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The OaO Raw thread for 05/15/06

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This comment on pwtorch.com sums up my feelings about the final segment tonight:


The ending was a bit predictable, but the sight of Vince screaming and weeping while cradling his son Shane as if he had been gunned down in a drive-by was comedy gold.

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Vince's over-acting here is ALMOST as good as his reaction to being put in the Figure Four Leglock by Flair at the 2002 Royal Rumble.

Speaking of which, where is Flair?

Arrrrrrrrrrrrmando Alejandrrrrrrrrrro Estrrrrrrrrrrrrrrranda beat him in a drinking contest and took Flair's manager gimmick as the prize.

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Guest JustPassinBy

The Terry Funk-Mick Foley thing was a trainwreck. Funk sort of gave off a Jake Roberts drunken vibe. It was difficult watching bc it was so bad.


I missed Trish/Mickie and that sounds like the best part of the show.

I thought Matt Striker did pretty well.


Still hate Eugene, the SS, and am even finding Maria annoying.

Can they make an easier joke than the Carlito spit/swallow joke? That was so 1996.

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Vince's over-acting here is ALMOST as good as his reaction to being put in the Figure Four Leglock by Flair at the 2002 Royal Rumble.

Speaking of which, where is Flair?


In storyline, I think he's recovering from Umaga.


He was in court in North Carolina yesterday (Monday) about the road rage thing that happened last year. The charges were dropped after the witnesses against him didn't appear in court, apparently.

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Guest JustPassinBy
Why do you idiots always love the wrestlecrap gimmicks and act like they are good or cool? Yet, there are a handful of morons who totally miss the point with SS and insist they get XPac heat and are useless.


Princess Leena explained last week why people hate the SS, and rightfully so.

Boring, bland, overthetop, way way too homo-erotic, to the point of sheer annoyance.


Umaga is wrestlecrap in the sense that Kamala was. Thats what I think of when I see Umaga. Sort of a tribal monster gimmick. Those guys arent annoying (at least not to me). Since they cant really cut their own promos, they retain that sort of mysteriousness. I think they can still serve a purpose, although it'd be better for them to talk on their own and develop the character.


The SS and Eugene are way higher up the annoyance meter.

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Next week...on a very special Raw is War...



Vince: HHH...for murdering my son Shane in cold blood...you will be facing TONIGHT IN THIS VERY RING....












Next week, on a very special blossom.

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Well I can sleep safely. WWE.com just put up the following:


"... Shane McMahon came to the ring, few thought his night would end the way it did. But when HBK ducked out of the way, The Game accidentally hit Shane with the sledgehammer, knocking Shane out cold."









Did anyone REALLY believe that it was a death angle??????????

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I don't get the big deal about Estrada. So, he has three names and an accent. Big whoop. What the hell else does he actually offer to the table, because I certainly haven't seen it. Does absolutely nothing for me and neither does Umaga, which makes this PIMPMAGA~! phase around here all the more irritating.



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"I want you to see this coming."


Ha, classic.



~That was great, ya know, like he was making sure Shawn knew to duck, seeing it coming, further building to the DX Reunion. Nice little touch.



~Plus, Funk Repeating Double Cross a couple of times when Foley mentioned his ranch was like, just straight up saying, "Here Comes The Double Cross!"



~The Foley/ Funk segment was fucking great.


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~Funk reminded me of one of my Grandpa's buddies; Dude seems like he can hardly move, probably shouldn't even be able to, but then you see him when he's helping remodel the house or somethin', and dude is goin' at it like as hard as I am, and I'm almost 22, this dude's pushing 72, and I think Funk is in his late 70's(!).


~Terry Funk = Kurt Angle in three years.

And, sadly, they'll both probably be in wheelchairs, or dead a few years after that.


~The Foley/ Funk segment was fucking great.


~I love that Funk refered to Foley as 'Cactus'. Like, he knew Foley wasn't being completly sincere in his speech, and he could tell that Mick had reverted completly back into Cactus Jack, and was going over the edge and shit.


~The scene right before Lita gave Funk a ballshot, with him telling Cactus and Edge to bring it, while they're both trying to stand up in the corners was a mark-out moment for me.


~I also like how Foley brings out his two best friends in Hardcore Wrestling, and turns on them with Edge.

Like, he's had a taste of the spotlight and it made hime snap, and now he's got dillusions of granduer, saying he and Edge's WM match was the greatest hardcore match of all time.


~I also loved seeing the clip from the Dumpster Match, and King actually acknowledging who the NAOs were by name.


~The Spear/ Mandible Claw double team is the shit.


~After Foley leaves, Lita should start distracting Edge's opponents, then do something similar to the Claw and have Edge spear th dude for the win.

It's a whole hell of a fucking lot better then Edge's weak 75% of the time Spear.


~Lita looks fuckin' great these days. Her face looks the best it ever has, I think, and her new tit job is better then her last one.




~The Kane Video Package was superb, as I mentioned earlier.


~His flick is now a must see for me, and you all should definetly see it one way or another, because I have a feeling it's gonna play a big part in Kane's WWE storyline for a minute now.


~I want Kane to show up on Smackdown!, Destroy the FUCK out of The Great Khali, and Take on Taker again, with his mask back, because....

Fuck, I dunno, he wants to hide his face again, or he gets burnt somehow.


~And give him either the original full mask, and make it cover his entire head, or the one where you can see his mouth, so he can still do that awesome psycho smile, and have it be a mix of that mask and a Vader type mask.




~The opening match was cool for what it was. I thought Shelton won both titles for a minute, and was about to mark the fuck out. Heh.


~I hit rewind on the Tivo, and was dissapointed.




~Umaga continues to impress, as does AEE... what ever the fuck his name is.


~It's great that they've been bringing back managers lately, and we've actually been getting some good ones.





~Mickie James makes me feel funny in pants.




~That Carlito/ Maria segment was gold.


~And like I said earlier, That shirt is the first wrestling Tee I've bought since back in the nWo and 3:16 and Brahma Bull shirts. I was 14-16 then, I'm 22 now, I've changed alot. I've only seen maybe 3 new shirts I would wear come out in the past 6 or so years. That's not counting the rerelease shirts, the WWF nWo Tee, WWE ECW Tees, or anything like that.


~And damn near everyone that's seen me wear it has liked it. Even peeps I know that hate wrestling, or would never, ever think of spending money on anything wrestling related liked it, and I had alot of folks ask where they could get one.


~Most chicks that have seen it like the catch phrase. I've had several playful

(but more intellegent... Well, sometimes.) inuendo filled conversations similar to Carlito and Maria's tonight, over it.




~My little bro hasn't been into wrestling in years now, and he digs Carlito.


~Other then maybe 3 other guys, he doesn't even bother to pay attention to anything wrestling related.

When he (rarely) talks with me about Wrestling, he always asks about Carlito, Jeff Hardy ( a childhood favorite of his), Ric Flair and Sabu, mostly.

Oh, and anything with Vince, because we laugh our asses off at his over-exaggerations of everything from the Power Walk, to the way he cuts promos, but mainly his facial expressions.





~Carlito and Doane are gonna be two of the next big stars along with Kennedy, no doubt about it.





~I dig the new 'Freak Force' that's been hanging together since WM. It gives a lot of guys with whacked out gimmicks a way to shine. And the newer dudes are better then The Oddities were, I think.


~They should have Dibiase manage all those guys, and pay them to do fucked up shit.





~I'm calling it now, this Eugene/ Striker fued will end with Eugene becoming smart, and turning heel.

It's the best way to do it, in a fued with a "Teacher", and all, I think.





~I wasn't paying attention at first when HHH killed shane, and I thought for a second there that he actually slipped and bashed his head in.


~Then Vince got in the ring.


~From there, it was fucking gold.


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I liked this Raw, from top to bottom. There was something good in every segment, I thought.




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This Raw was OK. Vince's OTT acting was cool, especially him crying over Shane at the end. Should be interesting to see how they build up the DX reunion in the coming weeks.

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Sounds like a good show this week, it airs here tomorrow afternoon.





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I don't understand the SS hate. They're good workers and they work the crowd well too. Sure the gimmick is kind of overdone but that's the whole fucking point of it and they play it well. And it's not X-Pac heat.

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I'm looking forward to seeing this show tomorrow.



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I'm looking forward to seeing this show tomorrow.



How could you not???????????



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I'm digging the spirit squad, as long as they keep bringing in the trampoline spots.



...HAHHAahha !!!1!....... I guess.

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These are my thoughts in no particular order...


Just how serious is Trish's injury? On the SNE promo she's waving both arms in the air rather freely.


I hope Beth Phoenix's debut doesn't result in too much lesbianship.


Seeing Terry back on TV was good but sad at the same time.


Am I the only one who heard the crowd giving appropriate reactions last night? It was so weird to have Cena cheered.

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These are my thoughts in no particular order...


Just how serious is Trish's injury? On the SNE promo she's waving both arms in the air rather freely.


I hope Beth Phoenix's debut doesn't result in too much lesbianship.


Seeing Terry back on TV was good but sad at the same time.


Am I the only one who heard the crowd giving appropriate reactions last night? It was so weird to have Cena cheered.


Well, she dislocated her shoulder and once you put it back in then you have limited movement but aren't suppose to put pressure on it for a few weeks. So it's not that she's not injuried, it's just her injury deals more with how you use it.

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Just how serious is Trish's injury? On the SNE promo she's waving both arms in the air rather freely.


I'm glad someone pointed this out. I noticed that on the SNE promo and was like "wtf"?!?


I too got a kick out of Vince's "crying" at the end of RAW and liked how HHH told Michaels he wanted to see the sledgehammer blow coming which I inferred would give Shawn time to duck the blow.


The Foley-Funk segment didn't do much for me. Funk can barely move and his weak ass punches flooring Foley and Edge made both of them look pathetic. I do like the Mandible Claw-Spear double-team move but I though the Foley-Funk interview was embarrassing although I can see why some people liked it.


Also, the opening match did little for the guys involved except to show that HHH is the strongest guy on the roster yet again. I mean he gets to Pedigree BOTH champs and Shelton looks weak when he just rolls over onto an unconscious RVD for the title. Plus, immediately after the match all the focus was on HHH instead of Shelton's victory.


Overall, a decent show last night but too much HHH focus for me. I see where they are going with it but I got tired of seeing him towards the end of the show.


By the way, what's up with HHH using two different theme musics? Is one his promo music and the other his wrestling match music?

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I have no complaints in regards to Umaga. He's got some hard-hitting offense and is pretty quick in the ring. I like how he changes-up his finisher every week too. I figure if WWE does a draft this year, he'll be shipped-off to Smackdown because his gimmick seems like it would fit that show better.


I just dont see the love for AAE. So, he talks with an accent and cuts the exact same intro promo every week. "Meh nim HAHA es Armando Allllllejandro Estrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrada, HAHA an' heh es HAHA mah Samoah bulldozuh........HAHA UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUMAGAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA HAHA!!!!!!" Whats the fuss?


*Edited for Accuracy*


If WWE is headed towards a D-X return, they need to straike soon while the iron is hot. Vince's reaction to Shane getting hit with the sledgehammer had me in stitches last night as well. WWWHHHYYYYYYY?!?! AAAAAAHHHHH!!! It's one of the few truly funny things, unintentional or not, that Vince has done lately.


The Foley-Funk segment didn't do much for me. Funk can barely move and his weak ass punches flooring Foley and Edge made both of them look pathetic. I do like the Mandible Claw-Spear double-team move but I though the Foley-Funk interview was embarrassing although I can see why some people liked it.


Funk's promo was pretty incoherent. "Foley, I know why you did what you did last week.........so I want to know WHY you did what you did last week! Why did you do it, Foley?" His punches looked horrible, and seeing Edge and Mick bump for them was pretty laughable. The Mandible Claw - Spear combo is slowly becoming one of my favorite team-based moves as well.


By the way, what's up with HHH using two different theme musics? Is one his promo music and the other his wrestling match music?


In regards to HHH's theme. I guess he uses "Time to Play the Game" for his matches, since he has the water spit timed-right for it, and "Bow to the King" is used when the water-spit isn't necessary. You never see him use "Bow to the King" unless he's coming out in a non-wrestling role, or for a promo.

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Lovecraft, that is fucking stupendous.


Much props for that.



I'm currently working on a comp tape of all of Vince's Greatest Over Acting Moments, and last night gave me an awesome addition for it.

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I'm currently working on a comp tape of all of Vince's Greatest Over Acting Moments, and last night gave me an awesome addition for it.


Don't forget Vince doing the swimming motion in the ring as Austin was spraying him with beer. That one had me on stitches, and I still laugh every time I see it again.

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I like AAE, but I like over the top Spanish accents in wrestling. I dunno why. I liked Larry Rivera's color work for XPW too. Zou peoples. I dig Ricky Ricardo's acting too. But that's just me.


Umaga is a great throwback style gimmick that isn't too cartoonish. I like him, and the fact that he changes up the Samoan Spike, makes it more dangerous, and it could play off that he's "just so crazy, he doesn't remember his own finisher."


SS aren't gay, they aren't homoerotic, they are those annoying kids that want you to go support your schools team, eventhough your schools sports suck. They play over the top, because by god, cheerleaders are over the top.


RAW sounds wicked, too bad I had to work, and my tape player acted up and I didn't get it.

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I'm currently working on a comp tape of all of Vince's Greatest Over Acting Moments, and last night gave me an awesome addition for it.


Sounds cool. I'm a big Vince mark so when you finish the tape I might be interested in buying a copy.


I forgot to add that I marked out big for the trampoline bulldog last night during the tag title match. Risky or not it's one of the craziest things I've seen in a long time.

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