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WON News and Notes

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The number going around for WM is 700,000, which may or may not be just the domestic numbers.


JBL is set to beat Mysterio for the World title at Judgment Day. He got word before the tapings in St Louis, which is why he guaranteed victory.


No word on what will happen to the US Title.


Kurt Angle's neck and spine are inflamed and he lacks feeling in one of his hands.


The second hour of Raw on 4/10 with the Edge vs. Cena and HHH main event drew 840,000 teenage viewers.


Stacey Keibler earned $245,000 for her eight weeks on Dancing with the Stars.


As of right now, there are no plans for Flair to get a title shot on a major show.


The Foley comments last week on his blog were legit, and not the start of an angle.


There is talk of reforming DX, with it possibly being like Evolution, with Hunter and Michaels bringing in one or two guys and giving them the rub.


There are no plans to bring Eric Bischoff back before his contract expires.


There are plans to buy the Stampede Wrestling tape library.


Colt Cabana is using the name Chris Guy because they used the Cabana name for Carlito's Cabana.


When Shawn came off the lader onto Vince at WM, Vince knew it was coming because the referee shook his leg to give a signal. Vince had been trying to get himself over by claiming he didn't know when it would be coming, and so wouldn't have been able to ready for it.


There are no plans to book MSG until Summerslam next year.


WWE are charging $10,000 for a two-hour autograph session with John Cena.

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I never thought I'd be excited to see JBL scheduled to win a World Title match.

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Guest Gary Busey
When Shawn came off the lader onto Vince at WM, Vince knew it was coming because the referee shook his leg to give a signal. Vince had been trying to get himself over by claiming he didn't know when it would be coming, and so wouldn't have been able to ready for it.


I went back and checked my tape, and I can't believe I didn't notice that before. Now every time I watch it that's all I'll ever see. :)


I really appreciate you posting these bits. My subscription ran out a couple weeks ago and I can't afford to resub right now. :(

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Good to see WWE take what could've been one of the best underdog stories and potential World title runs in a long time and just shit all over it. First the ungodly amount of Eddie references, then the Orton crap, the title match getting cut in half, one defense where he gets beat up 90% of the match, another defense only designed to get Mark Henry over, and now a loss at the hands of the worst drawing champion in 10 years.


What a load of shit. I feel bad for Rey.


On a side note, who the hell would've guessed, oh say 3 years ago, that a good chunk of the IWC would be happy to see Bradshaw take the World title from Rey Mysterio? Fickle smarks, eh?

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I feel worse for Rey because they botched his run and reign from the get go. This thing was doomed to fail. Not one part of Rey's chase and winning the belt has been done correctly. It's to the point where they had him cut promos in the back and not in the ring post Mania because he was going to get booed.

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Well this title change doesn't surprise me since they don't seem to want to throw Cena or HHH to the wolves at the ECW pay-per-view to face Rob Van Dam.


The only reason I'm sketchy on this title change is that although I do like JBL he got SQUASHED by the friggin' Boogeyman less than five months ago at the Royal Rumble. Are the fans just supposed to forget about that? Then again, if JBL is only winning the title to potentially job it to RVD at One Night Stand then I doubt the fans will care too much.


Also, it's not surprising that Rey isn't getting a long world title reign. After all, keeping the belt on a guy his size for so long just isn't believeable especially against a hoss like JBL.

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Rey's hurt, which is why he's losing the belt.


After all, keeping the belt on a guy his size for so long just isn't believeable especially against a hoss like JBL.

How many time must this be mentioned: REY HAS DEFEATED BIG GUYS IN THE PAST. Fans bought it then, why not now?

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Chris GUY? Scott Colton is a lot better name then Chris Guy...


You are aware that Colt used that name to rib Ace Steel correct? Ace used Cabana's name 2 years ago in a skit. Colt just returned the favor after he was probably told they wouldn't use the Cabana name.

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I'd say Rey having no character and an inability to cut a money promo is more against him than his size.

I hate to agree, but I do.

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Kurt Angle's neck and spine are inflamed and he lacks feeling in one of his hands.

I don't know which is worse...that this makes the news every two months minimum, or that I now expect to hear it every two months minimum.

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Well, it looks like I will never watch SD! again, what with GayBL winning the World Title, and embarking on another shitfuck title reign.

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Yeah, I was more interested in the ECW stuff than any of this.




The ECW vibe is now in the air and I think a lot of us are craving that now instead of actual WWE news. Though I do apprecite you typing out the WON for us to read. Espically since I don't want to pay to read it. Maybe its just me but this WON isn't that great of news.

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I'm not that upset with JBL winning the title, mainly because I think I can see where this is headed. JBL wins the title, talks shit about Rey, then starts badmouthing ECW since he's on a roll. Then RVD challenges him and not Cena.


JBL as a former WWE and World champion though?

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Just want to say that I was totally wrong about Mysterio. I thought that if he won the strap that I'd be into it in a big way, and I'm not. I love the guy, I've loved his work for over a decade now, but I just don't give a shit about him being the champ. If I could have my way I'd have Mysterio back in a really hot cruiser division, putting on great matches with some of that talent, while still taking on guys like Angle in grudge match angles and the such every now and then.


When I see him as champ, I just don't see a world champ. I want to really be into his run as champ, but I just can't. I hate to admit it, but I think his size is even getting in my way of accepting him as world champ...and his voice doesn't help matters at all. I've been rooting against the guy ever since he won the strap, and I can't wait to see JBL beat him. Then again, I'm a huge JBL mark as you all know so maybe that's getting in my way also.


I dunno, I still like Mysterio and his work, but a credible world champ he ain't. I'm not even saying that because of the shitty way that he's been built up, but that didn't help him at all either.

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My only hope is that the "Rey Mysterio Experiment" never gets repeated. He never should have been given a World Title, and hopefully Vince realizes that this was a monumental mistake.

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Imagine a world where Eddie Guererro wasn't dead and Batista never got hurt. Do you think they would have ever given Rey the strap?


I'm starting to question that big time. I always thought they would give it to him, ever since he debuted in WWE, but now I'm not so sure.


Even with Eddie and Batista being gone, there are a number of guys who I'd rather see as world champ right now. Angle, Benoit, Booker T, and I'm sure I could think of a couple more.

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