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My advice, just stay away from Wal-marts. Its one of the more popular big ass stores, so everyone is basically going to be hitting it, same goes with Best Buy as well. My advice hit smaller stuff like Targets or Circuit Cities.


I have to get it at Walmart. Gift card.

well then...that sucks.

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I talked to people at my Walmart again and they said that they indeed are going to do it raffle style again. Meaning I'll go and get one ticket, while people who only want to re-sell it on Ebay will go with 20 friends and have much better odds. Damn not knowing people up here yet. On the upside I don't have to show up early to line up or anything.


None of these people have 20 friends.

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the Wii-remote is actually really small, much smaller than any of my TV/DVD remotes.

I read one review which called it "as long as the NES controller and half as wide". Is that correct? Because that would be pretty damn small.


Sounds about right. Might a little bit longer than the NES controller, but yeah its in that range.

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The Curcuit city, Frys, and Target that I went to all told me they were opening in the morning. I think with Target opening the earliest, could have been C.C. but I can't fully remember.

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Well, there's a shopping center near me with a Target and a Best Buy practically next door to each other. With the Target opening an hour before Best Buy, I think my chances of getting a Wii tomorrow are pretty good.


Still, would have been nice if the independent game store I gave my name to would call me back, as I'd prefer to give them my business instead. Disappointing.

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Guest Hotbutter Spoontoaster

I was planning to get one at Midnight at a Walmart, but they all suck. I called a few different ones, and they all said, "Its sold out!", in a really mean tone. This was around 5pm today. I called a Best Buy and a Target who both said they were getting at least 50 units, and there was only 10-12 people outside, this was at 6pm. I think I'm gonna try Target, as it opens earlier than Best Buy.


Is Metal Slug Anthology in stores yet?

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no, I don't think Metal Slug is out yet. Maybe next week?


Man, I still have to figure out where I'm gonna put the system in my room. Maybe its time to unhook the Gamecube and the Super Nintendo and that stuff away so I have a spot for the Wii.

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Guest Hotbutter Spoontoaster
no, I don't think Metal Slug is out yet. Maybe next week?

Damn. Wikipedia say it's release is November 19th, but doesn't actually list it on the Launch Title list. It's confusing.



Here's a random list of upcoming Wii games that look good, (because I'm bored):


December 2006: Bomberman Land.

January/15th/2007: WarioWare: Smooth Moves.

March/1st/2007: Prince of Persia Wii.

March/6th/2007: Mario Party 8.

March/6th/2007: Sonic and the Secret Rings.

Q1 2007: Super Mario Galaxy.

Q1 2007: Resident Evil: Umbrella Chronicles.

June 2007: Project H.A.M.M.E.R., (action/adventure game).

Summer 2007: Heroes, ("not" a sequal to Killer7).

October 2007: Necro-Nesia, (survival horror game).

TBA 2007: Orb, (action/adventure game).

Q4 2007/Q1 2008: Sadness, (survival horror game).

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I just went out and saw a huge as line at Best Buy (which I assume is selling at midnight, but someone told me no, they are opening in the morning) and then over to Target there was 1 guy in a tent. Im gonna go to bed and get up at 5 and go back to Target. I should be fine, they open at 8 and I can stand around for 3 hours..no problem.

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Yeah, I'm getting a little concerned about my chances... there's already around 35 camping outside the only Futureshop in town (which is getting 66), and Walmart is doing the raffle thing (I got a ticket), but I'm not happy about that huge line. I'm gonna wake up around 6 a.m. and check out that Futureshop line, if it's past 66 people I'll have to try a few other shops in town and hope for the best, and if I can't find anything at any of those, then I'll have to hope I get one in the Walmart raffle.


I hate that line-up mentality (That guy is in line, I'd better get in line, too!), once I saw a few people lined up earlier today I knew I was screwed.

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Guest Hotbutter Spoontoaster

At least 1 million this weekend. Then 100,000 - 200,000 per week, after this week. And 4 million by the end of the year.

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Hooray! Just got back from Gamestop with the system and Zelda. Little disappointed that Wii Sports didn't get its own DVD case, but rather a slip case, but whatever. I knew it the system was small, but I wasn't expecting it to be this tiny.

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I tried Wii Sports first to feel out the controls. It's a little awkward at first when choosing your settings, but it's easy to get used to. I tried all the games except Golf. They're all okay, with bowling being my favorite. Batting in baseball is fun, but there's unfortunately no base running. I'll be starting Zelda first thing in the morning.

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I out of curiosity drove by one Walmart and 2 Fred Meyer's and there were 40-50 people outside each. Didn't go past Target, but I figure I'd just try my luck at Costco or just wait a week or two.

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You mean Wii Play. I can't believe they are releasing that the same day as WarioWare! I'm heading out to line up at Wal Mart soon for a Midnight release.

Yeah, I was trying too hard not to type Wii Sports that I did, I guess.


So me and three other friends went to the Tuscaloosa Wal-Mart around 8:30, and we were 41 and 42 in line. The word in the line was that they got 60 Wiis, and then moments later, they announced they had 30. So we split up. A friend and I go to a Wal-Mart fifeen minutes away, where we were about 23rd in line. They had 20 Wiis, which we did not find out until they started selling them one at a time.


On the other side of town, our friends missed it out by one. We figure the Wal-Marts are holding back their stock for Black Friday since they the Wii got a full page ad for Wal-Mart's Friday sales flyer.

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It turns out Fred Meyer in my area decides to put stuff up on Saturday at midnight, and sells out 90 within 30 minutes, and I miss out.

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Guest Smues

My Walmart had 34 Wii's and roughly 150 people. I lost out on the raffle, and as I knew would happen a ticket one number off mine got one. Guess I have to play the "Did you get any Wii's in?" "No leave me alone" game. For the next couple of weeks.

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Guest Smues

What's that you say? Insanely inflated prices aren't enough? Let's make flat out lies to encourage our sales!


Via craigslist Anchorage


Brand new Nintendo Wii, NEW IN BOX, purchased in Anchorage at midnight on 11/19. (Includes receipt.)


The Nintendo Wii sold out, and retail stores won't be receiving any more until March.


This is the one of the hottest Christmas gifts of the season, get it while you can...


BRAND NEW NINTENDO WII!!! Bought on 11/19 includes Recipt. Un-OPEND!

Anchorage Sold OUT!!

Wont see any more units untill March 07.

Best Famialy Christmass preasent of the year.


I love the spelling on that one.


Brand new Nintendo Wii, NEW IN BOX, purchased in Anchorage at midnight on 11/19. (Includes receipt.)


The Nintendo Wii sold out, and retail stores won't be receiving any more until March.


This is the one of the hottest Christmas gifts of the season, get it while you can...


Hmm, exact same wording, different contact phone number. gee

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The Wal-Mart here got 36, and I was about number 12 or 13 in line when I got there at 6 AM, so I snagged one, an extra controller, and ExciteTruck and Red Steel.


I have to work tonight and tomorrow night, though, so it'll be sitting in the box until Tuesday morning, but at least I have one.

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Guest Hotbutter Spoontoaster

Just got back from Target, with The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess, Tony Hawk's Downhill Jam, and Super Monkey Ball: Banana Blitz. I'll be busy for the next 15 hours!

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Failure. There's a Circuit City, Target, and a Best Buy near me, all within five hundred feet of each other, and they all handed out their vouchers by the time I got there. I drove around and tried a couple of big-box stores with no luck.


Gotta keep an eye out for the next shipment, I guess. Although I'm pretty annoyed at not being able to get a console, I'm happy that the launch is such a success.

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Got a Wii today at Best Buy. Got in line at 6 AM. Was number 25(out of 63 systems they had.) I got the next to last nunchuk they had though, so it's a good thing I was that early. I got an extra Wiimote + Nunchuck, along with Zelda and Monkey Ball.



What I learned while waiting in line: Chad Michael Murray HATES his PS3. He said the damn thing has frozen up on him 6 times already.

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Ive been messing around with mine for a while now..


I drove by the people standing in line at Best Buy this morning at 5 am and drove by them again at 8:25 waving my W!! Box at them..what a bunch of idiots. I was like #20 in line at Target and they still had 13 more past me and yet no one from the best buy line was smart enough to go to Target even though they could see the line, and odds are good from what I heard that a lot of them wont get one.


And my "wii"'s nickname is W!!..haha.


Im busy trying to figure out how to capture the fucking cat in Zelda. The Hawk can pick up the chicken and bring it back but not the damn stupid cat.


Oh, and I got the $20 glowing gift card cause I bought Zelda Madden and Call of Duty. No one was buying Red Steel either..


I had some fun with W!! Sports.. Maddens control scheme is frustrating on defense but rather intuitive on offense. so far Zeldas been a bitch with the damn cat, Ive spent 15 minutes chasing it around and the hawk and all.

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