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Guest TysonTomko420

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Ohio Valley Wrestling girl Roni Jonah (who doesn't have a WWE developmental contract) wants to get breast implants and she's looking for donations to help her pay for the procedure. The following message was posted on her official website, RockStarRoniJonah.com, which is where donations via PayPal can also be made.



Hey Everyone, Roni is calling upon her Millions..... AND MILLIONS... Of Rockstar fans to help her out by donating as much as you can to the RONI DIVA UPGRADE FUND.


Donations can be made by clicking that SMOKIN' HOT photo of Roni at the bottom of each page on the site.


Anyone who helps and donates will receive a FREE SCANTLY CLAD 8x10 PHOTO OF "ROCKSTAR" RONI JONAH after the Diva Upgrade procedure has taken place.





Can't she buy her own boobs?

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I was about to post the same thing.


Look, the Undertaker is over, he's credible, he's a good worker and he has now been with WWE for 17 years. I'm betting he'll have a permanent backstage position when he retires, and quite honestly I think he deserves an extended run. There aren't any wrestlers right now ready for their first World title. Better to keep an established name on top and give the contenders a slow build.


Why does he "deserve" an exteneded run? He doesn't work a full time schedule like anytime else, and never bothers to put anyone over. He's the last person who deserves a long term run

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I think Flair has always been a big time hit for wrestling but at his age today can he still pull in the huge numbers?


The answer to that is yes. I think he does still have the star power and can also put on great matches even today to back it up;


I think he needs to work with a strong star like and he can still draw just as good as any old school star

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Flair has such star power. I think if he wanted to just buying doing one interview he could be the main event all over again over night.

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I don't know what the PPV number would be, could possibly be a great number if they booked a solid feud against the right guy, but I can tell you for a fact that if they promoted a Flair title match here in my area, it would be a complete and total sell out. Especially if the feud was going in the direction of a Flair title win.

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Guest Wrestling Icon

Flair going for the title would be a sell out for sure. If WWE dropped a hint that Flair was going to win I bet millions world wide would also be watching at home. He is still the man and he still has it even at his age

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Unless it's the Rocky storyline, with Flair going for that one last title, then I don't see him drawing anything. He's been treated as anything but a legend for so long, even without the fact that he's clearly broken down and a shell of his former self, that he's lost what made him special. Add in the fact that Flair is broken down, and it shows, I don't see the people buying into Flair as any kind of world title contender, unless it's the aforementioned Rocky-type storyline, in which case people will, not necessarily buy Flair into being a potential world champion, but they'll want to him get that one last world title and it'll draw for as long as the storyline can credibly run.

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Ohio Valley Wrestling girl Roni Jonah (who doesn't have a WWE developmental contract) wants to get breast implants and she's looking for donations to help her pay for the procedure. The following message was posted on her official website, RockStarRoniJonah.com, which is where donations via PayPal can also be made.



Hey Everyone, Roni is calling upon her Millions..... AND MILLIONS... Of Rockstar fans to help her out by donating as much as you can to the RONI DIVA UPGRADE FUND.


Donations can be made by clicking that SMOKIN' HOT photo of Roni at the bottom of each page on the site.


Anyone who helps and donates will receive a FREE SCANTLY CLAD 8x10 PHOTO OF "ROCKSTAR" RONI JONAH after the Diva Upgrade procedure has taken place.





Can't she buy her own boobs?


She put that on her myspace also awhile back.......I'm not sure really "needs" a boob job but it would probably help her get a WWE deal.

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Maybe Taker doesn't "deserve" a long title reign, but I sure hope (and suspect that) he gets one. Why? Because I will enjoy his run with the gold and the main-event matches it will bring, so will the majority of fans from the very casual up to the hardcore, and that'll bring in the ratings and PPV buys that, you know, earns WWE money.

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Ohio Valley Wrestling girl Roni Jonah (who doesn't have a WWE developmental contract) wants to get breast implants and she's looking for donations to help her pay for the procedure. The following message was posted on her official website, RockStarRoniJonah.com, which is where donations via PayPal can also be made.



Hey Everyone, Roni is calling upon her Millions..... AND MILLIONS... Of Rockstar fans to help her out by donating as much as you can to the RONI DIVA UPGRADE FUND.


Donations can be made by clicking that SMOKIN' HOT photo of Roni at the bottom of each page on the site.


Anyone who helps and donates will receive a FREE SCANTLY CLAD 8x10 PHOTO OF "ROCKSTAR" RONI JONAH after the Diva Upgrade procedure has taken place.





Can't she buy her own boobs?


She put that on her myspace also awhile back.......I'm not sure really "needs" a boob job but it would probably help her get a WWE deal.



I find it laughable that her old friend from OVW is facing life threatening brain surgery soon, and she's asking people to donate her money for bigger boobs.

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Ohio Valley Wrestling girl Roni Jonah (who doesn't have a WWE developmental contract) wants to get breast implants and she's looking for donations to help her pay for the procedure. The following message was posted on her official website, RockStarRoniJonah.com, which is where donations via PayPal can also be made.



Hey Everyone, Roni is calling upon her Millions..... AND MILLIONS... Of Rockstar fans to help her out by donating as much as you can to the RONI DIVA UPGRADE FUND.


Donations can be made by clicking that SMOKIN' HOT photo of Roni at the bottom of each page on the site.


Anyone who helps and donates will receive a FREE SCANTLY CLAD 8x10 PHOTO OF "ROCKSTAR" RONI JONAH after the Diva Upgrade procedure has taken place.





Can't she buy her own boobs?


She put that on her myspace also awhile back.......I'm not sure really "needs" a boob job but it would probably help her get a WWE deal.



I find it laughable that her old friend from OVW is facing life threatening brain surgery soon, and she's asking people to donate her money for bigger boobs.



She's had that fund going for atleast 3 months.........it's not anything new. And she probably doesn't make enuogh money with just OVW work.......I like Roni and really don't see a problem if her fans are willing to help her out......


However if any of you donate money and get that picture........I'd like to see it pronto.

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Someone here suggested it could be him introducing a new stable of young developmental guys (maybe the "new hart foundation" that was reported a while back?) which would rule.

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Care to vent about Amy Zidian, the Diva Search wannabe and Jimmy Wang Yang's short-lived handler, who was fired after giving Vickie crap backstage about "Not looking like the other Divas"?


Amy who? Look, this business isn't for everyone. I don't think it was her fault, when she just didn't know any better, and ended up making a fool of herself. Vickie was a little upset about it, because she's not a Playboy cover girl. She looks great, but she's a real mom, and a real person. That's what makes her different than other Divas.


Wow. Not used to them being so open about why someone was fired.

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Since the name of this thread warrants random comments regarding WWE, I'd just like to say that I just watched King of the Ring '97 for the first time and HBK/Austin is one hell of a match with a disappointing finish. As someone who got into wrestling at the peak of the boom period, I never saw much of Austin in his workrate prime but the guy could go circa 1996/1997. Damn near thirty minutes and no restholds allowed. This is what WM XIV should have been, but swap finishes.

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I still think he's shit. Should form an anti-Undertaker union, or something.


He's a complete tool. He's revered for being around for a long time, but what has he done to really help out the business and elevate other stars aside from himself? Has anyone ever truly won a feud with him besides Austin??


Is he really that big of a draw?? Nope.


Who has he cleanly lost to??


You can count it on two hands at most.


Of his title reigns, his first didn't end cleanly (chair-shot from Hogan), nor did his second (chair shot from Michaels, nor did his loss at Vengeance 2002 (The Rock pinned Angle, not UT). I believe that he jobbed clean to Austin in June of 99 when he lost the title back to him...but that's a pretty fucking pathetic track record if you ask me.


He wrestled against Bret Hart, Michaels, Hogan, Ric Flair, Steve Austin, and the Rock on multiple occasions, and to the best of my knowledge, the only one of those to pin him cleanly was Austin.


In recent years, he's been reticent to help elevate younger stars, as it is widely rumored that he balked at putting Lesnar over, and we all know that he massacred Orton w/o help from Cowboy Bob, and in the end...even with his help.


If the guy had a different entrance he probably would have been a journeyman...just like he was in WCW. Plus, for 80% of his career he's never sold anything.


He's the guy who's held up as a pillar of the community when in reality he cheats on his taxes, treats his wife like shit and ignores his kids.


lmao ! And you kniw this how?? Rumours --lol . Give a fucking break

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There were rumors that Taker had something going on with Michelle McCool because there was a picture of them at a gym being floated around the net that was taken around WM weekend. The news that McCool had just broken up with her high school sweetheart also made it seem reasonable.


But all that was debunked when an original copy of the photo came out and showed Sharmell standing beside McCool. Sharmell had been cropped out of the photo to make it look like it was just McCool & Taker, and that's what got all the rumors talking. It's clear all three were either entering or leaving a gym based on what they were wearing.


Meltzer debunked all of that talk anyways, and said those in the locker room define him as "fiercely loyal" to Sara.

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Does anyone know if this Foley Make-A-Wish deal on Monday has anything to do with his major booking idea? What is the major booking idea?


Other than allowing Melina to compete in a match without killing her opponent, it should be allowing Melina to be on the cover of Playboy next March to make her dream come true.

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Since the name of this thread warrants random comments regarding WWE, I'd just like to say that I just watched King of the Ring '97 for the first time and HBK/Austin is one hell of a match with a disappointing finish. As someone who got into wrestling at the peak of the boom period, I never saw much of Austin in his workrate prime but the guy could go circa 1996/1997. Damn near thirty minutes and no restholds allowed. This is what WM XIV should have been, but swap finishes.

I agree. It's a fine match that is usually overlooked.


Granted, it does have an awful finish with a whole bunch of ref bumps but the rest of the match is great. I suppose the screwiness is why isn't never brought up as a great match in either man's career.

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Since the name of this thread warrants random comments regarding WWE, I'd just like to say that I just watched King of the Ring '97 for the first time and HBK/Austin is one hell of a match with a disappointing finish. As someone who got into wrestling at the peak of the boom period, I never saw much of Austin in his workrate prime but the guy could go circa 1996/1997. Damn near thirty minutes and no restholds allowed. This is what WM XIV should have been, but swap finishes.


Shawn could barely walk and was jacked on painkillers for that match. If he could have gone all out, he would have.

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Since the name of this thread warrants random comments regarding WWE, I'd just like to say that I just watched King of the Ring '97 for the first time and HBK/Austin is one hell of a match with a disappointing finish. As someone who got into wrestling at the peak of the boom period, I never saw much of Austin in his workrate prime but the guy could go circa 1996/1997. Damn near thirty minutes and no restholds allowed. This is what WM XIV should have been, but swap finishes.


Shawn could barely walk and was jacked on painkillers for that match. If he could have gone all out, he would have.


exactly...it's almost painful watching him go through a near 20 minute match like that. He also took some bumps he probably shouldn't have taken, but it's WM and he's not going to bitch out...his ego won't let him. The WM match was good enough, all things considered.

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Maybe Taker doesn't "deserve" a long title reign, but I sure hope (and suspect that) he gets one. Why? Because I will enjoy his run with the gold and the main-event matches it will bring, so will the majority of fans from the very casual up to the hardcore, and that'll bring in the ratings and PPV buys that, you know, earns WWE money.


Hey look, pegasus is back.

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Guest robrabies
lmao ! And you kniw this how?? Rumours --lol . Give a fucking break


Wow...I didn't think something as simple as an analogy would go over someone's head. That's really embarrassing. ;)

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Guest robrabies
Since the name of this thread warrants random comments regarding WWE, I'd just like to say that I just watched King of the Ring '97 for the first time and HBK/Austin is one hell of a match with a disappointing finish. As someone who got into wrestling at the peak of the boom period, I never saw much of Austin in his workrate prime but the guy could go circa 1996/1997. Damn near thirty minutes and no restholds allowed. This is what WM XIV should have been, but swap finishes.


Shawn could barely walk and was jacked on painkillers for that match. If he could have gone all out, he would have.


exactly...it's almost painful watching him go through a near 20 minute match like that. He also took some bumps he probably shouldn't have taken, but it's WM and he's not going to bitch out...his ego won't let him. The WM match was good enough, all things considered.


I know they put it on the Hist of the WWE Champ DVD mainly for the history, but that's not a match that I enjoy watching in the least. It's sad to watch someone suffer through pain in a match like that.

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Maybe Taker doesn't "deserve" a long title reign, but I sure hope (and suspect that) he gets one. Why? Because I will enjoy his run with the gold and the main-event matches it will bring, so will the majority of fans from the very casual up to the hardcore, and that'll bring in the ratings and PPV buys that, you know, earns WWE money.


Hey look, pegasus is back.


While I previously (mostly jokingly) blamed robrabies and StrapFinlay as being WP, I'm 90% certain mysterious_w really is. Not even that much of a disguise.


So the King Booker injury thread seems to be turning into a KOTR thread. What does the CTDWAT crew think of that?

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Maybe Taker doesn't "deserve" a long title reign, but I sure hope (and suspect that) he gets one. Why? Because I will enjoy his run with the gold and the main-event matches it will bring, so will the majority of fans from the very casual up to the hardcore, and that'll bring in the ratings and PPV buys that, you know, earns WWE money.


Hey look, pegasus is back.


While I previously (mostly jokingly) blamed robrabies and StrapFinlay as being WP, I'm 90% certain mysterious_w really is. Not even that much of a disguise.


So the King Booker injury thread seems to be turning into a KOTR thread. What does the CTDWAT crew think of that?



I think that its a good idea to have a new king for 2007 and this year, they'll probably use diff. brands to spice it up if it were to happen

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