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The Nip/Tuck season 3 thread

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I'm now convinced that the writers of this show are in cahoots with the writers of the WWE product...one thing I knew for sure, it was going to be a disappointment...honestly, I don't know what would have been a satisfying outcome, but I DO know that was NOT satisfactory...

Edited by Black Lushus

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The Sancho/Brit Cop combo was the one I was like "it's so obvious they won't use it" and so what do they do? Use it with the lamest twist that they could have possibly pulled.


Not to mention by the end they just turned the Carver into a reject slasher villian. The only good thing that'll come out of this ending is a possible white power mad Ariel coming after Matt.

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as soon as Sean made that comment about the cuts on Quentin being sloppy I pretty much knew it was gonna end up being him with someone helping him.


A bit of a letdown....but quite frankly with so much build up it would have taken something really big to live up to it.

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Guest JMA

I thought it would be a letdown once Costa was revealed to be the Carver...until the end. I like the fact that the Carver won, despite all the odds. He could be a recurring villain, along with that crazy mobster that likes 80's music. I still think Grace would've been the best choice, though. Ah well, I guess that was a longshot.


But I must say that I enjoyed Matt's storyline more than the Carver one. I'm glad that they didn't write out Nazi girl and Nazi dad. Also, I think it's funny the actor that plays Nazi dad has the last name "Kerwin."

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Anyone else think that Gina was gonna end up being Quentin's sister at first when Kit said she made the 911 call? While it wouldn't have saved it, it would have been a bit better at least.

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Anyone else think that Gina was gonna end up being Quentin's sister at first when Kit said she made the 911 call? While it wouldn't have saved it, it would have been a bit better at least.


Honestly, I wanted it to end up being Kimber. The cop was too fucking obvious.

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Guest bigboneramon
Okay, these MySpace people...this is the first time I've actually took time to read some of the things people at MySpace say outside of random clips posted here...is everyone on MySpace retarded or what? They don't really think the Carver is REAL do they?


As a person who has a "gimmick" myspace account, you would be shocked at how many people think that I really am the character or the actor (julian mchmahon) behind the gimmick account


I never break kayfabe btw. I answer all comments and messages in character


check it out



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I was pretty disappointed but I think their get-a-way in Spain was somewhat redeeming ("A doctor's work is never done...") but what the hell was that whole "writers said it'd be somebody from every season?"


Anyway, it was a good finale overall and I'm wondering what'll be churned out next season.


Edit: I liked the storyline with Matt to see how it affects him and see if Ariel comes back or not.

Edited by InsanityMan

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The carver had to be a let-down, no matter what.



When they build something, it always seems to be a let down.


The ONLY time I wasn't disapointed with the whole "who was the killer" storyline was in Veronica Mars. And that was over a whole season and I loved it. One person who you never thought it would be ended up being it and it made perfect sense.


Why is this disapointing everyone? This didn't disapoint me because I didn't really watch this season, so I don't really understand.

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It was disappointing because it seemed very, very obvious. Because it turned out to be very, very obvious (with exception to the cop-being-sister-swerve but that wasn't genius).


Ah well, I really liked the Carver up until the unmasking... I think anybody being unmasked would've ruined it.

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Guest Retro Rob

No character could have lived up to the mystique that is The Carver. The writers really out did themselves in creating this inhuman character that people felt so compelled to watch that there was no way out of the storyline without at least disappointing some viewers. Basically they did too good a job of building it up considering they already knew how the story was going to be resolved.

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Guest JMA

Who would've thought that Matt would have the most interesting storyline? Ever since the whole Nazi girl storyline I've enjoyed his character more and more. Linking the Nazi girl storyline with the tranny storyline provided a nice bit of continuity to the show. The whole thing actually started with Kara being ran over, which led to Matt becoming involved with Ava, which led to Matt becoming a semi-psycho, which led to him getting involved with Nazi girl Ariel.


That reminds me, both Ava and Kara should return. They could connect that with the Ariel storyline.

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Yeah, his progression has been pretty interesting and for a while he's been slipping downhill then began to reach for redemption and now will have a murder on his conscience. I just really hope they make sure to follow up on it next season.

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Guest JMA
Yeah, his progression has been pretty interesting and for a while he's been slipping downhill then began to reach for redemption and now will have a murder on his conscience. I just really hope they make sure to follow up on it next season.

There's so much they can do with Matt at this point. His character has the most legs right now. Hell, they could even bring back the lesbians from season one. I always thought that needed a better resolution.

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Not only in who it was, but how it was handled. The Quentin torture scene / Nazi dad torture scene parallel was handled exactly like such scenes have been handled all season long, with the whimsical music and a tone that's more goofy than dramatic. They didn't do much to build up to the big scene, and when the big scene came, it was treated like any other episode. Weak.


Overall, a disappointing but still totally watchable season. I don't know if writers got changed or something, but they managed to cram a lot of story into Season 2, whereas every storyline this season felt rushed. Matt vs. Transexuals and Nazi's, everything with Quentin - I'm pretty sure each season had the same number of episodes, but it felt like Season 2 just did more, stretched their material out longer.


Ah well. Hope they get their groove back for Season 4.


Also, put me down in the "Please, God, Don't Let Them Do This" category for future Carver appearances. Just let it die.

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Still like the show, but terrible finale.


A) So the exlusive point of Kit arresting all those people was to throw the viewer off. I fucking hate that.

Maybe she got off on mentally tormenting people, but why Dr Costa? And why Liz, who she didn't even know?

Why would Costa reveal himself, only to play some elaborate ruse (one that could be seen through so easily)


B) Once the mask came off, it pretty much nullifies everything. Costa wasn't intimidating in the least. Way too much smiling, playing Batman villain. Anyone remember how menacing and scary the Carver was? I can barely bring it to mind. The killer on VM was very menacing once he/she was revealed at least.



On the plus side, there's lots to work with next season. Sean and Julia are better when they interact often. Matt has redeemed himself to an extent, seemingly having a conscience, but still being pretty batshit crazy. Who knows what they do with Kimber, Liz and Gina. I like all the actresses.

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yeah, last night was the first time I enjoyed Matt's character in a long long time...the whole season of him being a lame bastard was swept completely away in one episode.


You guys are right, anything would have been a disappointment, but that shit was as bad as Vince being the higher power and Rikishi running over Austin on orders from HHH...Costa has no penis? Kit was Costa's sister and was playing everybody from day one? What? The only good thing was that the villian wins in the end...

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Question did anyone else not like the whole villian gets away thing? I mean I know it's Nip/Tuck but, a story like The Craver that went on 2 seasons he NEEDED to be taking down.


After everything it's time to let the Craver die and move on.

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well, I'm sure, in true Nip/Tuck fashion, that was the last we'll see of Costa and Kit...Ryan Murphy seems to have this thing aboutmaking reoccuring characters not so reoccuring...

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Guest JMA
well, I'm sure, in true Nip/Tuck fashion, that was the last we'll see of Costa and Kit...Ryan Murphy seems to have this thing aboutmaking reoccuring characters not so reoccuring...

Yeah, you're right there. That's the one problem that I have with the show. Kimber must have been a fluke.

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Question did anyone else not like the whole villian gets away thing? I mean I know it's Nip/Tuck but, a story like The Craver that went on 2 seasons he NEEDED to be taking down.


After everything it's time to let the Craver die and move on.


Exactly. Two seasons is enough.


I was dissapointed with all of Season 3. They've really moved away from the original premise of the show: plastic surgery and lots of sex. There was hardly any sex this season, stupid storylines and just plain nonsensical plots. What the hell was the purpose of the whole plane crash episode?


BTW, what happened with Matt, the tranny and white supremacists last night? They killed the dad but did he cut off Cherry's penis? What happened to Ariel? Where was the mother?

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probably the guy replacing Troy at the office...


shoulda went with my first thought!


Damn, reading this thread again, I musta flip-flopped with my guess about 80 times...guess Ryan Murphy certainly did THAT right!

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'Nip/Tuck' sets FX ratings record


Thursday, December 22, 2005; Posted: 12:43 p.m. EST (17:43 GMT)


LOS ANGELES, California (Hollywood Reporter) -- The third-season finale of "Nip/Tuck" carved out record ratings for FX on Tuesday.


The two-hour episode, which aired at 10 p.m., drew 5.7 million total viewers, making it the most-watched episode ever of any FX original series. The finale revealed the identity of the Carver, a masked serial slasher whose identity was under wraps the entire season.


"Nip/Tuck" also drew 3.9 million in the 18-49 demographic; no other cable series has generated that large an audience this year. The haul also enabled "Nip/Tuck" to rank as the No. 1 original cable series in the demo.


The episode also repeated strongly at midnight, bringing in a cumulative audience of 7.3 million on the night.


Despite switching its scheduled run from the summer -- where it spent the past two seasons -- to the more competitive fall period, "Nip/Tuck" managed to best its season averages in total viewers (3.9 million) and 18-49 (2.7 million) by 100,000 viewers in both categories over last year





I'm sure the execs like this

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