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The Office, Season 3

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Guest Felonies!

Ryan getting thrown up against the fridge was nice. Future Dwight was amazing. This was certainly a storyline development episode rather than a comedy-oriented one. On that note, I will now watch the episode where Dwight gives a Mussolini speech.

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Future Dwight and the Stanley Tree got some good laughs from me. I was kind of disappointed that, despite previous episodes indicating Michael made a huge sale (albeit while wasting massive amounts of time all day) and showed Josh putting emphasis on Call of Duty over work, they still said "Michael sucks, Josh rules" and it was only Josh f'ing them over (which thankfully got Jim to say Michael would not do that, so he got some kudos) that kept Michael's job / the Scranton branch open. Seriously, Michael wouldn't even have been kept as a salesman?

It seems to be a real stretch to say "we're closing your branch", and then go "no, we're now gonna close YOUR branch" because Josh is leaving. Especially with the way they worked the timeline. But then again, maybe that's one reason why Dunder-Mifflin is a mid-sized paper company that's struggling against the big box stores.


Regardless, I agree about keeping Michael as a travelling salesman or something, but I'm sure that his hourly performance chart had something to do with their decision. And possibly the whole Carol over Jan thing.


Next week should be interesting when Dwight finds out that he's not really the ARM.

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I really liked last nights episode. Future Dwight was awesome, enjoyed all of Stanley and Ryan's reactions and liked Ed Helms going from gloating to being crushed. Michael and Dwight was good stuff too.


I didn't like them having new girl come right out and say she likes Jim. It's been fairly clear and the show is best when it is subtle. They don't need to slam us over the head with those kinds of things.

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I really liked last nights episode. Future Dwight was awesome, enjoyed all of Stanley and Ryan's reactions and liked Ed Helms going from gloating to being crushed. Michael and Dwight was good stuff too.


I didn't like them having new girl come right out and say she likes Jim. It's been fairly clear and the show is best when it is subtle. They don't need to slam us over the head with those kinds of things.


I actually enjoyed Karen just saying it. It set her (and by in large, the Stamford office) apart from the one we know in Scranton. Just because we're used to seeing everybody at the Scranton branch keep their feelings under wraps doesn't mean everybody should be doing it.


"Wow, you're exotic-looking. Was your father a G.I?".

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I also thought Michael comparing what he and Dwight were doing to Michael Moore movies was a funny enough Michael observation, but adding the punchline of being disappointed with Bowling for Columbine because it wasn't like Kingpin was fantastic.

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I forgot to mention, if you're really obsessive, you can get the theme song at the home page of the Scrantones

I want that as my ring tone.

This site claims to be able to convert mp3s and such to ringtones. I can't confirm, seeing I'm on Virgin Mobile and don't have email or bluetooth. But yeah, if I get a new phone, I'm definitely getting that as a ringtone.

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Stupid question coming up . . .


What was the deal w/ Creed taking a picture of Stanley's stuff? (May have been a producer's cut scene, missed the original airing) I know he ended up selling Dunder Mifflin's stuff.

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In addition to next week's episode being supersized, Greg Daniels said that the Christmas special will be an hour. I love it.


Plus, he said at the time he was editing the Gervais/Merchant-penned episode, which is titled "The Convict." I can't wait to see that.

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Rainn Wilson was a panelist on Bill Maher's Real Time, post election edition. Didn't really have any party leanings, had a crack at both sides, and he made fun of hippies which made me smile.


Available on youtube.

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Mole do you not have bluetooth? I usually download songs I want for my ringtone and sometimes edit them down to like 30 second tracks or whatever, and then bluetooth it to my phone and set it as my ring and everything is peachy.


Currently I am using the Incredible Hulk "walking" music for general calls, Fraggle Rock for my family, and the instrumental of "Push It" for when my girlfriend calls. She gets a kick out of that.

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What happened after Michael refused to answer his phone about the Scranton branch not closing? I missed everything after that, so can anybody put it in spoilers or something for me?

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Dwight was paged and went to off camera to use his cell phone (or his cell phone was on vibrate and he walked out of scene to use it when it rang). He told Michael it was Stamford that closed and they celebrated wildly that "they did it!". They then wondered what exactly it was they did.

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Guest Hotbutter Spoontoaster

Tonight's special "Super-Sized" episode:


Episode 36 - The Merger - November/16th/2006.


The Scranton branch and the Stamford branch of Dunder-Mifflin are merged, bringing old friends Jim and Pam back together after months apart. Michael and Dwight and the other employees deal with the changes.

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Well, he's on the episode tonight. I'm pretty sure Jim sets him up with bad information on Pam, and he ends up looking foolish. I think the fat guy from the other office makes the move also.

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Well, he's on the episode tonight. I'm pretty sure Jim sets him up with bad information on Pam, and he ends up looking foolish. I think the fat guy from the other office makes the move also.


I hadn't seen him in any previews and it wasn't listed on his IMDB page. Glad he's there, though.

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Here is the little bit I found. I haven't even read all of this yet, I don't like too many spoilers. I just know that it does mention Ed being in the episode, so read at your own risk. I left the last line so you can see it, just since I did read that part, and it doesn't have any spoilers in it:


The setup: Finally, we have the long-awaited merger. The Stamford office has closed (budget issues and so forth) and the refugees from Connecticut must relocate to Scranton, where they are greeted by Michael Scott (Steve Carell) bearing welcome “goodie bags” stuffed with pencils and coupons. Meanwhile, Dwight Schrute (Rainn Wilson) is just a little too strung out. He wants Michael to fire someone, anyone, and he’s worried about this new guy Andy (Ed Helms). Pam’s (Jenna Fischer) looking forward to seeing Jim (John Krasinski) until she learns that Karen (Rashida Jones) is just a little too attentive to him.


Best stuff: Very hard to say, but let’s see … Michael’s sublimely idiotic line to Karen? (”Wow! You’re very exotic looking. Was your dad a GI?”). Or Andy’s ruminations about building his power base (”I’m always thinking one step ahead, like a carpenter who makes stairs.”). Or Michael’s version of “Lazy Sunday” (to boost office morale) entitled “Lazy Scranton”? Or how about the facedown between Dwight and Andy in the elevator before the closing credits? Yes, I think I’ll go with that one.


Grade/overview: A+. One of the best “Offices” ever. Instant classic. Brilliant. Enough said. Now, if only people will just start watching.

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