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Team Angle Pusher

OAO NY Revolution Thread 8/1/2006

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Thus if they actually keep the title on Edge at WM, the one guy over enough as a face would be a returning RVD. Thing is, would that draw?


That's not the ONLY option. There's also Kurt Angle.


See the thread about Edge being the new champion to see why.


...here's a fun thought that may never happen...at some point in 2006, both Edge and Christian become WWE and NWA Champions respectively.

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Guest Dam(o)nYankees

Maybe it's just that Cena's staler than a simile I can't come up with, but my mark-out metre is running huge. Keep in mind, this is huge news, as I didn't see the show and have been basically skmming posts on here all evening.



I marked out when it happened. It was a holy shit type moment, because I really thought that they would book Cena to somehow beat Edge even after he had been taken apart in the EC.

When he kicked out of the first spear, it looked like Cena was going to win.

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I for one am happy. Edge is OK, sometimes his promos are gold, sometimes they are really lame. But Cena had to go. And it made sense - something WWE is very bad at.


I think a lot of people here figured the MITB would just fizzle out...like he would be stripped of the title shot or get it and lose in some throw-away match. It's amazing that something logical actually happened.


Edit: As far as Cena winning the title back, RR would be way too soon. Maybe Mania, if even then. The guy is not over AT ALL any more.

Edited by randomguy

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Be honest CC, you were streaking around that cold Canadian house after he got the three, weren't you?

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Be honest CC, you were streaking around that cold Canadian house after he got the three, weren't you?




*crosses legs at thinking about that*


I'll..I'll just go take a shower now. ^^;;;;;

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Edit: As far as Cena winning the title back, RR would be way too soon. Maybe Mania, if even then. The guy is not over AT ALL any more.

Does being over as a heel count?

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...here's a fun thought that may never happen...at some point in 2006, both Edge and Christian become WWE and NWA Champions respectively.


This will happen! (possibly at the same time)

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...here's a fun thought that may never happen...at some point in 2006, both Edge and Christian become WWE and NWA Champions respectively.


This will happen! (possibly at the same time)


Christian needs to win the NWA belt soon if we're going to have that.


We have NO idea how long Edge's WWE title reign will be.


And the current AWA Champion is...well, no one really cares about the "new" AWA.

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Stupid fucking move on many levels.

What were they going to do? Leave it on a guy that the fans hate? Edge isn't the best choice, but anyone is better than Cena.


Wrong, Edge isn't.

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Stupid fucking move on many levels.

What were they going to do? Leave it on a guy that the fans hate? Edge isn't the best choice, but anyone is better than Cena.


Wrong, Edge isn't.


I'll say this.


ANYONE as WWE Champion > Triple H as WWE Champion.

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HA this is pretty sweet.


I'll watch Raw tomorrow just to see what the deal is.


Watch him JOB it tomorrow though. WWE Logic people.

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Edge/HHH makes no sense really for the Rumble as both guys are heels. That match would die a horrible death.


One of my main rules of wrestling is that when a guy first wins the belt he cannot be used as a 1 month type transition champ. Even Jericho was built up decent with beating Austin and The Rock before that debacle with Austin at No Way Out 2002 and the HHH burial job afterwards at WM.


This is Edge's first title win, he cannot just job it in a couple of weeks. I think Cena will rightfully get a RR rematch (even Vince has to allow this given the dubious way he lost). The thing is they CANNOT simply job Edge right back to him.


The fact that Vince never really screwed Shawn or anything leads me to believe they are dropping that idiotic angle, or maybe not having Vince himself wrestle. Have him get Angle as his boy and finish it with Shawn at WM in a deciding match. I dunno what Kane is doing but him vs. Edge again at WM is a horrible idea.


The reason I nominated a returning RVD over Angle is that while Angle is getting more of a face reaction, he won't get as much of a wildly big face reaction as RVD. Besides, I saw Edge beat RVD in an IC title match in person on a 2001 Raw....payback baby!

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What possible sense does Edge/HHH make for the Rumble? They are both heels and that match would most likely tank horribly. They have to have Cena get the rematch there and get ripped off again.


What is the big rush to put the belt back on HHH? With Steph now pregnant how much is he really going to be around? And if he gets it back, there's really nowhere you can go with it.


With Edge they have a chance to finally have a new top heel on the show for while. They can't just drop it.

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Guest Evolution

Local Hooters was electric. Crowd was split exactly like WWE crowds (men cheering on the heels, ladies cheering on Cena), and a lot of people booed when Cena got the rollup victory. But when Vince came out and brought out Edge, it was most excellent. I actually felt glued to the TV, and the false finish with the first spear just made the final finish that much better. Watching Edge hand over the briefcase and make his way down to the ring was DAMN interesting TV, folks.

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I could give or take Cena but being speared by a beanpole like Edge should not cause a World Title change.


I would normally agree with you, but I think that Cena sold it pretty well and Edge got him better than he normally gets most anyone else.


And the Spear didn't cause the change. The Elimination Chamber did.

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