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Guest Hadley

The Super pre-SNME Thread

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There aren't any more real matches tonight, are there?

Well, there's the Divas Tag...there's the Street Fight...and since Booker got caught I'm sure that there's a Booker/Boogeyman match. We'll see about that though.

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So, we just stated showing matches? (I Just Tuned In)

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Is it just me or is Trish's stomach getting flabbier? Not fat, but I mean not as tight or defined as before.



I think she needs to put some meat on her bones to be honest.

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I'm really beginning to dig Mickie James's character so far.

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It really is sad that the ONLY storyline on both shows building to Mania that makes any clear sense is Trish/Mickie.


You mean Cena staring down HHH and pointing to the WM logo isn't clear enough?

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Guest Arnold_OldSchool

WON said the women would be the most noticeable people on the roster as far as the stopping of the drug use goes

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Guest Arnold_OldSchool
The most dominant tag team in WWE history?




The Dudley's are returning? Demolition? The Samoans?

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I'm looking forward to the "Silent Hill" movie. The only thing that will stop me from seeing it is if it gets a pg-13 rating.

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WON said the women would be the most noticeable people on the roster as far as the stopping of the drug use goes


Since when did they they add breast implants to the list of banned substances?


I think it's talking about hair dye.


:huh: :huh: :huh: :huh:

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