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Hurricane Katrina

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Well, when a person is dirt poor with 3 kids, where do you go and how do you get there? Walking to where? Over two HIGHWAY bridges out of town seems retarded. Plus the only thing the city of done was to tell people to get on the city buses out. But that is it. TELL people to get out. They can't force people. Force is only done by the gun.


Unfortunately, there will be some incredibly pigheaded people that choose to ride out the storm, but these Darwin Award candidates shouldn't be the city's problem.


For me, the Chain of Blame starts with the people that had the means to leave, but chose to stay, the local government for not getting people that couldn't go anywhere to safe ground (shipping them to an arena and telling them to bring their own food isn't "safe ground), and the state government for not acting quicker after the storm hit. I really can't blame the Federal government that much, because all they can really do is support the local and state governments when they ask for assistance. You know, that whole "State's rights" thing?

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Thing is, NO told people to leave and said buses will be set up to either go to the dome or to BR, LA. ALot went out the few who didn't did not even bother to stay. And BTW, most of the bus drivers did the smart thing and got the fuck out.


The problem is this, most of the area got out. The only ones to stay lived were really poor and couldn't get out. Of these people of the total pop. which is shy of 5 million, we are talking about a little over 100K staying. So 2%, give or take, stayed around this area. The mayor DID his job if about 98% of the people got the fuck out. The gov did their job by sending request for aid before the storm. The blame goes to two groups. The 2% who didn't leave and the gov for not aiding when asked until everyone and their mother could see that the mayor and gov were WAY over the head with this(no pun intended about the flood).

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The discussion may be dead as far as Kanye West goes, but here is one viewpoint that I have not seen anybody bring to the forefront...


Kanye West obviously felt this way about the government and George W. Bush BEFORE this natural catastrophe occured. The reason why many feel Kanye was unjustified for his insipid rant his because he exploited this tragedy to vent political views he had held long before Katrina and the delayed government response. I'm pretty sure Kanye felt George Bush did not care about black people before all of this death and despair, but he used a national venue trying to relieve the victims to spout years old political leanings. He went on TV and said what every uneducated, ghetto trash black person has been saying for years and even before Bush was in office (as far as the government goes) and he is all of a sudden a hero? Give me a break.


Oh, and being a black male myself, I've never needed the media to potray black people as savages and loathesome oppurtunists out for ripe plunder, hell, all I've had to do was step outside. All, go into detail about that some other time though.

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The blame goes to two groups. The 2% who didn't leave and the gov for not aiding when asked until everyone and their mother could see that the mayor and gov were WAY over the head with this(no pun intended about the flood).


Yeah, I can agree with that. It's just really sad that it's been said for years that a storm like this is bound to hit and when it is on the doorstep, the mayor and gov are running around saying "Wait, you mean we actually have to USE these plans we have for something like this?"

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The blame goes to two groups. The 2% who didn't leave and the gov for not aiding when asked until everyone and their mother could see that the mayor and gov were WAY over the head with this(no pun intended about the flood).


Yeah, I can agree with that. It's just really sad that it's been said for years that a storm like this is bound to hit and when it is on the doorstep, the mayor and gov are running around saying "Wait, you mean we actually have to USE these plans we have for something like this?"



You should know the situation is bad when the President calls you two days in advance and asks if you want the army there now. That isn't usually a sign you are going to get a mild sprinkle. You can't prevent the stupid people from getting killed and you can't prevent the loss of homes, but the tons of other people who wanted out but had no way out should have been given another way out.


You had buses, you had National Guard and you had two empty lanes of a highway cleared for the buses to roll out of the city. Shame they didn't feel the urge to use them.

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The discussion may be dead as far as Kanye West goes, but here is one viewpoint that I have not seen anybody bring to the forefront...


Kanye West obviously felt this way about the government and George W. Bush BEFORE this natural catastrophe occured. The reason why many feel Kanye was unjustified for his insipid rant his because he exploited this tragedy to vent political views he had held long before Katrina and the delayed government response. I'm pretty sure Kanye felt George Bush did not care about black people before all of this death and despair, but he used a national venue trying to relieve the victims to spout years old political leanings. He went on TV and said what every uneducated, ghetto trash black person has been saying for years and even before Bush was in office (as far as the government goes) and he is all of a sudden a hero? Give me a break.


Oh, and being a black male myself, I've never needed the media to potray black people as savages and loathesome oppurtunists out for ripe plunder, hell, all I've had to do was step outside. All, go into detail about that some other time though.


Ah, the "as a black male" defense. "I can say anything stupid, and racist as long as I say I am a member of the race I am insulting".


Lets just say, assuming that you are a black male, calling people uneducated ghetto black trash because they have a different opinion than yours makes you the uneducated black trash.


So black people are "savages and loathsome oppurtunists" huh? Why don't you back that statement up you ignorant fuck instead of just spewing off bullshit. Of course you will come up with this one time blacks did blah blah balh and that makes them savages. Of course, you can point out a time whites did the same thing, but that was just those white people...they aren't savages. Its this simple, people are people. There are no actions that are exclusive to any race. Any time that opportunity rises, some people will take the opportunity to take advantage. The vast majority will not. Every year that some sports team wins a championship, mostly white crowds take to the street to celebrate, and a small percentage destroy property and a smaller percentage loot. Every year. At least 3-4 times. This doesn't mean that white people are savages and opportunistic, it means that some people are fucking assholes. Plain and simple. The media has been portraying it in a different light.


To say that Kanye was just airing previous beliefs in his rant, are you suggesting that prior to Katrina, Kanye felt blacks were being portrayed as looters and whites as finders in the hurricane hit areas? That he felt the military was "coming to kill us" before the Hurricane? He made allot of statements and closed it off with the "Bush doesn't care about Black people" thing. All previous points were valid, or at very least were arguable. And if you can't see that, you are still the ignorant bitch in this scenario.


Here is a nice little tidbit. I can say with a certain amount of certainty that I am smarter than you, I am more educated than you, and make a nice amount of money and my neighborhood can be considered anything but the ghetto and I think the government doesn't care about black people, and I can justify my reasoning. Personally I think they would be idiots to care about black people. So basically what I am saying, you being a black male or not...you are a goddamn idiot who's opinion means shit until you back it up.

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via WSJ


Rep. Baker of Baton Rouge is overheard telling lobbyists: "We finally cleaned up public housing in New Orleans. We couldn't do it, but God did."


Baker explains later he didn't intend flippancy but has long wanted to improve low-income housing.

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The discussion may be dead as far as Kanye West goes, but here is one viewpoint that I have not seen anybody bring to the forefront...


Kanye West obviously felt this way about the government and George W. Bush BEFORE this natural catastrophe occured. The reason why many feel Kanye was unjustified for his insipid rant his because he exploited this tragedy to vent political views he had held long before Katrina and the delayed government response. I'm pretty sure Kanye felt George Bush did not care about black people before all of this death and despair, but he used a national venue trying to relieve the victims to spout years old political leanings. He went on TV and said what every uneducated, ghetto trash black person has been saying for years and even before Bush was in office (as far as the government goes) and he is all of a sudden a hero? Give me a break.


Oh, and being a black male myself, I've never needed the media to potray black people as savages and loathesome oppurtunists out for ripe plunder, hell, all I've had to do was step outside. All, go into detail about that some other time though.


Ah, the "as a black male" defense. "I can say anything stupid, and racist as long as I say I am a member of the race I am insulting".


Lets just say, assuming that you are a black male, calling people uneducated ghetto black trash because they have a different opinion than yours makes you the uneducated black trash.


So black people are "savages and loathsome oppurtunists" huh? Why don't you back that statement up you ignorant fuck instead of just spewing off bullshit. Of course you will come up with this one time blacks did blah blah balh and that makes them savages. Of course, you can point out a time whites did the same thing, but that was just those white people...they aren't savages. Its this simple, people are people. There are no actions that are exclusive to any race. Any time that opportunity rises, some people will take the opportunity to take advantage. The vast majority will not. Every year that some sports team wins a championship, mostly white crowds take to the street to celebrate, and a small percentage destroy property and a smaller percentage loot. Every year. At least 3-4 times. This doesn't mean that white people are savages and opportunistic, it means that some people are fucking assholes. Plain and simple. The media has been portraying it in a different light.


To say that Kanye was just airing previous beliefs in his rant, are you suggesting that prior to Katrina, Kanye felt blacks were being portrayed as looters and whites as finders in the hurricane hit areas? That he felt the military was "coming to kill us" before the Hurricane? He made allot of statements and closed it off with the "Bush doesn't care about Black people" thing. All previous points were valid, or at very least were arguable. And if you can't see that, you are still the ignorant bitch in this scenario.


Here is a nice little tidbit. I can say with a certain amount of certainty that I am smarter than you, I am more educated than you, and make a nice amount of money and my neighborhood can be considered anything but the ghetto and I think the government doesn't care about black people, and I can justify my reasoning. Personally I think they would be idiots to care about black people. So basically what I am saying, you being a black male or not...you are a goddamn idiot who's opinion means shit until you back it up.


Aaaah, poor baby, did I make you mad? The truth hurts Ripper. I was born and raised in the ghetto. I've seen how those people act first hand. Most (particularly the youth) are ignorant, racist, paranoid, uneducated, drug abusing, beligerant garbage. Those are the facts. Let me ask you a question Ripper, the exhaulted head of Public Relations for the Black Race, would you take a stroll down your average black neighborhood at 3am in the morning with nothing to fear? Could you? Is that even possible? I know I would not walk down a street in 9th Ward New Orleans at 3am, lest I have a death wish. But, you know I could take a leisurely stroll in the Hamptons with nothing to fear but some flashlight cop in a golf cart. I want you to ponder why that is. Get back to me on that, k sweetie.


As far as Kanye West goes, he disliked Bush and of course the government long before this whole fiasco. Like I stated before, he just used the devestation of Katrina as a way to say the same old tired garbage you could hear in any run down neighborhood. People at my school have been saying those things about Bush and the government for years now, so why is Kanye West some sort of hero or visionary? You know, if he really wanted to help his people out, he would be down there wading in waist deep water, pulling his people out of their attics, giving money out of HIS pockets, and perhaps even selling some of that bling he's got. In fact, if he really cared about black people, as he claims Bush does not, why has he not ben helping all of this time, you know, BEFORE the storm. I'm poor and black, help me out Kanye. I mean, the government gives me assistance for school, even though the head of the government does not care about me (alot of logic there right), so Kanye, buddy, leader of the black people, buy me some books. Oh yes, I forgot, Kanye is nothing more than a filthy attention whore out to exploit an ignorant population of poor minorities and put himself over. You see Ripper, at the end of the day, Kanye West will still despise George Bush, as will millions of poor blacks. Here's the difference though; the government will still be giving assitance to these millions whilst Kanye will be living in some lilly white neighborhood, diamonds in his ear, not lifting a finger for "his people." Just the way it is Rip. Ya feel me, g?


Oh yes, try to be a civil black man and refrain from the cursing. I know us black males are stereotyped as angry and all that good stuff, but please, you know how we hate stereotypes, so, don't add feul to the fire. K, Ripsky. Thanks buddy.

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The discussion may be dead as far as Kanye West goes, but here is one viewpoint that I have not seen anybody bring to the forefront...


Kanye West obviously felt this way about the government and George W. Bush BEFORE this natural catastrophe occured. The reason why many feel Kanye was unjustified for his insipid rant his because he exploited this tragedy to vent political views he had held long before Katrina and the delayed government response. I'm pretty sure Kanye felt George Bush did not care about black people before all of this death and despair, but he used a national venue trying to relieve the victims to spout years old political leanings. He went on TV and said what every uneducated, ghetto trash black person has been saying for years and even before Bush was in office (as far as the government goes) and he is all of a sudden a hero? Give me a break.


Oh, and being a black male myself, I've never needed the media to potray black people as savages and loathesome oppurtunists out for ripe plunder, hell, all I've had to do was step outside. All, go into detail about that some other time though.


Ah, the "as a black male" defense. "I can say anything stupid, and racist as long as I say I am a member of the race I am insulting".


Lets just say, assuming that you are a black male, calling people uneducated ghetto black trash because they have a different opinion than yours makes you the uneducated black trash.


So black people are "savages and loathsome oppurtunists" huh? Why don't you back that statement up you ignorant fuck instead of just spewing off bullshit. Of course you will come up with this one time blacks did blah blah balh and that makes them savages. Of course, you can point out a time whites did the same thing, but that was just those white people...they aren't savages. Its this simple, people are people. There are no actions that are exclusive to any race. Any time that opportunity rises, some people will take the opportunity to take advantage. The vast majority will not. Every year that some sports team wins a championship, mostly white crowds take to the street to celebrate, and a small percentage destroy property and a smaller percentage loot. Every year. At least 3-4 times. This doesn't mean that white people are savages and opportunistic, it means that some people are fucking assholes. Plain and simple. The media has been portraying it in a different light.


To say that Kanye was just airing previous beliefs in his rant, are you suggesting that prior to Katrina, Kanye felt blacks were being portrayed as looters and whites as finders in the hurricane hit areas? That he felt the military was "coming to kill us" before the Hurricane? He made allot of statements and closed it off with the "Bush doesn't care about Black people" thing. All previous points were valid, or at very least were arguable. And if you can't see that, you are still the ignorant bitch in this scenario.


Here is a nice little tidbit. I can say with a certain amount of certainty that I am smarter than you, I am more educated than you, and make a nice amount of money and my neighborhood can be considered anything but the ghetto and I think the government doesn't care about black people, and I can justify my reasoning. Personally I think they would be idiots to care about black people. So basically what I am saying, you being a black male or not...you are a goddamn idiot who's opinion means shit until you back it up.


Aaaah, poor baby, did I make you mad? The truth hurts Ripper. I was born and raised in the ghetto. I've seen how those people act first hand. Most (particularly the youth) are ignorant, racist, paranoid, uneducated, drug abusing, beligerant garbage. Those are the facts. Let me ask you a question Ripper, the exhaulted head of Public Relations for the Black Race, would you take a stroll down your average black neighborhood at 3am in the morning with nothing to fear? Could you? Is that even possible? I know I would not walk down a street in 9th Ward New Orleans at 3am, lest I have a death wish. But, you know I could take a leisurely stroll in the Hamptons with nothing to fear but some flashlight cop in a golf cart. I want you to ponder why that is. Get back to me on that, k sweetie.


As far as Kanye West goes, he disliked Bush and of course the government long before this whole fiasco. Like I stated before, he just used the devestation of Katrina as a way to say the same old tired garbage you could hear in any run down neighborhood. People at my school have been saying those things about Bush and the government for years now, so why is Kanye West some sort of hero or visionary? You know, if he really wanted to help his people out, he would be down there wading in waist deep water, pulling his people out of their attics, giving money out of HIS pockets, and perhaps even selling some of that bling he's got. In fact, if he really cared about black people, as he claims Bush does not, why has he not ben helping all of this time, you know, BEFORE the storm. I'm poor and black, help me out Kanye. I mean, the government gives me assistance for school, even though the head of the government does not care about me (alot of logic there right), so Kanye, buddy, leader of the black people, buy me some books. Oh yes, I forgot, Kanye is nothing more than a filthy attention whore out to exploit an ignorant population of poor minorities and put himself over. You see Ripper, at the end of the day, Kanye West will still despise George Bush, as will millions of poor blacks. Here's the difference though; the government will still be giving assitance to these millions whilst Kanye will be living in some lilly white neighborhood, diamonds in his ear, not lifting a finger for "his people." Just the way it is Rip. Ya feel me, g?


Oh yes, try to be a civil black man and refrain from the cursing. I know us black males are stereotyped as angry and all that good stuff, but please, you know how we hate stereotypes, so, don't add feul to the fire. K, Ripsky. Thanks buddy.


So much stupidity in one post...so much stupidity.


Your average black neighbor hood is not the 9th Ward of New Orleans. Your average black neighborhood is perfectly safe. You pick one of the most violent places in the country and call it average?


You were not born and raised in the ghetto, and that is assuming you are black. MOST of those people are the same ones you see at those low paying jobs, and are often the ones filling up the military and community colleges trying to better themselves while some still turn to crime, which happens in low income areas, black or white. The fact that you even try to claim that this isn't the case makes your little "I am a black man from the ghetto and I know how THEY are." claim pure bullshit. How can you call anyone ignorant, racist, paranoid, beligerant garbage and then write a post filled with ignorant racist, paranoid garbage? "I am so scared of black people!!" "I should walk through the Hamptons" "Black people are on drugs and stuff and will hurt me".


Who called Kanye a hero? Who called him a visionary? He stood on television and told the arguable truth. He saw what he was he felt was misrepresentation of the blacks in New Orleans and voiced his opinion. You can agree or not, but to call anyone that shares it uneducated and ignorant, is...well...ignorant. I agree. I know why I agree. You don't even know why you don't agree. "The goverment gives me money!" Well whoppity fucking do. They still don't give a shit about you. Sure, someone cares in the "care about your fellow man kinda way" but in policies and actions that will aid you kind of way, they don't care and they shouldn't care. Blacks make up about 8 percent of the population and about 4-5 percent of the voting population. Almost lower than that. No goverment that is going to be run efficently is going to pander to 4-5 percent of the voting public and 8 percent of the population unless it directly has a positive effect on the other 91 percent. Its not racism that stops the government from caring about black people, its simply good government. Its something blacks have to accept and for the most part have been accepting.


But of course anyone thinking this is uneductaed and stupid and ghetto or whateve racist shit you want to spew out.


And the last thing I need is some ignorant, bitch ass college student trying to claim to be white trying to talk down to me. before your Ripsky's and okay G's maybe you should try writing a post not filled with vomit inducing ignorance, racism, and stupidity. It would come off a little bit better.

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There goes the fun and here comes the fact that he just called black people drug using, ignorant, uneducated savages.

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There goes the fun and here comes the fact that he just called black people drug using, ignorant, uneducated savages.


So he's just even with Andrew Dice Clay.

Or does this mean additional fun is yet to be had?

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I mean, the only thing I remember about this guy is him saying that some dude should beat his wife, his dreams of hanging out with Nazi's and going on and on about how great it was to get rid of Marney and banning Mike because they were such horrible flame baiters and such in this folder.


Then he posts a page of racism.


Its not my site or anything, and I know some other people might agree with everything he said, but if you can't convey it in a more non bigot'd way, then whats the point of him being here.

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I mean, the only thing I remember about this guy is him saying that some dude should beat his wife, his dreams of hanging out with Nazi's and going on and on about how great it was to get rid of Marney and banning Mike because they were such horrible flame baiters and such in this folder.


Then he posts a page of racism.


Its not my site or anything, and I know some other people might agree with everything he said, but if you can't convey it in a more non bigot'd way, then whats the point of him being here.


To piss off the black and Jewish people in a way never thought to be possible?

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