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Guest Rrrsh

OAO Taboo Tuesday Voting Thread

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Guest Rrrsh

We all know that Kane, Big Show, or Shawn Michaels will face Cena and Angle. We also know that Ric Flair vs. Triple H, Stone Cold Steve Austin vs. Jonathan Coachman, Carlito vs. Mick Foley and Fulfill Your Fantasy Diva Battle Royal is happening. Well all those matches now have offical stips, plus two more matches have been added to presumably round out the card (unless they throw all the midcarders in and say pick your fantasy match)


Edge & Masters vs.Two SmackDown Superstars has been added after last weeks attacks. You get too choose 2 outta 5. JBL, Hardy, Mysterio, Hollyand Christian. First three are obviosu choices, Holly is the "leader of the Smackdown Lockerroom" and Christian is Edge's brother.


World Tag Team Championship match, Champs vs the two losers of the HBK/TBS/Kane vote (exactly like last year)


Ric Flair vs. Triple H. Stips: One fall, Submission or (the winner obviously) Cage


Stone Cold Steve Austin vs. Coach. Stips: Debate, Arm Wrestling or (The winner obviously) Street Fight.


Carlito vs. Mick Foley U pick is he is Cactus, Duder or Mankind


Fulfill Your Fantasy Diva Battle Royal. For the belt, all 6 girls who are involved in the womans program plus Maria. Cheerleader, lingirie or leather are the stips.



Now that you know, what are you picking


1. HBK

2. Mysterio, Christian

3. Cage

4. Debate

5. Dude

6. I dunno, Lingerie I guess.

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I actually like the concept behind Taboo Tuesday with the voting and all, but I'm really disappointed in how shoddily the gimmick is being used. Out of all those voting choices, 4 have utterly predictable outcomes (WWE title, tag titles, street fight, cage) and 2 are pretty unimportant in the sense that the match will be barely affected by the outcome, if at all (divas/foley). The only result I'm interested in seeing is the edge/masters vs. SD choice as there's quite a few reasonable options there. If this is how TT is going to be every year, I think I'd rather never see it again and we just get the extra build for SurSer, which is a shame as I think the PPV concept had some legs.

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That's so sad that one of the options for Flair/HHH is a normal match. They could have thrown in ANYTHING! "Strap match", "Last Man Standing", "Falls Count Anywhere", "Flair's Lucky Umbrella on a Pole"....ANYTHING

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Guest Coffey

1. Kane (which means Big Show & HBK would fight Murdoch & Cade)

2. Hardy & Christian

3. Submission

4. Street Fight

5. Cactus Jack

6. Cheerleader, although I'm sure Lingerie would show more ass, so it might get my vote, because Maria is in the match. :D

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Guest clockworkraven

1. Kane

2. Hardy and Mysterio

3. One fall

4. Debate

5. Dude Love

6. Cheerleader

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Kane, for something different.

Chrisitan and Hardy


Arm wrestling - seems least likely for a screwjob

Dude Love


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1. Big Show --- Every three years, he gets his token title reign. May as well start it a month early. Plus, it'd force WWE to ignore the HBK/Kane feud from a year ago.


2. JBL and Mysterio --- Just to pair the feuding guys.


3. Submission --- To see either Flair or HHH quit. Although, one or the other will probably pass out due to blood loss.


4. Arm Wrestling --- The Coach will take Steve Austin to the Gun Show.


5. Dude Love --- Especially if Patty P gets to do the ring intros like in 98.


6. Lingerie --- Can't go wrong w/ lingerie.

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Guest Human Highlight Reel

1. HBK-The other two would suck bad.


2. Christian\Hardy and Mysterio --- Damn Chris Masters, I wanted an Edge/Rey match. Hardy and Christian are interchangable for me


3. Ugh, I don't really care


4. Arm Wrestling --- I'd like to see how they get Coach to win this one, really I would


5. Cactus Jack- Just because


6. Yes, let's put more non-wrestlers in matches

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My picks (edited since voting):


1. Shawn Michaels

2. Christian

3. Submission

4. Street Fight

5. Dude Love

6. Lingirie

7. Hacksaw Jim Duggan

Edited by Si82

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1) HBK. Come on Vince, give us Cena/HBK in some form since you screwed up the heel turn.


2) JBL & Rey, obviously.


3) Submission. I want to see Flair go down to an Indian Deathlock or Sleeper or something. He has no business even being in there.


4) Street Fight. The others aren't even real choices.


5) Cactus Jack. That's what he was the longest, and the character I remember most.


6) Lingerie.

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I'd actually like to see HBK and Kane tag...HBK makes just about anybody look good but I'll be damned if I wanna see Big Show in the main event with Cena and Angle..that's waaay too much dead weight for Angle to carry. As for the other matches...

1.Christian and Hardy vs. Maters and Edge

2.Submission match-If the fans cared about Flair at all the last thing they'd do is put him in a cage with HHH.

3. Street Fight with Coach bleeding all over the place...

4. Mankind

5. Cheerleaders...the others have been done to death

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Big Show (HBK will still win of course)

Christian & Hardy

Submission Match

Street Fight

Dude Love


Edited by Aero

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I was thinking I would vote for submission for the Flair-HHH match, but now that I've thought about it I've decided to do what the wwe wants me to do and vote for cage. The reason being that I am hoping that a win for cage would mean that the "tradition" of Flair main eventing Taboo Tuesday in a cage match would be kept intact. And besides, that match should be the main event anyway.

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I'm voting for My Name is Earl. And the Office.


However, if I were to watch this show-

HBK. I'd like the match to be good, thankyouverymuch.

Christian and Bob Holly BY FAR. Fuck "Rey Rey" and Hardy.


Arm wrestling, the world doesn't need this to go long

Mankind- I want Carlito to submit to Socko.

Lingerie, I guess.


It sounds absolutely awful. Last year's Taboo Tuesday is my pick for worst WWE PPV of the past five years. I hope I don't get pressured into ordering this one, but I know it will happen.

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-HBK-could actually be a decent match with those 3

-Rey and JBL-only because they SHOULD be in the match as they're two of Smackdown's top stars.

-Cage Match-only because in a submission match, we'd see the predictable "HHH beats Flair to a bloody pulp and wins because Flair passes out but doesn't actually give up"

-Verbal Debate-arm wrestling is dumb and I don't care to see a shirtless Coachman getting bounced around by Austin. Austin is going to stun him anyway, so might as well hope for a funny line or two out of Austin...

-Mankind-I'm kinda torn here because I really hate this stipulation, but Mankind was always my favorite "face of Foley" so what they hey...

-don't really care about the Diva match...lingerie I guess...

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About putting TBS in the 3-Way:


Let's not forget the Angle/Brock/TBS match from Vengeance 2003. Going in, almost everyone here was bitching about it and predicting that the match would just be horrible and TBS would only bring it down, and (in my opinion), it ended up being one of the best matches of that year.


If you should be worried about anyone bringing that match down, take a look at the champ himself.

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Why vote at all? Won't WWE just pick what they've planned anyway and claim the fans voted for it? I'm waiting for the day in which the fans vote the exact opposite of what WWE wanted to do and when WWE fudges the results the fans start chanting "bullshit".

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1. Kane

2. Mysterio and Christian

3. Submission

4. Arm Wrestling (a guy that's WAY past his prime and an announcer? Arm wrestling's as good as it's going to get

5. Dude Love or Mankind. Just not CJM.

6. Leather.

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-Cage Match-only because in a submission match, we'd see the predictable "HHH beats Flair to a bloody pulp and wins because Flair passes out but doesn't actually give up"

So instead we'd see "HHH beats Flair to a bloody pulp and wins by pinfall"

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