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OAO WrestleMania 22 thread - 4/2/06

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Shit, I forgot the barbed wire socko spot. Don't get me wrong, the hardcore match was pretty good as well. The HBK/McMahon match was entertaining as well.


Don't forget the Hall of Freaks segment either.

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A couple of thoughts:


The really screwed up the push the "new guys" seemed to be getting at NYR with Carlito and Masters getting squashed. Yeah, now they're going to feud probabaly, but after being booked so strong in the elimination chamber, they just lost everything they gained. Damn WWe writers. Really, at where do big Show and Kane go from here; makes no sense to have kept the titles on them.


They probably should have done the Carlito turn after the match. The pop would have been big.

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For Hawk




Freaks Backstage..

First off, I still don't get how DiBiase qualifies as a freak. Maybe it's me.


Secondly...you'll need to update your sig now.


Old-millionaire walking around with money, mocking retards aren't that common...I guess they are actually...

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Guest InuYasha

I think the main reason why people are bitching a little bit about HHH not getting the title tonight, is because they're expecting the other shoe to drop. They're wondering what Vince is going to do to make us internet fans hate our greatest nemesis even more.

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So this means HHH has gone a year without a title to his name? Incredible.


More impressively, he lost his third straight Wrestlemania Main Event. Tell me, anyone here(by the way, I've never seen so many users reading a thread at once), that when Rey's music hit and we knew Triple H-Cena would be the main event, that you thought HHH wouldnt go over? I even callled for a DX Reunion upon HHH's winning the title. I guess not.


Some thoughts:


-Despite the botch, Mickie did cover up well. She's also the most beautiful woman on the WWE roster.


-I'm sure it's been mentioned a number of times now, but why in God's name did the world title match precede teh Playboy pillow fight?


- The 3 way dance, while indeed short, was excellent. I wasn't sure how I felt going into the match about Rey winning, (which I had thought would happen), but when push came to shove, it was pretty hard not to like what happened. Also, while Micahel Cole's use of superlatives has been rampant, he was spot on when he called Angle the best pure athlete in WWE history.


-Michaels-Vince was actually excellent. I knew it wouldnt happen, but I was hoping Vince would somehow pull the win off. The spot at the end, while a little overdrawn, was impressive.


-My buddy and his girlfriend came over. She asked what the deal was with all the hoopla re: Triple H's entrance. I explained that he was banging Steph(I put it much more tactfully) and always got his way. Egg was on my face a half hour later.


-The dueling chants during the ME were great. The 'Shawn Fuck You' chants, while a grammatcial wasteland, were also excellent.

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Fuck the haters. Vince realized that the promotion needs a future, and anyone who wanted HHH as the champion again is a goddamn retard. Even with him losing tonight, I won't give him any benefit of a doubt until he's gone TWO years without the title.

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I wonder how disapointed WWE was in the lack of response for Rey's win.


If they anticipated him getting a huge pop by beating Orton for Angle's title they're even more out of touch than I imagined.

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Marvin: Can you get some caps of the rising rampway for a friend of mine who doesn't have PPV access?


EDIT: And an easy to resize and crop picture of Rey with the World Title for my sig?

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I wonder if in 10 years we'll look at CM Punk being on the car for Cena's entrance like we do for DDP driving Rhythm and Blues to the ring @ WM6.

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If we know Triple H at all, he will do his best, and probably succeed, at making Cena's win last night mean nothing. Lets not forget, Benoit beat him a couple of time and Triple H would barely acknowledge the losses without putting a list of asterixs after them. I can already hear the "Flash in a pan" and "everyone gets lucky, but you will never do it again" Raw Promo coming tomorrow night.


I actually don't mind Cena retaining the belt, but personally I would like to see Cena turn heel. I mean the crowd already hates him, and since it is obvious by now that Triple H has no interest in playing a TRUE HEEL, rather he just wants to get his rocks off by being "the heel that cracks jokes and everyone likes" I'd say if they TURN CENA NOW, and just have him go off on the crowd about how it is his time and the he doesn't give a shit about the fans and never did, then maybe Raw could have a REAL HEEL locked in for awhile rather then a quasi-heel like Triple H.


This would allow Triple H to continue to play his "I'm a heel, no I'm a face, no I'm a tweener" bullshit games while Raw can move forward at the same time and in spite of him.

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Meaningless question, but did they do the wrapup music video they do at the end of every WrestleMania?


I'm a sucker for those.

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