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Lt. Al Giardello

Wrestlemania 22...possibly one of the worse Wrestlemania's ever???

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Normally I look foward to Wrestlemania, as it is the best wrestling event of the year. Last year was a great Wrestlemania, it had fresh fueds(Batista/HHH, Cena/JBL, Orton/Taker, and Angle/HBK), and the Money in the Bank match. I couldn't wait for Wrestlemania.


This year though, I don't like the path they are going. Pretty much all Wrestlemania's had a heel champion going in to Wrestlemania to get defeated by the top face. This year they have 2 of the top face's going into Wrestlemania facing the top heel. It just seems it is another PPV, it doesn't have the Wrestlemania feeling to it.


Now I don't dissagree with Batista going in as champion, as his character is not stale, or boring and is still getting huge reactions, but going on to face Randy Orton, espically after the Undertaker kicked his ass is going to be stupid. Now if he beat the Undertaker, it would be a different story because he would have that rub of "killing" the legend of the Undertaker, but he has no rub like that. And now he is favored to win the Royal Rumble. What the fuck is this? I competely don't understand their booking. Despite what the smart's think, Undertaker Vs. Batista is big money match and would draw good ratings, it might suck wrestling wise but so would Batista Vs. Orton. Atleast with Taker Vs. Batista it's a fresh feud and it would be a good way to get Friday Smackdown better ratings.


Now onto RAW, honestly despite what most think John Cena is stale as hell. His promo's are pretty much the same with his stupid homosexual jokes. The fans are starting to backlash againest him STILL(Watch this past RAW with him Vs. Angle which was very mixed crowd, and look at the signs in the crowd alot of them were going against Cena). The best thing would be is too take the title off of Cena, unless they are going to turn him heel which would be good. Their are many possible matches I would do other than HHH Vs. Cena(Which would be a much better fued with HHH as champion and Cena hunting for the title), I think a HHH Vs. Cena Vs. Angle triple threat could be good, or Angle Vs. HBK, with Angle as champion to finally blow off their great fued which guarrentee to be a **** match.


And please for the love of god, if they are not going to have Austin Vs. Hogan, just leave Hogan off the card. No one wants to see Hogan Vs. Show, Angle or anyone else. It already happened, and having those wrestlers job to Hogan does nothing to help the company.


The way it is going this Wrestlemania will be up there with 13 and 9.

Edited by EvanderHolyfieldsMissingEar

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I have no intention on watching WWE until they get their shit together and start putting good shows together, this WrestleMania is no exception. Maybe I'm living in the past, but for some reason wrestling hasn't been the same since ECW folded.

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It's freakin' January. We don't even have a Rumble winner yet. Wait a month more before even conjecturing.


And I have no idea what hiccup of the educational system has lead to the recent proliferation of the usage of "worse" instead of "worst."

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It's freakin' January. We don't even have a Rumble winner yet. Wait a month more before even conjecturing.


And I have no idea what hiccup of the educational system has lead to the recent proliferation of the usage of "worse" instead of "worst."


I completely agree with you on both points. And, Evander, along the same lines of Kotz's first point, here is a tip for you (and probably another 60 or so members of this board): An apostrophe is NEVER used to indicate the plural form of a word. An apostrophe is used to indicate possession or in the instance of a contraction.


Come on, kids (note: NOT "kid's"). They teach us this stuff in elementary school.

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It's freakin' January. We don't even have a Rumble winner yet. Wait a month more before even conjecturing.


And I have no idea what hiccup of the educational system has lead to the recent proliferation of the usage of "worse" instead of "worst."


Do you really think they would change the Rumble winner this close to the event when there's no one that's "on fire" on either show right now? I just can't get excited about Orton doing the Rumble/'Mania double as a heel, and all of the assumed matches are pretty lackluster. They have time to make the show interesting, but I can see what the OP was getting at.

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Except we pretty much know the line up for WrestleMania now.




Hogan/Someone (probably Big Show or Angle)



I'm sure they won't deviate from that lineup too far. Personally I think that's not that bad of a lineup, but others will find it terrible. Plus there will be the obligitory IC, Tag, Cruiser, and US Title matches in the undercard.

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Plus there will be the obligitory IC, Tag, Cruiser, and US Title matches in the undercard.




WrestleMania is always a guarantee buy for me, but i'm thinking that streak ends this year.

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Guest Nathan

How things would go down if I had the book (assuming Benoit resigns his contract):


At New Years Revolution, Triple H defeats Big show with the help of Shelton Benjamin. Michaels wins the Elimination Chamber winning the WWE title.


At the Royal Rumble, JBL destroys the Boogeyman, Chris Benoit defeats Booker T (or a substitute if he still isn't well) to become the "undisputed" United States Champion, Rey Mysterio shocks everyone by winning the Royal Rumble last elminating Randy Orton.



Road to Wrestlemania:


On Raw, The Michaels/McMahon/Hart angle continues. Cena and Angle blow off their feud in a number one contender's steel cage match that Cena wins. Cena vs. Michaels is set for Wrestlemania. (And since he has that briefcase or whatever, Michaels eventually beats Edge.) Benjamin explains that he is the first member of a new Evolutkion, and that with HHH's guidance he will get back on the right track.


On Smackdown, Batista and Rey continue their friendship despite the fact they will be headling WM against each other. They continue tagging up, helping each other out, etc. Dissention builds, and Batista evenutally gets jealous of the support for Mysterio and turns. JBL and Benoit begin a program based on JBL's hostility towards a Canadian with the US title. Bobby Lashley seeks out Orton in order to make a name for himself. Orton plays cowardly heel in this feud.


The uppercard for WM would look something like this:


World Title

Rey Mysterio vs. Batista ©


WWE Title

John Cena vs. Shawn Michaels © (Edit: BTW, this would end in a Montreal esqu screwjob victory for Cena, aligning him with cMahon and turning him heel.)


Kurt Angle vs. Mick Foley (I guess...)


Hogan vs. Austin (If not, keep Hogan off of the show entirely.)




World Tag Titles

Big Show & Kane © vs. Evolution (Haas & Shelton Benjamin)


US Title

JBL vs. Benoit ©


Orton vs. Lashley


Booker vs. OJ


IC Title

Edge © vs. Chavo


Along with MNM and Kash defending their titles... against whoever (preferably London/Spanky and Jamie Noble, respectively.)


Certainly better looking than what they're planning as of now, in my opinion.

Edited by Nathan

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Guest Leelee
And I have no idea what hiccup of the educational system has lead to the recent proliferation of the usage of "worse" instead of "worst."



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Now onto RAW, honestly despite what most think John Cena is stale as hell. His promo's are pretty much the same with his stupid homosexual jokes. The fans are starting to backlash againest him STILL(Watch this past RAW with him Vs. Angle which was very mixed crowd, and look at the signs in the crowd alot of them were going against Cena).


Most think he isn't stale? And while others are focused on grammar, it's feud.. not fued.


I'll agree that the projected WM line-up so far doesn't look that interesting, but like the others are saying, it's only projected. Last year was supposed to have HHH-Orton, Taker & Kane vs. Heidenreich & Snitsky, and Edge-HBK... look how that turned out.

Edited by Aero

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It's freakin' January. We don't even have a Rumble winner yet. Wait a month more before even conjecturing.


This is pretty much the card of Wrestlemania as you can see from reports and from where it's leading by watching RAW and Smackdown.


And also it maybe only 4 matches on the card, but those are the matches that are most important. I don't know about you but when I buy Wrestlemania, it's for the main event matches, not the undercard.

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Guest Leelee

Yes, it's silly to be so down on WM, already... just look at last year's good matches.


Angle-HBK was started at RR.

Orton-Taker wasn't planned until later on.

MITB was just a match to throw the upper midcard guys in.

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What about Edge's MITB contract? Are they gonna let him cash that title shot in, or have they forgotten?


I say they have Cena vs. HHH mid-way through WrestleMania. Cena wins but gets his ass kicked ... Edge comes out after the match and demands an immediate title shot. Edge leaves with the belt.

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Why on Earth would Edge still even need his MITB shot when he's already got a shot at the IC belt this Sunday????? That's a career-maker, baby!

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Guest Ransome
Plus there will be the obligitory IC, Tag, Cruiser, and US Title matches in the undercard.


Last year, none of those titles were defended.

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I'm shocked WWE isn't wanting to do an Orton/Hogan program considering that's the biggest legend left for Orton and it gives their golden boy of today a high-profile match since Austin/Hogan is basically off.


They have already done Angle-Hogan, and there's nothing to come out of it. Hogan really shouldn't have an issue with working against Orton since Orton is constantly a main eventer and the set-up is easy and there's even a backstory with Orton Jr.


I'd rather see that occur instead of having to see Angle wasted with Hogan and Orton placed with Batista.


Angle's options should be limited to Undertaker or Benjamin. We know Benjamin isn't getting a main event profile match. Undertaker usually does Raw Vs Smackdown match for Mania anyways, and there's no current *it* program for UT on smackdown beyond Batista and that's really not neccessary for Mania.


Here's how I think Smackdown's side should be used


World Title

Batista Vs Mysterio

-I think Batista is going to carry the belt through WrestleMania and Mysterio is such an unconventional challenger that actually makes sense. I believe this could be a good match and it'd be a great chance to make each look good. It would be face/face but I'd like to see Mysterio play dirty to over-come his disadvantages in this match.


Undertaker Vs Kurt Angle (or Chris Benoit)

-Undertaker needs a big program and instead of tossing another big man towards his way for a shitty match, why not send WWE's workforce? Angle and Benoit are credible enough that the streak can be challenged in the minds of the fans but aren't going to lose their credibility by jobbing to UT at Mania. It'd be nice for 'Taker to have a good match to point at in his streak and those two are the best choices.


Randy Orton Vs Hulk Hogan


US Title

JBL Vs Bobby Lashley

-I'd have match seven with Benoit/Booker declared a draw and that the title is vacant. They have a smackdown one night tournament for the title. JBL goes over Hardy in the finals to win the title. Lashley is named the #1 contender. JBL does what JBL does and Lashley remains the quiet assassian. Match would be a squash in Lashley's favor.


*I'd have Booker T work as guest commentator on the smackdown side of the show*


WWE Tag Team Titles

Elimination match

MnM Vs Kendrick and London Vs Regal and Burchill Vs Mexi-Cools

-Simple set up here, MnM the over confident champions issue an open challenge and all three are identified as #1 contenders. In reality, London/Spanky would be replaced with LOD 2005.


Cruiserweight Title

Kid Kash Vs Jamie Knoble

-on Heat of course.


As far as Boogeyman, Kennedy and Matt Hardy (the only big names left on Smackdown). Obviously, Kennedy is injured but I'd have him the ring announcer for at least one match and Boogeyman can do some backstage skit that Vince will no doubt think is comedic gold. As for Matt Hardy? fuck Matt Hardy.


What do I do for Raw, while im at it?


WWE Title

John Cena Vs Triple H

-It's going to happen. No sense in denying it. It'll be interesting to see how they work around Cena's issue.


World Tag Team Titles

The Big Show and Kane Vs Benjamin and Haas

-Okay, this is far-fetched. However, since Haas has been reported to returning to WWE and a part of Raw, it's only logical they would reunite WGTT in some form. Let's be real, Benjamin isn't going anywhere as a singles star for right now. Remember, Bret returned to tag teams after a singles stint, it didn't hurt Bret. Unless WWE throws together a paired-up team like Masters/Carlito(which I wouldn't be shocked). This works because they can sell it as a younger, faster team with championship past. It'd be a much more interesting match then what we will actually get.


IC Title

Chris Masters w/Carlito Vs Rob Van Dam

-Quite frankly, I don't see Flair keeping the title, and i have something else in mind for Edge. I'd figure Masters to win the title from Flair soon and I'd have Carlito act as his mouthpiece because I believe WWE values Masters more then Carlito. RVD is scheduled to return to TV soon and they usually place him in the IC/tag title ranks. Don't forget, RVD has heat with Carlito.


Edge Vs Mick Foley

-I think this would be a decent street fight between the two and Foley's signed for at least two matches a year, might as well use one on a big stage and see if it can get Edge over like it did Orton. The promos and set-up could be very good.


Woman's Title

Mickie James Vs Trish Stratus

-I would expect some multi-woman match here but I'd rather see these two continue the program leading to the WM blowoff.



*The only issue is that Benoit/Angle, one of them is getting left off for right now because one will work with Undertaker.


If they do Angle/Hogan, then Benoit/Taker is a no-brainer but that leaves Orton off the card, which is desirable but isn't going to occur. Maybe Angle can slide into the main event making it a triple threat match?


Oh, what about Shawn? Vince/Shawn will happen. There's no way out of it now. Although, I'd have Shawn turn at NYR and take the title from Cena and do Cena/Michaels for Mania. Leaving Triple H for...someone else.

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I have to hold out hope that Mania will NOT suck this year. I have tickets, see. Shawn overcoming the odds on Sunday at New Years Revolution to win the belt would be a fantastic story, and lend some real drama to the Raw title match leading in to mania! Much better than OH NOES!~ EDGE cashed in his shot!~~. I say Michaels takes the belt at NYR, Edge cashes in his shot at the Rumble and is soundly defeated. And the Shawn gets screwed by McMahon at Mania 22. It would be a great story arc. I also agree on the Mysterio/Batista feud. It makes sense to me. Rey is taking the spot...in a little different way....that Eddie would have had. Man, had Eddie lived, we would be clamoring for that Batista Eddie match by now. I say Rey wins the Rumble in January. As far as taker and Orton go...There is no reason to have taker win that feud, as much as we all want this feud to be over...I dont think it is. Buried ALive at Wrestlemania methinks! With Orton getting the mega rub. He buries the dead man at Mania.


Lashley needs a strong push here too. Maybe a US title match.


I like the use of the title shot-"money in the bank" ladder match. Lots of exposure for upper mid card guys there...Carlito, Masters, Shelton, etc...


Also, Angle is probably going against Hogan...thats my thought. Think about his current angle!! Anti-Americanism...Anti-Troops...Call in the American Hero. Hogan/Angle...it could work...maybe


I have to hold out for the Rumble. I have to believe it will be a great mania. Chicago deserves the best. The crowds here are always loud and always rowdy.

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You know this company makes up its PPV cards at the last minute. The last Smackdown before WM we will have a solid card like Meline vs. Torrie, Poddle on a Pole match.


Speaking of WM 21, I can't believe I paid $400 last year to go to it. Now, I hardly watch it.

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Any ideas for a reason Foley and Hogan would feud? I needf storyline backup. So, that begs the question, Why do I still watch? 3 cheers for habit BABY!!!~

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If HHH/Cena is inevitable, why not go with a brief HHH face run to freshen things up. Here's what I might do....


NYR: Nothing special. Cena wins EC in normal fashion. HHH cheats to beat Show.


Between NYR and RR: Cena keeps up with his "unintentional heel" schtick. Vince berates Michaels for losing the EC match, but Michaels somehow gets another shot at the belt at the Rumble. Maybe have Cena talk up HBK and continue to play his suck up to the fans thing that's getting him booed. Cena talks Vince into giving Shawn a shot at the Rumble. HHH continues to be himself.


Rumble: Cena/Michaels goes down in face/face fashion, despite the crowd obviously favoring Michaels. Cena then goes full heel by using the chain to beat Michaels into a bloody mess out of desperation to win. HHH puts on a strong showing in the Rumble, perhaps even being the last Raw guy there. He doesn't need to win, since fans buy that he deserves a title shot whenever he wants, and someone like Rey could use the victory more.


Rumble to Mania: Cena's a heel and beats up on some midcard faces to establish that. He also wins a rematch with Michaels thanks to Vince interferrence. I know, that sucks, but Michaels/Vince is going to happen and after he got screwed at the Rumble, we need to get Shawn out of the title picture. Meanwhile, HHH brags about his strong Rumble performance and claims he should be the #1 contender. HHH runs into Cena in the back, and runs him down verbally. Hunter remains smug, but since he's actually cool and berating Cena, the crowd should support him immediately. Commence feud.


Also, Edge becomes aware in late February or so that his MITB option is running out. For about 3 weeks he tries to use the shot, only to find that either Cena or Edge himself have been booked in matches already at each show. Edge bitches to Vince, but Vince doesn't budge saying it's Edge's fault for waiting so long and letting his personal beefs with Hardy and Flair waste his year away. Edge is pissed, takes his anger out on some midcarder who may need a match at Mania, setting up a rather meaningless match. Edge uses the "I'm so pissed, I'm just gonna kill _______"


Mania: Raw does not get the ME... They've had it for two years, and it's SD's time. Besides, you don't this scenario to close the show anyway. Basically, Cena and HHH fight, HHH wins after long match. Edge who squashes his worthless opponent earlier then runs out, and batters the new champ HHH with the briefcase. He demands his World title shot, which must be granted to him and pins HHH. HHH is unconscious and Cena is pissed as hell. Michaels beats Vince, and you have a summer of Michaels/Edge/Cena/HHH (and maybe Angle) matches to build around.

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Any ideas for a reason Foley and Hogan would feud? I needf storyline backup. So, that begs the question, Why do I still watch? 3 cheers for habit BABY!!!~


Foley would be the heel here. He could cut his standard smart promos and point out Hogan's ego (something WWE has no problem talking about) and how Hogan was a selfish performer while Foley will put himself over as the ultimate professional who gave everything he had for the fans (whom didn't appreciate his efforts until he put a sock on his hand). Foley would be smart enough to come across as a bitter jerk because Hogan can't be a heel here.


Hogan counters by saying Foley used his success in the business to pursue fame and money outside just as much as Hogan did.


WWE loves to do shooty type angles(Matt/Edge and Shawn/Hogan for recent examples), this would be nothing but shoot-filled goodness. Foley could carry the program in promos alone if he is motivated and for a WM payoff against a name like Hogan? He'll bring his game.


As for the match? it'd be a train-wreck but Foley will go into Shawn mode, and completely over-sell everything.


I still believe Hogan would be better off against Orton and Foley against Edge.

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Poor Chicago. 2 and 13 were real stinkers too.


2 was just a mess, and 13 - or, sorry, "Wrestlemania the 13th" :rolleyes: - has been my pick for worst WM ever since it aired, lol.

Edited by vivisectvi

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while I respect your opinion, vivi, I'm in the mindset that Bret/Austin (IMO, one of the top WWE matches of all-time) saved WM13 from being the worst ever...that honor would have to go to WM9, there's not one match on that card I would want to watch again...Bret/Yoko was passable, but not as good as Bret/Austin, of course, so WM13 gets the nod.

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while I respect your opinion, vivi, I'm in the mindset that Bret/Austin (IMO, one of the top WWE matches of all-time) saved WM13 from being the worst ever...that honor would have to go to WM9, there's not one match on that card I would want to watch again...Bret/Yoko was passable, but not as good as Bret/Austin, of course, so WM13 gets the nod.


Actually, you're right. Bret/Austin was the only redeeming part of 13. Now that I think about it, 9 was just a complete clusterfuck.

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