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Guest Connzilla

ECW's next PPV 'December To Dismember'

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Guest netslob
Does anyone actually WANT Lashley to win? I mean, not just people on this board. I mean, do casual fans even want to see him with the ECW title?



does it even matter what the fans want?

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Does anyone actually WANT Lashley to win? I mean, not just people on this board. I mean, do casual fans even want to see him with the ECW title?


It doesn't bother me. Outside of CM Punk, I don't care about anyone in ECW. Even the old ECW guys. So if he wins tonight, I won't be upset.

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It doesn't appear to really matter, the ECW crowd tends to stick around the 1.7 mark and Lashley won't effect that rating as a negative if he sticks around as the face, which is highly improbable. RVD isn't the guy anymore and with the reaction that Punk is getting with the crowds, they have no choice but to do Lashley/Punk.


Short of moving RAW/SD talent over to ECW for good, they don't have much else to work with. Still sad that a 1 hour show and limited roster still beats Raw everyweek in quality.

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Wait, this PPV is TONIGHT?? Ha, this is going to have a horrible buy-rate. And they only have 2 matches advertised.


Gooooood job Vince.


If the elimination chamber match is any good, I'll download it. But there is no way I'd order a PPV with only 2 matches advertised. Especially since half of the roster is in one match. They should have kept Punk out of this match and stuck him with someone else. Let them go 30 minutes for a ***+ match.

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Wait, this PPV is TONIGHT?? Ha, this is going to have a horrible buy-rate. And they only have 2 matches advertised.


Gooooood job Vince.


If the elimination chamber match is any good, I'll download it. But there is no way I'd order a PPV with only 2 matches advertised. Especially since half of the roster is in one match. They should have kept Punk out of this match and stuck him with someone else. Let them go 30 minutes for a ***+ match.


The problem with that is, ECW has NO ONE else who could carry the EC match for 50+ minutes. Punk was a necessity and since he's the only realistic possibility outside of Lashley, it shows just how poorly built the rest of the roster is right now.


As for giving Punk a 30 minute match, short of bringing someone like Benoit, Regal or Finlay over, they didn't have anything to do with him and a long match with Knox would be a waste of Punk.


I hate knowing that a guy that I've followed closely dating back to 2003 when he was working in front of 70 people in a gym in Indiana could actually win a WWE world title("valueless" as it might be, it's still something) and I don't have any desire to see it happen live.

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If the elimination chamber match is any good, I'll download it. But there is no way I'd order a PPV with only 2 matches advertised. Especially since half of the roster is in one match. They should have kept Punk out of this match and stuck him with someone else. Let them go 30 minutes for a ***+ match.


Who would Punk have this magic *** 30 minute match with? I bet Punk going 30 would also have him doing a long feeling out process too.


One of the matches advertised will take up more then one third of the show. The other is looking to be a good tag match. What does 2 matches have to do with it?

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Any thoughts on if the Big Show will be elminated early or if he will be the last man to come out and be around until the end?


I like the idea of having him elminated right away, how it was done with Taz, but think that he will be the last man released and the last man pinned.

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Have I missed something basic with the 'how it was done with Taz' line?


Also, wouldn't Show come out last (unless the afore mentioned heel turn happens' due to Heyman's influence as 'owner'?


Taz, dropped the title on his way out in a three way to Awesome after he was pinned almost instantly by Awesome and Tanaka at Anarchy Rulz '99.

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If the elimination chamber match is any good, I'll download it. But there is no way I'd order a PPV with only 2 matches advertised. Especially since half of the roster is in one match. They should have kept Punk out of this match and stuck him with someone else. Let them go 30 minutes for a ***+ match.


One of the matches advertised will take up more then one third of the show. The other is looking to be a good tag match. What does 2 matches have to do with it?

Yeah, since the Hardy Boyz are the best tag-team. Jeff blows and Matt is shell of his former self.


What does 2 matches have to do with it? When I am spending $40 on a PPV, I'd like to know in advance what matches there are going to be. TWO matches does not warrant that much money because I don't know what else they are going to throw out there. I am sure Sandman will be in a match, which will be a squash.


When you have a PPV, you are trying to sell it to the audience. When I see one that only has 2 matches advertised, then they aren't selling it to me very well. It's horrible marketing by the WWE for ECW's 2nd PPV (the first ONS doesn't really count here).

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Having two announced matches and a bunch of vauge undetermined matches for a PPV was typical ECW. Problem was, you could justify spending $19.95 for a two match card because you knew Heyman was reliable with a solid roster. Here, it's twice that much and they present a main event with an obvious result regardless of how entertaining it stands to be and a tag match that will get time but come off as a tv show main event instead of the #2 match on a PPV.


Dreamer Vs Daivari and Sandman Vs Holly is also on the card. Would announcing those two matches before hand made a difference? It'd still be a 2 match card.


Since ECW is the SD/RAW playground, they should have just had Benoit open a challenge to anyone from Raw. Put in Orton, Carlito, Crazy or even debut Scorpio there would have helped slightly.

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Dreamer Vs Daivari and Sandman Vs Holly is also on the card. Would announcing those two matches before hand made a difference? It'd still be a 2 match card.

Well it's better than nothing.

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It doesn't appear to really matter, the ECW crowd tends to stick around the 1.7 mark and Lashley won't effect that rating as a negative if he sticks around as the face, which is highly improbable. RVD isn't the guy anymore and with the reaction that Punk is getting with the crowds, they have no choice but to do Lashley/Punk.


Short of moving RAW/SD talent over to ECW for good, they don't have much else to work with. Still sad that a 1 hour show and limited roster still beats Raw everyweek in quality.

There must be something wrong with the audio on my tv because I could swear that RVD was still the most over guy in ECW or WWE for that matter. Punk is a good wrestler but he's just finally getting over with the WWE fans to give him the ball to carry WWECW, giving the belt to Punk now would be a bad idea since the fans love for the wrestler to earn his spot the old fashion way, by working his way up the ladder. The only choice right now is RVD since he is still more over with the fans and has entertaining matches (even with guys like Test and Holly), like I said Punk is a great wrestler but he hasn't been able to showcase his skills to the WWE crowd and he needs to do that first to see if the fans will want him as the top WWECW guy.

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