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Guest Hotbutter Spoontoaster

OAO ECW TV Day 91 Thread - September/5th/2006.

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Guest Hotbutter Spoontoaster
Triple H has contacted WWE.com to break the huge news that DX has accepted Big Show's challenge for a Handicap Match on ECW on Sci Fi.


Triple H, who was calling from home while recuperating from the injuries suffered on Monday night Raw at the hands of the McMahons, Big Show and their hired guns from Smackdown, was not in good spirits during the phone interview.


"First of all, DX has never backed down from a challenge, and if Big Show couldn't handle me alone six months ago, how does he expect to handle me and Shawn?", "The Game" asked.


An irritated Triple H also responded to the Extreme Giant's comments that appeared on ECW.com, where the ECW Champion said that the duo of Shawn Michaels and "The Game" was past their prime.


"As far as DX is concerned, I don't see any world titles around either one of their waists. They're [DX] running around trying to relive their glory days. I am the most dominant giant in the history of this entire industry and I will cement my legacy by crushing DX with my bare F'N hands," Big Show told ECW.com following ECW on Sci Fi.


After the story was posted, Triple H had some words for the Extremist that also said he was going to make the "King of Kings" kiss his feet.


"I had to laugh when I was watching ECW on Sci Fi when Big Show mimicked the DX crotch chop. Then, I read he was going to crush us with is bare hands, I wondered if he was planning to use the same hand I broke with a sledgehammer?", asked "The Game".


WWE.com also asked Triple H if he was concerned about Big Show's ECW support team of Paul Heyman, Heyman's Private Security Force and Hardcore Holly. Obviously, since DX will be making the trek into enemy territory, those are obstacles that they may have to overcome to emerge victorious in their Handicap Match.


"DX isn't concerned with Vince McMahon, and all the resources he has in his billion dollar empire, so why would we fear what the Messiah of the Bingo Hall will throw at us?", asked a confident Triple H.


Although DX will take on The McMahons and Big Show in a 3-on-2 Hell in a Cell Match at Unforgiven, "The Game" is trying to keep everything in perspective by focusing on the match on ECW on Sci Fi.


"One step at a time", he said. "I'll say Hell in a Cell won't be easy, but remember, Shawn and I have made our careers out of Hell in a Cell."


Non-Title Handicap Match

ECW World Heavyweight Champion, The Big Show .VS. DX.

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People take this whole stuff too seriously, with the when such and such thread was created. Is it really that bothersome to you people? It's the night before this particular show. In the sports thread, NFL Week 1 was opened up a week before the season officially kicks off, No one is cryin' there about it.


Its a completely arbitrary thing to be bothered by.

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"in the sports thread, NFL Week 1 was opened up a week before the season officially kicks off"


Eh, less than 5 days before, actually. And football, which is a billion times more popular than wrestling, has only one thread to discuss stuff so it NEEDS constant threads being made all the time. It doesn't have its own folder like WWE. But now, about these WWE/ECW TV threads, I agree, let's end this stuff. Post the thread on the day of. No one gives a flying turd who starts the thread first, so stop making it 2 days early and taking up space on the board.

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stop making it 2 days early and taking up space on the board.


Won't it take up the same amount of space no matter when it's posted? I fail to see why everyone is upset about when a freakin' Raw or ECW thread gets started.


Anyway, this show might as well be part of Raw... The main event is all people who will be fighting at Unforgiven. Hopefully we at least get a CM Punk match or Kevin Thorn's music.

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Yeah, this isn't an issue at all. If it makes him feel good to start the threads, let him knock himself out. If you don't want to talk about the show yet, don't, and let it sink down the page until it actually starts.

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Here's hoping tonight or atleast next week, Punk is thrown into a feud with someone. I figure it'll be Shannon Moore, I don't care. I just need to see him do something else besides beating on random ECW guys each week.

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People take this whole stuff too seriously, with the when such and such thread was created. Is it really that bothersome to you people? It's the night before this particular show. In the sports thread, NFL Week 1 was opened up a week before the season officially kicks off, No one is cryin' there about it.


Its a completely arbitrary thing to be bothered by.


They're just pissed that they didn't start it themselves.

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Here's hoping tonight or atleast next week, Punk is thrown into a feud with someone. I figure it'll be Shannon Moore, I don't care. I just need to see him do something else besides beating on random ECW guys each week.


ECW @ MSG, is huge and it really needs to the night they make Punk a star. The crowd will obviously be bonkers for Punk, they can't squelch it by having go over another ecw original of no value. He needs a big victory, over a meaningful name. If Punk needs to issue a challenge to someone from SD or Raw, so be it. Punk needs to either get a meaningful win or have some impact via a live promo. MSG is the type of crowd that Punk controls.


I said it not so long ago that MSG is one of the very few crowds that Vince listens to, he respects MSG far to great. A dramatic shift in the career of Punk should arrive that night. Punk has been pushed modestly but with effort, they clearly have a liking for him and it's not a Heyman thing. Vince is high on Punk, and if he can ignore the high school antics from Hayes and Gerwirtz, he'll do something for Punk.

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And I anticipate they'll do nothing.


What will the response be then? If he has a four minute match against say Tony Mameluke or such?

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And I anticipate they'll do nothing.


What will the response be then? If he has a four minute match against say Tony Mameluke or such?


Everyone keeps assuming they aren't doing anything with Punk, despite no evidence to prove the internet paranoia. They made it a purpose to debut him at Hammerstein, knowing that Punk would be well received. They are aware that MSG presents the same type environment for Punk.


Punk will get a pop and be over throughout the match regardless of who he faces but the important thing is to make this particular night bigger for him to suit the crowd response he'll get.

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They made it a purpose to debut him at Hammerstein, knowing that Punk would be well received.


Are we talking about the same office that thought Big Show vs. Batista was a good idea for the main event on the same show?


Collectively, "they" don't have a damn clue.

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Funny how it seems that whenever Raw guys are in the ECW Main Event, the ECW Preview is a page full of nonsense with one match announced, yet when RAW guys aren't on the show, the ECW preview is short, concise, to the point and announces 2-3 matches.


I think possibly tonight, RVD will make the save, or attempt a save, and then get put into the match at Unforgiven. It would really help with his building to a title chase/feud with Big Show.

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I highly doubt anyone is being added to the HIAC match at Unforgiven. From a kayfabe standpoint, McMahon shouldn't allow it. From a real life standpoint, I can't see DX being booked to need an even 3 on 3 match to be able to win.

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I think possibly tonight, RVD will make the save, or attempt a save, and then get put into the match at Unforgiven. It would really help with his building to a title chase/feud with Big Show.

I was thinking Sabu would interfere in the match, but then its also DX whose in the match. I'm thinking it might be the both of them just destorying Big Show or who knows maybe they'll actually put Show over on DX as the monster that can't be stopped. Either way I'm guessing we might see Vince and/or Shane tonight.

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