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Lord of The Curry

Prison Break

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I could easily see Keach getting killed off before the end of the season the path he's taking with the Feds and all. Great performance tonight, really dug the walking scene at the end.


Has Fox ordered a full 24 for this show?

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I think the planned arc for the show has been 13 episodes. In fact, I think there's going to be 2 more episodes, then we're taking off the entire month of October for baseball.


Although, he defied the government agent guys, who are in all likelyhood going to tell his wife about his son. If she leaves him, then the Taj will be kindof pointless. If Michael isn't helping him with that, he wouldn't have an in with the warden anymore.


You presume, when he stopped to talk to his wife at the end, that he chose to tell her about his son before the feds got to her. Of course, it's not certain how she will react to it, but he probably did tell her. I'm not really sure Michael ever needed to work in the Pope's office anyway -- he only did it in order to get out of sitting in the Shoe. Sure, it's worked out for his benefit, but I don't think it'd entirely damage the prison breakout if these visits were to stop.

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I'm not really sure Michael ever needed to work in the Pope's office anyway -- he only did it in order to get out of sitting in the Shoe. Sure, it's worked out for his benefit, but I don't think it'd entirely damage the prison breakout if these visits were to stop.

Working in the warden's office could have been entirely to cover up his return from his scouting mission.

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That was an excellent episode. The show has been getting better every week. It's a real shame that the show is going on a month-long hiatus after next week. Hopefully that won't ruin the momentum it's been building up.


The prison riot was handled very well. Just so chaotic and wild, which makes for good TV.


I was glad to see T-Bag this week -- he's the perfect scumbag character -- and once he started kicking the prison guard near the cell blocks, I knew they would make their way to Michael's cell. Once the guard knocked over the toilet seat, it was a definite "Holy Shit" moment. I like that they're going to have to bring T-Bag with them when they make their escape, although I think they're probably going to screw him over the day it happens.


Good revelation with the incriminating call coming from Washington D.C.


But I don't like Scofield trivializing the entire plan to save the doctor. I could see trying to further him as a heroic character, but climbing up on the roof in the middle of the day while all the prison guards and the warden are standing outside is pretty ridiculous. As is the fact that a helicopter flew right over his head and somehow missed spotting him. The only true flaw that I saw in the episode.


Next week looks great though. Lincoln getting attacked by the group of inmates. Michael somehow trying to explain to the doctor how he crawled through the vents to help her.....and the red laser-beam being held to his forehead. Again, it's a shame the show is going on hiatus. This was possibly the best episode they've done with an "on-the-edge-of-your-seat" feel through the whole thing.

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Guest OSIcon

I like the twist with T-Bag finding the hole. The set up for it was good in that it was an unexpected consequence of the riot. I agree with the above post that they should string him alone so he won't give up the escape plan, but then ditch him at the last moment when he (theoretically) shouldn't be able to squeal on them in time.


I have no idea what they are going to do with the prison guard though. Right now it looks like they have no choice but to kill him, but I am sure they'll be some twist with that.


I don't mind him saving the doctor. It is consistent with his character. He has refused to kill anyone so far regardless of how it effects the escape. Scofield has been portrayed as being a good guy overall in that way and has shown a liking for the doctor, so it isn't like it goes against his character. It will be interesting to see how they handle him explaining to her how he got into the room to save her. You got the feeling from day one that she was going to find out or get very close to finding out about the escape (she was always asking suspicious questions). Looks like they are heading in that direction.


So far so good for Prison Break. I was worried it might go down hill after a strong start, but no signs of that yet.

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So, uh, yeah. That episode was the shit.


And goddamns do I love me some John Abruzzi. When T-Bag was going to shout out "We're gonna break" and he shushed him I marked the fuck out. Peter Storemare has some really intense eyes and he works it to the max with this character.


Awesome scene between Billick and T-Bag when Billick revealed his past and then T-Bag just got crazier and began tearing at the screen.


I'm wondering who (if anybody) will save Lincoln's ass next week.


Odds that other attorney guy dies when they go to Washington next week?

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Awesome episode. I'm betting the new kid (Seth?) jacks up T-Bag for trying to make him his BUTT buddy. As for Bob the CO, I can see him getting out of there and promptly either taking a LONG vacation or transferring to another unit for reasons of "mental distress" and forgetting he ever saw the hole in the wall. Scofield will tell the doc that the vents were the only way into the infirmary and so he broke into a vent somewhere in A block and crawled through the ductwork.


As for Linc, I'm going to say D.B. Cooper gets the drop on Turk and saves Lincoln's ass.


And yeah, Peter Stormare kicks ass. I was trying to figure out how a Swedish guy would play an Itialian mobster, but he owns the show. Unfortunately for him I can see Scofield turning on him when they're safely away.

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Guest El Satanico

I knew the vent in the infirmary would come into play. Everytime he was with the doc he'd glance over to it, and they wouldn't give that much attention to something meaningless.

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From thefutoncritic.com:


FOX's 'Prison Break' Is First to Full Season

By Brian Ford Sullivan


LOS ANGELES (thefutoncritic.com) -- FOX's "Prison Break" isn't ending anytime soon as the network has ordered a full season of 22 episodes of the freshman drama, a network source confirmed today.


The news comes as the series heads for a brief two-week hiatus following its October 3 airing.


It's not clear how FOX plans to roll out the back-nine order as it previously indicated "House" and season five of "24" would take over Monday nights beginning in January.


In any case, the current batch of 13 episodes is set to wrap at the end of the November sweeps period. It remains to be seen if the nine remaining installments will continue to run on Monday nights or turn up at some point next year as a fill-in for any potential schedule holes.


FOX is expected to provide additional details when it formally announces the news tomorrow.


Overall for its first four weeks, "Prison Break" has averaged a solid 9.028 million viewers according to final numbers released by Nielsen Media Research. More importantly, "Break" has nearly doubled the audience of its lead-in "Kitchen Confidential" for the past two weeks in both households and adults 18-49.


Paul Scheuring, Marty Adelstein, Dawn Parouse, Matt Olmstead and Brett Ratner are the executive producers of the series, which comes from Adelstein-Parouse Productions in association with 20th Century Fox Television.

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Another great episode. I hate that it's going on a three week hiatus when it seemed to be building such a good groove, but I'm sure it can hold onto the momentum.


There's good chemistry between Scofield and the Doctor. Nice thrilling scenes in the escape tonight, particularly when the inmates started breaking through the ceiling tiles. I'm sure she's going to start snooping more into Michael's life now since learning the mold excuse was a lie -- and she may even get as far as discovering the prison break scheme -- but I don't think she'll ever rat on him about it. After getting her out of trouble, it's clear she's on his side now.


They have to be setting the stage for T-Bag to eventually get killed by one of the other guys. Most likely Abruzzi. He's been an awesome evil character so far, and that mean streak continued tonight with taunting the CO about his daughter, then killing him afterwards. There's no way Scofield and company are going to allow T-Bag to break out with them.


The lawyer angle is also picking up some nice steam, although they didn't seem to resolve much tonight.


Did anyone else catch the glance DB Cooper gave the CO after T-Bag stabbed him and threw him off the balcony? I think that's going to throw a serious wrench into any plans for Westmoreland to finance the escape being planned.


Stacy Keach as the Pope has become one of my favorite characters. His angry outbursts are rare, but when they happen as they did tonight towards Bellick, they're gold.


The only thing I wasn't feeling was the fight between Lincoln's son and the stepfather. It just seemed like it was out-of-place within the context of the episode. The acting in that scene -- particularly from the stepfather -- was lacking a little as well.


Either way, I've loved the progress of this show so far, and hate to see it take its hiatus. The coming attractions for the next few episodes look excellent though. The FBI agents are definitely starting to crumble, going as far as to confront Lincoln's son with a gun. T-Bag threatening to tear apart the entire plan. And, of course, the obligatory teasing of the prison break finally going down.

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Well, I hope T-Bag gets offed during the escape by a guard and used by the others to cover their escape.


As a correctional officer, I'm always jumpy about riots. That's why I'm closer to Bellick than Pope when it comes to dissecting prison set TV shows. Don't even get me started on Oz. I woulda given most of those guys a "tune-up" for looking at me funny.

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It's not clear how FOX plans to roll out the back-nine order as it previously indicated "House" and season five of "24" would take over Monday nights beginning in January.


The thought of Prison Break at 8 and 24 at 9 on Monday nights makes me all giddy.

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It's not clear how FOX plans to roll out the back-nine order as it previously indicated "House" and season five of "24" would take over Monday nights beginning in January.


The thought of Prison Break at 8 and 24 at 9 on Monday nights makes me all giddy.

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It's not clear how FOX plans to roll out the back-nine order as it previously indicated "House" and season five of "24" would take over Monday nights beginning in January.


The thought of Prison Break at 8 and 24 at 9 on Monday nights makes me all giddy.

Well, yes, but that would mean that Arrested Development gets axed, and we can't have that either.

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Well, yes, but that would mean that Arrested Development gets axed, and we can't have that either.


I guarantee that AD and Kitchen Confidential will get moved or (shudder) canceled to accomodate Prison Break. There's no way they'll risk screwing up its ratings by holding off on new episodes or moving it to a different night.

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Well, yes, but that would mean that Arrested Development gets axed, and we can't have that either.


I guarantee that AD and Kitchen Confidential will get moved or (shudder) canceled to accomodate Prison Break. There's no way they'll risk screwing up its ratings by holding off on new episodes or moving it to a different night.

The latest Arrested Development rumor: moves to Friday Night with Kitchen Confidential to make up a Friday Comedy Block with Bernie Mac and Malcom. They move Killer Instinct to Wednesday at 9pm which was Head Cases and now Nanny 911's slot.


Just a rumor but it sounds ok. Im guessing another timeslot change won't help AD out any, but for the fans its better than them cancelling it?

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The latest Arrested Development rumor: moves to Friday Night with Kitchen Confidential to make up a Friday Comedy Block with Bernie Mac and Malcom.  They move Killer Instinct to Wednesday at 9pm which was Head Cases and now Nanny 911's slot.


Just a rumor but it sounds ok.  Im guessing another timeslot change won't help AD out any, but for the fans its better than them cancelling it?

Yes, it's better. And Killer Instinct isn't gonna last more than a season anyways, so why not send it to die up against Lost?

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First 7 episode marathon of Prison Break on FX today starting at noon (Im working, and I have the first 7 stored on my Tivo in HD so doesn't bother me Im missing it).


Episode 8 "The Old Head" Monday at 9pm right after a repeat of episode 7 at 8pm.




Episode 9 - "Tweener" Abruzzi's demotion puts the entire escape-plan at risk; if Michael protects the new inmate, T-Bag threatens to expose the plan to the guards.



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Thoughts about last night:

- T-Bag's "singing like a canary" bit is starting to get old. My wife is hoping he gets shanked soon.

- Veronica is still annoying and reminding me of Kim Bauer more and more. Only not as hot.

- At this point, LJ's storyline is more interesting than Veronica's

- OK, on TV we've now got 2 female presidents and 1 female vice-president. Whassupwitdat?

- Also, why haven't those two agents been killed for being generally incompetent?

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