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Lord of The Curry

Prison Break

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I thought last night's episode was pretty good. Im trying to figure out who LJ goes to for help, although in the preview clip he was showing talking to Lincoln so who knows..


OK, on TV we've now got 2 female presidents and 1 female vice-president. Whassupwitdat?


That was quite the shocker, to have the woman we've seen bits and pieces of for the first 7 episodes turn out to be the Vice President.

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Guest El Satanico
Well, yes, but that would mean that Arrested Development gets axed, and we can't have that either.


I guarantee that AD and Kitchen Confidential will get moved or (shudder) canceled to accomodate Prison Break. There's no way they'll risk screwing up its ratings by holding off on new episodes or moving it to a different night.

I thought the plan all along was for AD to end in January when House/24 was scheduled to start.

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Well, yes, but that would mean that Arrested Development gets axed, and we can't have that either.


I guarantee that AD and Kitchen Confidential will get moved or (shudder) canceled to accomodate Prison Break. There's no way they'll risk screwing up its ratings by holding off on new episodes or moving it to a different night.

I thought the plan all along was for AD to end in January when House/24 was scheduled to start.

Right now it looks as if at least Arrested Development will get moved to friday, as FOX has the previous weeks episode of Prison Break airing at 8pm for next week. Heck, the Prison Break rerun on Monday at 8pm got better ratings than any episode of AD/KC this year, so they might keep airing the previous week of PB at 8pm.


Also, Fox ordered a full season for Prison Break a couple weeks ago which means they have enough episodes to run the whole season now (I think its 22, instead of the original 13). I saw somewhere that if Fox doesn't move/cancel AD and KC, that Prison Breaks first 13 episodes will air as planned, ending in Mid December with a cliff hanger, then reruns/specials for a couple weeks until 24 starts in January, and then when 24 ends, Prison Break will return with the last 9 episodes in June/July/August leading in to season 2 almost immediately next August, and then depending on next years schedule they could do the same thing (prison break/baseball/prison break/24/prison break) if 24 returns and all.

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Guest BrokenWings

Fuck, I missed this. I thought it was still postponed due to baseball playoffs? Is it back weekly now? Also, if someone could briefly summarize what happened this week it'd be greatly appreciated.

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Fuck, I missed this. I thought it was still postponed due to baseball playoffs? Is it back weekly now? Also, if someone could briefly summarize what happened this week it'd be greatly appreciated.


Stolen from some dude on tv.com


Wow. After a few weeks of waiting, a lot happens in Prison Break's newest episode. Inside the jail, the breakout group includes one additional member, T-Bag. The rest don't want him involved, but he threatens to rat them all out if he isn't. Michael's plans include using a supposed storage room to gain access to a pipe that will aid in their escape, but they are surprised to learn that the room is now a break from for the guards!


Michael finds out the only inmate allowed inside that room is the mysterious Westmoreland, and he begins to try and arrange an agreement. Westmoreland rebuffs his request, which causes some setbacks.


Meanwhile, on the outside, Veronica and Nick are reeling from their death threat they received in D.C. They are slowly calming down when they return to Veronica's apartment only to have it explode. They are both ok, but the apartment super who opened the door isn't. They immediately flee the area, and the two secret service agents believe they have succeeded in eliminating them.


After talking with the deceased guard's grieving widow, warden Pope tells Belick to find the killer by any means necessary. He leans on Westmoreland pretty hard, but to no avail. He thinks he will break Westmoreland by killing his beloved cat, but that only makes Westmoreland more angry.


Michael's first visit after the riot with Dr. Tancredi ends rather sourly after she confronts him about lying to her. She continues to scrutinize Michael's record after he leaves, wondering why on earth he is in prison.


Back on the outside, the two SS agents begin another phase of their plan, which is to threaten Lincoln's son as well as his mother and her boyfriend. However, the situation quickly escalates out of control, and LJ's mother and her boyfriend are killed. LJ manages to escape, only to find out that the agents are framing him for the killings. He flees, unsure of who he can trust.


Inside the jail, Westmoreland exacts revenge on Belick by setting fire to the guard's break room. This allows Michael and the rest of the crew access to the room under the guise of repairs, while they will be digging a rather large hole in the floor.


Veronica and Nick hole up in a cabin to keep up the illusion that they were killed in the explosion. They are fairly shaken up, and really don't try anything else during the episode.


And finally, at the end of the episode, the two agents meet with the lady who apparently is the head conspirator that we have only heard up until this point. In a surprise twist, it is revealed that she is the vice-president, and that her brother was the one who was killed! Why she chose to do this we are unsure, but she reveals herself as someone not to be trifled with.

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Well, FOX is certainly determined to kill the momentum of any popular shows they might stumble upon.


According to TV Guide online:


PRISON BREAKS: Prison Break is once again getting furloughed by Fox. In a November sweeps press release issued Thursday, Fox referred to the show's Nov. 28 episode as its "fall finale," but gave no indication as to when it would be back. Adding to the mystery: A network rep would only say that Prison's remaining nine episodes would air at a "later date." As previously reported, 24 assumes Prison's Monday-9 pm time slot in early January.


Luckily for everyone though, they're still sticking with "The War at Home"!

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Guest Evolution
- Also, why haven't those two agents been killed for being generally incompetent?


Uh, I'm pretty sure they've done enough pros to outweigh the cons, even though the one big con is probably going to bite them in the ass and end up with them getting offed.

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Well, FOX is certainly determined to kill the momentum of any popular shows they might stumble upon.


According to TV Guide online:


PRISON BREAKS: Prison Break is once again getting furloughed by Fox. In a November sweeps press release issued Thursday, Fox referred to the show's Nov. 28 episode as its "fall finale," but gave no indication as to when it would be back. Adding to the mystery: A network rep would only say that Prison's remaining nine episodes would air at a "later date." As previously reported, 24 assumes Prison's Monday-9 pm time slot in early January.


Luckily for everyone though, they're still sticking with "The War at Home"!

Read my last post, I have a feeling the final 9 episodes will air next June-August.


What I dont get is what they have better to air for the 6 or 7 weeks between the "fall finale" and the premiere of 24 which was pushed back til the middle of January. They could air all 9 episodes in that time if they wanted to with a 2 hour finale or whatever..

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Well, FOX is certainly determined to kill the momentum of any popular shows they might stumble upon.


According to TV Guide online:


PRISON BREAKS: Prison Break is once again getting furloughed by Fox. In a November sweeps press release issued Thursday, Fox referred to the show's Nov. 28 episode as its "fall finale," but gave no indication as to when it would be back. Adding to the mystery: A network rep would only say that Prison's remaining nine episodes would air at a "later date." As previously reported, 24 assumes Prison's Monday-9 pm time slot in early January.


Luckily for everyone though, they're still sticking with "The War at Home"!


The new episodes aren't ready. I imagine filming a show like Prison Break takes more than a week, which is the schedule most shows run on.

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The new episodes aren't ready.  I imagine filming a show like Prison Break takes more than a week, which is the schedule most shows run on.

It's pretty much the same story as 'Lost' last year, where there was that excruciating 6-week break between new episodes.


But at least we know it'll be back.

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FOX is now saying they'll show the remaining 9 episodes in May.


It's never a good idea when a TV network postpones the conclusion of a television show for six months. It just completely ruins the momentum.

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How has Prison Break been doing in the ratings? I thought it had been doing fairly well, given that it's running up against MNF. But taking it off for like 4 or 5 months worries me. Fox has a habit of cancelling good shows.

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I thought Mondays episode was ok. It was nice that they gave a medical explanation for Micheal's obsessive attention to details.


Im still waiting for what happens when the black guy who was nosy about what they all were dropping around the yard does.

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I thought there was a big "turn" on yesterday's episode? I remember the commercial billing it as they showed the scene where the secret service agents were on the bus looking for LJ.

The big twist was probably Veronica not being as stupid as we thought she was...

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Some unfortunate news on the back end of last nights excellent episode:


Prison Break' producer found dead at Drake Hotel


November 15, 2005




A producer for the Fox network television series "Prison Break," which is filmed in a former state prison in Joliet, was found dead in his North Michigan Avenue hotel room Monday afternoon, the victim of an apparent drug overdose, according to authorities.


Matthew Houbrick, 42, of Calabasas, Calif., was found dead about 3:30 p.m., in his 6th floor room at the Drake Hotel.


Some white powder, believed to be cocaine or heroin, was also found in the room, a source close to the investigation told the Chicago Sun-Times.


It was unclear how long Houbrick had been dead, but a police source said a Hollywood producer was concerned about the man and asked hotel staff to make a well-being check. Police officials obtained the information about his job title, but Fox network spokesmen did not confirm Houbrick's death late Monday.

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Abruzzi's dead!  Holy crap!


And T-Bag is such an awesome heel.

Im not 100% sure he's dead..but Id put it at about 90%.


It would be great if he shows up bloody just in time to stop TBag from escaping but I doubt it.


I wonder how far out they'll get..if they get out at all in one episode.


I cant believe that next week is it until sometime in May, but then I saw the preview for 24 and realized in 2 months I'll be a real happy camper.

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Guest El Satanico

I doubt we will see the full escape in the next episode. Gotta have a cliffhanger.

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At least they pushed the episodes up until March. Maybe we'll get them even sooner.


But man, talk about a cliffhanger.

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