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Man Who Sold The World

The Things That Anger You Thread.

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Guest Tzar Lysergic

I have a hard time justifying the existence of baby corn.

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i'm mildly irritated that i'm the only one that does the trash in this household (of two grown men and two grown women).


D won't do it because it's a "man's job" so she nags and bitches at the guys to do it. then they don't do it, possibly passive-aggressively protesting D's bitching.


when i see the barrell full, i replace the bag. what a fucking concept~!


then D bitches at me, "why didn't you get one of the guys to do it? it's a man's job!"


though, i must say, when i ask one of the guys to do something, i ask... nicely. and you know what? they do what i ask. something about catching more flies with honey than with vinigar...

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though, i must say, when i ask one of the guys to do something, i ask... nicely. and you know what? they do what i ask. something about catching more flies with honey than with vinigar...




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I have a hard time justifying the existence of baby corn.


Hey now, that shit's good in stir-fry.



No its not. There are only three types of corn. Corn on the cob, whole kernal corn and pop corn.



Fuck cream corn.

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cream corn looks way, way too much like vomit to make it anywhere close to my mouth. i have an adversion to vomit-like foods. can't get them past my eyes.

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cream corn looks way, way too much like vomit to make it anywhere close to my mouth. i have an adversion to vomit-like foods. can't get them past my eyes.


This is true.


Also I was popping in to comment on the Izzard bit. When I read it I was trying to place it, thanks Broward for jogging my memory.

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Though it was a bit frustrating, this didn't really anger me - it flabbergasted me, though:


Went to the Blue Jays website to download Tom Cheek's call of Joe Carter's homerun off Mitch Williams in 1993. It's only available to US cell subscribers.

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Guest Smues

Pretty much any thetruth.com commercial, but specifically the ones where they quote something someone at "Big tobacco" said over 20 years ago and then rail on it. I just saw one where the year of the quote was 1971. Give me a fucking break.

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You do know the Truth commercials are produced by the tobacco companies themselves (as a requirement of one of the big lawsuits they lost) and are shrill and annoying on purpose in an attempt to piss people off against the anti-smoking movement, right?

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You do know the Truth commercials are produced by the tobacco companies themselves (as a requirement of one of the big lawsuits they lost) and are shrill and annoying on purpose in an attempt to piss people off against the anti-smoking movement, right?


That's been my theory for many, many years now.

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Those kids should be lined up and shot


Who? The kids who smoke?



Anyway, a new thing that pisses me off:


This kid in my Cultural Geography class who annoys the ever-loving shit out of me. He draws robot skeletons with swords and thinks I'm lame for not thinking they're awesome. He dresses like he's fucking sponsored by Abercrombie. He never shuts the fuck up. He said there should be genocide in India TWO days after I told him my wife is Indian. He looks like a date rapist, and he talks like a dude-bro asshole cunt with his stupid surfer drawl.


I hate that fucker. Next stupid thing he says, I'm gonna drag him by his stupid popped collar outside, and beat the shit out of his stupid face.


Yeah. Fuck Him.

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He said there should be genocide in India TWO days after I told him my wife is Indian.


This alone is a valid reason to kick this guy's ass.


"This is my wife, Shaniqua."

"Why don't we lynch negroes like we used to?"

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Guest Smues

I know the thetruth.com idiots get money from BIG TOBACCO, but I doubt BIG TOBACCO is actually creating those god awful things. On the other hand, the commercials do make me really want to try smoking just to spite those fuckers, so maybe you're on to something.

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I smoked for years and quit, and antismoking ads don't make me want to start again... but they did make me feel good about it when I was.


I think they bring the rebellion back into smoking, which was the appeal in the first place.


Now it's like "I'm in my 20s, who really gives a shit if I smoke?" but when I was in high school it was cool. That's what Truth highlights.

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The newer Truth commercials with all the singing and dancing are even more obnoxious than the old ones.

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The newer Truth commercials with all the singing and dancing are even more obnoxious than the old ones.


It's hard to imagine that could even be possible...but it is.


And another thing that annoys me is when people go "I should start smoking in spite of those commercials."


That's a retarded goddamn saying as well



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Guest Smues

"I'm a Mac, I'm a PC" ads. I didn't think it would be possible for Mac to make more annoying ads after that series of ads with people talking about how confusing PCs are and how easy macs are to use. Like that one girl telling her story and then saying "I'm Jenny Skank, and I saved Christmas!" Or all the ones where it would be like "I got the PC and couldn't figure it out at all. I don't know how to open programs or click the mouse. Then I buy the mac and it's so easy! I'm Abdul Rahiem and I'm an IT specialist." It's amazing they found a way to top those, and what's more amazing is how fucking long they've been running these ads. Hasn't it been like 3-4 years now? Christ. Mac guy starring in Die Hard 4 sucked too.


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Yeah, I used to hate the "Get a Mac" ad campaign because I found it pretentious and made me glad to own a PC (thus it is failing at it's job), but as it grew on I decided that as a comedic series of 30 second episodes, I enjoyed the banter between PC and Justin Long. The one about the guy suffering from fatal error is the best ("he's a goner").

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There's this one guy that frequents the arcade/gaming room at my university's union that I've come to recognize as the person I hate most as a gamer.


Why he angers me:

- Multiple occasions of backseat gaming

- Giving unsolicited opinions about a game somebody is playing.

- Becoming audibly angry everything he screws up in a game.

- Turning up the volume whenever he's playing on one of the 360s and proceeding talk even louder despite the fact that he's talking to nobody.

- Blaming lag, game mechanics, "the game being impossible" on any sort of failure.

- Hating on Halo 3 since he thinks one shot should kill people then hating on Call of Duty 4 since he doesn't have time to figure out where the shots are coming from.

- Complaining about the lack of response on the bass pedal on DrumMania and proceeding to stomp the everloving shit out of it. I shouldn't be able to feel the vibration from five feet away.

- Somehow being able to play on a 360 for 4-5 hours straight on multiple occasions at a rental rate of $4/hour. You have to be a registered student to play at one of the stations, which makes me wonder a) why he's even here and b) why he just doesn't buy his own 360.

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The last point is a bit of a stretch (oh noes! He's spending TWENTY DOLLARS to entertain himself for 5 hours! Don't most college kids throw more than that away drinking?) but the rest clearly indicate this fella's douchery.

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Oh, God there used to be a guy kind of like that that hung out in our school's gameroom as well. Dude must have been a social retard or something because nobody was ever down there with him and I NEVER saw him playing any games in there. But, sure as hell, but he'd always stand behind me whenever I'd be on NFL Blitz or Golden Tee and either critique my playcalling in Blitz (constant long bombs/occassional "screen pass") or give advice on which club he thought I should use on Golden Tee. VERY annoying. I'd end going to shoot some pool by myself just to get the fuck away from him.

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