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Gary Floyd

Campaign 2008

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Obama won't win the presidency and then Democrats will continue to bitch and complain because they can't win the White House even when it's handed to them on a silver platter. I didn't think there was a chance in hell Bush would get a second term, and now it's starting to seem inevitable he'll get a third in a couple of months.

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He's got a point. No matter how good things look for Donkeylovers, there's always the better than even chance that they'll fuck it up somehow. The rift in the Republican party was forgotten about as soon as the primaries ended and is only mentioned in passing now. Democrats are still having to address the total bullshit idea that it's divided. The more time you make Democrats play defense, the easier it is for any brain stem with an R next to his name to get elected. Such is the danger of being a party that isn't lockstep with everything across their caucus.

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That we don't need to worry about finding a name for something that won't happen because the Democratic party seems to enjoy blowing sure things. It's frustrating, but it just seems to keep happening.

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There was a rift in the republican party? McCain won pretty much by a landslide. He didn't have to deal with an opponent with rather feverish supporters until he clinched. The only divide in the Democratic party are those fringe Clintonistas that are viciously opposed to Obama and the Democratic party for expediting the inevitable.


I want Obama to win, but I do agree with McCain on some things. Free trade and health care, but those are pretty big things for me... and that's about it.


Speaking of agreeing with McCain on free trade and health care, those two things came up in my class on globalization today. It's hard to be a conservative when it comes to those things when you're the only one. I pitched "people living in China today have better lives than they did in any time period because of the market economy." Turns out that's something everyone considers themselves an expert on in the bay area.

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Bill Clinton's speech tonight hit the bull's eye. He didn't just endorse Obama, he made the argument for WHY he should be president.


Tonight's been a vast improvement. Kerry's on now, getting some good jabs in. Even Evan Bayh was using some hard attacks.

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Guest WhackingCockDick

I think it's the deliverer.


Olbermann thinks the "George...John" Freudian slip was real. Oh, man. I love MSNBC. I heard he cried last night.

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Guest WhackingCockDick

Almost certain that Chris Matthews is tearing up over what a regular Northeastern guy Joe Biden is. Now Olbermann is pandering to the screaming goons behind him by saying "Mile High Stadium" like Obama did. Give General Electric credit; they saw what Fox News did and marketed a product to a niche.

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I switched to Fox's nightly post-speech negative spin, and that Barnes guy is losing his damn mind :lol: he can barely talk straight, stuttering all over the place, how DARE Biden question McCain's judgement? Omgzzz!

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No Republican split? During the RNC there will be a Ron Paul convention, in Minneapolis. It has sold about 10,000 tickets. There might be a slight split towards traditional small government in opposition to the biggest government in history that is espoused by the current GOP.

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That whole "McCain was wrong when Obama was right" sequence in Biden's speech was perfect.


I stuck with PBS coverage all night, and I'm much saner for it.





The idiots running McCain's campaign have not gone on vacation this week...


...But the Invesco Field speech, with its massive crowd and the celebrity-style imagery it could evoke, is already being teed up by Republicans eager to hammer home the celebrity theme.


The McCain campaign Wednesday released a memo mockingly titled, “Proper Attire for the Temple of Obama (The Barackopolis),” a reference to the classical stage design in place for his speech. The campaign is already prepared to pull the trigger on ads spun out of the Invesco Field event, perhaps rolling out ads similar to the notorious spot featuring Paris Hilton and Britney Spears.


“We’ll put it in play against him,” said McCain spokesman Brian Rogers...



The only reason the tactic worked before is because it was foreigners cheering Obama. 80,000 Americans cheering Obama in a Republican ad? Pure lunacy.

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Guest WhackingCockDick
No Republican split? During the RNC there will be a Ron Paul convention, in Minneapolis. It has sold about 10,000 tickets. There might be a slight split towards traditional small government in opposition to the biggest government in history that is espoused by the current GOP.

Too bad the idea of small government is now being derided as a lunatic fringe by both big parties and all three news channels.

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This has happened before.


20 years from Ron Paul's era of derision, another actual conservative will win the presidency. That conservative will then increase the government multi-fold. He will, however, finally capture a very withered Osama bin Laden.

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That whole "McCain was wrong when Obama was right" sequence in Biden's speech was perfect.


I stuck with PBS coverage all night, and I'm much saner for it.





The idiots running McCain's campaign have not gone on vacation this week...


...But the Invesco Field speech, with its massive crowd and the celebrity-style imagery it could evoke, is already being teed up by Republicans eager to hammer home the celebrity theme.


The McCain campaign Wednesday released a memo mockingly titled, “Proper Attire for the Temple of Obama (The Barackopolis),” a reference to the classical stage design in place for his speech. The campaign is already prepared to pull the trigger on ads spun out of the Invesco Field event, perhaps rolling out ads similar to the notorious spot featuring Paris Hilton and Britney Spears.


“We’ll put it in play against him,” said McCain spokesman Brian Rogers...



The only reason the tactic worked before is because it was foreigners cheering Obama. 80,000 Americans cheering Obama in a Republican ad? Pure lunacy.



Read my sig.


I only caught the very last of part of Biden's speach, based on the small part I saw, he seemed perfect in the attack dog mode.

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Not sure how many people caught John Kerry's mini-speech but goddamn, if he made speeches like that in 2004 in response to the attacks against him, he might have actually captured a little excitement and enough votes to where he would now be running for re-election.

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Such is the danger of being a party that isn't lockstep with everything across their caucus.


Also, being a party that doesn't have the capability/willingness to rig/steal Presidential elections. That's hurt them a lil bit in the last couple, I'd say.

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Not that crap again.


I watched the video late last night, and Bill's speech was amazing. I guess this was his way of redeeming himself for how he acted in Hillary's campaign. Didn't care for Biden

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According to Fox News, the acoustics of Invesco Field aren't that great and the Obama Campaign may have to use artificial crowd noise through the PA system to make up for the crowd who may not quite hear Obama's speech. You know because modern stadiums have outdated sound systems and design. I guess the Obama Camp had to bring their own Jumbotron too.


Oh what would I do without my Fair and Balanced reporting?

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Guest WhackingCockDick

Wait, isn't the new Mile High Stadium just as renowned as the old one for being really really loud? None of that even makes any sense.

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Wait, isn't the new Mile High Stadium just as renowned as the old one for being really really loud? None of that even makes any sense.

They were doin an update from inside the stadium and they had a correspondent on the field. He was saying that the acoustics were not good and that the crowd might have trouble understanding Obama. You could see in the background they were playing Obama speeches on the Video Board on the stage and he said that they were playing Obama speeches followed by "a roar of a crowd" and then said that they may resort to use "artificial means" to make the crowd seem louder. Because 80,000 cheering supporters will be hard to hear.

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Guest Vitamin X

We still had the biggest turnout for Obama, I think, or close to it, and it was way more spread out than a football stadium could be- and trust me, you could hear everyone just fine, this is without being in any sort of venue.

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We still had the biggest turnout for Obama, I think, or close to it, and it was way more spread out than a football stadium could be- and trust me, you could hear everyone just fine, this is without being in any sort of venue.

It just seemed they were trying to put out the absolute impossible worst case scenario. Like last night they were begging Bill Clinton to subliminally attack Obama, then when he didnt, his speech was "Ok" or the Karl Rove, "He didnt do enough" or that annoying nitpicking they do when it was obvious Bill brought the house down.

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