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Guest TysonTomko420

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Guest Hotbutter Spoontoaster
With D2D being a couple weeks after Survivor Series

It's not "a couple of weeks" after Survivor Series, it's just one week, the very next weekend.

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Now I generally don't agree with alot of stuff the WWE does but.....can you really blame Vince for not wanting to put the belt on RVD? RVD royally fucked up and pretty much blew all trust anyone in management would have had in him.


RVD isn't one of their pets he basically had one chance and he fucked up worse than anyone could have imagined.

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I think it's more that he was dumb enough to do it while he was driving......so he got arrested. Not exactly a model for being reliable.

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Yeah, the point isn't that he smoked pot. WWE understands that he's into that, and have always known that. I don't even think that's one of the drugs that they test for. Like Mecca said, the issue was that he was stupid enough to do it and get caught by cops, leading to bad press for their world champ, who happened to be holding not one world strap but two.


I don't think that they'll hold it against RVD though, and I do expect him to be champ again.

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Wait, where did you hear that Vince wasn't to keen on RVD getting the title back?

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Wait, where did you hear that Vince wasn't to keen on RVD getting the title back?


source: Wrestling Observer Newsletter


Bob Collins, a long-time promoter with WWE who worked on WrestleMania III, has been regularly covering the Detroit area in the build to WrestleMania 23. He has been telling Ford Field officials that the only match WWE has decided upon for the show is Hulk Hogan vs. The Big Show. However, that match is not 100% certain for the time being. Though, if it does end up taking place, it could very well be the final wrestling match for not one star, but both stars.


Big Show's contract expires in February and he is in a great deal of physical pain nowadays. Big Show legitimately weighs 520 pounds, finds traveling very difficult, and has already been taken off of most minor ECW house shows. Due to these problems, plans are being made to get the ECW title off of him soon. The problem with this is that Rob Van Dam is the only ECW wrestler in a good position to win it, yet Vince McMahon has been said to be determined to not to let him be the champion again following his arrest the last time around. McMahon also feels RVD cannot draw as a champion, although other WWE officials believe the crowds will be the same no matter who has the belt.


Big Show has been telling people that he is considering leaving wrestling next year and going into acting, since his size and comedic personality makes him rather unique and should get him plenty work. His original contract, signed in 1999, was $950,000 a year for ten years. It was renegotiated in 2000 when management felt he wasn't working hard enough and sent him to Ohio Valley Wrestling, with Jim Ross cutting it down to $1,000,000 a year for eight years. Eventually, Vince got irritated about paying that much for anybody in developmental and they just took him as he was in early 2001.


John Laurinaitis started talking to him about a new deal recently, which involved a major pay cut. After Kurt Angle left the company, WWE had more money available for wages and he was offered a five-year extension at the same wage, which he turned down. The company was shocked by his rejection, yet Big Show doesn't believe that he can continue due to the severe pain he is experiencing. His back is shot and he fears that he may start rapidly physically deteriorating like Andre the Giant did at around the same stage of his life.


Because they cut back his dates, he has agreed to work through February unless things get extraordinarily bad. He will then take a hiatus and hopefully recover enough to return for WrestleMania. Big Show is in a secure financial position, but he may never be able to handle a full-time schedule again. He has not confirmed anything about WrestleMania yet, but the feeling is that he will work the show due to Hogan's involvement unless he is physically incapable.


It's in there.......

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I was just discussing this with a friend and I know it's early but I might as well post it. This is my WM23 card..not my dream card but it's realistic.


HHH vs Edge (WWE Title)

Batista vs Undertaker (WH Title)

Cena vs Orton

Big Show vs Hogan

RVD vs CM Punk (ECW Title)

HBK vs Harry Smith

Money in the Bank III: Carlito vs Super Crazy vs Shelton vs Kennedy vs MVP vs Chavo

Sabu vs Benoit (Extreme Rules)

Cryme Tyme vs Hardyz vs MNM vs Cade/Murdoch (World Tag Titles)

London/Kendrick vs Regal/Taylor (WWE Tag Titles)

Booker T vs Finlay


Kennedy would be US Champ, Carlito would be IC. I left out Kane, Lashley, Umaga, and Kenny who will hopefully be higher on the card than he is now. It's 11 matches..anymore might be too many but I can't see the people I included being left out. I thought of Umaga vs Monty Brown but he may not be on RAW or in WWE at all.


EDIT: For the MITB, replace Super Crazy and MVP with Kenny and Lashley.


And hell, do Kane vs Boogeyman.

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Guest Hotbutter Spoontoaster

How is it "stupid" to get caught by cops. They're not easy to get away from.

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It was stupid for him to be in the position to be busted in the first place, especially since he was the WWE and ECW champ.


I was just discussing this with a friend and I know it's early but I might as well post it. This is my WM23 card..not my dream card but it's realistic.


HHH vs Edge (WWE Title)

Batista vs Undertaker (WH Title)

Cena vs Orton

Big Show vs Hogan

RVD vs CM Punk (ECW Title)

HBK vs Harry Smith

Money in the Bank III: Carlito vs Super Crazy vs Shelton vs Kennedy vs MVP vs Chavo

Sabu vs Benoit (Extreme Rules)

Cryme Tyme vs Hardyz vs MNM vs Cade/Murdoch (World Tag Titles)

London/Kendrick vs Regal/Taylor (WWE Tag Titles)

Booker T vs Finlay


Kennedy would be US Champ, Carlito would be IC. I left out Kane, Lashley, Umaga, and Kenny who will hopefully be higher on the card than he is now. It's 11 matches..anymore might be too many but I can't see the people I included being left out. I thought of Umaga vs Monty Brown but he may not be on RAW or in WWE at all.


EDIT: For the MITB, replace Super Crazy and MVP with Kenny and Lashley.


And hell, do Kane vs Boogeyman.


I'd order that card in a second. Then again, I order every WM, so whatever. They have the chance to put on one hell of a WM in 2007, that's for sure.

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Guest Hotbutter Spoontoaster
It was stupid for him to be in the position to be busted in the first place, especially since he was the WWE and ECW champ.

What position?

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do you know how many are caught with weed in their car and are let go? Plus RVD wasn't smoking it at the time, he just had weed on him. I sware the only reason they got arrested was because RVD told the cops he was the WWE champion.


Smoking weed while driving and having drugs in your car DOESN'T put you in a position to get caught by police?


No but being caught in a speed trap while speeding is.

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Dude, the fucking question is does having drugs in your car put you in a position to get caught?


It's not rocket science.


If you have drugs in your car, you are giving yourself a good shot of getting caught with them if you get pulled over for something, ANYTHING.


He can smoke all the weed he wants, but don't be stupid enough to do it in your car (I don't know if he was literally smoking while he drove, but the officer said he smelled the weed on them)

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Dude, the fucking question is does having drugs in your car put you in a position to get caught?


It's not rocket science.


If you have drugs in your car, you are giving yourself a good shot of getting caught with them if you get pulled over for something, ANYTHING.


He can smoke all the weed he wants, but don't be stupid enough to do it in your car (I don't know if he was literally smoking while he drove, but the officer said he smelled the weed on them)

And I'm going to say again, no and my reason is this. If someone brings pot into my car, I'm going to try my damnest to not get pulled over because I don't want, myself, the person who brought the drugs, or my car being searched, because lets face it, a cop won't pull me over and search my car if i'm actually driving good, unless the cop is being a dick.


Now if someone brought something into my car and I did something while driving to put myself and the other person in position for me to get pulled over and for us to get searched, then I did something wrong while driving that put me and the other person in position to get my car searched.


In my views, having pot in your possesion is not putting yourself in a position to get caught by the police, but doing something stupid or getting caught in a speed trap with drugs on you is what puts you in position to get caught by the police.


Hopefully that makes sense.

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Guest Hotbutter Spoontoaster
No it's not. Live a little.
Smoking weed while driving and having drugs in your car DOESN'T put you in a position to get caught by police?

I was saying it's not stupid.

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The WWE chairman is a well known cocaine and steroid user but he's ok because he's never been caught yet but lets give RVD the death penalty for having weed on him. The only reason Rob is not getting the belt is because guys like HHH are in Vince's ear politicking against anything that would be a threat to their spots.

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Guest Human Highlight Reel
The only reason Rob is not getting the belt is because guys like HHH are in Vince's ear politicking against anything that would be a threat to their spots.

No, the reason RVD is not getting the title is because Vince does not want the man representing his company being arrested for drug possession and embarrasing the company's reputation, and who could blame him? I'm not saying RVD doesn't deserve another shot, and I don't think the same thing would happen again, but I can see why Vince wouldn't trust him.

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The WWE chairman is a well known cocaine and steroid user but he's ok because he's never been caught yet but lets give RVD the death penalty for having weed on him. The only reason Rob is not getting the belt is because guys like HHH are in Vince's ear politicking against anything that would be a threat to their spots.


How do you know? This is one of those things that bother me about message boards like this...someone probably made an offhanded comment a while ago that Vince McMahon does cocaine, and it's suddenly taken as fact. Do you actually have any proof for that allegation? I mean, you just said the chairman of a billion dollar company does drugs...it's not out of the realm of possibility, but what evidence do you actually have?

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The WWE chairman is a well known cocaine and steroid user but he's ok because he's never been caught yet but lets give RVD the death penalty for having weed on him. The only reason Rob is not getting the belt is because guys like HHH are in Vince's ear politicking against anything that would be a threat to their spots.


How do you know? This is one of those things that bother me about message boards like this...someone probably made an offhanded comment a while ago that Vince McMahon does cocaine, and it's suddenly taken as fact. Do you actually have any proof for that allegation? I mean, you just said the chairman of a billion dollar company does drugs...it's not out of the realm of possibility, but what evidence do you actually have?

Well in the book "Sex, Lies and Headlocks" there's a quote that was made by Vince which goes:

"I can snort as much of that stuff as anyone can put in front of me and never get hooked"

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Dude, the fucking question is does having drugs in your car put you in a position to get caught?


It's not rocket science.


If you have drugs in your car, you are giving yourself a good shot of getting caught with them if you get pulled over for something, ANYTHING.


He can smoke all the weed he wants, but don't be stupid enough to do it in your car (I don't know if he was literally smoking while he drove, but the officer said he smelled the weed on them)

And I'm going to say again, no and my reason is this. If someone brings pot into my car, I'm going to try my damnest to not get pulled over because I don't want, myself, the person who brought the drugs, or my car being searched, because lets face it, a cop won't pull me over and search my car if i'm actually driving good, unless the cop is being a dick.


Now if someone brought something into my car and I did something while driving to put myself and the other person in position for me to get pulled over and for us to get searched, then I did something wrong while driving that put me and the other person in position to get my car searched.


In my views, having pot in your possesion is not putting yourself in a position to get caught by the police, but doing something stupid or getting caught in a speed trap with drugs on you is what puts you in position to get caught by the police.


Hopefully that makes sense.


Having weed while you're driving is putting you in a position to get caught. Just like having unprotected sex without a hooker is putting yourself in a position to get AIDS. If you don't want to get caught with weed in your car, don't have weed in your car.

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The WWE chairman is a well known cocaine and steroid user but he's ok because he's never been caught yet but lets give RVD the death penalty for having weed on him. The only reason Rob is not getting the belt is because guys like HHH are in Vince's ear politicking against anything that would be a threat to their spots.


How do you know? This is one of those things that bother me about message boards like this...someone probably made an offhanded comment a while ago that Vince McMahon does cocaine, and it's suddenly taken as fact. Do you actually have any proof for that allegation? I mean, you just said the chairman of a billion dollar company does drugs...it's not out of the realm of possibility, but what evidence do you actually have?

Well in the book "Sex, Lies and Headlocks" there's a quote that was made by Vince which goes:

"I can snort as much of that stuff as anyone can put in front of me and never get hooked"

By the way that was a great book which it's where I got my info from. One more thing, if Cena or HHH gets caught with drugs by the law I would bet you that they will still get pushed down our throats like nothing happened, Hogan admitted under oath (Steroid trials) that he was a steroid user and he still got the WWE belt back in 2003.

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Guest Overworked

Afa Anoia Jr., son of Wild Samoan Afa, has signed a WWE deal after being evaluated in Deep South Wrestling for a week.


The time honored tradition of Samoan wrestlers will live on. With Umage and Afa Jr, as well as Snuka Jr whenever he shows up. Wonder if Haku got a son?

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No, the reason RVD is not getting the title is because Vince does not want the man representing his company being arrested for drug possession and embarrasing the company's reputation, and who could blame him?

Oh please, like WWE has a sterling public reputation. I think the owner of the company showing his ass off at the drop of a hat does way more damage than RVD getting busted. The former gets a "what a sideshow" response, the latter gets a "hey, that's pretty funny" response.

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--Elijah Burke and Sylvester Terkay join Daivari and Great Khali as being moved from Smackdown to ECW.


--Cyber Sunday will be airing live in the U.K. as a non-PPV event on Sky Sports 1. WWE and BSkyB agreed to terms over the weekend. Going into the weekend there were no plans for the show to air in the U.K. (thanks to wrestlemag.com)


--WWE screwed up its fantasy league as it is still taking picks until 7 p.m. on results for the ECW and Smackdown shows that were taped last night.


--The Buffalo News at www.buffalonews.com/editorial/2061029/1007114.asp reviewed the latest records and Brooke Hogan just got panned unmercifully bad. "51 excruciating minutes of overproduced schlock." "Heaven Baby...most notable for the fact you can actually hear the auto-tune Storch (Scott, producer) uses on Brooke's vocals kicking in and out. . . The world didn't need this. Things are bad enough out there." The reviewer wasn't nasty, as almost everything released last week he gave *** to **** but gave this one a DUD.


--WWE publicity can't save a bad act. Kevin Federline's concerts in Cleveland and Atlantic City have been canceled due to lack of ticket sales, and his new York concert is on the verge of being canceled.



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