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TWiB 7/17 - 7/23

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Wasn't Soriano supposed to decline after going to RFK? So far he's having a career year. In fact, looking at his splits, he's hitting better at home than away. :huh:


Edit: Also, A-Rod for Mike Shannon. Make it happen, Walt~!

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Reyes just got jobbed by the 2nd base ump since that was a steal. I've seen more missed calls at 2nd at Shea this season than any other base I can remember.

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It's the battle of the young'uns today in Seattle as lefty Kason Gabbard (I like the guy already) makes his major league debut against King Felix. According to the Boston Herald (and my own research), Gabbard did well in AA Portland to start the year (9-2, 2.57 ERA, 68/25 K/BB in 73 innings) but struggled a bit when he was called up to Pawtucket (1-3 4.97 ERA, 23/10 K/BB in 29 innings)

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Whats this generalization about Yankee fans hating A-Rod. Any fan who goes to games will tell you that its like 1 out of every 5 people in the stadium who boo him, and we all know most of them aren't even real Yankee fans; the loyal fans usually can't even afford to go to the stadium. But keep buying into the media, if it makes you feel better.


Theres no way in hell I trade A-Rod for anybody.

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Whats this generalization about Yankee fans hating A-Rod. Any fan who goes to games will tell you that its like 1 out of every 5 people in the stadium who boo him, and we all know most of them aren't even real Yankee fans; the loyal fans usually can't even afford to go to the stadium. But keep buying into the media, if it makes you feel better.


Theres no way in hell I trade A-Rod for anybody.


Read whatshisname's comments on the last page...

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Guest Princess Leena
Whats this generalization about Yankee fans hating A-Rod.


There's some on this board. Not just your fellow Yankees' fan here. Everyone who whines he isn't "clutch".


I know it's not all Yankees' fan... but it's a fair percentage.

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O.k. I'll get my GM to send the paperwork up to Steinbrenner tomorrow. We'll give you Wandy Rodriguez and a foot long Texas hot dog. Chili and cheese will cost you Melky.


According to a new article by Phil Rogers at the much respected Chicago Tribune, the Astros' offer for Miguel Tejada is Adam Everett, Fernando Nieve, Jason Hirsch, and Hunter Pence. That's entirely, entirely too much to give up considering Tejada probably wouldn't stick around for more than half the season.


I'll say it right now, the Orioles would be stupid to accept anything for Tejada. He's one of the very few, the extreme few, bright spots on the team and the Orioles farm system has a way of destroying a prospect before he can find his way to the majors.

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He played a great third base last year. It's mental.


Too bad he's the best shortstop on the team and he's playing third.

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Well what you prefer, a bad 3rd baseman and a good shortstop, or a good 3rd baseman, and a decent shortstop? It's not that big of a deal.

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Half the problems would be solved if Jeter would just move over to 2B and A-Rod play his natural position.


That'd would mean Jeter couldn't do his Curt Hennig tributes and that would make him sad. Jeter isn't allowed to be sad.

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What song are they playing?

Cleanin' Out My Closet. I like Eminem, but that was pretty funny.

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Half the problems would be solved if Jeter would just move over to 2B and A-Rod play his natural position.


That'd would mean Jeter couldn't do his Curt Hennig tributes and that would make him sad. Jeter isn't allowed to be sad.


What does Cano play?

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Whats this generalization about Yankee fans hating A-Rod. Any fan who goes to games will tell you that its like 1 out of every 5 people in the stadium who boo him, and we all know most of them aren't even real Yankee fans; the loyal fans usually can't even afford to go to the stadium. But keep buying into the media, if it makes you feel better.


Theres no way in hell I trade A-Rod for anybody.


It's not a generalization. Yankee fans do hate A-Rod for the most part.

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I think that many do, but that doesn't make it right. At this rate, he's going to be ran out of the city by the start of next season.

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Some? Yes. Most? No.


I'd say at least half of the fans would gladly support the Yankees dumping A-Rod. The last time a NY baseball player was hated this much his name was Bobby Bonilla and this was after the media wiped the smile off of his face. I don't believe an MVP winner was ever booed as heartily by the home team the following season as A-Rod has been. It's not "slump heat". It's legit hatred. And if 1 in 5 of the people who go to the stadium boo him, and you admit they "aren't real fans anyway", what does that say about the average Yankee fan? They go where the weather is fair.

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