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WWE News and Notes - 8/7

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As well as Lashley and Khali being cleared, Super Crazy may also be cleared too.


Khali's elevated enzyme count was high enough to force him out but not considered dangerous.


Lashley and Crazy's counts were high enough that it was strongly considered that they had hepatitis and were not expected to be back anytime soon and so were written out.


Tatanka was told on 7/25 that he was going to be suspended for 30 days. Tatanka was upset over this, vowed to fight it and managed to past a second test even though it usually takes more than a week to get results back.


When Tatanka was suspended, the odds of so many wrestlers (seven) in a row all on Smackdown to fail a drugs test or have liver issues was 729 to 1. The odds of five of them being cleared within seven days was "significantly more astronomical".


There was talk of discrepincies between the people doing the testing and the personal phsyicians of certain wrestlers where if the doctor writes a prescription for steroids or other applicable drugs the wrestler could fail the test but still be cleared to wrestle.


Matt Hardy and Kid Kash remain suspended with little over three weeks to go before they return. Jamie Noble was not suspended and was taken off because they will reform the Pitbulls when Kash returns and they had no role for Noble until then.


Dr Roger Soloway, a hepatologist and professor of medicine at the University of Texas in Galveston talked to the local paper. the Galveston News, in a story regarding the liver problems, and downplayed the early fears of Hepatitis. He said Hepatitis A was likely have been rampant in the company if one of the wrestlers contacted because of the close quarters contact they all have and it would have spread in a hurry.


Dave said that while you can't make a specific call in individual cases, many times when an athlete has elevated liver enzymes it is down to steroid use.


Another quote from Dr Soloway: "It's not the case with growth hormone drugs, which affect every organ in the body, but steroids are metabolized through the liver."


Ryan Reeves in developmental was suspended for 30 days. Says that if wasn't for his body there is no way he would have gotten a first look in the TE tryouts and it tells to why the situation is what it is.


From Dave:


"The one thing I can say is, for whatever reasons, wrestling fans seem a lot smarter regarding steroids than a lot of baseball fans or UFC fans, in that those fans are judgmental and call the guys cheaters without understanding the economic and physical incentives involved in using steroids in their sports. The other arguments as to why the reactions among fans are different is not that wrestling fans are smarter, but maybe they only care about entertained; or they simply have had it as a more public part of the industry for longer than most fans of other sports. Or maybe they have learned to not care at all, because I don't believe for a second if baseball players had the same kind of health issues and deaths wrestlers have being having for a decade, that the fans would be nearly so willing to blow it off."


Trish Stratus and Lita are expected to be gone within the next two months. Trish is getting married on 9/30 and her deal expires around the same time. She has not signed a new deal and is not negotiating a new one. She is expected to take a break and there are no signs she is even thinking about coming back at anytime soon. Lita's deal expires in the next month or two and there are no talks going on for a new deal. Lita has had strong money years and as saved her money up to where she is financially very comfortable. Lita is also expected to be gone for some time, but is considered likely to return at some point after a lengty rest.


Summerslam is currently; Hogan vs. Orton, Edge vs. Cena for the WWE Title where the title can change hands via DQ, Michaels and HHH vs. Vince and Shane and Undertaker vs. Khali in a Last Man Standing match. Most likely at SS will also be Batista vs. Booker for the world title, Rey vs. Chavo, Flair vs. Foley, Finlay vs. Lashley or Finlay vs. Lashley vs. Regal for the US Title and possibly Big Show vs. Sabu for the ECW Title. Also might see James vs. Stratus for the women's title plus something with the IC Title.


With Stephanie out of the picture backstage, Heyman is said to have had a greater hand in writing television. This weeks TV, I presume ECW, was mostly his stuff but not so with the non-televised matches. Heyman is also said to be getting more power regarding house shows as the current handling of it has been a complete flop. He's pushing for the house shows to be longer than two hours. Heyman is also pushing for changes in ECW creative including Dreamer getting back involved and Vince is said to be considering it.


There was a lot of unhappiness over the crowd at the Hammerstein Ballroom, mostly, but not solely, down to the obscene chants. Production had to turn down the crowd audio due to the obscene chants and the feeling was the crowd was smart enough to know the chants would be a problem and did them anyway, though apparently it would not have been much of an issue if they had not crapped all over Batista, who is one of their handpicked guys. Batista letting it get to him as bad as he did didn't help, and the reactions made it very likely the 12/3 PPV would be moved to Chicago.


However, the crowd did help CM Punk, who had been buried by Hunter, Shawn and Arn Anderson after his first television match, that wound not airing. Heyman was high on Punk from the beginning, however, and pushed him in OVW and picked him for ECW. The match getting over big made Vince, Heyman and other very positive and it sealed the deal on Punk getting a push that some had been against.


Orton did an interview in WWE Magazine regarding his being suspended for someone stooging on his smoking a joint, which Dave, correctly, called simpliflying the issue a lot. Orton's 60 day suspension after WM as far as being the straw that broke the camel's back was on 3/28 when he was openly smoking a joint inside the Kemper Arena in front of people right after the first drugs test, and it was felt he was openly flaunting it and playing it like he's such a big star he can get away with breaking the rules so openly and they showed him otherwise. However, there were a couple of incidents leading into WM and repeated fines over the last couple of years that also played into it.


The "Orton Knows Best" segment was said to be the idea of Michael Hayes. Dave called the segment lame and said it went on for too long.


When Justin Credible was driving away from the Hammerstein Ballroom he saw some fans and yelled "Target rules" at them because he often gets chanted at over working at Target.


Some people are unhappy over Kurt Angle being brought back because they know he shouldn't be out there but he is anyway.

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It continues to amaze me how CM Punk continues to get the exposure he gets. It's not that I don't like him. On the contrary, I like what I've seen of him so far (which includes a couple of ROH shows, a match with Val Venis on heat and his ECW debut). But to have HHH and HBK all doubting his ability and knowing that after WCW and ECW folded, no one has ever been able to go out there and get over on their own. It's always been a WWE name/character passing through Vince's strict (out of whack, yes), but strict filters.


From Vince's point of view, what does he stand to gain by listening to Heyman, not listening to HBK and HHH and not just putting another roided up bodybuilder or 7 foot hoss out there?

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I suspected that the Orton thing was going to be much worse than that. Sounds like he was being an arrogant prick, but what else is new?


He's probably learned lesson though. Or it sounded like in interviews he did in the U.K promoting Vengeance last month. And I havn't heard any bad stories since his return.


Although back in April, yeah, everyone made it sound like he'd done something really, really terrible.



I'm not surprised people aren't happy about Kurt's swift return. What are they thinking?

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Summerslam is currently; Hogan vs. Orton, Edge vs. Cena for the WWE Title where the title can change hands via DQ, Michaels and HHH vs. Vince and Shane and Undertaker vs. Khali in a Last Man Standing match. Most likely at SS will also be Batista vs. Booker for the world title, Rey vs. Chavo, Flair vs. Foley, Finlay vs. Lashley or Finlay vs. Lashley vs. Regal for the US Title and possibly Big Show vs. Sabu for the ECW Title. Also might see James vs. Stratus for the women's title plus something with the IC Title.

God I hope Booker retains somehow. It would suck for him to lose the title to Batista after what's going to be a two week build. Him holding the belt could lead to potential rematches at both the CW premiere and No Mercy. Kennedy being in there to make it a three way would have built on a previous feud, given him a significant rub, and allowed them an out for Dave to look strong ( Booker pins Kennedy following a Batista Bomb). Ah well.

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Guest Human Highlight Reel

Arn Anderson buried Punk? That's news to me, I never figured Anderson as one to be interested in preserving the Clique's spot.

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Someone needs to tell moron Meltzer that UFc and Baseball are real sports where athletic records and kept, respected, and regarded. Thus, the fans have a right to be super critical of the athletes who cheat, unlike pro wrestling, where the competitors get bigger because it's a TV show.

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Guest Princess Leena

Thank you for pointing that out, UTSU. Dave really needs to cut down on his biased opinion shit.


Orton did an interview in WWE Magazine regarding his being suspended for someone stooging on his smoking a joint, which Dave, correctly, called simpliflying the issue a lot. Orton's 60 day suspension after WM as far as being the straw that broke the camel's back was on 3/28 when he was openly smoking a joint inside the Kemper Arena in front of people right after the first drugs test, and it was felt he was openly flaunting it and playing it like he's such a big star he can get away with breaking the rules so openly and they showed him otherwise. However, there were a couple of incidents leading into WM and repeated fines over the last couple of years that also played into it.


In other words, he's just adding stuff to please smarks.

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Thank you for pointing that out, UTSU. Dave really needs to cut down on his biased opinion shit.


Orton did an interview in WWE Magazine regarding his being suspended for someone stooging on his smoking a joint, which Dave, correctly, called simpliflying the issue a lot. Orton's 60 day suspension after WM as far as being the straw that broke the camel's back was on 3/28 when he was openly smoking a joint inside the Kemper Arena in front of people right after the first drugs test, and it was felt he was openly flaunting it and playing it like he's such a big star he can get away with breaking the rules so openly and they showed him otherwise. However, there were a couple of incidents leading into WM and repeated fines over the last couple of years that also played into it.


In other words, he's just adding stuff to please smarks.


Because all the other stuff in the report (the suspension, the weed, the attitude) just wasn't enough dammit!

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Someone needs to tell moron Meltzer that UFc and Baseball are real sports where athletic records and kept, respected, and regarded. Thus, the fans have a right to be super critical of the athletes who cheat, unlike pro wrestling, where the competitors get bigger because it's a TV show.

The point that Dave was actually making is that UFC and baseball fans don't understand the incentives to take steroids while wrestling fans do.

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With Stephanie out of the picture backstage, Heyman is said to have had a greater hand in writing television. This weeks TV, I presume ECW, was mostly his stuff but not so with the non-televised matches. Heyman is also said to be getting more power regarding house shows as the current handling of it has been a complete flop. He's pushing for the house shows to be longer than two hours. Heyman is also pushing for changes in ECW creative including Dreamer getting back involved and Vince is said to be considering it.


Good news here but we all know its just for a short period of time before Stephanie comes back in with her cute little creative team and screws it all up.


There was a lot of unhappiness over the crowd at the Hammerstein Ballroom, mostly, but not solely, down to the obscene chants. Production had to turn down the crowd audio due to the obscene chants and the feeling was the crowd was smart enough to know the chants would be a problem and did them anyway, though apparently it would not have been much of an issue if they had not crapped all over Batista, who is one of their handpicked guys. Batista letting it get to him as bad as he did didn't help, and the reactions made it very likely the 12/3 PPV would be moved to Chicago.


So just because the crowd shitted over a WWE guy you have to move the BRAND pay-per-view to a different locale? What did they expect from this crowd? No surprise here, though.


However, the crowd did help CM Punk, who had been buried by Hunter, Shawn and Arn Anderson after his first television match, that wound not airing. Heyman was high on Punk from the beginning, however, and pushed him in OVW and picked him for ECW. The match getting over big made Vince, Heyman and other very positive and it sealed the deal on Punk getting a push that some had been against.


Another good thing to hear. Punk can do a lot of good things in this company if they give him a chance because his OVW work is very entertaining. If he ever does achieve main event or upper mid-card status though I still shudder at the thought of HHH burying him in a program, though.

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There was a lot of unhappiness over the crowd at the Hammerstein Ballroom, mostly, but not solely, down to the obscene chants. Production had to turn down the crowd audio due to the obscene chants and the feeling was the crowd was smart enough to know the chants would be a problem and did them anyway, though apparently it would not have been much of an issue if they had not crapped all over Batista, who is one of their handpicked guys. Batista letting it get to him as bad as he did didn't help, and the reactions made it very likely the 12/3 PPV would be moved to Chicago.


So just because the crowd shitted over a WWE guy you have to move the BRAND pay-per-view to a different locale? What did they expect from this crowd? No surprise here, though.

The funniest part of that is that Batista is a SD wrestler and there's no reason to think that he would be on the ECW PPV to get that reaction. Same thing goes for Orton/Cena/HHH/etc. As far as Test and Knox go, having the Hammerstein crowd want Sandman and Dreamer to tear their hearts out is a good thing.

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few points:


-- Yes maternity leave = great wrestling


-- Ok what exactly are those 3 guys' problems with Punk's wrestling? Is he like that rookie Jericho who cant' cut it?


Not sure if I understood the quote above, there was a CM Punk match that wound up not airing?


-- it's too early to tell what the roster will look like by December, so Vince is just itching to put more nonsensical reasons for guys from the other shows to show up.


-- why is Tatanka still here?


-- had no role for Noble? If you have the most talent depleted roster on tv and someone is sent home because 'they have no role' then the creative team needs to be suspended


modern wwe way of becoming a long running champ: creative not able to think of any tagteams


-- i dont know what to say about Kurt. why cant they keep him home if he really needs to?


-- Summerslam looks weak. khali last man standing. get it? he never leaves his feet


-- i think sports fans see steroids as STEROIDS and wrestling fans see steroids like alcohol or marijuana. simple as that

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-- Ok what exactly are those 3 guys' problems with Punk's wrestling? Is he like that rookie Jericho who cant' cut it?


Not sure if I understood the quote above, there was a CM Punk match that wound up not airing?

I think this refers to the Val Venis vs CM Punk mach. I'm not 100% sure, so someone please correct me if I'm wrong. But the Venis vs Punk match I think was recorded for Raw or Heat and I think it ended up not airing because Double A, HHH, and HBK ended up not liking it. I think thats it, but like I said I'm not 100% sure.

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I think he was talking about some tryout dark matches that Punk wrestled in a while ago.


Edit: Yeah, what Scroby said.

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Wait, wait, wait....Justin Credible works at Target?

Yeah, I want this clarified too.

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-- Ok what exactly are those 3 guys' problems with Punk's wrestling? Is he like that rookie Jericho who cant' cut it?


Not sure if I understood the quote above, there was a CM Punk match that wound up not airing?

I think this refers to the Val Venis vs CM Punk mach. I'm not 100% sure, so someone please correct me if I'm wrong. But the Venis vs Punk match I think was recorded for Raw or Heat and I think it ended up not airing because Double A, HHH, and HBK ended up not liking it. I think thats it, but like I said I'm not 100% sure.

I've actually seen this one on YouTube complete with commentary and all like it was aired on Heat

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Guest DRH 502

WWE CM Punk is twice as good as Indie CM PUNK. Yeah, I said it. Punk wrestling 6 minute matches is fine by me, he has very little time to blow spots, he looks much more crisp in the ring, and comes off as a total badass. I also love that they made up "disciplines" for him, such as Muay Thai Kickboxing and Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. It just makes the gimmick that much cooler.

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The match in question: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iZ16lett0N8


And I assume, Credible USED to work at target...when he had no job.



That was a good little match. The crowd was into, it was smartly worked , Val sold the leg being worked on throughout the match, fuckin COACH even did a decent job of putting Punk over on commentary. I loved Venis' 10 clotheslines in the corner.


It's a shame Val will never be used correctly.



And Credible working at Target and screaming at the fans as he drove by about it fucking awesome.

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There was a lot of unhappiness over the crowd at the Hammerstein Ballroom, mostly, but not solely, down to the obscene chants. Production had to turn down the crowd audio due to the obscene chants and the feeling was the crowd was smart enough to know the chants would be a problem and did them anyway, though apparently it would not have been much of an issue if they had not crapped all over Batista, who is one of their handpicked guys. Batista letting it get to him as bad as he did didn't help, and the reactions made it very likely the 12/3 PPV would be moved to Chicago.



Umm, yeah, this is why I said wait until Meltzer reports it, regarding Vince and Co's reaction to the crowd at Hammerstein Ballroom crowd. This report is the opposite of PWInsider, which said Vince was happy with the crowd and felt that the crowd made the show special. Of course this report is also more specific, breaking down the crowd reaction for different segments.

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