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TNA Comments which don't warrant a thread

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If not Fox Sports or MyNetwork, what other channels are there. I know there is FX, but where else could they go?


Let's see here. They own Fueltv, which is described as an action sports network and I have never heard of it. There is Fox Reality but that doesn't seem to make much sense not to mention it has terrible coverage. And of course FX, which we all know of and TNA could be allowed to get away with near murder but ratings expectations would be extreme.


Other than that, I got nothing.



ETA: Fuel TV is apparently unavailable on Dish so I REALLY hope that it isn't going there. Hell, the channel is basically a non-existant blip on the television radar screen. TNA would be committing a HUGE mistake if that is the channel that Fox is offering up.

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Sorry if this has been asked: but has Konnan been released? I know he is scheduled for his kidney replacement.. but I just saw him on Nancy Grace and he said "the company that I WAS with at the time, TNA, wouldn't pay for it" with it being his hip replacement a while back.


EDIT: Ahh, found it a few pages back. That's too bad, he really was a good mouthpiece of LAX. I can understand his frustration though.

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I think we get FuelTV on our digital cable, but it's buried in the 400s between gay/lesbian programming and weird music channels. I hope that's not what they end up on, because their ratings are going to be abysmal. I think FX is the only channel that makes sense, assuming they don't get on the actual FOX network itself.


Like someone else noted, maybe it would finally be the kick in the pants TNA needs. Remember when they first got on Spike? That initial special they put on was really good, IMO, but they basically went downhill from there. I don't even bother watching them anymore, because the whole show is just a big car wreck.

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Maybe TNA can be syndicated through the Fox owned and operated broadcast stations, instead of the network as a whole. Previous seasons of the "Stargate" programs air that way in a lot of major TV markets.

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Maybe TNA can be syndicated through the Fox owned and operated broadcast stations, instead of the network as a whole. Previous seasons of the "Stargate" programs air that way in a lot of major TV markets.


That's no better than the FSN deal, when Impact aired pretty much whenever the hell each local station felt like it. I was in DC during the FSN run and even though Impact was on the schedule for Saturday at midnight, most weeks it came on 2:30 a.m. And a few weeks, it didn't come on at all.

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Where will TNA be when all the undercard don't renew their contracts and go back to the indies? Are they earning that much more doing TNA, then they would working the indies, doing matches they wanted with the character they wanted (pretty much)?

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I don't know about you but if I were in the position of a wrestler and I get the same money from making a 1 second appearance in a pull-apart or a Papparazzi production cameo and for wrestling a 40 minute hard hitting head drop style match in an indie than I know what I will choose.

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Where will TNA be when all the undercard don't renew their contracts and go back to the indies? Are they earning that much more doing TNA, then they would working the indies, doing matches they wanted with the character they wanted (pretty much)?


It'll be an issue of exposure. Daniels, AJ, Lethal, Dutt, Shelley, those are the types that'll gain more in exposure in TNA than they'll lose in money. Aries, who I assume you're alluding to, was a bit of an anomaly because he wasn't being used by TNA. I doubt all the undercard guys will be leaving unless something changes. Business-wise, I'm sure most believe being in TNA is worth not being in ROH and PWG.

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It'll be an issue of exposure. Daniels, AJ, Lethal, Dutt, Shelley, those are the types that'll gain more in exposure in TNA than they'll lose in money. Aries, who I assume you're alluding to, was a bit of an anomaly because he wasn't being used by TNA. I doubt all the undercard guys will be leaving unless something changes. Business-wise, I'm sure most believe being in TNA is worth not being in ROH and PWG.

It's the undercard guys most likely to leave because they're the ones most unhappy. For a lot of them, it's not just about exposure or the money, but about being able to wrestle the matches they want, which they haven't had a chance to do in TNA for a long time. Not only that, but some of them might even look at leaving TNA and going back to the Indy scene as something of an investment in their future. With TNA, they're greatly limited in the number of dates they can work and the ring time they get, and that doesn't help a worker improve. However, outside of TNA, and being able to work all the Indy shows they want and in long matches, they'll get the ring time and experience they need to improve.

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It's the undercard guys most likely to leave because they're the ones most unhappy. For a lot of them, it's not just about exposure or the money, but about being able to wrestle the matches they want, which they haven't had a chance to do in TNA for a long time. Not only that, but some of them might even look at leaving TNA and going back to the Indy scene as something of an investment in their future. With TNA, they're greatly limited in the number of dates they can work and the ring time they get, and that doesn't help a worker improve.

One of the biggest problems IS about the money. The undercard guys aren't being paid shit. They're not reimbursed for their hotel rooms, and I don't know if they even get their plane tickets comped. Plus, TNA steals a cool 25% right off the top of any and every indy payoff they earn. Like one guy told me, "I'm on national television every week and I can't even pay my bills".


As for "exposure"? TNA pulls in lower ratings numbers than Thunder used to. That ain't fucking real exposure. There are way more Johnny Nitro fans in this country than Samoa Joe marks.


There's many reasons why guys like Konnan and Killings would quit TNA to go work elsewhere, aside from the obvious "evil corporation fucking with them on paying for their necessary surgeries" part of it.

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I just came across this - Bryan & Vinny talking about the Angle/Rhino/Christian match:




I love how the guy goes off on the "No DQ" idea yet many times during the match they said, "This match must have a winner" which means there is no DQ.

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Here is an idea for the TNA/FOX deal. I could easily see TNA on a Friday or Sat late night slot (much like they do with MadTV on Sat nites, I believe) and then rebroadcast and/or another show on FX sometime in the week, even Monday night. Just throwing that out there more as a suggestion versus what is likely the reality of things.

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Currently watching the weekly TNA PPVs (up to PPV9) and somethings bugging me. Is Stan Duff, Trevor Rhodes/Murdoch? He kinda looks the same, has a similar gimmick and has the same Tazzmanian Devil Tattoo on his arm. I know its a strange thing to ask, but its bugging me and I can't seem to find any info on the net about it.

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OH, the Dupps, I thought they were called The Duffs, no wonder I couldn't find anything haha. Actually, just checked his wiki page, and it mentions it there... retarded moment has passed.


On a side note, Goldielocks sucked! Glad she's not in it anymore, missed most of the early PPVs back in the day, didn't see them until S.E.X came into it - thanks to TWC in the UK.

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Joe turned down a extension with TNA that was supposedly 3 years. Take that as you will as an indictment of his displeasure with his job. a ploy to get more money, or desire to move to the real show where he'd be taken in a flash. Don't discount a short return to ROH to collect on those dream matches he's itching for.


I'm taking this as a negotiation tactic first.

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You know, if Joe turned it down, does that mean Joe isn't ever going to get closer to the World title than he is right now?

I think Joe just about lost his chance at becoming the TNA champion, at least a serious, non-transitional champion, after his 'bad booking' comment in ROH.

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i'd really hope TNA wouldnt be that stupid to just let Joe go, honestly to alot of people (mainly indy smarks and net smarks) feel Joe is the only reason to watch TNA, if he went to WWE and got in a feud with Punk man the net smarks would turn their back on TNA is a heart beat

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Yep. I think Joe probably realizes he's better off with ROH since TNA isn't moving anywhere (no new tv deal will change that) and he'd still get paid quite handsomely and not be booked by inept blowhards. Of course, WWE would probably gobble him up quite fast. Joe, would still go back to ROH before working for WWE just to get those dream matches in. The only question, would he sign the 2 year deal with ROH or a special non-contract deal?


When you would be in high demand, why stick with a company that is so petty and refuses to pull the trigger.

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Guess this answers the question I asked a few days ago, although it wasn't aimed at Joe since I rate him higher then 'Lower Card'. If someone like Joe is willing to turn his back on TNA, you can only guess at who else would leave. Personally, I can't blame Joe at all, he's on a run, the crowd where chanting his name pretty much from start to finish of each show, he could smell the gold then....


Hi, I'm Vince Russo.

Hi, I'm Kurt Angle.


Who are you? Samosa Who? No, this is my title, move along little doggie.


Ok, maybes that's a little childish, but hey. Joe is the one thing that TNA can count on, alot of people see him as TNA - more so then Christian Cage, a lot more then Kurt Angle, maybes even more then AJ Styles and Christopher Daniels. He's certainly been TNA's TV Poster by up until Angle arrived. However, I'm not sure how much of a 'blow' it would be to TNA if Joe did leave, its not as if they're using him strongly at the moment as it is, and they have a Main Event so packed with premade stars, why should they take the time and effort to make Joe a star.


TNA pisses me off.

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Of course, WWE would probably gobble him up quite fast.


Not that I doubt it, but I don't really see why WWE should. Joe's a world class worker, no question, but WWE has shown they don't really care about that kind of thing, and they are quite happy with their version of a samoan monster in Umaga. That being said, I do actually hope Joe goes to WWE, just so I can see him work the big names.

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Ok, maybes that's a little childish, but hey. Joe is the one thing that TNA can count on, alot of people see him as TNA - more so then Christian Cage, a lot more then Kurt Angle, maybes even more then AJ Styles and Christopher Daniels. He's certainly been TNA's TV Poster by up until Angle arrived.


True. I started watching TNA about an year ago, until then I didn't know shit about them and totally associated TNA with Samoa Joe, even though I hadn't seen him wrestle at all. Joe IS TNA, if they lose him, they lose their face (no pun intended).

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True. I started watching TNA about an year ago, until then I didn't know shit about them and totally associated TNA with Samoa Joe, even though I hadn't seen him wrestle at all. Joe IS TNA, if they lose him, they lose their face (no pun intended).

Go look at the cover art for all the DVDs of their shows. TNA disagrees with you. They see Angle, Sting, and Christian as the big stars (and of course Jarrett). Guys like Styles, Daniels, and Joe mean shit to them in the long run, to their way of thinking.

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