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Gary Floyd

Campaign 2008

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It was a historic speech. But those who dislike Obama because his skin is darker than their's, his name sounds different, or someone told them that he's a Muslim through a mouthful of chewing tobacco aren't going to change their vapid philosophies no matter what.


Snuffy, what do you mean?

Jesus, I know it's been said before, but Good God, MikeSC is terrible. He's every right-wing radio talkshow host folded into a horrible, argumentative message board poster.


Marney is pretty dreadful too there.

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I read through most of the speech, and thought it was pretty solid. It's not going to convert anyone who was already against him, but might help win over some fence sitters who weren't sure about him. Can't wait to hear how the right wing pundits try to spin this thing.

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If there's one thing I admire about Obama is that he can take a negative attack and completley turn it around and make himself look 10x better. Hillary tries to belittle him by saying he'd makea good VP, and he points out the contradiction of how she doesn't think he's qualfied to be president but is now willing for him to step in if she gets bumped off. Hillary does the 3 am ad, he responds with one that points out at that 3 am momentshe was one backing a disasterous war. Hell, he even has the girl in the advert behind him.


Now, right,left, are throwing mud at him over the Pastor thing (despite several republicans aligning themselves with Ministers that have had some equally shocking things to say) and he comes out and does a awesome speech and might end up more popular than he was before pastorgate.


The speech was a bunch of bs really. We're supposed to ignore everything the guy says just because he's a good guy in the community, he was a marine, etc. Just because a person is active in their community and a former (or as someone mentioned today, an EX) marine does not give them the right to go in front of a church congregation and spew out anti american, anti white crap like the stuff Wright was spewing after 9/11 ("...america's chickens...have come home...to ROOST!") . Just that alone almost 7 years ago should have been enough for Obama to disassociate himself from Wright, but no ("oh hes just got a distorted view of the country..")

How the hell is saying that America deserved to be attacked by terrorists on 9/11 for what they did in WW2 and other places a distorted view of the country? Had Wrights 9/11 speech been made public shortly after he said it, I guarantee you there would have been a public outrage 10,000,000 times worse than what we're seeing now given that for a couple months after 9/11 nobody fucking cared about race, we were all Americans and to hell with someone who would say we deserved to be attacked (and now we're right back were we were pre-9/11).


Obama also said "Did I ever hear him make remarks that could be considered controversial while I sat in church? Yes."..Two points: 1) He's not even agreeing that the comments were controversial and 2) Wrights comments are far from controversial...the controversy surrounds why Obama would sit and listen to this crap for 20 years. Obama is acting like the media originally took the story (The pastor was going out on a high note since he knew he was retirning) and that the Pastor only spewed this bs once 3 months ago but he's been doing it for 7 years and god knows how long before that.


Obamas approval ratings have gone down slightly prior to the speech but it seems everyone is eating this lame speech up with a spoon so it will probably be higher tomorrow or whenever they do the next poll.


Im thinking about calling in Glenn Beck's show tomorrow since hes probably going to take some calls about it. We'll see.

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It was a historic speech. But those who dislike Obama because his skin is darker than their's, his name sounds different, or someone told them that he's a Muslim through a mouthful of chewing tobacco aren't going to change their vapid philosophies no matter what.


Snuffy, what do you mean?

Jesus, I know it's been said before, but Good God, MikeSC is terrible. He's every right-wing radio talkshow host folded into a horrible, argumentative message board poster.


Marney is pretty dreadful too there.


Marney is genuinely psychotic, I think.

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I listened to Obama's speech on the radio on the way back from out of town this morning. It was immediately followed by a white conservative commentator trying to put words in Obama's mouth, claiming he was now trying to make victims out of middle class whites for saying out-sourcing, stagnant wages, and inadequate access to health care were problems for them. Then there was a caller who said that Obama was being divisive saying white people had a silver spoon in their mouths, despite saying the complete opposite.

Did NPR never come to your area or something?

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Guest Beastalentier
Im thinking about calling in Glenn Beck's show tomorrow since hes probably going to take some calls about it. We'll see.

Oh, I would not miss this.


Isn't "the chickens have come home to roost" what Malcolm X said when Kennedy got whacked?

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Obama on Imus:




"I understand MSNBC has suspended Mr. Imus, but I would also say that there's nobody on my staff who would still be working for me if they made a comment like that about anybody of any ethnic group. And I would hope that NBC ends up having that same attitude."



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The speech was a bunch of bs really. We're supposed to ignore everything the guy says

No, in fact he even said that to ignore it doesn't really solve the problem.


This is not just a race issue, this is a generation gap issue, as people who were alive during the 60s when civil rights were being fought for do not entirely understand what blacks who came of age in those times were witnessing. That is where these harboured feelings originate. Some people are inclined to fight the system, because that is where they come from. The more it's ignored or squared away as irrelevant and "out of the mainstream," the harder it is to create a common unity.


anti american, anti white crap like the stuff Wright was spewing after 9/11 ("...america's chickens...have come home...to ROOST!") .

That alone is hardly the worst thing he said. In fact, it's one of the most divisive, but a lot of people agree that, holy shit, our foreign policy has a ripple effect around the world.


Had Wrights 9/11 speech been made public shortly after he said it, I guarantee you there would have been a public outrage 10,000,000 times worse than what we're seeing now given that for a couple months after 9/11 nobody fucking cared about race, we were all Americans and to hell with someone who would say we deserved to be attacked (and now we're right back were we were pre-9/11).

The months after 9/11 were like some kind of dreamworld, though, where we told ourselves that our alliances and diplomatic manoeuvres had never made any enemies. This came back to reality with Iraq, where our alliances and diplomatic manoeuvres made the situation worse before we finally turned authority over to an Iraqi-led regime.


It is a controversial statement, and not politically viable, but let's not go back to pretending to ourselves that they hate us for our freedom again.


Im thinking about calling in Glenn Beck's show tomorrow since hes probably going to take some calls about it.

You'll get both sides of the story there, for sure!

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Welcome back to CE Jobber. Enjoy Marvin's idiocy!

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Im thinking about calling in Glenn Beck's show tomorrow since hes probably going to take some calls about it. We'll see.

Oh, I would not miss this.


Isn't "the chickens have come home to roost" what Malcolm X said when Kennedy got whacked?


I think so, yes.


and if I get on the radio, I record every show on my Inno so I'll find someway to upload the clip. But Im not promising anything.


and though I doubt anyone cares, here is the transcript of Glenn Beck talking about the speech a few minutes after he made it. I would say he's been at the forefront of this whole mess since I heard it first on his radio show although supposedly morning news shows (I dont get up that early most days) were running it that day or the day before.


I am personally almost tired of hearing the audio clips myself though..theres only so many times I can take hearing the USKKKA and other crap that he was saying.


Obama's approval ratings?


Approval is the wrong word I guess.


The poll "found Obama's favorable rating nationally had dropped five points to 47% since Thursday, and his unfavorable rating had risen from 44% to 50%

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You ever think about, maybe, just not listening every time the media runs with a dipshit sensationalist story that no un-helmeted person cares about?

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Obamas approval ratings have gone down slightly prior to the speech but it seems everyone is eating this lame speech up with a spoon so it will probably be higher tomorrow or whenever they do the next poll.


It must be tough for you to be so much smarter than everyone else. How can you resist the urge to just slap the millions of stupid people?

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That poor child. He was not idea what he's endorsing. I hope when he grows up he slaps his parents for making him wear such shit.


It's also hilarious to me that anyone thinks a Democrat president could make a bigger mess out of this country than what our current Republican president already has.

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Guest Beastalentier


Since the Liberal Media That Loves Him has showed (and will continue to show) the Rev. Wright shit a billion times, will this kind of thing get any play?

I really hope you don't plan to sledgehammer everyone with this whole "SUUURE THE MEDIA LOVES OBAMA PSHYEAH RIGHT" thing, but "Obama is a mack daddy" needs to become a drop on every radio show in the country.

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It was a historic speech. But those who dislike Obama because his skin is darker than their's, his name sounds different, or someone told them that he's a Muslim through a mouthful of chewing tobacco aren't going to change their vapid philosophies no matter what.


Snuffy, what do you mean?

My favorite part was when Jane (Marney?) asked what Obama was before he was a Christian. Because, you know, the fact that his mother raised him agnostic but wanted him to learn about different religions has never been addressed. Nor has the fact that he's never been a Muslim in his life, nor was his father a Muslim. Most of the shit in that thread was pretty easily refuted, but they just keep chugging along with the disinformation.

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In regards to the 'how could he throw his granny under a bus' which I swear is the only criticism the right wingers can come up with (even the blonde barbie doll on the view had a go at that) he's even taked in his first book about this.So, if Granny Obama is okay with being mentioned in the book in a less than flattering light, I doubt she cares that he mentioned her in a speech.


I understand not everyone is falling over themselves to praise the speech, and a few have rightfully noted a few flaws in it (notably he didn't exactly deal with the wright issue), but for the likes of Hannity and some others to just completly dismiss it is ridiculous. If people can't admit that speech was exceptional (even if they didn't agree with it all) then they truly are blinded by they're dislike of Obama and democrats. I swear people like that wathced this speech and only saw this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NGOYG-8AjeU

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In regards to the 'how could he throw his granny under a bus' which I swear is the only criticism the right wingers can come up with (even the blonde barbie doll on the view had a go at that) he's even taked in his first book about this.So, if Granny Obama is okay with being mentioned in the book in a less than flattering light, I doubt she cares that he mentioned her in a speech.

What's worse is that they complain about him not further running away from the pastor, but hey, racist grandma? That's cool, why you gotta condemn her racism like that?


I read the transcript of the Limbaugh show and in his knee-jerk reaction after the speech was done he talked about how Obama "trashed his grandmother," so I can only imagine that's why there's this echo chamber that Obama hates Grandmas. Hell, I even saw it (with the same phrasing even, "threw his grandmother under the bus") on the stupid blog comments of an ABC New story last night.

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What's interesting to note is that last year there was a rumour the Clinton's had serious dirt on Obama but had chosen not to use it. It's now emerged that the the Wright story was 'the dirt' and the clinton camp circulated the footage this week in response to the Geraldine Ferraro controversy...so one way of looking at this is that Hillary has basically played the last card she had against Obama.



As for Limbugh, Michelle Malkin, Hannity and anyone else who has basically trashed this speech without really listening to it or giving it a chance at all, they probably do know deep down inside what small, pathetic people they are. It's not even about towing the line for the republicans, if Mike Huckabee can give a measured, honest response like he did on msnbc, why can't they? That sort of brain dead knee jerk 'it has to be bad because a democrat said it' reaction drives me mad. If Mccain had said that exact same speech, word for word, they'd be falling over themselves to praise him.


But, yeah, let's stick to calling Obama a granny hater.

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A lot of those assholes are just pandering to their demographics, just giving people (like Marvin) what they want to hear.

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