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Guest Hadley

Is there ANYTHING off limits for vince to try?

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Norwegian black metal canibal church burner.


Brilliant!!! I couldn't stop laughing when I read this!!!


Anyway, I wouldn't be surprised to see Vince pull something on 9/11. He will have a tribute to start the show and then later have something like Davari or someone come out and bad mouth America. It's Vince, he can't help but do this.

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Guest Princess Leena

Ooh, good point on Hassan. He must come back. Or at least use this to give cute Daivari a Raw appearance.


I'd mark hard if there's some lame 9/11 piece and ALLAHAHALAHAHSDA ensues.

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I don't think they've done a formal white supremacy character yet. They sort of hinted at it with Kerwin White and JBL's initial push, but Vince hasn't given us a wrestling Klan member or anything.


I always thought having DOA evolve into a Klan stable to feud with the Nation would have rocked.

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He could always dig up with father's remains, dump them in the center of the ring, piss on them, set them on fire, all while he cries about why his father never let him be a wrestler like he wanted.


I've always felt Vince had some serious daddy issues, and in his mind how he's twisted the current WWE is his payback to his dad and all the guys of his era.

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Here are some things that are totally off limits for Vince:


-comprehensive health coverage for all employees


-acting like a professional in all departments, not just the ones that are convenient

-standing up to Hulk Hogan

-the correct way to push Randy Orton

-not walking like a sodomized mallard

-keeping around anyone who says "You know what Vince, that's a fucking stupid idea"

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Ooh, good point on Hassan. He must come back. Or at least use this to give cute Daivari a Raw appearance.


I'd mark hard if there's some lame 9/11 piece and ALLAHAHALAHAHSDA ensues.


Then Hassan comes out and beats a returning The Patriot with an airplane spin

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I'm still convinced that Vince McMahon will end a RAW one week by masturbating in the center of the ring, mid-promo. As in, he just throws the mic down after getting so pissed off that he can't even speak, whips it out and begins jerking off.


This could only happen during a time that Vince is stressed out to the breaking point in real life, and angry at the lack of mainstream media attention he's been getting with any previous attempts of pushing the envelope in the weeks prior to this. And yes, half of the aborted promo would be attacking that media for ignoring him.

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Guest Princess Leena

Hopefully he doesn't die before that. Which I really think will happen soon.

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There was the proposed idea of Heidenreich being an unfrozen Nazi from 1939, but that got scrapped and became a gay rapist poem writer, who ruined the legacy of the Road Warriors instead.

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I don't think they've done a formal white supremacy character yet. They sort of hinted at it with Kerwin White and JBL's initial push, but Vince hasn't given us a wrestling Klan member or anything.


I always thought having DOA evolve into a Klan stable to feud with the Nation would have rocked.


I always thought that Vince was going there with Stone Cold and HHH as a team, HHH as the Nazi and Stone Cold as the skin head.

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Guest Overworked

I don't think they've done a formal white supremacy character yet. They sort of hinted at it with Kerwin White and JBL's initial push, but Vince hasn't given us a wrestling Klan member or anything.


I always thought having DOA evolve into a Klan stable to feud with the Nation would have rocked.



What was the Truth Commission?

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Anyway, I wouldn't be surprised to see Vince pull something on 9/11. He will have a tribute to start the show and then later have something like Davari or someone come out and bad mouth America. It's Vince, he can't help but do this.


Vince did want to have the Unamericans do a promo from Ground Zero around the time of the first anniversary of 9/11, but was talked out of it. I'm sure the idea is still planted in the back of his coke-addled mind just waiting to be used again though.

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I don't think they've done a formal white supremacy character yet. They sort of hinted at it with Kerwin White and JBL's initial push, but Vince hasn't given us a wrestling Klan member or anything.


I always thought having DOA evolve into a Klan stable to feud with the Nation would have rocked.



What was the Truth Commission?

Nobody cares about South Africa.

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Oh my God, I've got it. The Skyscrapers will return (any combination of Sid Vicious, Dan Spivey, or Mean Mark Callous):




And that will lead to Muhamad Hassan making his return also with Davari, and they'll bring them both to their knees, in a crushing defeat.


If only Bossman hadn't died. We could have just had The Twin Towers show up:



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We still need to see a parplegic referee who just lays on the mat the entire match.


Also, a live death angle. For instance, say next time Benoit wants time off. He goes up for the headbutt, but just misses. Instead of rolling around, he just lies there. It turns out the force of his face getting smashed into the mat killed him. The wrestler who loses says he ended "The Crippler" and now he is "The Killer". While this promo is being cut, someone runs down to the ring in a white sheet, the guy in the ring of course can't see the ghost. The sheet is removed and it is Benoit in all white, with his hair and eyebrows also being white. He then hits three ghostly Germans, to the unknowing, haunted victim. He then climbs the turnbuckle, hits one final diving headbutt, but maintains his position after the headbutt as he floats up into the rafters to never be seen again. Or the next Undertaker angle. Whichever comes first.

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I'm surprised Vince hasn't had a chick get naked on PPV yet.


Mae Young "flashing" at The Rumble, Miss Kitty going topless on PPV, Jacqueline having her top ripped off by Sable on UK PPV, Sable with the hand print bodypaint and having her top ripped off by Stephanie on Smackdown and Lita's 2001 nipple slip and tit appearance during the sex segment with Edge on Raw are most we've got thus far.


Also, a live death angle


Paul Bearer was originally meant to die but they'd have never been able to run a PPV again for showing a "snuff" angle if they'd not reported him having "serious injuries" on their site a week later. Still, Al Wilson got fucked to death.


Heidenreich raped Michael Cole on Smackdown!.


Well Kane raped Lita so I guess to balance the brands they had gay rape on SD.


I'm waiting for the McMahons to do the Aristocrats joke for real in front of a live crowd while DX tell it. That is probably the limit.

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Lita agreed to have sex with Kane- isn't that consent?


"Fuck me or I'll beat the torment theshit out of you and maim your boyfriend for as long as I live" doesn't equal consent, it's agreement under the threat of prolonged abuse. It's like cops beating a confession out of an innocent man. Yeah, they may have agreed, but you could get almost anyone to agree to anything if you broke them down mentally and left them with no other alternative.


If I wrap piano wire around a woman's neck and I am prepared to pull both ends tightly, while her husband sits in a chair with a man holding a shotgun under the hubby's chin and he is willing pull the trigger if I so much as nod in his direction, if she sucks my dick is that consensual sex?


If you answer yes, you are either a SICK FUCK or own a lot of rohypnol.

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I think you're getting a little over-excited. While I agree with the main point of your argument, we're talking about a wrestling storyline.


However, I have no seen a Chryme Tyme vignette where mugging and violence is portrayed as cool and funny, but there is no depiction of what happens to the victim and no "proper wrestling" conclusion where the heel gets their comeuppance... probably because it looks like Chryme Tyme might not be heels.


That scares me.

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Mr. McMahon can use all the fancy words to describe the company but everybody knows its nothing more than a sideshow circus with a collection of freaks and strongmen.

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