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TNA Comments which don't warrant a thread

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Guest MadManOnTheWater
Because it's TNA. Who the hell knows what they'll do at any given moment.


TNA's predictable. They're not going to bring a high-profile ex-WWE guy in and change his name if they don't have to.

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An amusing TNA story from the latest Observer:


When a wrestler asked why all the unrealistic stuff, logic gaps, overbooking, lack of focused PPV build and overall lack of anything the target audience demo could really get hooked on, the answer was, "We can't be UFC, so we try to be the exact opposite."


It also said TNA were happy with Tiger Mask IV, but unimpressed with Shinsuke Nakamura, and it was wondered why New Japan were pushing him as IWGP Champion over Tanahashi.

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It also said TNA were happy with Tiger Mask IV, but unimpressed with Shinsuke Nakamura, and it was wondered why New Japan were pushing him as IWGP Champion over Tanahashi.


I wondered the same thing, but likely for different reasons. Nakamura is great, but Tanahashi just has that look that I think you want for your champion.

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Not too many guys look like Tanahashi in NJPW. I can't think of anyone else I've seen in the past over there that was as built/ripped as he is. That said, he's pretty much the Jeff Hardy of NJPW - as in, he's pretty sloppy in the ring and the majority of his fanbase are young girls and gay men.


Personally, I'd like to think that talent wins out over a ripped superstar look any day of the week, which is why Nakamura makes a good champ - IMO.

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I should mention I'm speaking from the American perspective. Obviously Japanese fans sees these things differently, which is why I agree with Nakamura as champion. I just personally think there's something there with Tanahashi. Also I heard he had been earning the fans' respect slowly as champion, before losing the title. But this is secondhand info, obviously.

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Raven is finished here and will be opening up a wrestling school. Well, maybe. He's actually asking around on his website to see if anyone would actually be interested in it.


Angle did a wacky interview on the Rise Guys radio show in Greenville, SC, saying he expected Bobby Lashley to be the next guy to come to TNA (maybe, maybe not, I would bet against it for now but who knows?), that he would beat Brock's ass because Brock was a mental midget (he was chiding him here and probably trying to build up a pro-wrestling match in Japan perhaps as well), and that he and John Cena were the two hardest workers that WWE had when he was there.


Global Impact DVD features all the TNA matches from the Tokyo Dome and will feature commentary in both English and Japanese. They also have a bunch of touring Japan vignettes, etc


TNA is running March 12th through 14th in Aiken, SC, Salem, VA and Pikeville, KY.


Shelley Martinez shot a porn flick that is coming out on February 11th, alongside Jewel De'Nyle. Apparently TNA is well aware of this and there isn't any heat. There was heat on her a couple weeks back for skipping some house shows to do autograph signings at a porn convention.


credit:F4W Newsletter


I've seen a clip of the Shelly movie if anyone's interested I'll post the link.

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Tanahashi sloppy? You have seen Tanahashi from this year, right?


Tanahashi has matured into arguably the best heavyweight worker in all of Japan. Nakamura's not even in the same league anymore due to time off and injuries.


The only reason Nakamura's IWGP champion is because he was supposed to get the title when Tanahashi last did. He just got injured. This is his first chance to try as champion, so NJPW are giving him that chance. Only reason.

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Tanahashi sloppy? You have seen Tanahashi from this year, right?


Yes, and I've seen him live many times and stand by my opinion. You can disagree with it if you want, that's cool, but I've probably seen more of his matches than you have. *shrug*


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Raven is finished here and will be opening up a wrestling school. Well, maybe. He's actually asking around on his website to see if anyone would actually be interested in it.



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Probably about time for Levy to call it a career. It would've been cool if he could've been brought in to the new ECW to do some stuff, but we all know that wasn't going to happen.

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some funny quotes from last's appreance of the James Whale's show





'You have the undertaker, shawn michaels, HHH who are all 56 years old, Batista who can't wrestle no matter what, John Cena who's a decent wrestler and Randy Orton who's the only exceptional wrestler.' (I agree with what he says about Orton,Cena, batista to a certain extnent, but isn't he's the same age as HHH?)



'TNA are now equal to WWE in the ratings'


'I've promisted Dixie Carter I'll keep wrestling till TNA overtake WWE'. (so, he'll be wrestling forever?)


'Vince Russo is a genius.'


'I left WWE because I was sick of Vince's bullshit'


'I left WWE because their wasn't enough wrestling talent'


'No wrestler can compare to me. It's a gift from God' on being the best wrestler ever. And he wasn't even kayfabing it, I don't think. He really believed it.


'Brock is too scared to fight me in UFC'


'Shelton Benjamin should be a main eventer.'

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A couple of notes about the PPV this weekend, prefaced with a UFC note for comparison:


--The UFC show on 4/19 in Montreal was almost completely sold out yesterday, before tickets went on sale to the public, and is now completely clean. They are saying it will be a larger crowd than for the 3/1 Columbus, OH show and break the UFC record.


--On the other hand, with just as many television viewers, TNA has sold less than 1,500 tickets for Sunday's show at the Bi-Lo Center in Greenville, SC. They are papering like crazy, including $100 tickets being given away to Bi-Lo Center contacts for free.




One of our readers, Scott, went to purchase Against All Odds (that's the TNA PPV) tickets this morning and saw that Ticketmaster had a complimentary ticket offer for the show. He ended up leaving with three comps and didn't pay a thing. So yes, ticket sales suck.




And for reference, the AAO main event last year was the same main event as this year, Christian Cage against Kurt Angle, with Samoa Joe as the outside enforcer. The only difference is that this year, Angle is the champion going in instead of Christian.

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Tanahashi sloppy? You have seen Tanahashi from this year, right?


Yes, and I've seen him live many times and stand by my opinion. You can disagree with it if you want, that's cool, but I've probably seen more of his matches than you have. *shrug*


I'm taking it that you live, or have went to Japan.


Doesn't really change anything. If anything, seeing things live only harms your perception of actual events. That's why most live reports either under play, or over play matches, or events. It's the situation and emotions guiding the person's reviewing ability. By being there live, you actually hamper your ability to objectively review.


Anyway, we must have vastly different definitions of the word "sloppy". Sloppy is poorly executing a move that puts yourself or the other wrestlers at risk. It's only one step below a botch. I can't honestly recall any real sloppy bits in Tanahashi matches lately.


Oh, there is one. G-1 Finals. He accidently misses his first attempt at the match winning victory roll against Makabe. That's about it.

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The Paul Bearer spot was the one I've been waiting for since Mitchell's announcement, and I'm glad he did it. His Kurt is hit-and-miss, but the rest were pretty good.


I like how his Macho Man and Stone Cold are now Jay Lethal and Shark Boy. Didn't he write a book or give an interview where he said a couple male wrestlers tried to get him high to have sex with him or something like that?


Edit - actually here is the interview -

He talked about having a rib pulled on him by Kevin Fertig (ECW’s Kevin Thorn). He said that he pulled a rib on Fertig and was choked and thrown through a wall for his efforts. He called to file a complaint and Bruce Pritchard told him that “You were lucky that it wasn’t Steve Blackman or The Undertaker, because they might have not stopped” He also brought up an instance of Fertig sexually assaulting him in a hotel. “He ripped my clothes off, he ripped my underwear off, and I was like what’s this guy doing to me?” He then plugs the book that he’s putting out titled “Raped in Wrestling”. He mentioned that wasn’t the only occurrence of sexual assault. He tells the story of his first weekend in Boston. He was invited up to a Road Agent’s (whom he left nameless) hotel room with another wrestler to smoke Marijuana. After finishing the Marijuana, the agent began to grab him and pull him closer to molest him. He said the wrestler in the room was almost like he was standing there as a guard. He mentioned that he tried to squirm and get away and the agent said “Buddy if you don’t this, you’ll never gonna get into this business if you don’t fu*k somebody”. Jason said “It was the sickest moment in my life”, he went on to say that another wrestler came to the door and it was his out and he left. He made a complaint to management and said that telling just worked against him. He said he wouldn’t be surprised if things like that were still going on to this day.


Jason said the reason why he’s waited so long to come out was that he was actually hoping for things to change and to possibly be rehired by WWE. He said after the death of his mother he realized that he would never be rehired and that he was ready to come out and speak. He said that to this day he still emails Jim Ross for a reason to his dismissal. He said he was going to tell all in his new book. He said that in that in WWE the good was good, but the bad was very bad. When asked for an example, he shared the story of a young wrestler by the name of Russ Haas. He talked about how Russ and his brother, current WWE wrestler Charlie Haas were in developmental prepping for a call up to the main roster. Jason said every single time they would come back from a dark match from TVs, Russ Haas was so depressed because “Quote Jim Ross and Quote Bruce Prichard” kept telling Russ: You guys are ready to go, you guys will be on tv but Russ you got to get bigger, Russ you got to get bigger, sorry Russ you got to get bigger.” Russ finally gave in and began taking steroids and it was one occasion in which there was air in the needle and it got to his heart and killed him.


The whole interview can be found here


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The Wrestling Observer is reporting that NASCAR drivers Juan Pablo Montoya and Reed Sorenson will have a match taped on the Impact taping this Monday in Orlando to air on next week's show on Thursday. Hermie Sadler and Jimmy Spencer will be announcing the match.


As noted earlier, TNA has sold less than 2,000 tickets for tomorrow's Against All Odds PPV in Greenville, South Carolina at the Bi-Lo Center. As a result, the company is papering tickets, including $100 tickets being given away for free to Bi-Lo Center contacts.

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The Wrestling Observer is reporting that NASCAR drivers Juan Pablo Montoya and Reed Sorenson will have a match taped on the Impact taping this Monday in Orlando to air on next week's show on Thursday. Hermie Sadler and Jimmy Spencer will be announcing the match.


As noted earlier, TNA has sold less than 2,000 tickets for tomorrow's Against All Odds PPV in Greenville, South Carolina at the Bi-Lo Center. As a result, the company is papering tickets, including $100 tickets being given away for free to Bi-Lo Center contacts.


More NASCAR driver match shit from TNA. :rolleyes:


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The Wrestling Observer is reporting that NASCAR drivers Juan Pablo Montoya and Reed Sorenson will have a match taped on the Impact taping this Monday in Orlando to air on next week's show on Thursday. Hermie Sadler and Jimmy Spencer will be announcing the match.


See, this COULD have been a way to get a curious viewer if NASCAR or SPEED or ANYONE promoted it! If they had been able to get either Juan,Reed or Jimmie to mention it today or last night during the shoot-out then it might have been a decent attempt at promotion.


Instead, NOTHING is said so it's a waste. Great job.

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that is real sad that TNA cant even sell out a PPV let alone sell 2000 tickets for a PPV, it looks pretty bleak when your house shows can outdraw your PPVs, I personally think TNA is trying to test to see how much it'll take to turn people off, frankly its worked because I'm to the point where I really dont care what happens within the promotion, regardless if they "improve" or not, the promotion is dead to me

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TNA simply doesn't have the roster necessary to run monthly PPV's. They should just go to six PPV's a year, sorta like WWE's old Big Four. I imagine their buyrates are putrid as well.


What? they have a great roster. Some guys don't even get used for weeks because it's so big.

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