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Guest TysonTomko420

Comments which don't warrant a thread

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Shane doesn't want the hassle of the crazy work hours and the time away from his family. He's happy with regular hours in the WWE Headquarters and half of Vince's money when he dies. Basically he's Linda to Stephanie's Vince.

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Whats more important when it comes to a champion to you guys, the length of how long he's held a title or the number of times he's won it?


Length. Because being good enough to win a title 10 times also meant you sucked enough to lose it 10 times as well.


I don't think you're necessarily wrong. I hate numerous pointless title reigns as much as the next guy. With guys like HHH and Rock that piled up reign after reign after reign, it got pretty silly. Same with Jericho and the IC Title. And I agree with the thinking that JBL's one long reign was booked better than Edge's three brief reigns.


Still, I've never understood the logic that being good enough to win it 10 times means you sucked enough to lose it 10 times. No title reign lasts forever. Everyone's going to lose it at some point. That's the one inevitable truth about every reign. So, isn't it a positive thing if you're able to keep winning it back once you do lose it? I mean, you could just as easily flip the statement to say: "He may have sucked enough to lose it 10 times, but he was good enough to get it back 9 times."


I'm with Hawk on this one. It depends more on the overall quality. And yeah, most guys that end up with a ridiculous amount of title reigns are going to have some crappy ones. But there's nothing stopping a long title reign from being crappy either.

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It's not black and white definitely. If say, MVP won his first title at Wrestlemania 24, lost it 4 months later at the GAB in July, won it back at Survivor Series in November then lost it again at the Rumble in January, I reckon he would look stronger by WM25 than if he held the belt for around 6 months but won and lost in 5 or 6 times.


However, I think he'd also look stronger the first way than if he held the belt for 6 months straight from WM to Unforgiven and then did nothing significant til Mania.

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Announced for the WWE Saturday Night's Main Event tapings are John Cena vs. Great Khali (obviously a major angle because they have a PPV match the next day), Edge & MVP vs. Batista & Chris Benoit and some sort of a gimmick match involving the smallest and the weirdest so I'm just guessing Boogeyman & Little Boogeyman or something.


Credit: WO

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...and some sort of a gimmick match involving the smallest and the weirdest so I'm just guessing Boogeyman & Little Boogeyman or something.


Credit: WO


Maybe it's Little Boogey vs. Hornswoggle.

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What an awful discussion.


My thoughts exactly. We were just bashing DVDR for making stupid, outlandish statements, now there's people in this thread actually claiming Cena is the best worker in the world.

you're buggin...John Cena is this generations Bret Hart...You should be lucky you get to see him


in fact if Cena was in Bret's time I'd think Cena woulda actually be better

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What an awful discussion.


My thoughts exactly. We were just bashing DVDR for making stupid, outlandish statements, now there's people in this thread actually claiming Cena is the best worker in the world.

you're buggin...John Cena is this generations Bret Hart...You should be lucky you get to see him


in fact if Cena was in Bret's time I'd think Cena woulda actually be better


You're delusional. While Cena is a very good worker, he is certainly not the best worker in the world, or even in the WWE. The day Cena even dreams that he is a better worker then Chris Benoit, William Regal, Shawn Michaels, The Undertaker(when motivated), Ric Flair and Triple H he needs to wake up and apologize. Those guys have built careers on classic matches, Cena so far has been carried by better workers then him for most of his career, and hasn't until recently became a great individual worker.


I don't mind Cena, I find his character right now extremely stale and bland, but as a worker I enjoy his matches. I don't really know if you are being sarcastic with your statement, but the fact you said Cena would be better then Bret in anyway shape or form, is just plain comedy.

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I don't see how anyone can make the assumption that Shane would be a better choice as the creative leader. Of all the McMahons, Shane is booked to be the strongest and usually dominates his feuds over the talent and takes the spotlight with his bumping and stunts. Clearly, he's best served to follow his mother's footsteps and run the business and stay away from the on-screen stuff.

You're making a statement as if Shane has a say in the creative end.


He's a spot machine because he is a terrible worker. The only thing separating him and Vince in the ring is Vince's charisma, which has made Vince into one of the best workers in the company. Just imagine Shane's matches without the high spots and the crazy bumps. Now imagine Vince's matches without those things and a bland heel schtick to boot. They'd be exactly the same.

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I remember back when the WCW invasion on the WWF was going on right after Booker T. lost the WCW Title to The Rock, he ran into Edge & Christian backstage. He said, "I'm the 5-time WCW champion!" and Edge said, "Wow! You lost the WCW Title 5 times?" What made it look even more retarded was that it was only 13 months after he won the belt for the first time.

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Much better. Cole & Tazz sounded very awkward when Eddie & Lesnar fucked up the F5-into-a-DDT-onto-the-belt spot. Lesnar didn't actually land on the belt, but they acted like he did, and sounded very unsure about it. And Tazz's call of "Uh, he cheated...(dead air)...he cheated with that move!" sounded very bad.

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Latest observer says Batista was trying it on with Ariel and when she turned him down, he got pissed.


That story justs gets better and better.

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The Observer doesn't actually specify what was said between Ariel and Batista. It just refers to Batista as being like the starting quarterback on the football team and that WWE is basically high school. It says he's very outspoken, including about the women.


"Most of the women don't say anything about it and sometimes it doesn't matter when there is a conflict, it doesn't matter who is right and who started it, but who is higher on the totem poll."


It says Ariel didn't take it and fired right back, which didn't help her cause for staying around.

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Well wasn't there a report sometime around when Lita was leaving that the WWE just views the women as a bunch of sluts who shouldn't say shit..........and stuff like that had contributed to why Trish and Lita had left.

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She got fired for not putting out...........good message that sends.



Yeah and as much as I hate it, she maybe should've known better:


In 2002, 1wrestling.com had reported that WWE had begun adding no-harassment clauses to all the contracts for both male and female wrestlers in an attempt to protect the company and its employees from sexual harassment complaints. The claim has since been verified during Q&A sessions on the quarterly stock-holders conference calls.
-- Wiki on Vinny Mac.

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I was listening to a shoot by Kevin Kelly the other day. Pretty interesting stuff, some of it confirming what Russo has stated earlier (Austin growing very paranoid the more his run went on, Vince being great at editing storylines and not actually creating ones).


One thing that stuck out to me was that according to him it was he (with is wife's help) that pitched the HHH/Stephanie marrige angle via e-mail. The original context being was that Stephanie suffered another head injury, and that she and Test were then announced to be married backstage, only for the groom to turn around and have it be Hunter. The payoff eventually comes at the Rumble where HHH, Test, and Vince are all trying to pull her in three different directions, before she announces she doesn't want anything to do with any of them, and walks off, in his words creating a strong, independent female character. Vince and Shane loved the idea, but obviously changed the actual event.


I'm not completely sure if it's totally 100% true, and if anyone has a conflicting account of the angle's source, feel free to correct me. If it is true, then oddly enough it can be said that Kevin Kelly of all people may have dramatically affected the whole future of the company.

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Kevin Kelly....Hermie?


And on that note, when did Steph & HHH actually get together...as well as when Steph & Test broke up?

HHH and Stephanie got together roughly late 2000, I believe. Test and Steph in kayfabe, broke up at Armageddon, officially on the next Raw where DX beat him up. They were never together in real life.

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Guest DaDirtiest

I don't think Batista's worried about grabbing up poonanny. They don't have to work for the company in order for you to bag em once and move on!

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WWE has banned the shooting star press and the 450 splash. SmackDown superstar Paul London did a shooting star plancha which wasn’t technically illegal, but Vince McMahon told him if he did it again he would fire him on the spot. -Lordsofpain.net


That's in the Observer too........


The WWE's tag line should be "if you aren't a maineventer don't be doing moves that get over we decide when you get over....." then it should have a subtitle that says "don't show up are big clogger maineventers that can't do that shit either"

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