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Walmart Wii bundle pre-orders went up online sometime this morning, but by the time I got up it was listed as out of stock already. Kind of makes me mad because I signed up for some stupid Walmart newsletter only because it said "join our lame newsletter to find out when Wii preorders go on sale!" and yet they never told me, I only found out from CAG. On the other hand I don't know if I would have gotten their bundle anyway, as it's a wii, an extra wii mote and nunchuk controller, a 2000 point card, and 4 games for $533.


Edit: Apparantly people don't know if it actually went on sale yet and is sold out, or if it hasn't actually gone on sale. Hmm. I was fine buying a bundle, but I was really hoping to only have to get 2 or so games.

I DID THE SAME FUCKIN THING and I didn't get an e-mail.




If I can't get a Wii, I might end up buying one on eBay for $500. Maybe.

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I'm thinking that Wii's will be easy to find. Nintendo hasn't reported (as far as I know) that there would be shortages. On the morning of the 19th, I'm going to head over to a near by city that has a lot of big retail chains at least 10 minutes away from each other and just work on getting one.

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For those of you who aren't afraid to buy things at Wal-mart, sounds like they'll be selling Wii at midnight, November 19th. I'm gonna have to check my local store and confirm with them, might save me from waking up really early and camping out since I never got a pre-order.




I'm hitting the Wal-Mart I got Scurge from.


It's on top of a hill in the relative middle of nowhere. :)

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WARNING: If you do not want to get even more excited over The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess, do not read the following article. You have been warned:


Click Here


Twilight Princess may have started as a GameCube title, but it finished a Wii one. There remains this faction of gamers that refuses to accept the possibility. You know who you are. You continue to argue that because the controls were originally designed for the GameCube pad there is no hope for the Wii build. You say that your arms will get tired using the Wii remote. You speak of mirrored worlds and right-handed Link. And you know what? It's all crap. If you buy Twilight Princess for GameCube and not Wii, you are a fool. And I state that without meaning to suggest that the GCN iteration is flawed - it isn't. It's an amazing swan song for Nintendo's older system. But neither is it as good as the Wii incarnation. In fact, were it up to me and not Nintendo (and in my dreams, it is), I'd have scrapped the GCN build altogether, forcing everyone to exclusively buy the Wii version. Honestly, Nintendo gave you five good years with GameCube; it doesn't owe you a damned thing.

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I just finished watching the new SSMB trailer and the game looks pretty good. I think this will be the first Smash Bros that I actually buy. Through, I'm not sure but is there less charachters (sp?) than the last one? It looks like it. Plus is this going to be playable online?

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They obviously haven't revealed all the characters. This game probably won't be out for a year. Wi-Fi play wouldn't surprise me although nothing is definite.


FAKE EDIT: Actually, didn't Satoru Iwata say at E3 2005 that he wanted online Smash Bros. at launch? Obviously that ship has sailed but it is an indication that the game will be online.

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I Saw that Wal Mart will be handing out tickets at 10pm the sat night before for their midnight launch..Im assuming that they do that in the electronics dept.? I might try Wal Mart and if that doesn't work I might consider a camp out at Best Buy or Circuit City across the street..

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They obviously haven't revealed all the characters. This game probably won't be out for a year. Wi-Fi play wouldn't surprise me although nothing is definite.


FAKE EDIT: Actually, didn't Satoru Iwata say at E3 2005 that he wanted online Smash Bros. at launch? Obviously that ship has sailed but it is an indication that the game will be online.


From an IGN article shortly after E3


A certain section says this:


Even better, the game will be fully online playable in addition to featuring a robust multiplayer mode. "My plan is to include Wi-Fi connection compatibility and online functionality. One of the primary reasons Super Smash Bros. Brawl was created was that Nintendo, when taking Wii online, wanted to have Smash Bros. to do that," added Sakurai.


Looks confirmed to me.

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Guest Hotbutter Spoontoaster
Nintendo revealed new details on the Wii Virtual Console system:


- Virtual Console games can be saved into the 512 MB internal memory, or onto a SD Card.


- Wii maintains a list of all downloads, if you deleted the game by accident, you can download the same game again free of charge.


- Virtual Console games copied onto SD Card are secured, and will not be playable on any other Wii console except the console which they were downloaded.


- If your Wii console became defective, you can contact Nintendo customer service to retrieve the Virtual Console games.


- GameCube games are part of the Virtual Console, GameCube games can only be played with a GameCube controller, not the classic controller.


- All Virtual Console games can be played with classic controller, GameCube controller or Wii remote.


- Each Virtual Console game will come with digital copy of the game manual.


- Virtual Console games are not region free, an American Wii cannot download foreign games from Europe and Japan.


- Wii points can be purchased online in the Wii Shop, you can have a maximum of 10,000 points ($100) in an Wii account.

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I'll reiterate that it really sucks there isnt any other way to get the VC games aside from downloading them. That along with all the other negatives associated with not being able to hook the damn thing up to a broadband internet connection makes me start to wonder about shelling out the money for one ever or until I have broadband which is likely in about 4 nevers and a tomorrow.

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Wow, that's some vague, head-scratching stuff.


If the Wii supports Gamecube controllers for games with a "traditional" layout, Gamecube VC games are *only* playable with the GC controller, then isn't a GC controller better to get than the Classic?


The Classic controller isn't wireless--although it connects up to the Wiimote, but despite the button layout being plenty sufficient, it isn't supported for Gamecube games?! Why?!


The Classic controller has every single button the GC controller has, although a more traditional 2nd stick seems to be replacing the C-stick.


It seems like Nintendo wants to keep selling Gamecube controllers over the new Classic controller, which makes no sense. The Classic controller should play everyfreakin'thing.


Then again: hello contradiction:


"GameCube games are part of the Virtual Console, GameCube games can only be played with a GameCube controller, not the classic controller."


All Virtual Console games can be played with classic controller, GameCube controller or Wii remote"




Contradictory, plus--why the hell would I be unable to play a GC game with the classic controller, but I *could* play an N64 VC game with just the wiimote, which lacks the necessary buttons?

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Use that to find out how may Wiis your Target will be getting in. Mine will only have 24 according to this.




That sounds like a lot, but some stores are getting as many as 210 (that Ive seen). I might consider going there just because they have the buy 3 games get a $20 gift card deal on launch day.

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Kirby's Adventure is one of my favorite games ever. Not buying it since I still have the original NES cart, but still, pretty cool to see.

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I went to Gamestop today with some friends so they could get Gears of War, and while I wandered around looking for DS games, I saw an open box on the floor. Inside it? Three perfectly white boxes with the Wii logo and system pictures. I had a plan to steal at least one, but apparently people are sensitive about pushing over a guy in a wheelchair. Hey, it's called "sleight of hand". Anyways, I'm thinking about trying to get a Wii on release just to see if I can get lucky. If not, I'll get one after Christmas or whenever available. But I do have a question.


Question: I've never owned a system (other than the DS) that's capable of going online. In my dorm room, I have Ethernet and a phone extension that can be used to connect. Is there any way to get the Wii online without a wireless router? PS I am perfectly retarded when it comes to computers, so if the answer is obvious, my bad.

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Is there any way to get the Wii online without a wireless router?


If you have a DS USB dongle, that will work.


You can also use a USB ethernet kit. Oddly there isn't an ethernet port on the Wii.

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