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The OAO RAW Thread 8/5/2006

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I love how Kenny is clearly the #1 guy in S.S.

I don't know...I'd have to say Mikey was up there with him (although he didn't get the Title shot)

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Guest InuYasha
They are seriously pushing Kenny here.

Like Justin Timberlake with N`Sync? :lol:

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I love how Kenny is clearly the #1 guy in S.S.


I wish they'd ditch the other 4.


Nicky, Mikey and Mitch can go away but you need to keep Johnny.

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They are seriously pushing Kenny here.

Like Justin Timberlake with N`Sync? :lol:


Are you still trying to make your completely innacurate comparison to SS and boy bands?

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Guest InuYasha

They are seriously pushing Kenny here.

Like Justin Timberlake with N`Sync? :lol:


Are you still trying to make your completely innacurate comparison to SS and boy bands?

As far as I know, that was the first one. It was meant to be lame.

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Man, That Michael's kip-up spot was ill-placed. He took absolutely no punishment, and yet, after he did his flying shoulder block, he falls unconsious. Then, to add to the business exposing, he looks up at the SS member lying next to him to make sure he won't step on him. Nice, shawn.

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I actually thought this was a really interesting Raw tonight, at least up until the Spirit Squad crap. I actually can see the comment last week that they draw mass X-Pac heat. I even LIKE some of the guys in it, such as Doane and Jeter. Ken Doane getting pushed would be fine, but not in this gimmick.


This ECW stuff is really bizarre so far and I don't think the crowd knows quite how to handle it. Especially not a west coast Anaheim crowd with no ties to ECW. The Dreamer beatdown in particular would have drawn insane heat had it been in Philly, NYC, etc. I think the crowd didn't react since the angle itself was a bait and switch, and an arbitrary one at that. I think the end result will end up being a fun match at the ECW PPV with Funk/Dreamer vs. Foley/Edge.


I think what this is all leading to is RVD being put in increasingly more ludicrous matches where he's going against 3-4 opponents, then finally loses the IC title and flips out. From there it'll be ON. We've now seen Styles quit after being tormented, as well as Dreamer being attacked and left bloody. All is left is RVD to be screwed out of the IC title.

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Man, That Michael's kip-up spot was ill-placed. He took absolutely no punishment, and yet, after he did his flying shoulder block, he falls unconsious. Then, to add to the business exposing, he looks up at the SS member lying next to him to make sure he won't step on him. Nice, shawn.


and the actual kip-up wasn't even really caught on camera, as Cena was fighting with someone on the outside at the time.

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Guest JustPassinBy
Did I mention how much I hate the Spirit Squad..?


You're not alone. Spirt Squad is just pure wrestlecrap. As is Eugene.

Hate them both..not in a good way. In a "get these ridiculous characters off my TV" sort of way.


The only reason Cena got a pop was because the crowd just doesnt care at all for the SS. HHH then gets a mega pop for pedigree'ing Cena. Maybe DX will reform, they'll job out the SS, and the SS is never heard from again.

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Guest Princess Leena

The male cheerleader gimmick just makes no sense for what they're doing...


The only one who fits into the gimmick is the one who shows way too much excitement... and I think that's the one that doesn't wrestle.


The problem is that it's way over the top in the attempted annoying department, and completely unbelievable for the push they're getting. If it was just 2 guys working in a lowcard tag team, it wouldn't be so bad... but, they're so overexposed now that people just want them to go away.


It would be best if they broke the 3 supposed talented ones, Kenny, Mikey and Johnny away from the group... because if they get stuck with the stigma of this gimmick, it could damage them long-term with the regular fan.

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But then they'd lose the stupid dances and just be given the usual by the numbers face and heel gimmicks, fade into obscurity and get jobbed out on Heat and Velocity. At least they stand out from the crowd. I'd take The Spirit Squad over Gunner "Lucky Jobber" Scott, even if Albright is the best worker of the 6.


So, The Hurricane was a dumb gimmick, but it beats heel Helms and his 'EVIL sunglasses' hands down. Do you really think Nick Dinsmore would have gotten over (or even out of OVW) if he wasn't Eugene? Look at what happened to The Bashams when they debuted. They had no gimmick, no stand-out qualities and they bored the crap out of everyone. Look at The HeartThrobs when the WWE went nowhere with the gimmick. At least the goofy cheers and the terrible dances are entertaining.

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ECW has had PPV events on the west coast.


They had one. Heatwave in LA in 2000. Not exactly an ECW crowd.

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The whole Dreamer segment just had the crowd confused the entire time. They really messed it up by bringing Dreamer out of nowhere, to a crowd who obviously didn't care. Like others have said, if they had done this on the East coast somewhere, it probably would've gotten a lot more heat. I think the WWE considers every city they run basically interchangable at this point, and that's a big flaw.


I liked Kane/Show. It was the complete opposite of what I expected.


The Spirit Squad still come off like a bunch of faggots, but at least they are being used properly (I think). They definitely need to have Ken Doane break away from the group sooner than later.


I wish WWE would realize Eugene has had absolutely zero heat since Triple H buried him last year. Hey, WWE, you guys had something special with Eugene and you ruined it. Either give him a new gimmick or fire him. The crowd knows he isn't going anywhere right now by being the same old Eugene.

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Last night's Raw was a poorly executed show. The opening segment could have been better, and the whole show in general just seemed disjointed. Foley's heel turn was sloppy and God knows where the WWE is going with it. One thing that was good was the Kane/Big Show interaction. Aside from this whole May 19 thing, I really think these two work well together. I also liked the idea of two big men having a mat based, technical match instead of the usual power vs power thing.

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I wish WWE would realize Eugene has had absolutely zero heat since Triple H buried him last year. Hey, WWE, you guys had something special with Eugene and you ruined it. Either give him a new gimmick or fire him. The crowd knows he isn't going anywhere right now by being the same old Eugene.


I'm guessing eventually he'll become a student of Matt Striker and suddenly he'll no longer be mentally challenged. Which would be great for Striker and great for Dinsmore although it really wouldn't make sense how he cured him of his disability. But I won't care about the logic, anything to give Dinsmore something different.

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The only reason Cena got a pop was because the crowd just doesnt care at all for the SS.

I dunno. I saw some pro-Spirit Squad signs in the crowd.


HHH then gets a mega pop for pedigree'ing Cena.

I definitely heard boo's mixed in after the Pedigree. It was far from a unanimous reaction to the Pedigree.


The Spirit Squad still come off like a bunch of faggots,

Dude, what the fuck are you talking about?

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Hey, WWE, you guys had something special with Eugene and you ruined it.

Haha, nice pun.

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When are we going to get a TLC(trampolines,ladders and chairs) match?


Id like to see someone jump off a ladder onto a trampoline and do a flying chairshot.


That would be Shelton.


Do any of the SS besides Kenny have an actual finisher? The High Spirits doesn't count since it involves all 5 of them.

Johnny has the Johnny-Go-Round. Otherwise no.


Apparently Nicky or Mickey, whoever it was, will be using the Swanton Bomb since that seemed to be his big highspot last night.

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When are we going to get a TLC(trampolines,ladders and chairs) match?


Id like to see someone jump off a ladder onto a trampoline and do a flying chairshot.


That would be Shelton.


Do any of the SS besides Kenny have an actual finisher? The High Spirits doesn't count since it involves all 5 of them.

Johnny has the Johnny-Go-Round. Otherwise no.


Apparently Nicky or Mickey, whoever it was, will be using the Swanton Bomb since that seemed to be his big highspot last night.


But JR called it a moonsault!

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