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Guest Zarock

The No Mercy '05 Thread

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Guest Zarock

I figured since there wasn't one, there might as well as be. Predictions, thoughts, recaps, etc.



Jueventud Guererra vs. Nunzio- Cruiserweight Title


Predictions- To be honest, I've never been a fan of "Mat-worker vs. High-Flyer" matches, and this isn't an exception. I imagine this will be pretty good, but nothing special. Guerrera wins to a monstrous pop (seriously, the Mexicools are very over) which will be promptly ignored by Vince.


Hardcore Holly vs. Ken Kennedy


Predictions: I think Kennedy should win, and he probably will given the push he's had. Ken Kennedy wins thanks to Grenier interference?


Bobby Lashley vs Simon Dean


Predictions: "You were very smart by breaking my hand, as now you've taken away my power advantage. However, I wasn't planning on overpowering you. I was planning on beating you using...my superior cardio-vascular conditioning" I'll admit, that was pretty durn funny. Lashley via the DOMINATOR in a lame squash.


Benoit vs Booker vs Christian vs Jordan -US title


Predictions: Either A.) Benoit makes Jordan tap to the Crossface or B.) Jordan gets a cheap victory and the title because WWE is run by idiots. Should be pretty neat, I guess.


The LOD & Christy vs MNM (Mercury/Nitro/Melina)


Predictions: Doomsday Device on Melina because God hates MNM. Lame.


The Undertaker vs The Ortons -Casket Match


Predictions: Going into this, the Ortons have actually been made to look like the underdogs. This is very sad, as the UT doesn't really need to get over, whereas Orton kinda does. RKO should get a DECISIVE (read: no cheap shit) victory over the UT, because I severely doubt happening. I expect Undetaker to win cleanly.


John Bradshaw Layfield vs Rey Mysterio


Predictions: Kind of a bland feud, to be honest. I expect this to not be completely horrible, but not that interesting either. JBL with the cheap heel victory.


Batista vs Eddie Guerrero -World title


Predictions: Wow, the last Smackdown totally made up for the lame comedy skits these two did. It's going to be pretty cool seeing Eddie play the non-quite-heel-yet-but-not-really-face tweener against Batista. The match will be pretty sub-par, with Batista beating Guerrero with the Demon Bomb (which sounds hella-cooler then the Batista Bomb), but I'd like to see the feud continue to Survivor Series.


Pretty lackluster PPV, if you ask me. Well, go ahead, add your two cents.

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Guest JMA

Why is Simon Dean even in a feud? I like Nova and all, but he's been jobbed out to EVERYONE as Dean. Are people supposed to think he has a chance against Lashley? And, more importantly, do they expect people to pay to see him get squashed?

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Having Kennedy job out to Holly is so counterproductive, surely they aren't that stupid. And NO, NO, NO...no more shit with Orlando Jordan. Make him tap like a bitch and send him to the internet Velocity where he belongs. Or don't have him involved in the decision and send him to Velocity. They cannot under any circumstance put a major title on Jordan ever again. Never.


I dunno what to think of the JBL/Rey match. Personally I think jobbing anyone out to JBL is a complete waste of time, but it wouldn't shock me if he won.

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Guest Zarock

What? I'm more of a fan of two guys who're good at the same thing (Angle/Benoit for example) then I am two guys who're good at two different things (like the Nunzio/Guererra match). If you like both, great; I just like seeing guys try to show who's superior at what they do.

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Why is Simon Dean even in a feud? I like Nova and all, but he's been jobbed out to EVERYONE as Dean. Are people supposed to think he has a chance against Lashley? And, more importantly, do they expect people to pay to see him get squashed?


I don't think anyone buying this cares about that mtach.

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Why is Simon Dean even in a feud? I like Nova and all, but he's been jobbed out to EVERYONE as Dean. Are people supposed to think he has a chance against Lashley? And, more importantly, do they expect people to pay to see him get squashed?


I don't think anyone buying this cares about that mtach.

Except for me.

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Guest I miss Test.

Is this tonight?


If anyone still pays for brand PPV's, they're simply stupid WWE fanboys.

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Guest *KNK*

Something tells me this could be one of those under rated shows that no one saw and the workers decided to just bust ass for the sake of it or it could another pedestrian effort from the WWE whom are clearly just bouncing around killing time until Series or whenever they plan on giving a shit.


Batista/Eddy, JBL/Mysterio, and the four way should be decent enough but hardly worthy of the price tag, considering they'll likely have re-matches anyways and something tells me this is only just the first stage of the storyline for Batista/Eddy, so why bother paying money for stage one of a meaningless storyline in addition to a show that won't offer anything beyond "that was decent".

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Guest Ransome

After the WWE juggernaut went into full force to hype Homecoming just a week ago, it's impossible for anyone to anticipate such a poor card as No Mercy 2005. And yet, people saw Homecoming for free and are expected to pay $30 for No Mercy. I'm sure the disastrous buyrate will be attributed to Eddie Guerrero, also.



Winner: Batista



Winner: Rey


Benoit/OJ/Booker T/Christian

Winner: OJ (it's amazing how many times they retreat to a 4way match when they have no ideas. Of all the booking decisions they could make in this situation, OJ winning would be the stupidest, so I figure that's what they'll do)



Winner: Kennedy


MNM/LOD & Christy

Winner: LOD & Christy



Winner: Juventud



Winner: Lashley



Winner: Undertaker

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Guest FromBeyondTheGrave

World Heavyweight Title Match

Batista .VS. Eddie Guerrero.

Winner: Batista.


Handicap Casket Match

Randy Orton & Bob Orton .VS. Undertaker.

Winner: Undertaker. They should have Randy and Undertaker both get knocked out in the casket, and have Bob freak out and close the lid on the two of them, leading to another rematch at Survivor Series.


Singles Match

J.B.L. (with Jillian Hall) .VS. Rey Mysterio.

Winner: J.B.L.


WWE United States Title, Fatal 4-Way Match

Chris Benoit .VS. Orlando Jordan .VS. Booker T (with Sharmell) .VS. Christian.

Winner: Chris Benoit. He'll probably drop the title to Kennedy after this.


Six-Person Tag Team Match

WWE Tag Team Champions, Animal & Heidenreich, & Christy Hemme .VS. M.N.M.

Winners: M.N.M.


Singles Match

Bobby Lashley .VS. Simon Dean.

Winner: Bobby Lashley.


WWE Crusierweight Title

Nunzio (with Big Vito) .VS. Juventud Guerrera (with The Mexicools).

Winner: Juventud Guerrera.


Singles Match

Ken Kennedy .VS. Hardcore Holly.

Winner: Ken Kennedy.

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I'll be ordering since I've really been enjoying Smackdown lately. Predictions are...


Batista over Eddie

Mysterio over JBL

Benoit winning the 4-Way

Taker over Ortons

MNM over LOD & Christy

Juvi over Nunzio

Lashley over Dean

Kennedy over Holly


I could see the Casket match going either way, though.

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Why is Simon Dean even in a feud? I like Nova and all, but he's been jobbed out to EVERYONE as Dean. Are people supposed to think he has a chance against Lashley? And, more importantly, do they expect people to pay to see him get squashed?


Of course nobody expects him to win. It's just supposed to be a fun, comedic win for Lashley that puts him over huge as a monster babyface. I don't see that being a big problem, especially since I doubt it goes more than five minutes.


I'm more offended by the horrific buildup to the main matches on this show. Just terrible, terrible stuff.


And I reiterate my claim that we'll see a Dusty finish in the main event.

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Winner: I'm going on a limb and saying Eddie...I think this is his birthday. You can't job a man out on his birthday in his home state...can you??



Winner: JBL, because God hates me.


Benoit/OJ/Booker T/Christian

Winner: No more Jordan....please! Benoit will own everyone.



Winner: Kennedy. As I said Holly winning here makes zero sense.


MNM/LOD & Christy

Winner: LOD & Christy...why not just do a tag title match?



Winner: Juventud. This could be pretty decent, but it has no build.



Winner: Lashley in a squash.



Winner: Undertaker. Having UT lose a casket match to both would be kinda strange.

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The build for this PPV has indeed been one of the worst in years. However, I'll probably still be ordering as a) SD has a past history of pulling something decent out of these seemingly throwaway PPVs and b) I'm already half cut.


Anyway, predictions are:


Batista .VS. Eddie Guerrero.

Winner: Batista. This feud needs to continue to make any sense.


Handicap Casket Match

Randy Orton & Bob Orton .VS. Undertaker.

Winner: Taker. Has he ever lost in a handicap match? Feud continues.


Singles Match

J.B.L. (with Jillian Hall) .VS. Rey Mysterio.

Winner: JBL, just so we get a heel victory in the upper card. I like the chemistry these two have, reckon this could be a dark horse for MOTN.


WWE United States Title, Fatal 4-Way Match

Chris Benoit .VS. Orlando Jordan .VS. Booker T (with Sharmell) .VS. Christian.

Winner: I really, really hope Christian wins as he could seriously do with this win to give his character a bit of legitimacy and something to brag about. Benoit winning would be OK as it would mean he could drop it later on to Kennedy/Burchill or someone and give them a good headstart on a push up the card. Booker stand to gain nothing from a win here, and OJ winning would be idiotic and get shit on by the crowd. I bet the winner isn't decided till 5 minutes before the PPV starts. It's going to be OJ, isn't it?


Six-Person Tag Team Match

WWE Tag Team Champions, Animal & Heidenreich, & Christy Hemme .VS. M.N.M.

Winners: MNM. Melina pins Hemme after the tired old feet on the ropes finish.


Singles Match

Bobby Lashley .VS. Simon Dean.

Winner: Lashley in an entertaining squash.


WWE Crusierweight Title

Nunzio (with Big Vito) .VS. Juventud Guerrera (with The Mexicools).

Winner: Juvi I guess. Hope this gets ten minutes at least so it can get going.


Singles Match

Ken Kennedy .VS. Hardcore Holly.

Winner: Kennedy. Hopefully he can bust out some more of his flashy offense.

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Guest Biggles

I don't think this show will be as bad as people are saying.


Nunzio and Juvi should be awesome if given enough time. But those last 4 words have been said 100 times in the last 3-4 years.


Holly and Kennedy will be decent, but that match has zero heat.


Dean and Lashley will be short.


LOD & Christy vs. MNM will be the only poor match on the card.


Rey vs. JBL will be good. I've seen two of their matches, and these guys different styles just click.


The 4-Way should be good and action packed. Just focus the match on Benoit, Booker T, and Christian.


The Casket Match will be good because of the gimmick.


Batista-Eddie should be alright.

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Guest *KNK*

I don't think people expect it to "suck" it's a matter of this being a completely meaningless show.

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If Eddie for some reason DOES win the title tonight...that will be the second "nothing" PPV that he's won a major title at.


Also, it would make him only the third man to have held both the (now known as) WWE Championship and World Heavyweight Championship (The other two being Trips and HBK)

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I'm not making the same mistake I did with Unoforgiven. And ugh, LOD/MNM has been going on since the Bash, and OJ/Benoit kinda too. Will these storylines finally end?!

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Guest Fook_Theta

Since both Ortons are in the match I'm surprised that many people haven't seen the obvious booking. Bob Orton Sr. gets buried alive while Orton Jr gets away with a beating.

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Guest JesusJuiced
The pre-show is on WWE.com


I'm calling it now: Christy comes out in Sunny's LOD 2000 outfit.


Won't this be the first non televised preshow since 96 or something?

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