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Atticus Chaos

RVD and Sabu arrested for drugs

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Interetingly, Vince doesn't like the marijuana smoking to begin with so it'll be interesting to see if that influences his decision at all.


Was RVD driving while taking marijuana or did they just find it in the vehicle?


Just in the vehicle, if he was DUI they would have booked his ass in the local jail.

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Guest wildpegasus

Interetingly, Vince doesn't like the marijuana smoking to begin with so it'll be interesting to see if that influences his decision at all.


Was RVD driving while taking marijuana or did they just find it in the vehicle?


Just in the vehicle, if he was DUI they would have booked his ass in the local jail.


Well, that's good he wasn't driving while stoned.

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Coming soon: a stoner buddy comedy that stars RVD and Sabu.

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I think the real issue here is that RVD was possibly driving while high. That's as bad as drunk driving.

Hey, someone who actually believes the government-sponsored "truth about marijuana" ads. I didn't think such people existed.

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Dave Meltzer is reporting that at the June 23rd Ring of Honor live event in Detroit, Michigan Sabu had a private meeting with Scott D’Amore. Sabu spoke to Scott D’Amore regarding his future with WWE and a possible return to TNA Wrestling. Sabu led many to believe that his time in WWE was coming to an end and he would like to return to TNA Wrestling.


Sabu is looking for excuses to leave now. He don't give a damn anymore.

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I am now kicking myself for not going to the arena to watch the ECW sgow last night, as it is a possibility that was the last we will see of RVD and/or Sabu in WWE/ECW.


I live in Huntington (where the show was last night) and I can tell you first-hand that they should have known better than to speed along Rt. 52 in Ohio. Huntington is right on the river that is the WV/OH border. As soon as you cross the bridge to Ohio, it is a speed trap for anyone not having an Ohio license plate. State, County, and Local police patrol the area with an iron fist, and I am sure this is not the first trip down that road, as shows are constantly going to Columbus or Cincy after a stop in Huntington.


I am sure word travels well in the locker room when they are in an area where there is heavy patrolling on a road they will be travelling on. I do much lighter travelling for my job, and co-workers are constantly warning each other of areas where you should not speed. I am sure the WWE is no different.

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Guest burth179
How much is 18 grams of marijuana? Ten bag, half nick, what?


about 5/8 of an ounce...

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Oh, I'm betting that Edge will do his "shoot" promo type stuff all over Sabu and RVD tonight.


The thing I found odd is the cop smelling marijuana, especially if RVD and Sabu weren't lighting up. I assumed it was smoke that the cop smelled. Unless he had a drug dog how did he just smell out the marijuana? Perhaps he recognized Van Dam and figured he ought to check for weed, haha.


Ah hell. RVD outta have a Folgers can or something to put his stash in, so the coffee aroma would mask the weed.

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Guest StylesMark

Dude, RVD was probably smoking at some point in the car. I'm pretty sure the cop didn't smell his bag of weed, but the leftover smell a few moments after he was finished.

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How much is 18 grams of marijuana? Ten bag, half nick, what?



A dime is 1 gram, I believe. So thus, they had more than an O on them.


An O is 28 grams. A dime is 1.7 grams. As Burth179 said, RVD had 5/8ths on him. Probably had 3/4 of an ounce before he got caught.

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If you have marijuana in your car, well GOOD SHIT at least, then it will have a recognizable odor.


Here's to hoping he has a cannabis club card or prescription for it from Cali. Otherwise he's pretty much S.O.L.

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well, if it isnt the least surprising wrestling arrest story of all time. seriously though, you had to know it would happen eventually. if they dont get fired, Brian Lawler will throw a fit.


wonder what will happen, likely nothing. unless they have to do jail time,

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How much is 18 grams of marijuana? Ten bag, half nick, what?


about 5/8 of an ounce...


Okay, my next question is, how the fuck do they get that through the airports?

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How much is 18 grams of marijuana? Ten bag, half nick, what?


about 5/8 of an ounce...


Okay, my next question is, how the fuck do they get that through the airports?


They weren't @ the airport. They were driving.

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Lawler crossed a countries border with drugs, IIRC.


Not only that but Brian Lawler had a hell of a lot more than just weed and a few painkiller pills.

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Guest StylesMark

Maybe he bought the bag there, then. They aren't flying to every stop. I'm sure it was enough for RVD/Sabu and whoever else chipped in to get high before they have to take a plane again.

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Downhome with the goods. Even though the mouth on RVD's jersey is sorta creepy in that pic.


And you know Rob only smokes the kind. Pronounced KIIIIIIIINE.


And to whomever said "Rvd? with bud? no way!" I say Sabu? with painkillers? Whatsoever would he need those for?

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I all of a sudden have the ability to see into the future in regards to tomorrow's ECW on Sci-Fi show:


"Ladies and gentleman, the winner of this match and NEW WWE and ECW Champion, Edge!"


Nah, they'll keep it in ECW...



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wouldnt it be funny if the cops were big wrestling fans. and were shocked when Sabu spoke english?





I wish we had a cops style video of this what a great episode that would make

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They didn't drive all the way to Ohio.


The article states they were driving and since the previous show took place in WVA and were pulled over in Ohio. Tonight's show takes place in Philly. Where does the airport come in play here?

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