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Guest Brian
You guys ruined wrestling for me.


It's a cliche answer that non-wrestling fans give, but you probably just outgrew it.

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- I would not mind if the Big Show went to Smackdown and won the World Title.


- I don't care how Batista dresses.


- Rock/HHH Ironman Match was overrated.


- I miss WCW

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You guys ruined wrestling for me.


It's a cliche answer that non-wrestling fans give, but you probably just outgrew it.


Actually, it was tongue-in-cheek. I always knew wrestling was fake. But it wasn't until a couple years ago I came to enjoy both the backstage stuff and what we see.


And for my real answer, I think a lot of you bitch just to bitch.

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RVD's biggest job that hurt him was the job to Lesnar in the KOTR Tourny and not the Triple H jobs. I truly believe that his downfall first started when the fans saw him used as a job-boy to get over Lesnar. RVD had been on a role at the time, and was ready for the next step. Winning the KOTR tourny clean would have elevated him more then winning the MITB could ever do and people wanted him to be KOTR. Lesnar at that point wasn't super over yet and wasn't winning big matches without Heyman's help. That match was definately going to MAKE one of their careers, and severely PUT ON HOLD the other guy's career. Let me rephrase, not MAKE their career, but definately get it going in a strong positive direction.

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Guest rralvarez

- The Undertaker has been a cancer on the WWF/E roster. He brings nothing in terms of athletic or verbal enjoyment (this dating back from his inception). He has been so put over, his entire career, because he is one of the more loyal wrestlers Vince has ever had and he takes his character to heart so damn much.


- The WWE product is the best it has been in years. It seems as though a lot of people are hung up on how much it has shied away from “classic” wrestling, NEWS FLASH: the NWA is dead! Fuck Gange, Bockwinkel, and Thesz… last I checked it was 2006. I am reminded of Vince’s comments on Beyond The Mat, “'what we're really about: we make movie.” To the masses, being a great technical wrestler does not cut it anymore; you have to entertain me like any other Hollywood actor at this point. ** I want to note that I love all elements of wrestling. The high school wrestler in me loves to see a great chain wrestling match, but the reality is most people just want to see big guys do throws that look cool.**


- With that said above, I am excited for this new ECW. I am hoping it will be what Smackdown should be, and counter Raw’s in projected audience. It should be used as the wrestling brand as apposed to the entertainment one. Which gives the other “traditional” fans what they want; and also creates a new market for the WWE.


- JBL with his bitch tits and lack of wrestling ability is still one of the funniest wrestlers in the WWE. I’d watch him over 95% of the other superstars.


- The Divas make for GREAT television. Speaking from the fact that watching wrestling as an adult is a bit taboo, the Divas add another element of entertainment, that Kurt Angle could not possibly give me. They are also the only way I can get my friends to watch Raw with me. After watching guys in tights for an hour, I need some female presence on the television (VINCE! HIRE JESSE JANE!)


- Gorilla Monsoon was a million times better than Gordon Solie! “Guts personified!”


- Chris Benoit is great, but he is overly loved by the smark community.


- Finlay sucks. PERIOD.


- Finlay vs. Benoit Judgment Day was not that good.


- Most Smarks talk about how they hate Vince Mcmahon; yet they would kiss his ass if they ever met him.


- I will cheer Hogan until the day I die. I’m on the bring him back anytime he wants another run.


- Hulk Hogan’s “Hulk Rules” album isn’t that bad. Matter of fact that shit is on my iPod.


- Goldust is one the best gimmick’s developed by the WWE. If I had my way, I’d move him to Smackdown, and Lashley would squash the US title to over to him. His work in the mid 90’s with his seduction of Razor Ramon was brilliant.


- Randy Orton is the best young star in the WWE. That he shit in the girls bag makes him even cooler.


- To be the greatest WWE wrestler ever; you have to start off being a remarkable freestyle/greco wrestler. I remember Kurt Angle wrestling at Vegas Nationals one year; and he had this presence about him that just made him look like an animal. That presence is still present when he wrestlers. His web site was drastically different when he was not famous. He had a primitive blog, and I remember reading about how he had just signed with the WWE. He also wrote about how he started taking acting and improvisational classes (which with his comical vignettes, you can see paid off greatly). He is the total package: mic skills, wrestler, and charisma. No one can match him.


- I don’t post often on here much; but I read most of what is written (it’s become my new MySpace-esk time killer.) It’s funny and interesting. However, it’s a bit embarrassing to be 21 years old and on this so much. Wrestling is, for the most part, a childish thing; maybe it’s the part of me that refuses to grow up. Only my close friends know how obsessed with wrestling I truly am. My point: on one of the other forums there was a “who here is a virgin?” thread. A good number of guys admitted to being one. Although I respect anyone who does this for religious reasons… it’s sad if you are over 18 and have not been laid. Get off this forum. Wrestling is not real life. TiVo Smackdown, and go out Friday night. Go dancing. Get drunk. Most women at clubs are not going to look like Candice Michelle; but at this point some of you need a slump buster… and bad.

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its a hard concept to grasp isn't it? Hell even the first poster didn't even get it 50% right


Unpopular oppinions - oppinions not shared by a large section of this forum - so much of this stuff does NOT fall under unpopular oppinions, not on TSM anyways.


But I guess it's cooler if you have an oppinion that flies in the face of the general concensus. . . too bad a lot of these don't

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Mark Henry killing off Smackdowns top stars makes for entertainment.


Orlando Jordan should have been pushed more, and should have become one of the main heels in the midcard for a few years.


Lashley's okay... either people shit on the guy, or they overrate him... dude's totally carryable at this point in his career, nothing more.


Bret Hart should have been booked as an arrogant heel the very first day he came up with his character.


WWE needs to book a tweener champion who never backs down from a fight, and will use any means necessary to win...


Hollywood Hulk Hogan was the last great heel that we'll see on top.


WWE needs to capitalize on how over Super Crazy is right now.


When Jeff Jarrett is truly invested in angle, and puts in the effort... he can be one of the best promo men to actually sell said angle... problem is he hasn't really cared in over 15 years.


The big money match down the line would be Lashley/Khali.


Shelton Benjamin will probably end up going down the same career path as Edge.


The WWE will completly botch Carlito, it's already starting.

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Guest JustPassinBy

The Funeral Parlor with Paul Bearer produced some of the best WWE TV ever.


I'm a WWE attitude fan and find actual wrestling extremely boring. I think Shelton Benjamin and Chris Benoit are boring. Lance Storm was boring.


Angle-HHH-Steph was the most entertaining storyline I've ever watched.


I miss TLC matches, and think the tag division went to crap when they broke up those awesome teams (EC, Hardy's, Dudley's).


Lita vs Trish (circa 2000) when they main evented Raw was a great time to be a fan of the company.


The Rock's absence is underrated when people talk about the decline of wrestling. He was that damn good.


I'd rather watch Chris Jericho and The Rock do mic work, than ANYONE on the roster wrestle.


Vince McMahon is repulsive, as are old dudes that hit on younger women in general. Its just gross.


Maria quit being cute and turned annoying about 3 months ago. Another reason why in real life, most guys cant date air heads for very long.


Spirit Squad and Eugene are wrestlecrap that I hate.


Val Venis/Godfather is wrestlecrap that I've always liked.


Randy Orton does have charisma and mic skills. Bringing in his dad totally killed his career.


Ric Flair should have retired 5 years ago. There's a reason why senior citizens shouldnt take their shirts off. He's Public Example A.


Mama Benjamin sucked.


Mick Foley was only entertaining when he was jumping off cages.


Kane should have never took his mask off.


Edge should still be WWE champion


The Ladder Match is still the best "gimmick" match ever created.


The future of WWE is bleak.

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K, I haven't really been watching, but I've got a couple...


Cena should not drop the hip hop gimmick. He could stand to tone it down a bit so that it doesn't come off as fake, but he shouldn't drop it altogether--that's what makes him stand out. Also, he should not be turned heel.


Along that line, I think the face/heel dynamic in wrestling should be done away with. Companies (WWE specifically) should be concentrating more on creating compelling characters that people can connect to caring so much about who the fans cheer or boo.


And just for the hell of it, Chyna=best I-C Champ EVER! :)

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Edge was always a better wrestler than Christian.


Christian was basically Jericho-Lite as a heel. That isn't necessarly a bad thing, mind you. If you're going to copy someone, might as well be someone good.


Women's wrestling can sell and not just be about T and A. It's just a matter of, as it is with the male wrestlers, having interesting characters to get behind rather than having stupid stereotypical female characters. As much as I don't enjoy her as a performer at all, Lita was a great example of this back before the whole Kane/pregnancy angle. Fans legit liked her, and it wasn't all about her looks (well, really, how could it be?).


I agree with whomever said that American Dragon is the most charismatic champion in any company in a good long while. No one has better facial expressions than him, and he has a way of connecting with the crowd.

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-JBL has earned the right to be a main eventer. Whoever says he hasn't grown as a wrestler since Spring 2002 is just plain wrong.


- women's wrestling can be taken seriously now there there seems to be a spike in capable females in the indies.


- Smackdown needs a newer, "Pride-y", low-key set with a longer, narrower slanted aisle (arena layout like WM7/SurvivorSeries 90).


-Kane should be world champion again


- Taped shows just aren't as good as live shows.


- ECW will succeed


- The only time RVD was good was July 2001-January2002


- Shelton will be a life long midcarder


- Jericho sucked most of his WWE run. Seriously. Lionheart was 10000 x better than Y2J


- Taker should never lose at WM


- Khali should never lose not only because of his height, but because he's a good guy


-Both Booker and Bastista should have been reprimanded


- Johnny Nitro is the new Shawn Michaels


-Kurt needs to lose the singlet and just use MMA trunks. The straps come down half way through the match any way.


-Brock will come back one day and become world champion again some day.

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Not too sure how unpopular this is, but I really wish they'd just drop the brand rivalry between Raw and Smackdown. It was ok at first when Steph and Bischoff were going at it, but now it's completely unbelievable and flat out annoying.

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Ok, here are some of my unpopular opinions that I'm not gonna bother defending.


-I like John Cena. I look forward to seeing him on Raw. When he turns heel, he'll become the next Ric Flair.


-Randy Orton has everything he needs to be a superstar.


-Todd Grisham is funny.


-Raw doesn't feel right unless it's J.R and the King doing the announcing.


-Michael Cole isn't too bad.


-Unless he's against Benoit, William Regal is boring.


-The Great Khali should be pushed in the vein of Andre the Giant.


-Visera is one of the most interesting characters on Raw.


And finally, just in general I don't like Ring of Honor. Not because of the company itself, but because of it's fans. They piss me off.

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I think Hunter should have dropped the WHC several times in 2004.


Goldberg was not responsible for Bret's injury. Bret should have fell sooner and been taken off the road sooner. Plus, the stroke did him in.


I miss the Headbangers, Scott Norton, and Goldberg.


I hate Jim Ross with a passion. His voice... he seems so condensening.


Alot of people said Jericho losing HBK at WM 19 was a mistake. I mean come on, Jericho wrestled last year in a mediocre match with HHH.


Jericho wore those awful tights during that match.


I don't like that Estrada guy. I don't get a lot of things on wrestling today.


The King of the Ring should come back and be an interpromotional event.


New Kane should wear green and be called Bane.


The Rock, while popular, was always a transition champ.


I didn't buy the WM box set because of the music edits. Stuff like that annoys me. I hate when stuff gets cut.


Shawn Michaels should have beat Bret cleanly.


Actually wrestling is stupid like that. Vince could have stripped Bret of the title after the match.


The Brawl for All should come back.


Simon Dean will win the Royal Rumble.


Shouldn't have Rey went to Raw to win the WWE title like Eddie.


Taz should have beat HHH for WWF title.


I don't care if Sandman uses Enter Sandman. The crowd will sing it anyway.

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Here's mine:


-Batista is vastly under-rated and one of the first true "superstars" in years.

-Triple H isn't the prick that most net fans make him out to be, and he's very under-rated.

-Randy Orton is a great wrestler with tons of potential.

-Edge is the new Shawn Michaels.

-Sid Vicious was vastly under-rated

-Brock Lesnar was vastly over-rated

-Eddie Guerrero wasn't the angel some people have made him out to be after his death.

-I also never saw what was so great about Dynamite Kid, I liked the British Bulldogs because of Davey Boy Smith.

-RVD should've been pushed to the moon when he first came to WWE and should've won the World Title then, but now he should never be more than an upper mid-carder at best.

-Kid Kash and Jamie Noble should be sent to Nu-ECW and used to kick-start a strong tag division for the brand.

-Mark Henry still sucks (alot of people on the net seem to love the guy for whatever reason)

-Shawn Michaels should retire, before he pisses away whatever legacy he has left.

-Raven should retire also, it's almost sad to see him now.

-Jim Cornette as a character is the most over-rated personality in the history of the internet community. I always found him to be really hokey and border line embarrassing as a manager, and equally bad as a color commentator in the WWF.

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-Finlay is boring and definately not "innovative"


-Booker T should be a multiple time WWE champ by now


-Edge should still be WWE champ


-I mark out for Foley every time he makes a comeback


-Ric Flair and Terry Funk still wrestling is a sad joke


-The 3 original TLC teams was a perfect combination for the top of a tag division


-The Hardy Boyz were the best of the 3 in-ring


-Matt Hardy and Carlito deserve pushes


-Lita is the most entertaining female wrestler and is way underrated


-Trish is way more attractive now than when she debuted


-Divas are a good thing, so long as they have some wrestling ability


-The Rock and Jericho cutting promos on the McMahon-Helmsely faction was the pinnacle of WWE comedy


-JBL is a horrible wrestler and his promos are cheap. He should never have been given a world title run


-Cena is lazy in-ring, but not that bad otherwise. He's just had the belt for too long


-Vince should never have rehashed the worker vs boss storyline after it worked for the first time with Austin


-Raven should have been pushed higher than the Hardcore division during his WWF time


-Triple H deserves to be called one of the best of all time

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can we change the title to "State Your Opinions, Popular Or Otherwise?"


I'm going to comment on a few of benn's (the previous posters) opinions and add onto them:


-while I don't share the same excitement about Finlay as other posters, he's far from boring and his ringwork is a fresh change of pace from what we're used to seeing...and regardless of how stupid the leprechaun thing is, seeing Finlay kick him back under the ring and then act like he didn't know what the fuck just happened was priceless!


-I don't know if Booker should have been a multiple time champ by now, but his current heel run is pretty good and I wouldn't mind seeing him get one last title reign before he has to call it quits.


-I don't agree that Edge should still be champ but he certainly deserves a good, non-transtional run since he's the best heel on Raw.


-Matt Hardy doesn't deserve shit...wait, shit is what he got...okay he deserved it...whiney ass bitch.


-Carlito should be pushed, but not to the moon...yet.


-I never cared for Lita's in-ring skills...way too sloppy out there, hence multiple life threatening injuries.


-Trish does look a lot better now than she did way back when, can't argue there.

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The sooner this "ECW" crap goes away, the better.


Rey needs to change up his moveset, a lot.


Orton was nowhere near as bad as people made out.


They need to debut CM Punk as CM Punk'd, with his character based off of Ashton Kutcher. Bring in Colt Cabana and Ace Steel as the prank players. Comedy gold and you don't have to worry about important things like pushing good wrestlers on their wrestling ability.

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Guest Coffey
Get off this forum. Wrestling is not real life. TiVo Smackdown, and go out Friday night. Go dancing. Get drunk. Most women at clubs are not going to look like Candice Michelle; but at this point some of you need a slump buster

Why is it that everyone suggests going to bars and getting drunk to meet women? God forbid you want a woman that *GASP* doesn't fuckin' drink.. There's a ton of places that you can meet women, you just have to be looking. Alcohol, drugs, cigarettes, etc. don't always have to be involved. Just throwing it out there.


Onto the topic at hand:

  • Rob Conway, Nick "Eugene" Dinsmore, Randy Orton, Chris Masters & Carlito could all be main eventers.
  • I don't like Chris Benoit.
  • Jonathan Coachman was a good heel color commentator.
  • Goldberg doesn't suck. His intensity was unmatched and it made his matches always entertaining.
  • Outside of his match at Rumble with HHH, Scott Steiner's WWE run wasn't bad.
  • "Classic" Colt Cabana could be the next Rock in terms of charisma and humor.

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-Every wwe-type muscular male wrestlers look sick and revolting

-The women in wrestling business look like a caricature of a woman males living in a western society _should_ like when in fact they look horrible and ridicilous

-Lillian Garcia is the only beautiful diva in the biz

-Melina looked mighty fine before she went to wwe and now she doesn't

-mat and carbage wrestling is extremely boring

-TNA has a perfect pace in their program

-WWE is way too slow and dumb to be watchable 97% of the time

-John Cenas title reign has been the best in the millennium

-Batista is the only current superstar in wrestling

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-The women in wrestling business look like a caricature of a woman males living in a western society _should_ like when in fact they look horrible and ridicilous


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I'm a WWE attitude fan and find actual wrestling extremely boring. I think Shelton Benjamin and Chris Benoit are boring. Lance Storm was boring.

It was WWF Attitude, the company lost Attitude either when it changed the name or perhaps earlier depending on your perspective, but anyhow, I'm curious, do you prefer MMA or boxing or something like that to wrestling? And if you don't like "actual wrestling" what do you prefer? A Austin style brawl?

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-The women in wrestling business look like a caricature of a woman males living in a western society _should_ like when in fact they look horrible and ridicilous



Mannish jaw, ridicilously big silicone breasts, two inch make-up layer...

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I like the whole Cena title run thing because of how weird it's being booked...normally they will pull the trigger on a face/heel turn when reactions are as strong as this and the WWE has remained steady with Cena...other than "smarky" crowds, he's getting booed less and less now...weirdness.

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