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Guest TysonTomko420

Comments which don't warrant a thread

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Unless I missed something, CM Punk didn't seem to be featured at all in the last hour or so.


Does anyone think WWE had him pulled from the show because of his comments? (Or maybe he just pissed off the "Ghost Hunter" people...?)

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Unless I missed something, CM Punk didn't seem to be featured at all in the last hour or so.


Does anyone think WWE had him pulled from the show because of his comments? (Or maybe he just pissed off the "Ghost Hunter" people...?)



I'm guessing the latter.

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Yeah, I caught some of this and Punk was rolling with the shoot commentary. Punk was obviously bored and just did his own thing and you could sense the "serious" hunters weren't happy about it. Although I doubt WWE had someone watching the show at 3 am in the morning, it was most likely the Ghost Hunter people that got tired of Punk.


I liked when he said the line about wrestling nerds would help him as he was texting with his "aunt kathy".

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The History of ECW episode on 24/7 for the 7/20/95 Hardcore TV (which by the dates they've been using would place it as the 24th, but since the marquee in Florida said 20th I guess they're going with that instead of the airdate) is pretty good. They added Styles as a host with Tazz. They introduce the episode by noting Tazz suffers a neck injury, and Styles said it may have been the worst night of his career "besides wrestling K-Kwik". Tazz notes he did not like wrestling him. Anyone know the story there, if any?

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Is anyone watching this Ghost Hunters thing? CM Punk is making ALL KINDS of shoot comments.


He's mentioned Joe, Colt Cabana, and even went as far as to make a joke about there being a "Ghost glass ceiling", along with a goofy insider face to the camera. He's also not playing on the "Ghosts are real!" thing, and just doing whateverthefuck he wants to do.


If WWE is paying attention to this, the reaction will be HEELARIOUS.


Punk was awesome on that show and those guys kept looking at him like "WTF is this guy talking about?"


Samoan choking ghosts............when he mentioned the glass ceiling and Colt Cabana's 9 toes within about 2 minutes of each other they didn't show him much for the next 2 hours.

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Are you serious? I switched over the the Daily Show because I was sure the ghost thing was gonna be stupid.


I should've had more faith :(

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Beyond Punk, it was easily the most boring fucking thing I've ever seen in my life. At several points, they just...sat down and bullshitted about stuff. It was insane.


Punk was sooo ungodly bored. He'd play around with his flashlight, walk around, start calling out "ghosties". He was the only redeeming thing on the show.


Poor, poor man.

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Beyond Punk, it was easily the most boring fucking thing I've ever seen in my life. At several points, they just...sat down and bullshitted about stuff. It was insane.


Punk was sooo ungodly bored. He'd play around with his flashlight, walk around, start calling out "ghosties". He was the only redeeming thing on the show.


Poor, poor man.



That's SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO fucking true.



I watched that shit for 2 hours hoping I could see Punk do something, but apparently after the comments, they refused to put him on camera.


And when they put him on camera it was COMPLETLY on accident. As the guys were talking he would just start wondering around shining his flashlight on random shit.

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Whatever happened to somebody becoming the GM of RAW?


I thought they kept pushing it back and pushing it back.


And I thought that the Coach was just a temporary guy.


Anyone know what happened?


Or is Vince is since he's on EVERY Raw?

Vince was having so much fun in the role that the idea for a new GM was scrapped and Vince took the spot.

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Whatever happened to somebody becoming the GM of RAW?


I thought they kept pushing it back and pushing it back.


And I thought that the Coach was just a temporary guy.


Anyone know what happened?


Or is Vince is since he's on EVERY Raw?

Vince was having so much fun in the role that the idea for a new GM was scrapped and Vince took the spot.




Ah, that's what I figured...




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Guest Hotbutter Spoontoaster
Psicosis released.


WWE has come to terms on the release of Psicosis as of today, November 1st. We wish Psicosis the best in all future endeavors.

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Beyond Punk, it was easily the most boring fucking thing I've ever seen in my life. At several points, they just...sat down and bullshitted about stuff. It was insane.


Punk was sooo ungodly bored. He'd play around with his flashlight, walk around, start calling out "ghosties". He was the only redeeming thing on the show.


Poor, poor man.

Agreed. The show was competely fucking boring. I fell asleep during it and I really don't fall asleep watching shows. I woke up at 4 am competely surprised and shocked. I looked at my tv and the fucking show was just starting again!

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Beyond Punk, it was easily the most boring fucking thing I've ever seen in my life. At several points, they just...sat down and bullshitted about stuff. It was insane.


Punk was sooo ungodly bored. He'd play around with his flashlight, walk around, start calling out "ghosties". He was the only redeeming thing on the show.


Poor, poor man.

Agreed. The show was competely fucking boring. I fell asleep during it and I really don't fall asleep watching shows. I woke up at 4 am competely surprised and shocked. I looked at my tv and the fucking show was just starting again!



That shit was LIVE for 6 HOURS!!!!



It ran from 11 pm to 5 am over here.



I'm REALLY glad I didnt watch all of it. The only thing i missed were the shoot comments.

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Not sure where this news came from so I can't vouch for the validity of it, but it looks like WWE set up Francine in a situation where they could legitmately fire her.


-- Right before she was fired, Francine was asked to do pre-show training with agents Steve Keirn and Fit Finlay and she wanted no part of it. This is most likely what led to her dismissal.


Francine said in a shoot interview that WWE had wanted her to come there in 2001 to be a valet for the X-Factor stable. However, she said WWE also wanted her to wrestle in the rebuilding women's division. She told them she wasn't interested in wrestling, and turned them down.


It's been noted that Vince McMahon was not happy with Francine being hired, classifying her as "ugly" to John Laurinaitis and telling him not to hire anymore women that looked "like that."


If this is all true, it's pretty lame that they don't have the nuts to just tell someone that they just don't fit into their plans.

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A funny cartoon featuring WWE Superstar Ric Flair has made its way online. The humorous cartoon is done with the same theme as recent Geico insurance commercials with Flair being the celebrity and the owner of the Carolina Hurricanes, Peter Karmano being the real person. You can check it out here: http://www.newsobserver.com/1235/story/502674.html


It's pretty funny.

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The Bret Hart special on WWE 24/7 is an interesting watch. Is this pretty much his DVD that WWE released?


Yes, it is the main feature from the DVD.


It really is a good watch...I want to get my hands on some of that old Stampede stuff...I'm generally not a fan of old school wrestling, but that looked like a lot of fun wrestling in those old clips, particulary his series of matches with a really skinny Dynamite Kid.

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WWE sent out a survey today to their mailing list, asking questions about PPV buying patterns. The survey asked fans to rank the following in order of importance: main event participants, under-card matches, co-branded events, stipulation matches, and the historical significance of events. The survey also asked about PPVs not airing on Sundays, listing noon-4PM and 4PM-8PM as potential PPV timeslots. They also ask fans to provide information on the other PPVs they buy, going as far as naming UFC, TNA, and even ROH. WWE also mentions possibly starting a PPV Buyers Club where people who buy a certain number of PPVs will get free gifts, merchandise discounts, and more. WWE also asked about adding more PPVs, specifically non-wrestling shows involving legends, Divas, etc.

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WWE sent out a survey today to their mailing list, asking questions about PPV buying patterns. The survey asked fans to rank the following in order of importance: main event participants, under-card matches, co-branded events, stipulation matches, and the historical significance of events. The survey also asked about PPVs not airing on Sundays, listing noon-4PM and 4PM-8PM as potential PPV timeslots. They also ask fans to provide information on the other PPVs they buy, going as far as naming UFC, TNA, and even ROH. WWE also mentions possibly starting a PPV Buyers Club where people who buy a certain number of PPVs will get free gifts, merchandise discounts, and more. WWE also asked about adding more PPVs, specifically non-wrestling shows involving legends, Divas, etc.


I'll cast my vote here since I don't order ppv's.


-Undercard Matches(notoriously neglected in the wwe lately)

-Historical Significance of events(I love the big match feel)

-Main Even Participants(Usually over-exposed by wwe bookers during build-up)

-Stipulation matches

-Co-Branded events(should very rarely happen)


I think Saturday Nights would be an interesting PPV time slot to try, though Sunday nights might be too ingraned. Noon-4 amd 4-8 are terrible possibilities.


I'd mention I buy ROH DVD's in hopes that they would get a clue to what some fans are looking for.


I'd ideally say less PPV's not more. Have the Big Four(WM, RR, Survivor Series and Summer Slam) and then alternate between Raw and SD each month. ECW would only be on the big four PPV's and maybe have a few Sci-Fi two hour specials a year.

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Guest Hotbutter Spoontoaster

I wouldn't mind PPVs at 5pm-8pm on Sundays. Then I wouldn't miss The Simpsons, American Dad, Family Guy, etc.

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