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Gary Floyd

Campaign 2008

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I don't like how so many of Obama's supporters seem to have no idea what they're cheering for or what they're doing. I keep meeting them amongst the wave of new supporters since Iowa.


I like Obama, for reasons I've already stated, and I like to see the rooms full and the votes pile in, but seeing people following along because it's the Cool Thing To Do is pretty lame.


Like NoCalMike sorta pointed out, this isn't really that different then what happens with any other super-popular Presidential candidate. Just be happy that the uninformed rubes are actually flocking to a guy with good policies for once.

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I think it was at about 16 weeks that the little bugger was still the size of my pinky and clearly just a pile of non-sentient cells.

So what do you think about Obama's support of partial-birth abortions?

I'm down. My 16 weeks comment wasn't to imply that anything after that was unacceptable; I just remembered that one in particular. Miniature American flags for some, abortions for all.

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Guest Michael Myers Resplendent
Just be happy that the uninformed rubes are actually flocking to a guy with good policies for once.

Who said they were good policies? They're not. None of his stuff is ever going to work.


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People's standards have lowered in what they expect in a president though. Flop or not, provided he doesn't fuck up as much as Bush, Obama's probably guaranteed a second term. I'd say the same for McCain if he wins, but he might not even be going for a second term on a account of his age (he'd be 76 by then).


I'm still lukewarm on Hillary, and it is mainly because of Bill. I think it was Romney who said 'is anyone else worred about Bill Clinton roaming the white house with nothing to do?' She'll be busy, he'll be lonely and then we'll have one scandal after another, and-hooray!- four more years of Hillary as the victim and betrayed wife and us hearing more about the clinton's personal life than what she's actually doing in office (it'll be 1998 all over again). I don't usually buy into all that family values crap, but you are better off with someone in charge who seems to have a somewhat stable family life. It's the only thing Bush has going for him nowadays.

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I don't care about abortion as an election issue at all. I'm about as pro-life as it gets, but I still voted for Obama today in the primary. I'm sick of hearing about abortions. It's just a stupid tug-at-the-heart emotional issue that is never going to go away.

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Just be happy that the uninformed rubes are actually flocking to a guy with good policies for once.

Who said they were good policies? They're not. None of his stuff is ever going to work.


Ron Paul

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Despite his reputation, McCain is the ultimate "let's just keep trying the same old crap until it works" candidate. The only claim he has on changing the government is he wants to do more of it.


Mrs. Clinton, by contrast, only seems to be running so she can undo stuff she voted for as a senator. That doesn't speak too highly of her judgement.


Obama, by contrast, genuinely wants to try doing something else. Critics want to claim he is too liberal and also say he's too inexperienced, seem to want us to think that that the same old people doing things the same old is somehow going to get us going in the right direction. Not that every idea is good just because it is different, but electing opens up the possibility of LOOKING AT some new things, instead of dismissing every new idea for being contrary to the needs of corporate America (a.k.a. "too liberal").

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There's quite a few specific things that I don't like about Obama. Here's the main ones. And do not claim I'm making any of this up, it's all directly from the nonpartisan and well-researched website Ontheissues.org.


-He voted for partial-birth abortions. I'm generally pro-choice, but I don't see much difference between partial-birth abortions and just waiting a couple minutes and then strangling the baby after it's born.


-Despite his strong pro-gay agenda, oddly enough he's completely against gay marriage. Coincedentally, gay marriage is the one big gay issue which conservatives have actively crusaded against for the past few years. I get the impression that Obama backs off on the marriage issue because it's the one hot button that everyone gets ornery about these days and he doesn't want to rock the boat.


-He demanded free college for any student with a B average, bu didn't explain how to pay for it.


-He claims he never took money from federal lobbyists or their companies. Then he says that loopholes like taking money from the lobbyist's wives, which he has admitted doing, doesn't count.


-He wants to ban all semi-automatic firearms. I'm generally not a fan of gun control, but even objectively this is just stupid. There are probably well over a hundred million semi-auto guns out there, and it would be impossible to confiscate them all.


-He claimed that reducing obesity rates would save us one trillion dollars, which is about fifty times larger than the real number.


-He promised he wouldn't vote for the Patriot Act. He voted for the Patriot Act.


-He wants to give social security benefits and driver's licenses to illegal aliens. I don't agree with the "hunt 'em down like dogs!" school of thought on the immigration issues, but I don't agree with giving them free government benefits.


-He lied about the current rate of violence in Iraq, saying it's worse now than two years ago, statistically incorrect.


-For an anti-war candidate, he sure voted in favor of the war a lot.



Not that Obama is the only candidate I dislike. I could do a list like this for any of them, and will be voting for none of them.

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Guest Michael Myers Resplendent

Shut up, Hillary! Time for an obnoxious unmodulated yell!


Jesus Christ I can't believe people my age are going to affect this election


this is horrible

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That's one way to look at it.


I think it's nice that people our age are voting. Not that I voted, but still. Old white guys shouldn't be the only ones voting. We need some variation.

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Guest Michael Myers Resplendent

Well, sure you'd say that. You're not a white guy!


I don't trust twentysomethings to do anything important. I barely trust myself to assemble a balanced breakfast, let alone pick the most qualified presidential candidate.


This speech isn't very good at all! You're all such a bunch of fucking fanboys. You like being part of this?

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Guest Michael Myers Resplendent

God, how fucking long has he been belching out platitudes here? I mean, I fell asleep during McCain's speech for real, so maybe I lost track of the time, but he's been going on forfuckingEVER here. Yeah, we all know you were a community organizer. Nobody doesn't know by now! Wrap it the fuck up already, good lord. I want to hear if Chris Matthews got "a feeling up his leg" again. Did you guys?


Man, I feel bad for anyone who voted for Obama in 2004 thinking that his Senate term would be anything else but an extended campaign for the presidency. Also, thanks a lot, Jim Oberweis, for not running that year, you or any competent Republican would've shut down his national career before it got out of the gate. What a mess.


Man, I better get just 15 minutes of folksy self-effacing Mike Huckabee as a reward for sitting through over half an hour of the fuckin' government messiah here. I also hope gary floyd comes in here and tells me to stop posting in these threads like he always does. Yeah, like the fuckin' Funny Internet Picture guy can demand quality discussion.

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Take it easy man. It's not like George Washington is the other candidate.


BTW, I found Ron Paul intriguing myself. If I voted, I probably would've voted for him. He's not as charismatic as that Obama though I can tell you that.

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Guest Michael Myers Resplendent

I didn't even like Ron Paul that much, but I admire that he stood up for his principles. but HAHA GOLD STANDARD YOU IDIOTS AUDACITY OF HOPE


There's gonna be some serious fawning on MSNBC when this is over. Booing the mere mention of John McCain. Classy work, cult.

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Guest Michael Myers Resplendent

Yeah, no kidding. Why can't I just be a pretentious white liberal like you?

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Grandparents whose business was irreparably harmed by the New Deal. That's my guess.


Also, watching C-Span is never a good idea. Except Book TV. Now and then I can get behind Book TV.

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Guest Michael Myers Resplendent

I'm resigned to our fate at this point. Now I just feel like the last kid in the classroom to get a Super Nintendo again.


How do you make an ideological leap from Ron Paul to Barack Obama, anyway?

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Also, watching C-Span is never a good idea. Except Book TV. Now and then I can get behind Book TV.


I hate to go off on a tangent and derail this thread a bit but why the hell are there three C-Spans? I mean only a couple dozen people watch C-Span, is there really any need for two more of them?

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Guest Michael Myers Resplendent

Too cold. Really, the election will probably have very little impact on my life. I just can't bear that these people will have determined its outcome.

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