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Even if Nintendo was unprepared for such a demand, I think my Best Buy would have had SOME Wii's in the last month instead of the whopping ZERO we've had. At least before, they were trickling in here and there, the absence of Wii's altogether leads me to believe this story.

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You might also consider the possibility that Nintendo is intentionally holding off from expanding their customer base until they can either release another killer app (Super Mario Galaxy or the upcoming Metroid Prime game, perhaps?) or finish fine tuning their internet connectivity. Limiting distribution early not only allows you to induce additional demand for the product, but it allows you to monitor customer experience for a smaller group of early adopters and tweak your product before you really ramp up the distribution.


And it's not like Nintendo is wanting for any kind of momentum right now, as the sales figures and general buzz around the Wii have them poised atop the console race, for the time being. The console production business usually yields the lowest profit margins of any revenue stream in the industry, so I don't blame Nintendo for biding their time and making sure that they are primed to yield the most possible value out of a maximized distribution of the Wii.

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Of course people think that.


People just cannot understand that Ninty was unprepared for such a demand, and didn't work to set up production for this much demand? That Nintendo probably would have to pay more money to set up whole new production lines?


Especially considering that the GameCube had a surplus of systems out there. I'm sure the number of Cubes that didn't sell was on Nintendo's mind here.


I've seen them in stores since sometime in January anyways. Now not all the time (like the PS3), but it is certainly not that difficult to find one in this area anymore.

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I'm just as anxious as anyone who doesn't own a Wii for the drought to be over. I got mine in February, but now it's goddamn April and all the calls I take at work are "Do you have any Wii's?" I can't blame them for calling, but we'll all be happier when the shortage is over.

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That Angry Nerd Review of TMNT is awesome. "These f'n electric plants...". What he says is pretty funny.


Tell me you didn't just say that!

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Guest Smues

Only took me 17 years but I finally beat TMNT! Now I can rejoice and never play the stupid game again.

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Yeah it was ok, i borrowed it from a friend. I wouldn't say it's the best game on the wii, because that title belongs to Excite Truck.

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Guest Queen Leelee
everybody go buy Kororinpa, as it's probably the best game on the Wii right now.

I wouldn't go that far... it's fun, controls are good (although it can get your wrists sore turning so much) and graphics are very colorful. Definitely better than the flawed Super Monkey Ball Wii title.


But, like many Wii games... for $40, there's just not enough.

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Guest Queen Leelee

Depends on what types of games you like.


Paper Mario is definite buy if you like RPGs or Mario.

Madden is very fun if you like football, but '08 will be out in less than 4 months...

Excite Truck is some good, mindless fun. Although, it's not really deep.

Trauma Center is a surgical precision game that's really fun. Controls are good, too.

Need for Speed:Carbon is an under-appreciated racer, and by far the best one on Wii.

Sonic is a decent game. Best of the 3D Sonics, probably.

Super Swing Golf is a very challenging golf game. The cartoony characters and storyline stuff sucks, but if you like golf, it's a quality game. And only $30 now.


But, other than Paper Mario, it's hard splashing full price on all of these...

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Thank goodness for mod chips. The Godfather game is a good bit of fun, but only because of the controls. It's basically a poor man's GTA, with some neat controls (grab a guy and shake the Wiimote to strangle him to death!). The Dragonball Z game is actually pretty good if you're into that sort of thing. The Bust A Move game has horrible, horrible multiplayer, but it's worth getting for the single player if you like the series and need a newer version of it. Only problem is the pricetag, which again, does not fit the product you're getting.

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Since nobody else posted them, the VC Titles for this week are:


Gradius III (SNES)

Wonder Boy in Monster World (Genesis)

Battle Lode Runner (TG16)


Nothing too big this week, nothing I'm personally interested in. Perhaps Gradius III if I feel like getting a space shooter.

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I'm definitely eyeing Gradius III (fantastic space shmup), but I may even drop some money on Battle Lode Runner, partly to satisfy my morbid curiosity for how a multiplayer Lode Runner would work, partly because I want to encourage developers to port over games to the Wii that didn't get an original North American release (as BLR never made it to the states, IIRC).

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Guest Queen Leelee

When will we get to the day where most people care more about Wii games on their Wii console instead of old shit?


Shit's annoying now. It's been 6 months.

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It's called nostalgia.


Apparently it has been driving games for a while now. Those arcade treasures sell. Stuff that you remember as "awsome" when you were ten will always hold that special place for you. See: people who won't play Street Fighter 3: third strike, but think that SF2 for SNES was the best fighter ever, ever today.

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Gradius III is the shit.


I prefer Life Force


and yes Rant, fuck the original NES Top Gun game


You just hate because black people don't know how to fly a plane.

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Gradius III is the shit.


I prefer Life Force


and yes Rant, fuck the original NES Top Gun game


You just hate because black people don't know how to fly a plane.


flying wasn't the problem, landing and refueling was!

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Guest Queen Leelee
It's called nostalgia.


Apparently it has been driving games for a while now. Those arcade treasures sell. Stuff that you remember as "awsome" when you were ten will always hold that special place for you. See: people who won't play Street Fighter 3: third strike, but think that SF2 for SNES was the best fighter ever, ever today.

I fully understand that. Most of that was likely ruined for me since I've been playing ROMs from that period for many years already.


But, I didn't pay $300 for a console that focuses mostly on these games. I hope Nintendo is still focusing on putting out new shit, and this crap doesn't start to be a trend.

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Gradius III is the shit.


I prefer Life Force


and yes Rant, fuck the original NES Top Gun game


You just hate because black people don't know how to fly a plane.


flying wasn't the problem, landing and refueling was!


That shit was easy after you got the hang of it yo.


Call the ball~!

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I'm sure it being easy doesn't make it any less fucking terrible. But it sold like 2 million copies for Konami, so I can't hate.

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I fully understand that. Most of that was likely ruined for me since I've been playing ROMs from that period for many years already.


But, I didn't pay $300 for a console that focuses mostly on these games. I hope Nintendo is still focusing on putting out new shit, and this crap doesn't start to be a trend.


I certainly can't argue with you there....perhaps they were unprepared at launch and figured the old games would be a strong enough selling point?

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I'm still willing to cut Nintendo some slack, because the Wii is still kind of in the "honeymoon" phase where it sells on the hype, regardless of how horrible the software lineup is. Once it's been a year, I expect the releases to start ramping up. If not, the Wii will start to die off.

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