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OAO Post Mania 22 Raw Thread

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Wow, just when you think HHH is not as bad anymore......


He totally fuckin squashes the best heel and champ at the same time


LMAO - I love to see that guy rile you folks up. It's hilarious. :P



pleeeeeeeease, I don't give a shit. Anything to make Cena look bad is cool with me right now. Cena usually overcomes ALL of the odds, so this is a welcome change.


I know, but calling Edge their best heel is a bit of a stretch. He's an "okay" heel at best.


Ok, then let me know who the best heel on Raw is right now


Vince McMahon and Mickie James are more effective heels than Adam "THIS IS MY ACTING FACE" Copeland. :rolleyes:



gimme a break........a guy who wrestles once a year and a woman...you know what i meant damnit.



The King of Kings will not be denied!!!!

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24 hours ago, the IWC was praising HHH for doing the job on Cena.


Tonight, he's buried both the champ and the best heel the company has.


How exactly did he bury them ?

...Were you not watching the show?


Cena now looks like an ignorant dumbass, and Edge is now HHH's little bitch. HHH finished off Cena with one move, while Edge was getting his ass kicked.

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AND he's got the net supporting him for the first time in like 6 years.


Seriously, I don't care for politics, but the man has no equal in this department.


Hogan would squash him like a bug.


Currently, I mean.

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Overall, that was a pretty good RAW. A solid way to follow up Wrestlemania even with the stupid enough.


The Good for me:

-The opening promo with HHH and Cena just owning Edge. He was REALLY out of his league in a reaction style promo battle with Cena and HHH. HHH just made him look really foolish as Edge stumbled over his lines. And then Cena got in the shots while Edge just was made to look like the little kid trying to be involved in the adults conversation.


-Spirit squad, it's an incredibly stupid angle but I love the guys involved in it. The cheerleading Mickey Mouse club has been fun. Plus allowing Kane and Show to be able to do SOMETHING else is always a plus.


-The women's match being short, Chavo getting SOMETHING to do, two Wrestlecraps on one show, and of course Maria returns although briefly. Main Event was nice and quick, RVD's promo while weak with the stupid briefcase basically confirmed they are aiming for ONS as the title match.


A rare enjoyable RAW for me.

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24 hours ago, the IWC was praising HHH for doing the job on Cena.


Tonight, he's buried both the champ and the best heel the company has.


How exactly did he bury them ?

...Were you not watching the show?


Cena now looks like an ignorant dumbass, and Edge is now HHH's little bitch. HHH finished off Cena with one move, while Edge was getting his ass kicked.


All positives, IMO. :P

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Bad Raw, though not as bad as I feared it would be


The Good


-Mickie James just keeps getting even more awesome. Come on, dressing up as Trish, using her finisher-fucking kick ass

-The opening Banter between HHH and Edge. Come on, it was awesome.

-Spirit Squad as the tag champs. How could anyone hate it? Look past the shitty gimmick, and they are fucking awesome.

-Carlito turns face. It's about fucking time



The Bad

-The ending of the main event. Wow, pin the champ, and bury the opposition-way to go Trips.

-Chavo Quits.

-The return of Jamal. And the crowd, and the fans, don't really give a shit.

-The continuation of Shawn vs. Vince. It just never ends. It's like a horrible joke that Vince is pulling on us.

-Lawler and Coach. Lawler makes a horrible face, and Coach is just a pain to listen to

-The continuation of "In memory of Eddie". I miss the guy to, but the WWE is really dragging his name down at this point.

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I really thought that once they got out of Chicago, there might have been a chance to save Cena.


I am aware. Once they get through the first Raw after a PPV, storylines start to develop and evolve. If they could've gotten through tonight, he might've been salvaged.


And please don't type in all caps. You really come off as a dick.

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I'm sorry folks....but RVD sounds like a fuckin moron every time he opens his mouth.



So damn horrible

I concur.

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I really thought that once they got out of Chicago, there might have been a chance to save Cena.


I am aware. Once they get through the first Raw after a PPV, storylines start to develop and evolve. If they could've gotten through tonight, he might've been salvaged.


And please don't type in all caps. You really come off as a dick.


Capslock, sorry

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I didn't see Raw, can anybody give a recap of anything stupid that happened?

Vince has signed God for Backlash.

Jamal is back as "Jumanji" to likely botch and injure Flair

Chavo quit, possibly coming back as Kerwin White.

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I didn't see Raw, can anybody give a recap of anything stupid that happened?


Vince announced he'll team with his son against HBK and GOD plus Jamal showed up as a big ass Samoa with a Cuban manager.

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24 hours ago, the IWC was praising HHH for doing the job on Cena.


Tonight, he's buried both the champ and the best heel the company has.


How exactly did he bury them ?

...Were you not watching the show?


Cena now looks like an ignorant dumbass, and Edge is now HHH's little bitch. HHH finished off Cena with one move, while Edge was getting his ass kicked.


Yes, I watched the show. I obviously saw something you didn't.


Cena may have been ignorant, but HHH was almost teasing a face turn when they were both rocking Edge. How is Edge HHH's bitch ? I'm missing that. Yes, HHH finished Cena with one move, which happend to be his finisher, you know, the Pedigree. The same move he's used for years to pin many people. HHH simply outsmarted all involved, that's his gimmick.

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Does it even matter that Cena kept the title if he still looks like a chump? He did his stupid dance thing right in front of the guy who he's been feuding with, and didn't think he'd get attacked? Yep, that made him look good.


Oh, and I am shocked that between HHH and Edge, HHH got to be the smart heel. Yep, shocked. Completely and utterly.


Hey, I missed the women's match. Anyone have details on it at all? Thanks.

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24 hours ago, the IWC was praising HHH for doing the job on Cena.


Tonight, he's buried both the champ and the best heel the company has.


How exactly did he bury them ?

...Were you not watching the show?


Cena now looks like an ignorant dumbass, and Edge is now HHH's little bitch. HHH finished off Cena with one move, while Edge was getting his ass kicked.


Yes, I watched the show. I obviously saw something you didn't.


Cena may have been ignorant, but HHH was almost teasing a face turn when they were both rocking Edge. How is Edge HHH's bitch ? I'm missing that. Yes, HHH finished Cena with one move, which happend to be his finisher, you know, the Pedigree. The same move he's used for years to pin many people. HHH simply outsmarted all involved, that's his gimmick.


He assassinated their cerebella.

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24 hours ago, the IWC was praising HHH for doing the job on Cena.


Tonight, he's buried both the champ and the best heel the company has.


And all of us and the crowd are loving it.


Hail the king of kings.

never underestimate teh power of steel.

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Hey, I missed the women's match. Anyone have details on it at all? Thanks.

Mickie came out dressed just like Trish, and had her hair dyed blonde. Basically, it kicked ass.

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Does it even matter that Cena kept the title if he still looks like a chump? He did his stupid dance thing right in front of the guy who he's been feuding with, and didn't think he'd get attacked? Yep, that made him look good.


Oh, and I am shocked that between HHH and Edge, HHH got to be the smart heel. Yep, shocked. Completely and utterly.


Hey, I missed the women's match. Anyone have details on it at all? Thanks.


Mickie came out dressed as Trish AGAIN and she kicked Torrie in the face for the pin. It lasted maybe two minutes if that long.


So you didn't miss anything, same old same old. Nothing new came out of it.

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Does it even matter that Cena kept the title if he still looks like a chump? He did his stupid dance thing right in front of the guy who he's been feuding with, and didn't think he'd get attacked? Yep, that made him look good.


Oh, and I am shocked that between HHH and Edge, HHH got to be the smart heel. Yep, shocked. Completely and utterly.


Hey, I missed the women's match. Anyone have details on it at all? Thanks.



Maybe is has something to do with him being the CEREBRAL assassin.....you know.....with being smart as PART of his gimmick and all.

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Chavo could have something up his sleeve, then once he follows through with it he can say "HE LIEEEEEEEEEED" about quitting.

That would be a major mark out moment for me.

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The Jamal thing is ridiculous. It's possible to be Samoan or from the south pacific and not be a wild savage beast. Mark Hunt came down to the ring in traditional garb and music, it got across his ethnicity and culture, and it differentiates him from other fighters without having to play to the LCD. The WWE clearly doesn't get this.


If anyone hasn't said it yet, this is what they would have done to Samoa Joe, guaranteed.

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Chavo could have something up his sleeve, then once he follows through with it he can say "HE LIEEEEEEEEEED" about quitting.

That would be a major mark out moment for me.


I was worried they were going to pull a "All Eddie's fault!" angle, but thankfully they didn't go that way. Really, I don't know where they are going with this. Maybe Chavo will come back as a ref.

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But being smart was part of Edge's gimmick too...look at how he won the freaking title.


And being smart is fine, but ALWAYS outsmarting people and making everyone else in the current title picture look retarded? That's stupid. Why would Edge, someone who just had been through a match like he had, let someone boss him around to face Cena? Edge was the one who thought of the match in the first place...shouldn't he be the one with the plan?


But hey, Edge looked like fucking gold compared to Cena. Seriously, I know faces are traditionally stupid, but COME ON.

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But being smart was part of Edge's gimmick too...look at how he won the freaking title.


And being smart is fine, but ALWAYS outsmarting people and making everyone else in the current title picture look retarded? That's stupid. Why would Edge, someone who just had been through a match like he had, let someone boss him around to face Cena? Edge was the one who thought of the match in the first place...shouldn't he be the one with the plan?


But hey, Edge looked like fucking gold compared to Cena. Seriously, I know faces are traditionally stupid, but COME ON.


Even Sting went "I could have seen that coming".

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