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Guest TysonTomko420

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WWE.com says that John Cena is gonna wrestle Armano Alejandro Estrada on Raw tonight. I heard AAE is a terrible worker despite being trained.
Ah no worries it's not like the WWE would push someone down our throat who couldn't carry an inferior worker



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Just your typical manager vs wrestler match, although I wouldn't be shocked for Monty Brown to show up as Armando's insurance policy. Monty will need someone to talk for him, Umaga can't touch Cena til their match, and AAE will need someone to prevent him from getting his head caved in.


But since it makes sense from all the angles, they won't do it.

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Just your typical manager vs wrestler match, although I wouldn't be shocked for Monty Brown to show up as Armando's insurance policy. Monty will need someone to talk for him, Umaga can't touch Cena til their match, and AAE will need someone to prevent him from getting his head caved in.


But since it makes sense from all the angles, they won't do it.


Considering Umaga's character, could we have a Saba Simba gimmick with Monty Brown?

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I've seen AAE cut a promo, and Monty Brown cut a promo. The point in a mouthpiece is they can talk better then their wrestler. Now Monty Brown isn't a great promo, but they'd be taking a step backwards by placing AAE as his mouthpiece. Just in my opinion, anyways.

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Yeah but just think of the possibilities if Brown joined that group and debuted as the jungle cat MUFASA.

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Well, wwe.com had a story on Monty Brown's signing, so I'm guessing he'll come in under that name, and not some weird gimmick. (Yes, I'm probably dead wrong based on that logic).


I don't think sticking him with AAE would be that bad, really.





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WWE.com says that John Cena is gonna wrestle Armano Alejandro Estrada on Raw tonight. I heard AAE is a terrible worker despite being trained.


You woulda known that if you had watched RAW last week. Part of the "Cena and Umaga cant touch each other the rest of the year" deal.

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Can someone post the match listings for Christmas in Iraq?


John Cena vs Edge


Shelton vs CM Punk


Undertaker vs Nitro


Bobby Lashley vs Hardcore Holly


Jeff Hardy vs Umaga


Orton vs Carlito


Masterlock Challenge w/ Santa

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Has Hogan actually ever taken 45 seconds out of his precious life and watched the end of that?

Are you fucking kidding me?!? He's Hulk Hogan! He doesn't need to sit down and watch Wrestlemania 16 and see HBK pin Bret Hart for the three count.


*slaps HartFan69 for questioning the God known as Hulk Hogan*

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Okay. You know how when you met wrestling fans, and I'm talking about the 235,000 that buy the fucking shit every month on PPV and spend their checks on SHOPZONE.com every week...you know how they always have the most knowledge out of anyone and are ironically confident about it, yet they have no idea? Like, you know...Stephanie McMahon and Shane McMahon are married, Owen Hart died at Wrestlemania, the Real Undertaker is going to return one day...THOSE people (they are also the ones who don't shower, smell like something died, and also look like it.) I think hearing this interview made me realize something.


IT'S BECAUSE THEIR LEADER IS JUST AS STUPID. I'm not saying you should know every date and who won every match off the top of your head, but this is seriously basic random wrestling knowledge that the biggest name ever has no idea what he's talking about. And it's not like he's exaggerating to put himself over or anything like he does when he talks about how the bodyslam at Wrestlemania 3 let to Andre's death the next night.


He just has no clue. Rant over.

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I think it is more Hogan being completely unable or unwilling to not work. He has this condition that compels him to embellish, exaggerate or flat out lie in everything he does, even when it serves no purpose. He can’t help but lie.

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Guest samoapunk
I think it is more Hogan being completely unable or unwilling to not work. He has this condition that compels him to embellish, exaggerate or flat out lie in everything he does, even when it serves no purpose. He can’t help but lie.



Thank you! I work with this guy who completely idolizes Hulk Hogan in everything he does and it just makes me so sick that Hogan has force fed this shit to people for decades now. For everything he says, there's at least 20 people who will tell you differently. I hope like hell Hogan's done in the ring and can be happy with his Hogan Knows Shit paycheck.

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I think it is more Hogan being completely unable or unwilling to not work. He has this condition that compels him to embellish, exaggerate or flat out lie in everything he does, even when it serves no purpose. He can’t help but lie.


Yeah, but it does leads to some entertaining things, like him saying that he didn't get busted open by Abdullah The Butcher for 2 and a half years just for his son to get ready and do the same thing on Hogan Knows Best. Or about how he took on the Four Horseman one night for an hour. I still find the Abby name drop to be the most random thing Hogan has come up with yet.

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A 19-year-old German teen consumed 1 bottle of beer, 2 bottles of wine, and 1 bottle of chocolate liqueur then proceeded to murder a homeless man. Steffen G. now blames WWE’s “SmackDown vs. Raw 2006” video game (which is rated “T” for teens) as the reason for his actions. A WWE spokesman stated “Given Steffen G.’s history of violence and alcohol abuse, we believe his claims to be absurd."

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Speaking of Hogan did anyone see the Hogan Knows Best with Harry Smith? Hogan said that Harry looked like a younger version of him. Yeah sure does, he doesn't look anything like his dad. Nope.


And then Hogan goes on the talk about the how big a wrestling dynasty it would be if Harry and Brooke got married. If they got married the Smith family would so be held down in the marriage, family get togethers, etc.

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Guest Toddiwod
Maybe Punk will go over when ECW folds.


I for one, would love to see CM Punk on Smackdown.

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Guest Toddiwod
I don't know if this has happened on any indies at all, but Benoit and Punk would be a godsend.


Yeah, it would. You know, in a way, I almost wish Punk were just a little smaller (I think he's about 20 pounds too heavy) so he could jump to Smackdown after the inevitable ECW crash and challenge for the Cruiserweight championship. But yeah, Punk and Benoit for the US Championship would be great, and it would be cool to have two faces who could still make a convincing show of it.

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The more I think about it, they really should just fold ECW back into the other two shows. I know it won't happen. Heck, they could keep the ECW Championship and just make it the "Hardcore Title" that floats between RAW and Smackdown.

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Guest Toddiwod
The more I think about it, they really should just fold ECW back into the other two shows. I know it won't happen. Heck, they could keep the ECW Championship and just make it the "Hardcore Title" that floats between RAW and Smackdown.


I wonder if they'd have the old WWE Hardcore rules they were using before the title was retired, where the title changed hands every time someone in the building farted.

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