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Guest FromBeyondTheGrave

The OAO RAW Thread - Nov/28th/05

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Cena may be getting crappy responses...


...but at least he knows how to work, right?



He knows how to work his Reebok Pumps. Thats about it


Only because he's in main-event mode. His '02-'03 work disproves this statement.


this doesn't matter one bit if he stays in "main event mode". He may know how to work, but he can't show it so what good does it do?

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Maybe they're going to pull a double-turn with Angle and Cena?


Work with me here... Next week on RAW, Bischoff makes one last Cena/Angle title match to try and impress Vince. Cena wins again. Bischoff comes out and rambles hysterically, which brings out Vince and Shane. Vince says that it's time to "take out the trash," staring down Bischoff... and then the McMahons attack Angle. Cena goes to stop them, then reveals the ruse and joins in the beatdown. Double-turn, marks and smarks alike shit on it... yeah.


Honestly, that's the only thing that I can see working for this scenario, and even THAT's crap. They've really booked themselves up the creek here.


Hey, I like that idea.

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The thing that is goofy is that I kinda feel sorry for Angle in all this.  I felt the same way for Jericho during his Cena feud.  Jericho was admittedly jobber pity, but I really feel Angle's frustration and hope he wins the title.  Is this really the way I'm supposed to feel?


I just don't get why they aborted what I thought they were going for originally with Cena/Angle: Angle knows he's a better wrestler than Cena and knows that Cena knows it. Then, Angle outwrestles Cena to win the title, forcing Cena to regroup and learn some new stuff for the rematch (at WM 22, let's say), where he puts everything he's learned to use to beat Angle and regain the title.



Because Cena can't wrestle.

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Guest Paulster

What I would like to see in regards to Angle/Cena and a double-turn:


Next week on Raw, Angle vs. Cena in another 1v1 match, I don't really care how the match gets set up. Daivari is the ref though, and the stip is that Cena loses the belt if he gets disqualified.


Finish comes when Angle hits an Angle Slam, and Cena kicks out. Angle gets PISSED OFF and goes olympic. Picks up Cena, hits him with three Angle Slams, goes for the pin count, only to get the slowest count ever. Angle gets up, argues with Daivari. Goes to hit him, only to have Cena quickly get a small package and a fast count from Daivari.


Of course, this would have worked alot better had Cena not beaten Angle at SS, because we could still go along with the "Cena hasn't cleanly beaten Angle to retain the belt" theorem.


Anyhow, as it stands, Cena is the worst superstar that I can remember for overcoming impossible odds, and I think that when he finally does lose the belt, it's going to have to be the most convoluted storyline ever for it to be 'believable'. God, just have HHH take it. BELL RING KICK WHAM PEDIGREE 123 NEW CHAMPION... that'd still be believeable, and oddly enough very welcome.

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If they're going to turn Cena heel, someone has to turn the other way. Otherwise, who would Cena turn against? Shawn Michaels?


Why not? Everyone else does. :(


Well, they'd need to develop some kind of relationship between Cena and Michaels first, and that'd take a few weeks. I don't think they have that much time.

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That was a pretty fun show live, although that was the smallest crowd I've ever seen for a televised show, and I've probably been to about 6 or 7 of them now.


I totally do not understand the reactions to Cena. I don't know how any of this came across on TV, but when he came out and saved Maria, he got a pretty good pop. When he had his entrance for his match, he got a great pop. When the bell rang, the crowd COMPLETELY turned on him. Just out of nowhere. Then, when he got the tap-out, everybody cheered again.


Seriously, WTF is that?


I think this was after the show went off the air: Kurt Angle was walking out, he turned to the crowd one last time when they were chanting at him. He gave them a double bird and screamed "FUCK YOU" right on camera. Nice.


Was any explanation given on TV as to why Triple H being on the Edge interview segment just turned into a Triple H solo promo?

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He doesn't have to be in a program with anyone to turn heel.  Just have him cut a "Rocky sucks" promo on the crowd.


I thought about that, but as far as I know, not many World champions have turned that way; usually, it happens within a program, so I stuck with tradition. I'm probably wrong, though, so feel free to correct me.

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Cena may be getting crappy responses...


...but at least he knows how to work, right?



He knows how to work his Reebok Pumps. Thats about it


Only because he's in main-event mode. His '02-'03 work disproves this statement.


this doesn't matter one bit if he stays in "main event mode". He may know how to work, but he can't show it so what good does it do?



Since nobody else seems to understand, I made a shitty lil' graph in Paint right quick:




As you can see, as a face's popularity goes UP, his wrestling ability goes DOWN (which leads to the reliance of crowd popping spots). This is more applicable to the brawlers but WWE pretty much sticks to this formula with every main event babyface they've had (for the most part).


The problem lies in the booking, not Cena himself.

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Maybe they're going to pull a double-turn with Angle and Cena?


Work with me here... Next week on RAW, Bischoff makes one last Cena/Angle title match to try and impress Vince. Cena wins again. Bischoff comes out and rambles hysterically, which brings out Vince and Shane. Vince says that it's time to "take out the trash," staring down Bischoff... and then the McMahons attack Angle. Cena goes to stop them, then reveals the ruse and joins in the beatdown. Double-turn, marks and smarks alike shit on it... yeah.


Honestly, that's the only thing that I can see working for this scenario, and even THAT's crap. They've really booked themselves up the creek here.


Hey, I like that idea.


Me too. This would be a water-cooler RAW happening. When's the last time that happened in a good way?


I really don't see Bischoff leaving, and certainly not Shane-O taking over Raw.


Don't ask me why.

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Having the McMahons beat down Angle is retarded. How is he supposed to challenge for the title when he gets beaten down by Shane and Vince? Having the McMahon's have someone else do there dirty work is much better, I think. They could send Tyson Tomko on Angle as the beater, then when Cena turns, he can use Tomko as his bodyguard like Christian did.

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Cena may be getting crappy responses...


...but at least he knows how to work, right?



He knows how to work his Reebok Pumps. Thats about it


Only because he's in main-event mode. His '02-'03 work disproves this statement.


this doesn't matter one bit if he stays in "main event mode". He may know how to work, but he can't show it so what good does it do?



Since nobody else seems to understand, I made a shitty lil' graph in Paint right quick:




As you can see, as a face's popularity goes UP, his wrestling ability goes DOWN (which leads to the reliance of crowd popping spots). This is more applicable to the brawlers but WWE pretty much sticks to this formula with every main event babyface they've had (for the most part).


The problem lies in the booking, not Cena himself.

To reinforce what Dogbert said, your curve would actually indicate the opposite of what you're saying. Try again.

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Me and my friend were discussing how frustrated we get when Angle can't manage to get the belt from Cena. It's like Angle really is the face and Cena is the heel no matter how they present it. I would quote someone who said something that made me think of this, but I don't feel like looking.

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Guest Trecko
Maybe they're going to pull a double-turn with Angle and Cena?


Work with me here... Next week on RAW, Bischoff makes one last Cena/Angle title match to try and impress Vince. Cena wins again. Bischoff comes out and rambles hysterically, which brings out Vince and Shane. Vince says that it's time to "take out the trash," staring down Bischoff... and then the McMahons attack Angle. Cena goes to stop them, then reveals the ruse and joins in the beatdown. Double-turn, marks and smarks alike shit on it... yeah.


Honestly, that's the only thing that I can see working for this scenario, and even THAT's crap. They've really booked themselves up the creek here.


It would make the Cena/McMahon interaction make even more sense + not necessarily turning Cena all "Corporate Rock"-ish, but kind of professional, Jay-Z now, like. I like it, although like someone said, I can't see the McMahons attackin Angle. Maybe just have Cena do it, while Bischoff/Vince look on, and then after he lays Angle out, all of them embracing, or somethin...

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Was Murdoch's post-match victory promo backstage aired on TV or was that one of those WWE.com deals? He made some comment about how he's coming after Ric Flair next because he's tasted gold once as a tag team champion and now he wants the IC title. I guess this means Flair won't be vacating the IC belt any time soon, Survivor Series beatdown or not.

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Guest clockworkraven

For anyone wondering about what Cade's doing...


While Murdoch got a win against Shelton Benjamin, Cade jobbed to Tajiri on Heat.

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Clearly this is a sign that the WWE has totally changed and will now start to push wrestlers of all shapes and sizes.


No offense Rudo but that made me giggle.

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Guest JMA

I didn't really watch much of RAW tonight. I intentionally missed the HBK vs. Carlito match and I completely stopped watching when the Tomko/Snitsky vs. Show/Kane match was announced. I did catch the end of the three way, though.

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Guest tony manero

How about this:


Cena vs. Angle: The Final Encounter next week.


Towards the end of the match, Cena grabs a chair from the timekeeper and uses it to smash Angle's ankle a few times like he did to Masters. Then, Cena applies Angle's own patented submission hold, the ankle lock, for what seems like an eternity, but Kurt refuses to tap out. It goes on for so long that Kurt looks like he's about to pass out from all the pain.


And then...out of nowhere, while still in the hold, Angle goes all psychotic, seething and writhing as if his face was getting ready to explode. Immediately thereafter, he bellows, "the WWE championship is MINE, MINE...you suck, Cena (really loud into the ringside microphones), reverses the hold into his OWN ankle-lock, as Cena taps OUT and the crowd explodes.

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