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The Mandarin

Nastiest head drops in wrestling history.

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In honor of that absolutely disgusting Island Driver on TNA tonight, I'd like to see what head bumps made everybody else cringe. "Head drops" does not include weapon shots to the head or stiff punches to the face, obviously.


My current top five:


1) Joey Ryan's Duff Drop to the outside cement floor on Super Dragon. I just can't understand how Super Dragon is still alive, honestly. Just blew my mind. Totally awesome match, too.

2) Piledriver at SummerSlam 1997. 'Nuff said.

3) Ganso Bomb. See above.

4) Benoit's powerbomb on Eddie; Nitro 1995. He took it with his neck and shoulders but his head REBOUNDING off the mat was absolutely disgusting. What a noise that made.

5) Pepsi Plunge on one of the Briscoes at Reborn: Stage Two. That's one of my most replayed spots in history. He just went CRASHING down onto his skull from the top. Great finish.


Holla back.

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Guest Happy Go Nowhere

Eh...The Raven/Kanyon Powerbomb/Neckbreaker combo on one of the Villanos usually comes to mind. I'm pretty sure the guy broke his neck too.


Poor fellow.

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I don't know if it counts since it was a botch spot but Jack Evans is lucky to be alive after that Cage of Death accident.

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-Nash-Giant at Souled Out '98

-HHH with that crazy pedigree on a jobber...someone here had it as an avatar at some point

-Tony Mamaluke missing Mikey Whipwreck on a dive from the top turnbuckle to the outside landing head/neck first on the guardrail...ECW on TNN

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Not necessarily my top 5, but some to think about.


- Nash's botched jackknife on the Giant

- Sid folding Brian Pillman in half at Wargames 91

- Misawa giving Kobashi a Tiger Suplex off the ramp to the floor.

- Misawa giving anyone the TD 91

- Kobashi giving Samoa Joe the Sleeper Suplex where Joe just came straight down on his own head.

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Guest wildpegasus

Lyger ddting Benoit from the top rope in theier Mask vs Mask bout.


Lyger ddting Owen Hart from the top rope


Steve Williams annihilating Kobashi with backdrop drivers in 8/93

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I don't know if it counts since it was a botch spot but Jack Evans is lucky to be alive after that Cage of Death accident.


Can anyone elaborate on this?


Tommy Dreamer splattering Jimmy Yang's (pre-Akio) head all over the mat with a DDT on Sunday Night Heat back in '03 was pretty sick.

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I don't know if it counts since it was a botch spot but Jack Evans is lucky to be alive after that Cage of Death accident.



Was that when Jack went for the Phoenix Splash but smoked his head on the chair? Jack Evans has been the recipient of some pretty god awful head bumps.


-Homicide's spike ddt at Best of the Best a few years back.


-The Cutthroat Suplex from Mark Briscoe at Generation Next and At Our Best.


-Izzy and Deranged doing that crazy ass inverted Spanish fly piledriver thing at Death Before Dishonor 3.

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Guest jm29195

AJ Style's fucked up styles clashes on Kazarian in TNA and Keenan in 1PW, and Bubba dropping Lance Storm on his head in the opener of Unforgiven 2002- IIRC it was edited off the dvd but the commentators still talk about it...

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Well it was when he and Cash were at the top of the cage. I guess the original spot was messed up because it leads to an awkward backdrop suplex attempt but Jack Evans whiffs the table. Luckily he flipped and was able to slow the fall by grabbing onto the cage for a second, from there he landed right on his head/upper neck. It was vicious.


Edit: He fell onto the floor, by the way, not the ring. I didn't make that too clear.

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"-Tony Mamaluke missing Mikey Whipwreck on a dive from the top turnbuckle to the outside landing head/neck first on the guardrail...ECW on TNN"


I was row 2 for that in Toledo. I thought the match was over right there.


The SAT and spot monkeys just like them do about 20 headdrops per match they're in.

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Samoa Joe giving Necro the DDT off the apron to the concrete floor, and blood starts squirting out of his forehead


Dean Malenko to Scotty 2 Hotty at Backlash was insane


A lot of Misawa stuff is stiff towards the head/neck.

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In somebody's avatar here they used to have a clip of CM Punk from some IWA Mid-South match, looked to be from around 2001-2002, where he gets Release German Suplexed directly on the top of his head and actually bounced from the impact in 'RVD taking a Piledriver' fashion. As far as pure 'guy landing on his skull' spots it would have to be right near the top of the list.


In similar fashion on another board someone had a clip of Vader taking a TD '91 from Misawa from i assume 2000, which is extra nasty considering that's ALOT of weight coming down on Vader's head/neck.

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In somebody's avatar here they used to have a clip of CM Punk from some IWA Mid-South match, looked to be from around 2001-2002, where he gets Release German Suplexed directly on the top of his head and actually bounced from the impact in 'RVD taking a Piledriver' fashion. As far as pure 'guy landing on his skull' spots it would have to be right near the top of the list.




I can't be certain. But there was the three-way with Ace Steel and Vic Capri that Punk had in 2003-ish that involved him taking a half-nelson suplex from Capri where he gets thrown and comes straight down on the top of his head. Which was super scary to watch considering it was after the fractured skull thing.

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Man. The guy in the singlet is a fucking retard for agreeing to do that. .. or, assuming it was a misunderstanding, whomever is in the red is an asshole for not thinking of something better to do than throw some guy on his head once he realized that he clearly thought he was taking a piledriver.

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They must have gotten the spot mixed up. Receiver assumed piledriver while the giver assumed powerbomb. Hard to tell who is at fault, though the giver should have noticed something was up when the receiver was holding his legs.

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They must have gotten the spot mixed up. Receiver assumed piledriver while the giver assumed powerbomb. Hard to tell who is at fault, though the giver should have noticed something was up when the receiver was holding his legs.




It's impossible to tell who's at fault for the miscommunication. But as for who's at fault for the outcome, it seems quite evident that it's not the guy who gets mercilessly shoved down onto his head.

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Shane McMahon, KOTR '01. Can't remember if it's the first or second Belly To Belly where the glass doesn't break, but one of those.


I remember El Generico taking a particularly sick Psycho Driver from Super Dragon, but I don't recall which show. COD 6 maybe, or possibly PWG All Star Extravaganza.


EDIT: Not so much a head 'drop', but Eddie Kingston landing on his head on a moonsault to the floor at TPI 2004.

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I know it's a weapon shot, but I remember that Bradshaw hit one of the Mean Street Posse so hard the chair was deeply imprinted with his head, it was just....wow.....

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Sloppiness all has to do with intent.


If the planned spot is a head drop (as it often is in Japan) it's not sloppy. If the planned spot is back bump, then dropping someone on their head is sloppy.

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