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Gary Floyd

Campaign 2008

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I consider myself apolitical ... but man does it make me sick to see these middle-aged Democrat goofs dancing at the convention when the election is neck-and-neck ...


Anyone else remember the mass Macarena dancing at the '96 convention? Sweet fucking Jesus.




Also, the McCain poll surge stuff has been a little exagerrated...




CNN's report that McCain is up to 47% failed to mention every other poll has him lower.

Edited by SuperJerk

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Hey, cool...Barack Obama's in Kansas City tonight.


Good speech by Michelle. She went totally opposite of the stereotype of her, and their two daughters are adorable.

Edited by SuperJerk

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So, Fox is going to interview Republicans during the Democratic Convention, and...Republicans during the Republican Convention?


Karl Rove just said Michelle Obama didn't do enough prove she loved America tonight, and didn't seem particularly warm towards her husband. WTF???



Then Chris Wallace essentially just repeated it...


"Tonight was of...questionable value."


Fair and balanced.

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Speaking on CNN, Carville said the party was too soft in its attacks on John McCain Monday night — the same mistake, Carville says, Democrats made at the 2004 convention.


"The way they planned it tonight was supposed to be sort of the personal — Michelle Obama will talk about Barack Obama personally, Ted Kennedy was a very personal, emotional speech," Carville said. "But I guarantee on the first night of the Republican Convention, you're going to hear talk about Barack Obama, commander-in-chief, tax cuts, et cetera, et cetera."


"You haven't heard about Iraq or John McCain or George W. Bush — I haven't heard any of this. We are a country that is in a borderline recession, we are an 80 percent wrong-track country. Health care, energy — I haven't heard anything about gas prices," Carville also says. "Maybe we are going to look better Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. But right now, we're playing hide the message."


Carville also said the party needs to do a better job of communicating its message to the American people.


“If this party has a message it's done a hell of a job hiding it tonight, I promise you that," he said.


Carville said that they botched it too.

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I decided to see what the Fox Folks had to say @ the end of this speech and was quite surprised.

Juan Williams was honestly touched and even Brit Hume was giving the WTF look at Karl Rove and the others who said she didnt do enough.


I'll be interested to see what Hannity and O'Reilly have to say.

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Speaking on CNN, Carville said the party was too soft in its attacks on John McCain Monday night — the same mistake, Carville says, Democrats made at the 2004 convention.


"The way they planned it tonight was supposed to be sort of the personal — Michelle Obama will talk about Barack Obama personally, Ted Kennedy was a very personal, emotional speech," Carville said. "But I guarantee on the first night of the Republican Convention, you're going to hear talk about Barack Obama, commander-in-chief, tax cuts, et cetera, et cetera."


"You haven't heard about Iraq or John McCain or George W. Bush — I haven't heard any of this. We are a country that is in a borderline recession, we are an 80 percent wrong-track country. Health care, energy — I haven't heard anything about gas prices," Carville also says. "Maybe we are going to look better Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. But right now, we're playing hide the message."


Carville also said the party needs to do a better job of communicating its message to the American people.


“If this party has a message it's done a hell of a job hiding it tonight, I promise you that," he said.


Carville said that they botched it too.


Carville's wrong. Policies are important, but 90% of the attacks right now are against Barack and Michelle's values and personalities, not their policies. True, that's Democrats playing defense, but a necessary component of winning people's votes is getting them to LIKE Barack and Michelle.

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So, Fox is going to interview Republicans during the Democratic Convention, and...Republicans during the Republican Convention?


Karl Rove just said Michelle Obama didn't do enough prove she loved America tonight, and didn't seem particularly warm towards her husband. WTF???



Then Chris Wallace essentially just repeated it...


"Tonight was of...questionable value."


Fair and balanced.

Fair and Balanced indeed

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I mean Karl Rove said he didnt give the impression that she loves her husband; they have a "Business relationship". Like was he watching a different speech

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Watching Rove, I was reminded of the post-debate spin the Republicans gave after the first Bush/Kerry debate.


Bagala's making a good point on CNN right now. Ted Kennedy and Michelle Obama are NOT the people who should be attacking John McCain.


They're the good cops tonight, let Hillary Clinton and Mark Warner be the bad cops tomorrow night.

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I'm a true blue democrat from MA and tonight was a great moment for me. I was watching Teddy's speech with family and it reminded me of everything I love about Teddy and the Kennedy family. They have meant so much for democrats over the past 40 years and seeing that SOB Teddy up on stage giving his all meant more to me than anything. When Teddy is gone he will be the last of the 1st family of democratic politics over the past 40-50 years.

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Guest Vitamin X



Seen on I-94 entering Minneapolis/St. Paul, home of the RNC, from the airport. So awesome.

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i watched convention coverage last night. It was a nice speech by Michelle, though I sorta agree with Carville, they need to get tough. I'm guessing (hoping) that this was just groundwork to try to counter the negative spin on them personally and now they're gonna start hammering McCain. In fact, that's what Hillary should do.


It also reminded me of why I almost never watch tv news coverage and just read about everything on the internet. Talking heads really make me want to my fist through the wall. I laughed when I saw FOX News interview Karl Rove and Dick Morris.

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Guest WhackingCockDick
I'm a true blue democrat from MA and tonight was a great moment for me. I was watching Teddy's speech with family and it reminded me of everything I love about Teddy and the Kennedy family. They have meant so much for democrats over the past 40 years and seeing that SOB Teddy up on stage giving his all meant more to me than anything. When Teddy is gone he will be the last of the 1st family of democratic politics over the past 40-50 years.

Good. Enough of this fawning pseudo-royal Kennedy bullshit.

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How old is Obama? Could he run for 2008 if Kerry doesn't pull it off?




It's going to take a lot more than 4 short years for America to get anywhere close to electing a black president, no matter how good of a speaker he is.

Besides, NO WAY the Democrats EVER would vote for a black man to be President. The first black President will be a Republican.


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How old is Obama? Could he run for 2008 if Kerry doesn't pull it off?




It's going to take a lot more than 4 short years for America to get anywhere close to electing a black president, no matter how good of a speaker he is.

Besides, NO WAY the Democrats EVER would vote for a black man to be President. The first black President will be a Republican.



Now THAT is golden.

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Poor Chris Matthews. While CNN get's great seats, he has to sit outside behind idiotic truthers chanting "9/11 WAS AN INSIDE JOB" and "OBAMA IS A FAKE!" Seriously, I thought this shit was over.

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How old is Obama? Could he run for 2008 if Kerry doesn't pull it off?




It's going to take a lot more than 4 short years for America to get anywhere close to electing a black president, no matter how good of a speaker he is.

Besides, NO WAY the Democrats EVER would vote for a black man to be President. The first black President will be a Republican.



Now THAT is golden.

The first 10 or so pages of this thread are pretty fucking funny, too, though.


I still say she won't run, based on the idea that she smart enough to know she can't win.

If 2008 turns out to be anything other than Bayh vs. Frist, I'm going to be fucking shocked.


But, I also said...


Being the early favorite in the Democratic primaries hasn't traditionally meant much.


...so I wasn't COMPLETELY off base.



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I was wondering if this was gonna come up again...


John McCain’s Democratic colleagues in the Senate are zeroing in on his oft-discussed temper, questioning whether the presumptive Republican presidential nominee is too volatile to be commander in chief.


Next up...revisiting every vulgar comment McCain's ever made in public, I suppose.



This worries me, though:


Democratic activists complained that the convention had yet to produce a sustained attack on McCain.


In particular, they cited comments by former Virginia Gov. Mark Warner, Tuesday night’s keynote speaker, suggesting that his speech would not be a partisan attack but a call for bipartisanship. Warner, who is running for the Senate, is appealing to independent and Republican voters by billing himself as a “radical centrist” in his campaign against conservative former Gov. Jim Gilmore.


“There may be parts of the speech that aren’t going to get a lot of applause,” Warner acknowledged, “but I’ve got to say what I believe will get our country back on the right path.”


Democratic strategist Paul Begala said Warner had the wrong idea, adding, “This isn’t the Richmond Chamber of Commerce.”




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Anyone hear Kuncinich's speech? I just read a report of it on the yahoo news wire and it was pretty much a pure "red meat" speech but I also heard it "electrified" the crowd.


That's always a good thing.

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Deval Patrick...good speech content-wise, but dull delivery. Also, I suspect every other speaking in this convention has ties to the now mythic South Side of Chicago.


Gov. Schweitzer is on now, giving a speech deriding John McCain's energy policy. Not a great delivery, but he seems to actually care about what he's talking about.


Spoke too soon....he's warming up...cheap pops all around...he's morphing into Mick Foley right before my eyes.


Hillary's on next...

Edited by SuperJerk

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Who is this guy talking about oil? I like him. Started out kind of lame, but the 2nd half got really good.

Governor of Montana.


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