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OAO Raw Thread for 8/22

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Angle getting rewarded for his mean streak and taking out Bischoff's nephew- really quite simple reason for him to be #1 contender.

What people remember storylines from last year?


How about Edge's briefcase?

What briefcase? Edge's focus now is beating up Matt Hardy not being Mr. Ladder Match!

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Shelton Vs. Angle was actually dissapointing to me.


I mean, it was a solid match, especially for Raw, which is usually filled up with unover people like Matt Hardy, Chris Masters, and Viscera bringing the crap.


However, it could've been so much more, if it was given a lot of time on a PPV. Would've seen counters and much more.


But the way JR sold it as "WOW! WHAT A MATCH!" was silly.

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Cena/Jericho was once again very exciting. I think I may even like tonight's match more. It was better than Angle/Benjamin, which is a disappointment.


I thought the overall show tonight was really solid. Chris Masters wasn't boring, Chavo cut a hilarious yet very offensive promo and Ric Flair did his off-the-ropes elbow drop on his coat. Swank.

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Sorry I am not a high school kid or a girl so I shall not jump on the Cena bandwagon. I just don't see the appeal and will never believe the hype.

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I wonder if HBK is going to go back to being a traditional face, or if he is going to continue playing the cocky asshole like he did in the promo against Masters.


I don't remember him EVER being a traditional face.

I always remember him being a cocky asshole.

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I love having Big Show and Carlito do an angle where they both agree to go back to Carlito's bedroom, then Shelton Benjamin comes out of nowhere and kicks him in the head.


That was the shit.

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Guest Fook

Raw thoughts:


- Good show tonight. Lots of wrestling, which is always good.


- Shelton/Angle was a good match. I would have rather had that last night, but at least they gave them some time. I was hoping for a spot where Angle would catch Shelton's spin kick and turned it into the ankle lock, but I'm satisfied.


- The Masters/HBK promo was good and is obviously just to set up a quickie match for Unforgiven. I don't want Michaels to break the Masterlock though. He doesn't need the rub from it at all.


- I guess Big Show and Masters aren't feuding anymore.


- Racist Chavo sucks. Yes I called him Chavo, not fucking Kerwin.


- I was praying for Trish during that diva thing. And since when are Torrie and That Other Skank on Raw?


- It's obvious after tonight that Vince only brought Matt Hardy back to completely job him out. If they really wanted Conway to win, have Hardy at one point spot Edge and bolt after him giving Conway a countout win.


- The end of the show was a bit much. Just focusing on Jericho being fired would have been enough and then having Angle attack Cena next week would have been a little less break-neck speed. But I can understand why they did this considering they have to build to Unforgiven quickly.

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1. Cade and Murdoch had such potential at the beginning of their promo. All they had to do was have Murdoch just say "Yip" and spit in a can after Cade goes on and on and on with that dumbass smile on his face, and they would have been made. Fucking deliverance.


2. Benjamin/Angle and Cena/Jericho were ok matches. Ben/Angle was more full of nifty spots than anything cohesive and I saw better wrestling sequences in Couture/Van Arsdale last Saturday. Cena/Jericho was a rehash of their match last Sunday. I dug the Angle run-in at the end, and I like how they sequenced from one opponent to the other.


3. The Kerwin White thing is awful. I like the whole idea of it, but they do it in such a .... hassan... sorta way. It needs to be more subversive. Chavo was practically spelling it out.


4. Was HBK trying to bury Masters?


5. Torrie looks so old. Back in WCW she was soooo hot... what happened?


6. Carlito/Flair? Shoot. me. now.

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Guest JMA

Dude, this is fucking hilarious.


I love having Big Show and Carlito do an angle where they both agree to go back to Carlito's bedroom, then Shelton Benjamin comes out of nowhere and kicks him in the head.


And I died with the Jim Ross stuff. That shit is hilarious.

This is just another reason that Newgrounds rules. The guy who did this should be booking WWE.

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Am I only one who finds it ironic that Torrie...and the other chick...I honestly don't know her name...attacked Ashley? Espically since they bothed entered the buissness through contests to get into WCW and WWE. Torrie came into WCW by winning that nWo babe contest right? I can't rememer if it was her or Stacy.

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Guest Rrrsh

A couple things for those who participated in this thread


Mat Hardy Fans: SHUT THE FUCK UP ALREADY. So he isn't Superman in this angle, SHUT IT. The fans will still cheer him because (as his t-shirt says) he wont die. Its symathy for his courage, and it will work. Its getting ready for a Last Man Standing match, and the blowoff will be probably awesome. So quit bitching for fucks sake.


And, what the hell is with this Cena should turn heel bullshit. So a bunch of mid-20 year olds cheered for Y2J at the PPV while everyone else didnt. Man, that must be the first time EVER 20-29 yeart olds cheer for the bad guys. And, by the way, Jericho is known for being the most cheered heel in the past five years. The crwod was 70-30 at best, proabaly closer to 80-20 for Cena. Cena is the Top draw right now, selling merch and getting the biggest pop every house show. You guys are out fo your God Damn Minds.

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This Cade/Murdoch team looks intriguing to me. Hopefully they don't do as badly as the Heartthrobs have thus far...a Southern-style heel tag team could be a nice breath of fresh air on RAW.


Probably a stupid question, but is Trevor Murdoch related to Dick Murdoch in any way? They look similar, so I could see why they went with that name, even if he is no relation.

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Having seen SS, the crowd was much, much more for Jericho than 70/30. I dunno precisely the number of people who cheered for Jericho but I thought he had at least half the crowd.


Bear in mind Jericho was booked like a jobber and got that much of a reaction. Things will prove interesting when a strongly booked Angle goes after Cena.

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A couple things for those who participated in this thread


Mat Hardy Fans: SHUT THE FUCK UP ALREADY. So he isn't Superman in this angle, SHUT IT. The fans will still cheer him because (as his t-shirt says) he wont die. Its symathy for his courage, and it will work. Its getting ready for a Last Man Standing match, and the blowoff will be probably awesome. So quit bitching for fucks sake.


And, what the hell is with this Cena should turn heel bullshit. So a bunch of mid-20 year olds cheered for Y2J at the PPV while everyone else didnt. Man, that must be the first time EVER 20-29 yeart olds cheer for the bad guys. And, by the way, Jericho is known for being the most cheered heel in the past five years. The crwod was 70-30 at best, proabaly closer to 80-20 for Cena. Cena is the Top draw right now, selling merch and getting the biggest pop every house show. You guys are out fo your God Damn Minds.


By no means am I a Hardy fan, but I havent seen a storyline in quite some time that since the beginning of it, the babyface has been booked to look overly pathetic since the programs inception. The promo was one thing - but since then he's consistently been punked out by Edge. The fuckin guy was booed when he was walking away from the ring at SummerSlam, and you think this is still just something of a bigger picture that they are building to and Hardy isnt legitimately getting buried? You're as dense to think that as Hardy apparently is too. The shit last night on Raw just further killed off the program. Losing to Rob Fucking Conway?!! And might I mention without any run-in from Edge even. And then he gets his ass kicked AGAIN by Edge. It's borderline delusional to think this program WILL work, first - and second, that that anyone is sympathetic to the Hardy character after the way he's been used so far.


My friend and I were joking how sad it was that they would consider Hardy over Conway in a semi-squash is getting Hardy's heat back from SS. Well instead they had him job out to Conway basically clean, and then Edge fucks him up some more. I can't believe Hardy is allowing this to happen - his career is going down the shitter really fast. Even a few weeks of redemption or whatever isnt going to make this feud anymore interesting at all - they've already dug the proverbial grave on Hardy and this feud. It's dead and buried.


I do agree with you on the Cena thing though.

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