldberg only then much much much better in the ring. He had the look and the skill to be a main eventer and I immediately bought him as a WWE Champion. My father is a huge Undertaker fan but he didn't go nuts when Taker lost to Lesnar cause he thought Lesnar is just too good and he accepted the defeat. If Lesnar returns he will probably have a lot of heat and that would be great for a feud with Batista.

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The world needs more Brock/Rey.


Christ yes. That was the best big man/little man match I've ever seen. I thought it was on par with Brock/Benoit, which is saying something. It was vicious.

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Lesnar looked so strong that it would be stupid not to push him hard because if they didn't do it immediately then why can he do it one year later, it makes no sense. Lesnar was special, he was the new Goldberg only then much much much better in the ring. He had the look and the skill to be a main eventer and I immediately bought him as a WWE Champion. My father is a huge Undertaker fan but he didn't go nuts when Taker lost to Lesnar cause he thought Lesnar is just too good and he accepted the defeat. If Lesnar returns he will probably have a lot of heat and that would be great for a feud with Batista.

The only thing is he wasn't as over as Goldberg was back in 97/98 and he won't be the savior of Smackdown because he didn't increase any buyrates or ratings during his first WWE run, but I do admit that a Batista/Brock feud will be a million times better than Dave facing JBL or Orton.

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Since Brock was with SD last, he'll go to Raw. Haven't seen HHH/Brock yet, but I hope Brock gets booed out of the arena for the shit that he pulled with the fans before he walked out the door.

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what shit did he pull? I don't really know anything about it since I didn't get back into watching wrestling again until after 2004, not full time anyway...

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Guest Coffey
what shit did he pull?  I don't really know anything about it since I didn't get back into watching wrestling again until after 2004, not full time anyway...


He left and people are bitter. His final match was a five-finger-stinker against Goldberg where they didn't do a whole lot outside of grunt, snarl and taunt. Then after Brock lost, he flipped off the crowd.


Nothing that people should be holding a grudge over.

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well I saw the match and the crowd was shitting all over him AND Goldberg...so I guess I can see him flipping the crowd off, sorta, I suppose...but what did he do BEFORE the match to warrant the crowd reactions at WM?

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Said that he was leaving WWE.


Hopefully the locker room will be mature about this and just accept him back. Sadly the words mature and locker room dont go too well together.

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Guest Coffey

Nothing. The crowd was just "smart" and knew that both Goldberg and Brock were leaving afterwards.

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okay...so in other words, the Brock hate was stupid/pointless/unwarranted and the NY crowd needed SOMETHING to use for heat and went with that info?

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He bowed out of WWE and made an attempt to follow his dream by playing in the NFL. That's it. Let's string him up on the cross!


Edit: Damn Coffey.

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Guest Coffey
okay...so in other words, the Brock hate was stupid/pointless/unwarranted and the NY crowd needed SOMETHING to use for heat and went with that info?


Exactly and they just continued to get more pissed because the match was so bad.

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Guest Fishyswa

That match get's a lot of unwarranted hate, if they were both faces and worked the same match, it would of been "epic". The staredown's and battle of the monsters stuff only needed the crowd liking it to be good. The rest was them realizing they had no reason to put in a lot of effort because the crowd just wasn't buying.

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In Angle's book, Angle mentions how Lesnar was clowning around and the two had an impromptu amateur "showdown" in which Angle destroyed Lesnar quite easily.


That's because Kurt Angle is the man.


Where are Brock's gold medals?

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In Angle's book, Angle mentions how Lesnar was clowning around and the two had an impromptu amateur "showdown" in which Angle destroyed Lesnar quite easily.



That was also 2 neck surgeries ago. Couple that with a loss in arm mass and strength and Angle might not destroy Lesnar right now.

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Guest Fishyswa

Yeah, and it was ANGLES book. When looking up the history of George Bush in 20 years I'm sure as hell not gonna be using his auto-biography.

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Seriously, I don't get the hate for Lesnar leaving. Last time I checked, he was scheduled to be annihilated by the Undertaker at Judgment Day last year so that means Guerrero / Bradshaw for the WWE Championship would have STILL taken place.


And what would have Lesnar jobbing to the Dead Man done? Nothing because the Undertaker went on to job to Bradshaw.


So does that mean that Daniel Puder paid his dues by embarassing Kurt Angle in the middle of the ring on SmackDown!? Is he deserving of a monster push and title win?


Difference is Puder isn't a hoss. ;)

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A more mature Lesnar ready for return

July 6, 2005


WWE fans have not seen Brock Lesnar since his WrestleMania XX match against Goldberg. Shortly afterwards, the former WWE Champion left the sports-entertainment world in favor of pursuing an NFL career. Today, however, Lesnar has confirmed that he is scheduled to meet with Vince McMahon tomorrow to talk about a possible return to the ring.


“I’m excited about getting my working boots on and getting back to business,” Lesnar told WWE.com during a phone interview.


While Lesnar is excited about a return to the ring, he realizes that nothing is definite. “I don’t know what’s going to happen tomorrow in the meeting,” said Lesnar. “I don’t know if I’m returning to WWE, I really don’t. In order for this to happen, it has to work for both Vince and myself.”


A return to WWE may come as a shock to some fans, as the Internet has been buzzing recently about the rumors of a strained relationship between Lesnar and McMahon. “We need to get on the same page,” admitted Lesnar, regarding their relationship. “There’s some hard feelings on both ends of this. Sometimes it takes a little time to heal. We’ll know more tomorrow.”


The former WWE Superstar admits that some of the responsibility rests on him. “I had some maturing to do. There comes a time in everybody’s life when you have to grow up” said Lesnar. “But professional wrestling is in my blood. I may have second guessed it in the past, but I know it now.”


Be sure to check back here as more information on Brock Lesnar’s meeting with Vince McMahon becomes available.


Lesnar arrives at WWE headquarters (part 2 of 2)

July 7, 2005


Just hours before his meeting with Vince McMahon, an optimistic Brock Lesnar sat down with WWE.com to talk about his departure last year, possible upcoming return and more.


“I’ve had some contractual disagreements with WWE, as well as a lawsuit. But I’m ready now to see if we can do some business together.


“It wasn’t easy for me to leave,” claimed Lesnar in regards to his 2004 departure from WWE. “I struggled with the decision for a while. I realize people have their opinions about me leaving, and they’re entitled to those opinions. That’s why they live in America.”


After making the decision to leave WWE, Lesnar set his sights on becoming an NFL star. His unsuccessful pursuit to the gridiron was highly publicized, but it was one he still looks upon fondly. “I’m glad I did it. I didn’t want to look back years from now and regret not taking that chance,” said Brock on his decision to try football. “I’m done with football now, though. Like I said yesterday, professional wrestling is in my blood. This is what I want to do. You only get one life to live, and I’ll be damned if I’m not going to live my life to the fullest.”


If all goes well between Lesnar and McMahon today, the former WWE Champion still has to consider how he will be received by the WWE Superstars. “I have to take into consideration that this is a business,” replied Lesnar regarding any ill feelings toward him. “Hopefully, a return is what everybody wants to see. I can tell you that I will commit myself to be the guy I was in the ring before I left. If there’s problems from the boys, that’s not my problem. I never had a problem with them. They’ve been nothing but great to me in the past.


“If I do come back, though, people should be aware that they need to be on their toes,” Lesnar continued. “There ain’t nobody that can hold a candle to me.”


Stay tuned to WWE.com as more on Brock Lesnar and his meeting with Vince McMahon becomes available.

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Lesnar looked so strong that it would be stupid not to push him hard because if they didn't do it immediately then why can he do it one year later, it makes no sense.


It worked when they did it for Batista.

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Seriously, I don't get the hate for Lesnar leaving.  Last time I checked, he was scheduled to be annihilated by the Undertaker at Judgment Day last year so that means Guerrero / Bradshaw for the WWE Championship would have STILL taken place.


And what would have Lesnar jobbing to the Dead Man done?  Nothing because the Undertaker went on to job to Bradshaw.


It has nothing to do with the title picture. It's because Lesnar was built up as being Mr. Unbeatable and was given convincing wins over every big name on the roster ... just to walk out when things weren't going his way.


So everyone laid down for him and he just up and left before he could return the favor.


I'm all for Brock coming back. But it would be stupid of WWE to push him before he proves himself all over again.

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I'll agree that Brock was still a little green when he won the belt the first time, but as far as I'm concerned he "paid his dues" when he won the NCAA tournament.  He's a legit athlete who could easily out-wrestle anyone on the roster in a real competition (except for Angle), and every fan in the stands knows it.  Pushing him as unbeatable is the only way to go with someone like that. 

So does that mean that Daniel Puder paid his dues by embarassing Kurt Angle in the middle of the ring on SmackDown!? Is he deserving of a monster push and title win? Even Ken Shamrock – who proved his "legit" credentials to an even greater extent and is probably the toughest guy that has ever been in the WWF/E – didn't get that treatment.


All Pruder did was put Angle in a submission hold because Angle (who was in pretty bad shape at the time) didn't know Pruder was going to fight back. THAT'S A LITTLE DIFFERENT THAN WINNING AN NCAA WRESTLING TOURNAMENT. Now, if Pruder had beaten Angle in the Olympics, that'd be another story.

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well I saw the match and the crowd was shitting all over him AND Goldberg...so I guess I can see him flipping the crowd off, sorta, I suppose...but what did he do BEFORE the match to warrant the crowd reactions at WM?


Brock got the same treatment at the press conference a few days before the show, after word got out he was leaving.

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Seriously, I don't get the hate for Lesnar leaving.  Last time I checked, he was scheduled to be annihilated by the Undertaker at Judgment Day last year so that means Guerrero / Bradshaw for the WWE Championship would have STILL taken place.


And what would have Lesnar jobbing to the Dead Man done?  Nothing because the Undertaker went on to job to Bradshaw.


It has nothing to do with the title picture. It's because Lesnar was built up as being Mr. Unbeatable and was given convincing wins over every big name on the roster ... just to walk out when things weren't going his way.


So everyone laid down for him and he just up and left before he could return the favor.


I'm all for Brock coming back. But it would be stupid of WWE to push him before he proves himself all over again.


It'd be stupid NOT to push him. If they job him out and make him look like a bitch then his value will only go down. They're desperate for big stars and Brock can be that.

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