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ECW One Night Stand 2 Thread

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It wasn't that bad. Cena came out looking strong but I don't think that RVD was treated like a jobber. You're right in saying that the crowd reaction at SD/ECW tapings will make or break the brand though.



He got beat up the entire match and then only won after outside interference. That's about as jobberish as it can get without actually losing.

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If the new ECW wasn't on its deathbed already, it sure is now after that finish which made RVD look like a complete joke and did more to put over the Cena/Edge feud than anything. Why people had faith in this idea is beyond me. It looked like this was going to be the Invasion all over again, and now we know that it will be. They couldn't write a worse finish if they tried. See ya for the funeral in a few weeks.

Pessimistic much?

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It wasn't that bad. Cena came out looking strong but I don't think that RVD was treated like a jobber. You're right in saying that the crowd reaction at SD/ECW tapings will make or break the brand though.



He got beat up the entire match and then only won after outside interference. That's about as jobberish as it can get without actually losing.

Saying RVD got beat up the whole match is stretching it a little bit.

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I think you guys look into wrestling way too much.


Cena played the role of a heel, and in most matches the heels dominate most of the match.

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I liked everything except the finish to the main event (I was cool with the match itself), Balls vs. Masato (disappointing-- one chair shot?), the lack of promos and interviews on the PPV so they could do butchered entrances and shitty WWE-esque video packages and the terrible Eugene segment where he really should have turned. That sounds like a lot of complaints, but I was happy with the majority of the PPV. Meltzer said that the 6-person tag was shit but it was executed much better than a lot of ECW's garbage brawls. Sabu really impressed tonight; I thought that guy was supposed to be near death.

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Exactly, RVD wasn't beat up the entire match at all. Hell, in the chat people kept saying it was more 50/50, with Cena getting the upperhand more near the end. That's to be expected though, since CENA WAS THE HEEL. It is to be expected that Cena will beat up RVD only for RVD, the face, to come back to actually win the match.


I'm more pissed that Balls/Tanaka didn't go longer than it did than I am over anything else, but even that's understandable. How could that match really follow what came before it?

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It wasn't that bad. Cena came out looking strong but I don't think that RVD was treated like a jobber. You're right in saying that the crowd reaction at SD/ECW tapings will make or break the brand though.



He got beat up the entire match and then only won after outside interference. That's about as jobberish as it can get without actually losing.

Saying RVD got beat up the whole match is stretching it a little bit.

Not really. RVD got what.... 4 or 5 moves? (Not counting the Five Star, as Cena would have easily moved from that jobber finisher if he wasn't attacked by a WWE guy beforehand)

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I liked everything except the finish to the main event (I was cool with the match itself), Balls vs. Masato (disappointing-- one chair shot?), the lack of promos and interviews on the PPV so they could do butchered entrances and shitty WWE-esque video packages and the terrible Eugene segment where he really should have turned. That sounds like a lot of complaints, but I was happy with the majority of the PPV. Meltzer said that the 6-person tag was shit but it was executed much better than a lot of ECW's garbage brawls. Sabu really impressed tonight; I thought that guy was supposed to be near death.

Have an open mind. Maybe it'll lead to Eugene coming to ECW and being normal after Sandman beat the retard out of him like D-Von did with Bubba Ray.

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Yeah but here's the thing. First off, the whole idea of the Dusty Finish involves a guy willing to relinquish the belt. Do you seriously think RVD and Heyman are going to give up that belt tomorrow under any circumstances? It'll end up being a schism where Vince strips RVD of the WWE title, but Heyman recognizes RVD as the ECW champion. This is how all promotions end up branching off.


Here's the big question however: Why is Heyman not a legit official for a match? I mean technically the guy is the highest ranking executive at the PPV, and thus would have authority over the standard refs. So him counting 3 really should authenticate RVD's win more than taint it.


I can't really rate this PPV quite yet. I'll have to see what happens tomorrow. I think it's important that RVD doesn't just run off to ECW with his tail between his legs though (as in no jobbing the belt right back). It really has to be Heyman and him telling Vince to fuck himself and refusing to relinquish the belt. It'd be easy enough to hold the title up at Vengeance between former champ Cena and #1 contender Edge.

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Overall, I thought the PPV was very good in spite of the WWE influences. Loved the crowd, and the RVD/Cena match was the best match I've ever seen Cena in. The crowd absolutely was rabid, and RVD sold like only he can. The finish was about what could be expected, and the crowd didn't seem to mind at all, they ate it up! RVD was pretty much the the RVD of old, selling like a maniac, and plenty of fast athletic moves(note: I am an RVD mark, but still trying to be honest). For anyone else who hates Cena, I don't see how they could not help but love the way the crowd acted, and the way the match went for the most part. We all knew that the finish wouldn't be totally clean, and most of us also knew RVD was going over, especially after the Mysterio/Sabu match.

Never did really get an OMG SHOCKER!!!11! Moment though...But, pretty much every match was solid and worth watching, with the weakest being Tazz/Lawler and the Balls/Tanaka match.

Will be interesting to hear why exactly the Mysterio/Sabu match was cut short, as I stated when it happened, I feel it was planned all along, to further a feud between them.

Am I the only one thinking that Edge may be going to ECW soon? His character would fit quite well, IMHO.

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This PPV will mean nothing in a week, like every other WWE show. It was WWE booked with WWE talent in typical WWE main event style. That is not a good thing.

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Exactly, RVD wasn't beat up the entire match at all. Hell, in the chat people kept saying it was more 50/50, with Cena getting the upperhand more near the end. That's to be expected though, since CENA WAS THE HEEL. It is to be expected that Cena will beat up RVD only for RVD, the face, to come back to actually win the match.


RVD DIDN'T make a babyface comeback. Edge layed Cena out long enough for RVD to hit his finisher. It looked like RVD was unprepared and the the match was a walk in the park for Cena, while it was in RVD'S STYLE OF MATCH.

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It wasn't that bad. Cena came out looking strong but I don't think that RVD was treated like a jobber. You're right in saying that the crowd reaction at SD/ECW tapings will make or break the brand though.



He got beat up the entire match and then only won after outside interference. That's about as jobberish as it can get without actually losing.

Saying RVD got beat up the whole match is stretching it a little bit.

Not really. RVD got what.... 4 or 5 moves? (Not counting the Five Star, as Cena would have easily moved from that jobber finisher if he wasn't attacked by a WWE guy beforehand)


Yeah. Ok, obviously it wasn't ALL Cena, RVD got in a little bit of offense, but that's it, just a little. Cena dominated everything, and then RVD would sprinkle in a little something here and there.

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Eh. I look at it more as they just had to get the PPV done one way or another so that they can move onto ECW TV. I don't judge the way this particular PPV was book as indicitive of what ECW will be booked like.


Hell, they have probably had this PPV on the books since the last ONS so had to do something with it while coming up with the ECW relaunch 3 months or so ago.

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Guest Coffey

Does anyone know where I can get that shirt that The Sandman was wearing?

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I don't understand how some of you can even watch wrestling and ever enjoy it when you also put every little thing under a microscope.

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What kind of tights someone is wearing, or whether or not they use a certain move in a match is a "little thing".


The way a match that is being used essentially to begin the launch of a new wrestling company is booked is hardly a little thing.

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This PPV will mean nothing in a week, like every other WWE show. It was WWE booked with WWE talent in typical WWE main event style. That is not a good thing.


Show me where you'll see matches like Rey Mysterio vs. Sabu or Edge and Mick Foley vs. Terry Funk and Tommy Dreamer on other WWE shows. WWE did a great job in letting each performer play to their strengths and I think they ended up with a great all-around pay-per-view.

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You guys are hilarious.


What really matters is what happens on Tuesday night, the debut of ECW on Sci-Fi. That is their chance to establish their own identity.


Of course Cena was going to be booked strong. You guys born yesterday?


This was a mixed WWE/ECW event, so yes it had a lot of WWE in it. The question is what will happen in a solely ECW event. We'll find out in 2 days.


So all the "OMG ECW IS DEAD TO ME NOW" can just hold up a couple of days. Something is on it's deathbed when it hasn't even started yet? Show at least a tiny bit of patience.

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What kind of tights someone is wearing, or whether or not they use a certain move in a match is a "little thing".


The way a match that is being used essentially to begin the launch of a new wrestling company is booked is hardly a little thing.


Well I've just abuot lost all my interest in the new ECW in one night.


Generic entrance music, no big surprises, RVD being treated like a jobber.


This PPV blew.


Come the fuck on now.


You said that the PPV blew, just because of the main event. Then you mention music and no "big surprises". If that isn't getting petty, then I don't know what is. There was plenty of good on the PPV tonight, period, regardless of the finish of the last match. I admit the finish wasn't great, but we already knew that we'd get something fucked up, so get over it already.

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It wasn't that bad. Cena came out looking strong but I don't think that RVD was treated like a jobber. You're right in saying that the crowd reaction at SD/ECW tapings will make or break the brand though.



He got beat up the entire match and then only won after outside interference. That's about as jobberish as it can get without actually losing.

Saying RVD got beat up the whole match is stretching it a little bit.

Not really. RVD got what.... 4 or 5 moves? (Not counting the Five Star, as Cena would have easily moved from that jobber finisher if he wasn't attacked by a WWE guy beforehand)


Oh seriously go to bed already, RVD WAS NOT treated like a jobber.


Some people will try so hard to be negative, it's quite sad actually

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Of course Cena was going to be booked strong. You guys born yesterday?


Why is it like some foregone conclusion that Cena HAD to be booked like that? When has he EVER been booked like that? He's usually always in the position RVD was in tonight.

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What kind of tights someone is wearing, or whether or not they use a certain move in a match is a "little thing".


The way a match that is being used essentially to begin the launch of a new wrestling company is booked is hardly a little thing.

but to expect and anticipate a NEW organization to totally dominate and make the established parent company look like a bitch is asinine. The show went as good as expected. In fact, most matches were BETTER then what many were expecting(See Angle/SuckBag and Cena/RVD), what with the politics of the WWE and Vince's ego involved. ECW looked VERY solid, especially for what is for all purposed a whole new brand.


Christ, I sound like a WWE stockholder....

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Come the fuck on now.


You said that the PPV blew, just because of the main event. Then you mention music and no "big surprises". If that isn't getting petty, then I don't know what is. There was plenty of good on the PPV tonight, period, regardless of the finish of the last match. I admit the finish wasn't great, but we already knew that we'd get something fucked up, so get over it already.


The music is probably a bit petty, but it means a lot to me. I mean, what good is Sandman without Enter Sandman? He's completely useless.

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Come the fuck on now.


You said that the PPV blew, just because of the main event. Then you mention music and no "big surprises". If that isn't getting petty, then I don't know what is. There was plenty of good on the PPV tonight, period, regardless of the finish of the last match. I admit the finish wasn't great, but we already knew that we'd get something fucked up, so get over it already.


The music is probably a bit petty, but it means a lot to me. I mean, what good is Sandman without Enter Sandman? He's completely useless.


You want to tell that to the crowd? They seemed to go crazy for him more tonight than they ever did when "Enter Sandman" was his theme song.

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Come the fuck on now.


You said that the PPV blew, just because of the main event. Then you mention music and no "big surprises". If that isn't getting petty, then I don't know what is. There was plenty of good on the PPV tonight, period, regardless of the finish of the last match. I admit the finish wasn't great, but we already knew that we'd get something fucked up, so get over it already.


The music is probably a bit petty, but it means a lot to me. I mean, what good is Sandman without Enter Sandman? He's completely useless.


You want to tell that to the crowd? They seemed to go crazy for him more tonight than they ever did when "Enter Sandman" was his theme song.


You're joking, right?

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Of course Cena was going to be booked strong. You guys born yesterday?


Why is it like some foregone conclusion that Cena HAD to be booked like that? When has he EVER been booked like that? He's usually always in the position RVD was in tonight.


Cena's almost always the face as well. :bonk:

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I don't understand how some of you can even watch wrestling and ever enjoy it when you also put every little thing under a microscope.


I actually enjoyed the PPV for the most part. Angle and Big Show came off really well and Mysterio's old tights were badass. The DDT spot was fucking SICK. Dreamer/Funk vs Edge/Foley was way better than I expected The main event may have been the worst booking I've seen since Sting/Hogan Starcade 97. The put over that it was RVD's enviornment for weeks and he got killed. Really the lamest possible finish they could have come up with for this match. The PPV is to Vengeance as ECW vs WWE was to One Night Stand. RVD looks like he snuck out with the title despite it being his setting.

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Come the fuck on now.


You said that the PPV blew, just because of the main event. Then you mention music and no "big surprises". If that isn't getting petty, then I don't know what is. There was plenty of good on the PPV tonight, period, regardless of the finish of the last match. I admit the finish wasn't great, but we already knew that we'd get something fucked up, so get over it already.


The music is probably a bit petty, but it means a lot to me. I mean, what good is Sandman without Enter Sandman? He's completely useless.


You want to tell that to the crowd? They seemed to go crazy for him more tonight than they ever did when "Enter Sandman" was his theme song.


You're joking, right?


No, ECW fans understand what The Sandman meant to the company they worship. They won't abandon him just because he has different theme music.

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