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There are a couple of boxing games available now (not sure if the Don King game is out yet or not), is any one of them worth playing? I was really excited for a boxing game after playing Wii Sports.


I will admit that Victorious Boxers is somewhat fun, and is probably great two player, but if you're a fan of the manga series it's based off of, and you play story mode, you won't be happy

Never read a manga in my life, so I'll check it out. Thanks.


The Spectrum has every chapter of Hajime No Ippo (manga in question) ever written. We're on chapter 809, and each chapter is about 15 pages. Have fun with that.


Alternatively, you can watch the anime of it, which, combined with the two movies they did, takes you to about halfway through the series. Anime is 75 eps long. (Anime is called Fighting Spirit in America)

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I still cant get Brawl to work online either but thats not of any fault on my end.


My troubles were fixed recently; it was a Nintendo issue, and I don't have the issue any more. Have you tried playing recently? And can you play with Friends otherwise?

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Me too, just for Capcom vs SNK.


Oh and card fighters.


God, why did Card Fighters DS have to suck. I originally got a DS just to play that; but then I discovered all kinds of great games. And then Card Fighters DS comes out and sucks. Ah well.


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Marvin, those games are selling well because they take full advantage of what the Wii is capable of and are geared towards the kind of audience Nintendo wants. They want either a family-oriented type of player or a hardcore Nintendo fanboy/girl. Those two groups are who they are targeting. Not the hardcore gamers that Xbox 360 and PS3 gets.


It amazes me how ignorant you are on SO MANY different things.


BL brings the pain... ...and the truth. :P

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Thanks vivi...just for example, I picked up Game Party...to me, as a 360 owner in addition to the Wii, I think the game sucks....but my wife and daughter LOVE IT, plus it's kinda fun to play when we have people over. THAT'S what Nintendo WANTS! Sure, they want all sorts of gamers, that's why you get the Zeldas and the Metroids and the Resident Evils, etc. but ultimately they made a system that EVERYONE can play...hence why titles like Game Party and Carnival Games are big time sellers. I bought Wii Play simply for the extra remote. I never play it, family loves it.


My wife wouldn't know what in the hell to do with a 360 controller if her life depended on it...get her on the Wii, she's a goddamn pro!

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Ditto. For the most part my gf sticks to Wii games because they're easier for her to control or they're just more fun to her. Personally, I can hit both ends of the spectrum. Somedays I just want to pick up and play something quick like House of the Dead or even Wii Sports for that matter. Other days I'll be in the mood for a more lenghty and complicated gaming experience, heh.

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Thanks vivi...just for example, I picked up Game Party...to me, as a 360 owner in addition to the Wii, I think the game sucks....but my wife and daughter LOVE IT, plus it's kinda fun to play when we have people over. THAT'S what Nintendo WANTS! Sure, they want all sorts of gamers, that's why you get the Zeldas and the Metroids and the Resident Evils, etc. but ultimately they made a system that EVERYONE can play...hence why titles like Game Party and Carnival Games are big time sellers. I bought Wii Play simply for the extra remote. I never play it, family loves it.


My wife wouldn't know what in the hell to do with a 360 controller if her life depended on it...get her on the Wii, she's a goddamn pro!


Couldn't agree more with the sentiment. My mom can play - and excel - in Wii Sports. It's nice to have her included.


But do you personally feel that your gaming needs are met by the Wii?


As for me, Smash is great since they fixed the online last week, and there are enough hardcore titles to keep me going. *BUT* I find that most of my gaming time is spent on the 360. I got the 360 version of GH3 instead of the Wii version because of the promise of DLC. I'll most always get the 360 version of a multiplatform game (exceptions: I'd get the Wii versions of Bully and Godfather if I were to get them).


IF I didn't own a 360, I'd still game a lot on the Wii. I'm just saying that I own both, and where my time goes.

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oh no, I said after I had it for about a week there's just no way a Wii could be my sole gaming system. The library just isn't there. 360 really is the way to go for depth with gaming.


I'm a Nintendo fanboy to an extent, so I'll play Mario, Zelda and Metroid games til the cows come home, but I'm also a fan of the GTA type games, hack and slash type games and football/baseball/basketball titles. The only reason I say that about the sports games is because while the play mechanics are interesting, depth and graphics are sacrificed, and I just can't have that.


I'm curious to see how fighters work on the Wii, though. I haven't been able to find a copy of Guilty Gear to give it a try...I'll get around to Smash Bros. sooner or later.


The biggest thing for me is that I've always been a fan of "use your whole body" type games: DDR, ParaParaParadise, GuitarFreaks/Hero, MoCap Boxing, Police911 etc. So the Wii is a perfect system for me.

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I use the Wii mainly for multiplayer games. The only platforming game I have purchase was Super Mario Galaxy. It was excellent so I would probably buy a sequel when the time comes. Other then that I have games like, Carnival Games, Super Monkey Banana Blitz, & a some stupid 4X4 racing game. Oh and I will have Mario Kart this Sunday. For me, I don't look to the Wii for much more then that and for the price tag of the system I don't mind that at all. When the right platforming games comes along that I really want, I won't hesitate.

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I'm curious to see how fighters work on the Wii, though. I haven't been able to find a copy of Guilty Gear to give it a try...I'll get around to Smash Bros. sooner or later.


Allow me to answer this for you: Most, if not all fighting games, support the Classic and Gamecube Controllers (Guilty Gear, DBZ, Mortal Kombat). The Wii Remote and Nunchuck just don't work for a lot of games (attacks in MK are mapped to the d-pad... how in the heck... and Guilty Gear has terrible controls because you're SUPPOSED to play with a traditional controller)

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As now a owner of a 360 and a Wii...


I fucking hate the 360's library. Hate. Hate. Hate. Somewhere around 90% of the library are FPS's or their ilk and I've said in the 360 thread, the controller will NEVER feel natural to me. I've logged hours into Halo 3, beat the Campaign, I play nearly nightly with my two closest friends. It never stops being unnatural. I've actually thought about buying the Mouse/Keyboard third party adapter thing just so I can go back to having something that feels *right*...too bad they want 100 dollars for it. Nothing on the 360 appeals to me. While everyone is up in arms for GTA IV, I shrug because despite buying Vice City and San Andreas, it's never done anything for me. The only game on the horizon I've read about that I want for the 360 is Fallout 3...and that has a probability of possibly sucking.


Now, the Wii...I've only had it for a few days but I've looked at the library for months...It's around the same of the 360 for me. Exchange FPS for like Licensed crap and you've got the same issue. The key difference here is, the system has Smash Brothers, which was the entire reason I got it. Mario Kart will add variety, and really between that? I dunno. Maybe Galaxy. Who knows? I mean, there's nothing on the Wii so far that makes me passionately feel one way or the other, but that could just be from not having it too long.


Wii's kind of fitting how I game right now though. I pick it up, play a little Wii Sports, move on. Or I log a few games in Smash Brothers and move on.

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Do you feel like you're burned out on gaming in general? Or just nothing you want to play?


If you don't like the 360 controlle, but you like FPS, why not game on a PC?

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I gamed on a PC for years, much longer then I did any single system. I don't have the financial situation where I can upgrade to a monster gaming rig right now. Although that was my plan originally.


I only got a 360 because my friends did. Peer pressure. I was tired of being left out, and when I got money I splurged on a 360. Had I bought a PC, I wouldn't have been able to game with them. I don't exactly REGRET it, but I don't think it's a coincidence I use it to watch shit on much more then I actually game on it.


A better PC and a Wii were always my targets much more then a 360. Shit just happens.


Anyway about the games...i dunno. I'm not INTO the gaming culture right now. I've done all this FPS shit before, for years. Their all deviations of the same basic system. You have gun. You shoot things in the face. I played Unreal Tournament for years, and upgraded to UT 2k4 years ago. I've kind of *done* all this shit, not to mention stuff like Halflife years ago. Stuff like Wiisports is new to me, so I'm interested in it, even if it seriously lacks depth.


We play Halo 3 so much because it's really the only game we have have on the 360 that we enjoy and can play together. We also play on modified rules to make it interesting for us. One life, no shields, one weapon. None of this "I'll run around and shoot at anything because I'll just respawn!" stuff you see all the time.

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I still cant get Brawl to work online either but thats not of any fault on my end.


My troubles were fixed recently; it was a Nintendo issue, and I don't have the issue any more. Have you tried playing recently? And can you play with Friends otherwise?


Lately I bounced back to Galaxy trying to get all of the stars so I might check it later.


Im really hoping Mario Kart's online capabilities are both ironed out early on and as good as what all the previews have stated.

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I gamed on a PC for years, much longer then I did any single system. I don't have the financial situation where I can upgrade to a monster gaming rig right now. Although that was my plan originally.


I only got a 360 because my friends did. Peer pressure. I was tired of being left out, and when I got money I splurged on a 360. Had I bought a PC, I wouldn't have been able to game with them. I don't exactly REGRET it, but I don't think it's a coincidence I use it to watch shit on much more then I actually game on it.


A better PC and a Wii were always my targets much more then a 360. Shit just happens.


Anyway about the games...i dunno. I'm not INTO the gaming culture right now. I've done all this FPS shit before, for years. Their all deviations of the same basic system. You have gun. You shoot things in the face. I played Unreal Tournament for years, and upgraded to UT 2k4 years ago. I've kind of *done* all this shit, not to mention stuff like Halflife years ago. Stuff like Wiisports is new to me, so I'm interested in it, even if it seriously lacks depth.


We play Halo 3 so much because it's really the only game we have have on the 360 that we enjoy and can play together. We also play on modified rules to make it interesting for us. One life, no shields, one weapon. None of this "I'll run around and shoot at anything because I'll just respawn!" stuff you see all the time.


Do you play anything on XBLA? I wonder if you'd like Catan, or Carcassone, or Ikaruga, or stuff like that.


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Anyone have any advice on the sensor bar? It's kind of giving me issues.


Right now, my TV (which is an old 30-something inch TV that is heavy as FUCK) sits in the corner of my room on a stand. My bed is against the wall on the other side of the room...The sensor bar seems REALLY touchy to me. The only time I get really good reception with it, is when I angle it in my PC chair directly at it. Too close, it messes up, too far away and it's jittery. I have the sensor bar above my TV with said Sensor bar setting...I tried below and got no reception on the bar at all, even when I put the Wiimote right next to it.


I'm thinking I need to pull my stand out from the corner...but given that I have a bum knee, and this TV weighs a ton I dunno if I CAN really. Should I possibly look into a third party bar? Should I try different batteries for the Wiimote? I dunno exactly what to do to better the reception.

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Can't help you with that. My sensor bar works fine.


Anybody planning on getting Wii Fit? I weigh myself and work out every day anyway but I think it might be fun to get this and playing for 1 hour a day could probably be very beneficial to people. I'm wondering how fun it would be to drop the $90 but I'm thinking of getting it.

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I bought a copy for my mum for her birthday. (Again hindering to people's critcisms that the Wii is a gimmick machine).

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I threw my deposit down today for it when I picked up Mario Kart. I figure it's going to be impossible to find come release day and with a built in scale and over 40 different workout games you can play I figure it's worth the money.


I'm really into to fitness and stuff so it probably should have been a no-brainer.

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I'm on the fence with WiiFit because so many random people play my Wii when I'm not around. Several of my roommate's friends are big fat party animals. I don't like the idea of someone getting fucked up and thinking they have to jump on the board as hard as they can for points.

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WiiFit seems like something I'd put away and only use in the mornings (or before bed) if I were in your shoes Mattdotcom. Leave it out and you probably will have some big Animal House looking dude ruin the shit out of it, heh.

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I already work out 6 times a week, but Wii Fit is a way for me to do stuff I wouldn't necessarily want to do in public (like yoga) or stuff I just don't generally do (skiing). I also have no idea what else is on there but over 40 different things I'd imagine you can get a variety of great and fun workouts.

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pay 90 bucks once as opposed to 50 bucks a month over the course of a year?


Bah, I pay $25 a month for my gym. :P I was just indirectly saying that if someones main concern with the WiiFit is getting INTO shape then that's not gonna do it. Better off joining a gym or getting outside to jog for free. ;)

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Iwata sez:


Iwata Answers Big Questions

Nintendo's president on unannounced games, Wii storage solutions, Mii licensing, third-party support, system price drops and more.

by Matt Casamassina


May 1, 2008 - In conjunction with the company's fiscal recap, Nintendo president Satoru Iwata held a lengthy Q&A session in order to touch on a number of subjects asked by media and investors. Topics ranged from the lifespan of systems Wii and DS to price cuts, future software support, third-party contributions, and even developer rules and regulations of using Mii avatars in their games. We've compiled some of the more informative comments below.


Since their respective release dates, both PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 have seen significant price reductions. Wii, however, has not seen any decrease in cost and there isn't likely to be one any time soon, according to Iwata. "… we are not foreseeing the necessity for us to do a price cut in this fiscal year. If it is predetermined that the hardware price shall gradually decrease, then that model reiterates the notion that early purchasers will suffer a loss, which I do not believe is the right business model," he said. "I believe that something must be wrong if we conduct our business with the premise that we will need to cut prices of our hardware as time goes on."


On a related note, Iwata offered a tidbit sure to excite Wii owners who have already run out of system storage space. "Statistically speaking, it is true that there are a small number of customers who feel that the flash memory is too small, while many others find that they have plenty of memory," he said. "However, because this small number of people are none other than the most avid players, we know we have to review the best possible solution to eliminate their inconvenience."


Changing topics, Iwata also fielded questions about the recently launched WiiWare service in Japan. He called current software sales "relatively good" and also noted that that while he feels digital distribution's future is uncertain, it is something Nintendo needs to prepare for. At the same time, he stated that downloadable software should not signal the end of traditionally sold retail games. "I do not believe that today's packaged software business will simply be replaced by electronic distribution business all together," he said. The packaged software business has its own up side, as does the electronic distribution business. We would like to establish a business model in which both can prosper."


Nintendo is notoriously secret about its titles, choosing to unveil them relatively late in the development cycle. When quizzed on the subject, Iwata used his own experience to explain this approach, saying that when he is exposed to software too early, he becomes bored with it. He added that this is one of the reasons why Nintendo remains hush-hush about its products. At the same time, he reassured Wii owners that there are plenty of titles underway for the third and fourth quarter, as well as into next year. "Rest assured that we are preparing for a variety of products for the latter half of this year and early next year," he said. "Also, you will begin to see the many results of our third party partners, who have since recognized that Wii will be a platform for their success."


Iwata reiterated his belief that traditional system life cycles may not necessarily hold true for new systems, particularly Wii and DS, since they are so different and cater to different audiences. He also drew parallels to the original Game Boy, which was, prior to the release of the Pokemon franchise, said to be at the end of its life cycle by critics. "We should not conclude that the Japanese sales of DS have peaked. In our business, one single software can change the entire picture completely," Iwata said. "For example, there was a time when people thought the Game Boy platform was virtually over. However, a software called Pokémon single handedly changed the situation and expanded the platform's lifespan by several years. Just as we were able to do so with Nintendogs and Brain Training, if we are able to provide customers with an unexpected product, the situation can drastically change."


Quizzed about the rumor that Microsoft is developing a Wii remote-like controller for Xbox 360, Iwata said that Nintendo could not really speculate about such a possibility without knowing much more. "I am also aware of the rumor and have seen a fake image made by a fan on the web which looks like a Wii Remote with the rumor that such a controller may be launched, However there is no way for us to comment on such speculations," he said. "All I can say today is, it is not that easy to develop software which leverages the characteristics of Wii Remote. We are not concerned about what other companies may do but rather more concerned with presenting them with new ideas to our customers based on the prospect that our existing customers will surely get tired of the plays enabled by Wii Remote if we do not try to improve the experience."


Finally, while some third-parties have featured Mii avatars in their games, others have complained that Nintendo would not allow them access to Mii integration. Iwata clarified Nintendo's approach to the licensing of Mii characters to third-parties. "Mr. Miyamoto, the inventor of Mii himself, has been saying that, 'In a sense, licensing Mii is same as licensing Mario - Nintendo should grant the license when we can conclude that the proposed project is worthwhile. Should we allow any and all the licensees to use Mii license for whichever projects, Mii's brand image will be hurt. Because we are not granting Mario license to any and all, we should not do so with Mii either,'" Iwata said. "This is the current policy of Nintendo. So, at the software development stage, we are consulting with the developers as to how they would like to make use of Mii, and our Licensing Department handles on a case-by-case basis."


More here: http://www.nintendo.co.jp/ir/en/library/ev...25qa/index.html

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The SD cards would be fine if the machine recognized them as an extension of the system's memory and didn't require the user to move VC games from the card back to the system in order to play them. Fuck dat.

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I've had a Wii since day 1 and have only now just started to run out of space. But I put a lot of that down to having 12 VC games.

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